Dan Rather , there's something I need to get off my chest.

I'mma post the whole tweet, 'cause I know less tha half of you guys will click the link to read it and this is important.

"If I may, there’s something I need to get off my chest.
As democracy remains under siege, it has been frustrating to watch how the press covers politics these days.
I am reminded by lessons that came to me during the Nixon years as a CBS News correspondent, which I’ll add here:

1. Enough with Both-sides-ism

When one side lies intentionally and repeatedly, they are no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt. They should be held to account, right away. Do not simply repeat the narratives they spew.

2. Prioritize Live Fact-Checking

Rigorous and robust fact-checking is the best defense against misinformation, intentional lies, and deflection.
If Trump says the sky is green, the story isn’t that the sky is now green; the story is that the sky is still blue and Trump got it wrong.

3. Ask Lawmakers Hard Questions

Ask about the fundamental principles of democracy. Push them to go on the record that Biden won the 2020 election.
Ask if they support the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

This writing is not to offer any claim of knowing it all. Your correspondent has made his share of mistakes, but after more than seven decades I believe I have picked up a few useful guideposts.

Good journalism is always worth it. Our democracy depends on it.

Words of wisdom from someone who's been there before.

The American two-party system is an extension of "With us or against us" and "Love it or leave it" and the American media has played its part in that system of corruption by default. I also lived through the Kennedy-Johnson-Nixon era and I have not forgotten that the dirty deeds of those men were only revealed by way of "whistle-blowing", not by up-and-up independent journalism. So, Dan Rather is lying about the progression of American media by omission because the importance of Democracy (which I agree with wholeheartedly) has NEVER been embraced or implemented in the U.S. America being "The Leader of the Free World" is one of the biggest hoaxes alongside Kim Il whats-his-face getting 100% of the Democratic vote of his country. Dan Rather's talking head spewed as much bullshit as the wanking media of today.
Ps. I have no doubt that Dan Rather put his signature on the OP's quoted statement but I'll betcha' he didn't write it.
FDR is the one who really pushed the term Democracy to describe the USA, and then the Allies fighting the Axis powers.
"Arsenal of Democracy".
The USSR led by “Uncle Joe” was a Mockracy

How FDR and other Progressive Useful Idiots loved and adored Mass Murderer Uncle Joe even after he starved 6MM of his own people to death
FDR is the one who really pushed the term Democracy to describe the USA, and then the Allies fighting the Axis powers.
"Arsenal of Democracy".
The USSR led by “Uncle Joe” was a Mockracy
We didn't know that?
How FDR and other Progressive Useful Idiots loved and adored Mass Murderer Uncle Joe even after he starved 6MM of his own people to death
I do not see your point. If you are criticizing Franklin Delano Rosenfeldt ... I get it. But what does it have to do with Stalin?
We didn't know that?

I do not see your point. If you are criticizing Franklin Delano Rosenfeldt ... I get it. But what does it have to do with Stalin?

FDR called USSR part of the "Arsenal of 'democracy'", correct?
The fake letter about Bush’s fraudulent National Guard service was created by Karl Rove, knowing when the fake letter was revealed that any further examination into W. Bush’s service would be halted and the entire story would shift.

All you morons know so little about Karl Rove.
I'mma post the whole tweet, 'cause I know less tha half of you guys will click the link to read it and this is important.

"If I may, there’s something I need to get off my chest.
As democracy remains under siege, it has been frustrating to watch how the press covers politics these days.
I am reminded by lessons that came to me during the Nixon years as a CBS News correspondent, which I’ll add here:

1. Enough with Both-sides-ism

When one side lies intentionally and repeatedly, they are no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt. They should be held to account, right away. Do not simply repeat the narratives they spew.

2. Prioritize Live Fact-Checking

Rigorous and robust fact-checking is the best defense against misinformation, intentional lies, and deflection.
If Trump says the sky is green, the story isn’t that the sky is now green; the story is that the sky is still blue and Trump got it wrong.

3. Ask Lawmakers Hard Questions

Ask about the fundamental principles of democracy. Push them to go on the record that Biden won the 2020 election.
Ask if they support the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

This writing is not to offer any claim of knowing it all. Your correspondent has made his share of mistakes, but after more than seven decades I believe I have picked up a few useful guideposts.

Good journalism is always worth it. Our democracy depends on it.

Words of wisdom from someone who's been there before.

Looks like the lying asshole is still biased.
The fake letter about Bush’s fraudulent National Guard service was created by Karl Rove, knowing when the fake letter was revealed that any further examination into W. Bush’s service would be halted and the entire story would shift.

All you morons know so little about Karl Rove.
So democrats are just gullible idiots who don’t check the facts of information? Is that the point you want to make or was it an accidental moment of honesty
To say you wouldn’t understand would be an understatement.
It’s ok you fucked up and admitted how stupid democrats really are. Maybe you’ll have better luck tomorrow and not say anything truthful. Today you made a mistake and let it slip
Dan Rather. He viewed the Zapruder film on the 25th, and made the famous Kennedy's head lurched forward statement. The public didn't see the film until 1975, and when this distortion was revealed he said 2 frames had been mysteriously reversed. Yeah, he's trustworthy.
Dan Rather. He viewed the Zapruder film on the 25th, and made the famous Kennedy's head lurched forward statement. The public didn't see the film until 1975, and when this distortion was revealed he said 2 frames had been mysteriously reversed. Yeah, he's trustworthy.
What a bastard! :mad:

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