Dante Would Consider Voting For John Ellis 'Jeb' Bush in 2016


Dante Would Consider Voting For Jeb Bush in 2016

I disagree with him on the Florida high speed rail initiative, but I also agree with him on many other things. At least he tackled environment and education issues. Not much to disagree with there/ .

This was honest and in some way heroic: Bush was asked what he would do for African Americans if he gets elected, responding: "It’s time to strive for a society where there’s equality of opportunity, not equality of results. So I’m going to answer your question by saying: probably nothing." -- wikipedia link - It probably cost him the election -- but he was honest and what is not to like about what he said?

Bush was responsible for creating the Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship which provides corporations with tax credits for donations to Scholarship Funding Organizations which must spend 100% of the donations on scholarships for low income students. - wikipedia link -

I actually prefer the elites like the Bush family to the people like Obama and Carter and Reagan.

I like the Clintons too

Sue me
All progressives should love Jeb. He is a major statist and will continue the welfare/warfare police state. The elite love Jeb.

The only thing more boring and unproductive around here than posters who label everyone -- is posters who continually label everyone and everything.
MaryL Mary Quite Contrary
We don't need another Bush in the White house, 2 was 1 too many. We have plenty of other alternatives.

Oh? Well maybe a majority of voters think smahter and better than you do?
I don't think this represents the majority of anybody, friend. But we will see, time will tell.

I highly doubt most voters equate a Bush or Clinton candidacy with the whack-a-doddle-doo extremist positions that a run by either is equal to Monarchy. Seriously, as dumb as I think the voting public is I cannot begin to fathom how they would or could be as weird as the reactionaries and radicals here or elsewhere on the web.
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.
I liked Coni when she was in academia, but she was definitely not ready for prime time in the Bush admin. I think she is not smarter than Obama, but who knows.
I think she's got 40 points on obama.

OK 10 minutes research gives me barack obama IQ 116 and Condi Rice 136.
Compared to what democrats have to offer it seems that Jeb Bush is a shoe in at this point in time.

LOL, let's see what the GOP has to offer:

Ted Cruz [Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (born December 22, 1970)] is the demagogues demagogue.

Marco Rubio, tossed under the bus by Jeb Bush, who owns the donors in Florida, Rubio didn't know if the should shit or get off the pot when J. Bush made his announcement to establish a committee to explore his run., Gee, what would he do if Putin made an announcement - piss through his shit hole?

Rick Perry, LOL

Mitt Romney, The Plutocracy may support him, the rest of the Crazy New Right thinks he's a loser (and he is).

Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann. the Crazy new right loves them, no one else gives a damn.

Ben Carson, Who? 9-9-9 with a medical degree? Not a chance.

Wisconsin's Gov Walker, maybe a slim majority of the cheese heads support him, the rest of Wisconsin and the country finds him to be a demagogue with no ideas, little support from the working man, and no support from government employees.

The D's have two Sec.of State and a VP; if foreign policy counts that will be big. they also have Sen. Warren, a darling of the middle class and former Sen. Jim Webb, a Vietnam Vet and former Senator.

If experience counts the D's will win the White House; if the GOP is able to once again fool the Crazy Right Wing they have a chance, but only with Jeb Bush. The rest of those in the GOP who want to be POTUS are awful.
Experience doesn't count. 2008 is proof of that.
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.

I'll bet she plays a better piano. No doubt.
But what about ---- "experience"?
Condi Rice: Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, Stanford Provost.
barack obama: Senator for less than a year, State Representative, part time, untenured law professor, community organizer.

Really? Experience?
Of course you would support Bush, he's a globalist just like his daddy, brother and the Hildabeast. After all he's a member in good standing with the CFR.

OMFG, A Globalist in a globalist new world! Does Pat Buchanan know about this? What about Ron Paul? Ross Perot! :eek:

Living in the past will not help you and retreating into the past will help America

Yet you keep rooting for establishment politicians that don't have Americas best interest at heart. After all you voted for your dear leader knowing what a liar he is.

I'd vote to get you into a rehab too, if it were possible


Pogo would vote for a proposition making it illegal to refer to himself in the third person. :eusa_shifty:
He would do it by executive order.
Compared to what democrats have to offer it seems that Jeb Bush is a shoe in at this point in time.

LOL, let's see what the GOP has to offer:

Ted Cruz [Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (born December 22, 1970)] is the demagogues demagogue.

Marco Rubio, tossed under the bus by Jeb Bush, who owns the donors in Florida, Rubio didn't know if the should shit or get off the pot when J. Bush made his announcement to establish a committee to explore his run., Gee, what would he do if Putin made an announcement - piss through his shit hole?

Rick Perry, LOL

Mitt Romney, The Plutocracy may support him, the rest of the Crazy New Right thinks he's a loser (and he is).

Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann. the Crazy new right loves them, no one else gives a damn.

Ben Carson, Who? 9-9-9 with a medical degree? Not a chance.

Wisconsin's Gov Walker, maybe a slim majority of the cheese heads support him, the rest of Wisconsin and the country finds him to be a demagogue with no ideas, little support from the working man, and no support from government employees.

The D's have two Sec.of State and a VP; if foreign policy counts that will be big. they also have Sen. Warren, a darling of the middle class and former Sen. Jim Webb, a Vietnam Vet and former Senator.

If experience counts the D's will win the White House; if the GOP is able to once again fool the Crazy Right Wing they have a chance, but only with Jeb Bush. The rest of those in the GOP who want to be POTUS are awful.
Experience doesn't count. 2008 is proof of that.

I just bring it up because everybody else does.
Point being, if it's a critierion for O'bama, it has to be one for CR. If not for one, then not for the other. Gotta pick one.
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.

I'll bet she plays a better piano. No doubt.
But what about ---- "experience"?
Condi Rice: Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, Stanford Provost.
barack obama: Senator for less than a year, State Representative, part time, untenured law professor, community organizer.

Really? Experience?

Actually O'bama scores in the mid-range of POTUS "experience" coming in. And ahead of Shrub, and way ahead of what Romney would have had.

>> Suppose you had to choose between two Presidential candidates, one of whom had spent 20 years in Congress plus had considerable other relevant experience and the other of whom had about half a dozen years in the Illinois state legislature and 2 years in Congress. Which one do you think would make a better President? If you chose #1, congratulations, you picked James Buchanan over Abraham Lincoln. <<
And it was actually three terms (seven years) in stage leg and four years in the Senate. Sloppy research, Ern.
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OMFG, A Globalist in a globalist new world! Does Pat Buchanan know about this? What about Ron Paul? Ross Perot! :eek:

Living in the past will not help you and retreating into the past will help America

Yet you keep rooting for establishment politicians that don't have Americas best interest at heart. After all you voted for your dear leader knowing what a liar he is.

I'd vote to get you into a rehab too, if it were possible


Pogo would vote for a proposition making it illegal to refer to himself in the third person. :eusa_shifty:
He would do it by executive order.

Pogo has already suggested in another thread that everyone converse with Dante in the third person. He wants to see at what point the language breaks down.

He's destructive that way.
I'd vote for Condoleeza Rice in a heart beat and that has nothing to do with plumbing or skin color other than the fact that Liberal heads would explode trying to avoid coming of misogynistic or racist while debating her.While that would please me to no end, I also realize that if she had been born a white male, we would never have heard her name.

Condi? Not ready for prime time Condi? :rofl:
Far more ready than BHO was in 2008 AND a lot smarter.

I'll bet she plays a better piano. No doubt.
But what about ---- "experience"?
Condi Rice: Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, Stanford Provost.
barack obama: Senator for less than a year, State Representative, part time, untenured law professor, community organizer.

Really? Experience?

Actually O'bama scores in the mid-range of POTUS "experience" coming in. And ahead of Shrub, and way ahead of what Romney would have had.

>> Suppose you had to choose between two Presidential candidates, one of whom had spent 20 years in Congress plus had considerable other relevant experience and the other of whom had about half a dozen years in the Illinois state legislature and 2 years in Congress. Which one do you think would make a better President? If you chose #1, congratulations, you picked James Buchanan over Abraham Lincoln. <<
And it was actually three terms (seven years) in stage leg and four years in the Senate. Sloppy research, Ern.
Barely 2 years when he announced his candidacy and 4 years total as Senator. The majority of the second 2 years was focused on the Presidency. At one point he had missed more votes than any other Senator.
Yet you keep rooting for establishment politicians that don't have Americas best interest at heart. After all you voted for your dear leader knowing what a liar he is.

I'd vote to get you into a rehab too, if it were possible


Pogo would vote for a proposition making it illegal to refer to himself in the third person. :eusa_shifty:
He would do it by executive order.

Pogo has already suggested in another thread that everyone converse with Dante in the third person. He wants to see at what point the language breaks down.

He's destructive that way.
Yes they are.
"Dante Would Consider Voting For Jeb Bush in 2016"

The snag is he wouldn't just be getting Jeb!

He'd also be getting the same failed policies of the previous administration, as well as many of its administrators – in particular, judicial appointees hostile to the rights of millions of Americans.

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