Dark Girls

Sorry Buckwheat, but there's no Aunt Jemima on this board to protect your delicate feelings.

I would say grow up and be a man.

But since you're a Homo that's impossible.

Buckwheat? Aunt Jemima? Black stereotypes? There is nothng stereotypical about me. And my feelings are fine, but anyone in their right mind would object to slander and an attempt at character assassination. You don't know me, or anything about me...so to assume that I have HIV (even if I did) and to broadcast it in a public forum is a criminal offense. The fact that you immediately jump to ad hominem attacks, shows how weak and lacking in debate skills you are.
And we'll see if the moderation has the integrity to deal with creeps like you.

Grow up? I've officially been a man, and on my own since the age of 18. I'm not 58.
And more gay men would be seen as "real men" than you ever would. And if you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person...it could very well be the last thing you ever do.
Please provide evidence that stating you are HIV on a public forum is a criiminal offense?:doubt:

( This ought to be good )

Any person of the male gender who gets his fudge packed has had their "Man Card" revoked.

And can no longer lay claim to being a man but are now basically an "It"

(Not a she and not a he; but an It )

What is Defamation of Character?
The term defamation of character is often used to describe accusations of slander, libel or both. Slander involves verbal derogatory statements, while libel involves written ones. In a court of law, the plaintiff pursuing the lawsuit would charge defamation of character to cover any form of false or damaging allegations.

Defamation of character is notoriously difficult to prove in court, although the actual effects can be quite evident and damaging. If a disgruntled customer of a restaurant tells numerous people that the head chef has AIDS, for example, sales for that restaurant could fall and the employee might lose his job or find it difficult to work. Because the customer's slanderous statement concerns a specific person and an unproven accusation, the chef may have a legitimate case of defamation of character.

The main problem with proving defamation of character is the protection of free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. Courts generally agree that an opinion, no matter how malicious, is not the same as a stated fact. If the disgruntled customer had said "Don't eat at Joe's Cafe. I think the food is lousy and the chef is sick," then defamation of character would be difficult to prove. Other people can still form different opinions. Once the customer said "Don't eat at Joe's Cafe. I know the chef and he has AIDS," then a statement of fact has occurred and a claim of defamation of character can be pursued.

Uh, your goose is cooked.
Oh, yes Miss Thing...I handle free speech quite well....extremely fond of the 1st amendment. Girl, how you do you handle it?


Then why did you PM me and cuss me out saying that you were getting a lawyer and we're going to shut down this board because you were offended?

Btw How is that lawyer thing working out faggot boy? :lol: :cuckoo:

Wait. Be patient. It's coming. You scared? You ought to be.
I believe I found the "Poet's" YouTube video

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKbjvxpUUgo&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪Hate In The Black Gay Community PT II "Lets Read"‬‏[/ame]

I'm not on You Tube, and I don't have a video..........yet. I'm working on it.
But I do have a poem, that could easily be about you. I wrote it for another grand, self-indulgent girl who thought she could baffle with BS.


All eyes on the one
The one who must be seen
No hand or foot needed
As the one careens off a cliff
Of Self-importance
To a crevasse of moral terpitude
It's a show we didn't pay for
But bound by circumstance
We are forced to bear witness to:
The orgy of self-indulgence

A legend in their own mind
The center of attention
An ounce of self-editing
Would begat a pound of redemption
Blah blah me
And I blah blah
You blah, they blah
Me caca
The curtain is down
But still on stage
Waiting for applause
From a gilded cage
Monkey in a zoo
Boo hoo hoo
So starved for love
The things we do
Oh, yes Miss Thing...I handle free speech quite well....extremely fond of the 1st amendment. Girl, how you do you handle it?


Then why did you PM me and cuss me out saying that you were getting a lawyer and we're going to shut down this board because you were offended?

Btw How is that lawyer thing working out faggot boy? :lol: :cuckoo:

Wait. Be patient. It's coming. You scared? You ought to be.

LOL Yeah I'm shaking in my boots. :lol: :lol:
Poet and his boyfriend having a spat

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fBJ16KhjBU&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪Black Faggot Fight‬‏[/ame]
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Ms. Sunni Woman...I am not watching your videos or clicking onto your links...let's get that straight. I'm only here to expose you for the fraudulent queen that you are...work it out Ms. Thing.
And my life partner is not black. Surprise. Although he is repeatedly mistaken for white. I have no problem with whites...but he can't stand y'all. LOL. I try to caution him that all of y'all are not like "that". But he's not having it.
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When a dog misbehaves we blame the owner.

When a black misbehaves we blame whites.

Are blacks pets that were just not raised correctly?
When a dog misbehaves we blame the owner.

When a black misbehaves we blame whites.

Are blacks pets that were just not raised correctly?

Pets? How insulting. Slavery ended in 1865, when Lincoln freed the slaves...I know you wish to return to those good ol' days, but never again.

Who do we blame when whites misbehave? No one....due to "white privilege". Fancy that.
It's a carry over from slavery times. Fair-skinned mulattos were valued over dark-skinned blacks. Blacks bought into it, and resentment and hatred resulted from it....even within our own families. Yep. Whites did a job with slavery...with lasting effects we're still grappling with today. Nice job.

Yet, you'd say you weren't "race-baiting" with the OP, were you, Tank?

Excuse Me! Blacks are the racist here! Black Africans are the ones who captured & enslaved the Black Americans in the first place. They then sold those Black Slaves to Americans. We set you free! Would you like to go back to Africa & be treated the way Black Africans will treat you over there? You stupid brainwashed racist assholes always have to blame Whites for how Blacks treat you. Hell you blame Whitey for everything wrong with your life. :fu:

True. But "we" didn't set them free. We enslaved them.

What 'we'? Slavery was nothing to do with me, or mine, thanks very much. If you want to bask in 'white guilt', feel free, but do it alone.
Chronology on the History of Slavery 1619 to 1789
In the 1700s the coasts of West Africa had three main divisions controlled by Europeans in their effort to monopolize the slave trade. The three divisions were SENEGAMBIA, UPPER GUINEA, and LOWER GUINEA. SENEGAMBIA'S two navigable rivers, the Senegal and the Gambia, were controlled by the French and the English, respectively. The West Africans who became slaves from the SENEGAMBIA included the Fula, Wolof, Serer, Felup, and the Mandingo. UPPER GUINEA had a two thousand miles coastline from the Gambia south and east to the Bight of Biafra. This coastline was also designated the Windward Coast because of the heavy winds on the shore. The West Africans who became slaves from the UPPER GAMBIA included the Baga and Susu from French Guinea, the Chamba from Sierra Leone, the Krumen from the Grain Coast, and the Fanti and the Ashanti from the Gold Coast, commonly referred to today as Ghana. East of the Volta River was the Slave Coast which was so named because the slave trade was at its height there since the African kings (Slattees) permitted Europeans to compete equally for Africans to become slaves. Those West Africans who became slaves from this region included Yoruban, Ewe, Dahoman, Ibo, Ibibio, and the Efik. LOWER GUINEA had fifteen hundred miles of coastline from Calabar to the southern desert. The West Africans who became slaves from this region were all Bantus. The trading of Africans from the West Coast provided an economic boon for the Europeans. The trading of Africans from the West Coast produced the heinous Middle passage. The trading of Africans from the West Coast produced the African American!

For the first time I have found evidence that African "kings" permitted Europeans to "compete" for slaves. I never would have thought it to be true. But if anyone thinks that this absolves whites of their heinous part in the slave trade, its' expansion and its' conclusion, they have another think coming. No one held a gun to the head of any white, forcing him to buy a slave. Absolutely horrific and reprehensible, by any standards.

It doesn't absolve anything, no. But the Irish and other immigrants, although free, didn't have it much better.
No one held a gun to the tribal kings to sell of their enemies, either.
What was done to the Jews is reprehensible and horrific as well. Same with what's going on in Rwanda and Uganda. Evil permeates this world, Poet. My family was poor. They worked the land, and were farmers. Their ancestors came from europe and worked for what they had, not via black slave hands. And look at Australia. Nothing but poor people from debtors prison is how they started.
That was then. This is now. Division must end. Period. Nobody is entitled to anything from the past. End the division. From all sides.

I hear caveats coming from you. I despise comparisons. The Irish and "other immigrants" weren't chattal slaves, who were raped and murdered. I disagree. Until the past is "resolved", it remains a factor.

The past is resolved on our end. You just need to stop crying about it and using it as an excuse to smoke crack, beat your women, and join a gang instead of getting a job.

The only institutionalized racism in America today is in the Negroes' favour, yet no matter how hard the White man tries, he cannot make the Negroe race civilized any more than he can teach dogs to recite poety.

How much longer must the White man carry this burden?
still in 2011, we have rampant racism

Yes, we do. The Democrats want more dead White babies because they feel bad for the Negroe.

THE CITY OF CHICAGO, as a result of a federal appeals court ruling issued yesterday,will pay about $30 million to blacks who were not hired as firefighters because they scored significantly lower on entrance tests than white candidates. Not only must the Chicago fire department compromise standards and hire less qualified candidates purely because they are black, thus discriminating against more qualified whites, but it must pay millions in compensation to men who have never worked and will never work as firemen. These never-hired beneficiaries of the suit will receive compensation for one reason: they are black.
The Thinking Housewife › Chicago Fire Department Must Pay Millions and Dumb Down Its Force

Notice that, mostly, only rich whites ( who benefit greatly from Republican policies which favor them) and poor whites ( who are largely uneducated, and easily manipulated by fear and right wing propaganda) vote Republican. Educated whites, who fall within the middle class, and/or who do not benefit from Republican policies, tend to vote Democratic. It's those whites who are responsible for Obama being elected president, which he could not have done without them.

Anyone who votes for a party and not for a candidate and platform is a fucking moron.
Rule of thumb: anything who describes themselves as a 'liberal' today is probably a fucking moron.

They (plural) are all a singular noun?

Weren't you just bragging about how smart you are?

Don't be too hard on him.

Because it's the white man's fault not his.

True story :cool:

No the only fault you have, outside of being stupid and reprehensible is slandering another forum member. And I just got here, with 56 posts under my belt.
Board, he asked me if I "still" have AIDS? I want to know is that supposed to be some anti-gay humor? And I'd like to know why the moderation hasn't acted on my reporting of your act of slander. I'm sure there is a clause in the Terms of Service, which clearly states that false accusation is a violation, and grounds for permanent banning.
Go fuck yourself, Maddie. If you don't like what's on TV, change the channel. If you don't like our speech, stop trying to inject yourself in the conversation.
It all depends on what one finds to be "superior", I personaly believe those with compassion for others to be "superior"
That's nice. Are you saying that in your opinion skin color has nothing to do with superiority?

it would be hard to draw up a list of qualities in a person that most people in western societies would agree are superior that wouldnt find whites, on average, higher ranked than blacks.

Look at all the real competitors in the Olympic finals when it comes to the track. All black. Look at the NBA. When it comes to sprinting and jumping, blacks tend to excel due to a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Whites, by contrast, have more slow-twitch fibers, which is better in terms of absolute and sustained strength (think powerlifting), but not as explosive.
JB you have more angst and hate in one finger than most in their entire bodies.

Take your meds...

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