Darfur Mercenaries Blunder !


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
When the war broke out in South Sudan, the Darfuri rebel movements took different stand in support of South Sudan President, Salva Kiir rather than their historical allies represented by the rebel leader, Dr Riek Machar and Garang sons as nicknamed.

The involvement of the Darfuri rebel movements in the fighting in South was affirmed by international bodies.

UN Mission in South Sudan has issued statement accusing the government of South Sudan of employing Darfur in mercenaries from the rebel Justice and Equality Movement.

Now and after the situation in South Sudan is heading towards reaching a political settlement between the rivals, the Darfur mercenaries will become subject to revenge or at least expulsion.

So the armed Darfuri mercenaries are now intending to provide their services to the Libyan rivals, as they think that the Libyan opposition factions are in bad need to armed groups to assist in their political goals aiming at controlling the situation there.

It is no secret that the JEM leading figures conducted direct contacts with some former Libyan leaders loyal to late Gaddafi in Cairo to discuss JEM involvement in the escalating clashes in Libya.

On the other hand, Abdulwahid faction also entered into a joint understanding with the Libyan retired General Khalifa Haftar to support him in fighting the Islamic groups in Libya.

Minnawi faction also started arrangements to get weapons and ammunition for Libya to deploy armed elements as mercenaries on call.

Accordingly we can simply say that the Darfuri armed factions became famous in scavenging from the civil wars and internal conflicts in other countries, regardless of any other considerations, and at the same time disregarding Darfur issue.

The international community is giving a blind eye and a deaf ear to the violations of those mercenaries, and instead calls the Sudanese government to negotiate with its leaders to reach a peaceful political settlement.

It is no doubt that the Darfuri armed factions turned out to be military contracting companies which have no concern other than achieving logistical privileges and incentives. It is high time for the international community to look for effective means to contain those mercenaries before it is too late.

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