Dark Girls

Gold digger slave ship bound for greener fields,
Sold in a market for those makeup deals.
Cosmetic slaver know he's doin alright.
Hear him whip the women just around midnight.
Ah brown sugar how come you $$$$ so good
(a-ha) brown sugar, just like a young girl should

Drums beating, Estee Lauder sales run hot,
L'Oreal wondrin where it's gonna stop.
Covergirl knows that he's doin alright.
You should a heard him just around midnight.
Ah brown sugar how come you $$$$ so good
(a-ha) brown sugar, just like a black girl should

I bet your mama worked for Maybelline, and all her boy
Friends were sweet sixteen.
Im no schoolboy but I know what I like,
You should have heard me just around midnight.

Ah brown sugar how come you $$$$ so good
(a-ha) brown sugar, just like a young girl should.

I said yeah, I said yeah, I said yeah, I said
Oh just like a, just like a black girl should.

I said yeah, I said yeah, I said yeah, I said
Oh just like, just like a black girl should.
It's a carry over from slavery times. Fair-skinned mulattos were valued over dark-skinned blacks. Blacks bought into it, and resentment and hatred resulted from it....even within our own families. Yep. Whites did a job with slavery...with lasting effects we're still grappling with today. Nice job.

Yet, you'd say you weren't "race-baiting" with the OP, were you, Tank?

Hasn't been a slave in this Country since 1866 and yet you manage to blame all your problems on slavery and whites. Are you EVER responsible for your actions?

Oh, right. The moment the Emacipation Proclamation was signed, all black peoples' problems disappeared, overnight. The word didn't hit Texas until a whole year later, hence we celebrate "Juneteeth" (June 19th). Then Jim Crow in the first part of the 20th century. Segregation until Truman integrated the Armed Forces and schools became integrated (on paper) in 1954. Then there was that whole "March on Washington" thing in the early 60's, and the Civil Rights Act of '64. And still in 2011, we have rampant racism, cries of reverse racism (which doesn't exist), and the first black president who is more despised for his skin color (whether you are willing to admit it or not) than for his policies, which have been remarkable, in light of the Republican onslaught to destroy the middle class and poor people (a large segment of which consist of people of color....fancy that).
Notice that, mostly, only rich whites ( who benefit greatly from Republican policies which favor them) and poor whites ( who are largely uneducated, and easily manipulated by fear and right wing propaganda) vote Republican. Educated whites, who fall within the middle class, and/or who do not benefit from Republican policies, tend to vote Democratic. It's those whites who are responsible for Obama being elected president, which he could not have done without them.

I, personally, have few problems...so there is no need for me to blame whites, or anyone else. I have worked long and hard from 1970, upon graduating from high school, at the top of my class, until 1993, when I retired. No one gave me anything that I didn't earn.
Now I spend my time composing music, writing and producing, in my own studio. I'm responsible for my every action. What's your excuse? White privilege (again?)
Oh, and you're from North Carolina. I'm sorry.
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A black gay liberal could never be this smart, clever, or intelligent.

Rule of thumb: anything who describes themselves as a 'liberal' today is probably a fucking moron.
They're all stupid and Neanderthal
They (plural) are all a singular noun?

Weren't you just bragging about how smart you are?

Don't be too hard on him.

Because it's the white man's fault not his.

True story :cool:
A black gay liberal could never be this smart, clever, or intelligent.

Rule of thumb: anything who describes themselves as a 'liberal' today is probably a fucking moron.
They're all stupid and Neanderthal
They (plural) are all a singular noun?

Weren't you just bragging about how smart you are?

Don't be too hard on him.

Because it's the white man's fault not his.

True story :cool:

No the only fault you have, outside of being stupid and reprehensible is slandering another forum member. And I just got here, with 56 posts under my belt.
Board, he asked me if I "still" have AIDS? I want to know is that supposed to be some anti-gay humor? And I'd like to know why the moderation hasn't acted on my reporting of your act of slander. I'm sure there is a clause in the Terms of Service, which clearly states that false accusation is a violation, and grounds for permanent banning.
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Tank is confusing. I haven't figured him out yet, but I've seen bits and pieces that lead me to believe he isn't as racist as he shows himself to be. If he were, no way would he want to hang out and have a beer with another black man.

He likes to have something to aspire to. He likes being with people who are superior to him. :razz:
It's a carry over from slavery times. Fair-skinned mulattos were valued over dark-skinned blacks. Blacks bought into it, and resentment and hatred resulted from it....even within our own families. Yep. Whites did a job with slavery...with lasting effects we're still grappling with today. Nice job.

Yet, you'd say you weren't "race-baiting" with the OP, were you, Tank?

Hasn't been a slave in this Country since 1866 and yet you manage to blame all your problems on slavery and whites. Are you EVER responsible for your actions?

Oh, right. The moment the Emacipation Proclamation was signed, all black peoples' problems disappeared, overnight. The word didn't hit Texas until a whole year later, hence we celebrate "Juneteeth" (June 19th). Then Jim Crow in the first part of the 20th century. Segregation until Truman integrated the Armed Forces and schools became integrated (on paper) in 1954. Then there was that whole "March on Washington" thing in the early 60's, and the Civil Rights Act of '64. And still in 2011, we have rampant racism, cries of reverse racism (which doesn't exist), and the first black president who is more despised for his skin color (whether you are willing to admit it or not) than for his policies, which have been remarkable, in light of the Republican onslaught to destroy the middle class and poor people (a large segment of which consist of people of color....fancy that).
Notice that, mostly, only rich whites ( who benefit greatly from Republican policies which favor them) and poor whites ( who are largely uneducated, and easily manipulated by fear and right wing propaganda) vote Republican. Educated whites, who fall within the middle class, and/or who do not benefit from Republican policies, tend to vote Democratic. It's those whites who are responsible for Obama being elected president, which he could not have done without them.

I, personally, have few problems...so there is no need for me to blame whites, or anyone else. I have worked long and hard from 1970, upon graduating from high school, at the top of my class, until 1993, when I retired. No one gave me anything that I didn't earn.
Now I spend my time composing music, writing and producing, in my own studio. I'm responsible for my every action. What's your excuse? White privilege (again?)
Oh, and you're from North Carolina. I'm sorry.

Yup whites are to blame, poor mistreated blacks are innocent and have no responsibility in the way they chose to live their lives.

The Democrats held blacks down from 1866 until Civil Rights laws were passed and since then they have "helped" them by destroying their cohesion as a family and teaching them they are the perpetual victim.

Whitey forces blacks to rob, murder and rape. Whitey forces black men to abandon their kids. Whitey is the ever present crutch for the victimized blacks.

What is sad is that before the Democrats taught the blacks they were the perpetual victim and "owed" something their family structure was one of the strongest in the Nation, their work ethic just as high. Crime was low amongst the black community until the Democrats taught them whitey owed them and that they were never to blame for any action they took.
Rule of thumb: anything who describes themselves as a 'liberal' today is probably a fucking moron.

They (plural) are all a singular noun?

Weren't you just bragging about how smart you are?

Don't be too hard on him.

Because it's the white man's fault not his.

True story :cool:

No the only fault you have, outside of being stupid and reprehensible is slandering another forum member. And I just got here, with 56 posts under my belt.
Board, he asked me if I "still" have AIDS? I want to know is that supposed to be some anti-gay humor? And I'd like to know why the moderation hasn't acted on my reporting of your act of slander. I'm sure there is a clause in the Terms of Service, which clearly states that false accusation is a violation, and grounds for permanent banning.

Can't handle free speech either can you?
You know what racists have in common besides being racist? They are stupid, and can't use the English language correctly.
Common Mistakes in English - They're vs. There vs. Their

Stop lying on black people and figure it out.
Yeah right Tank should take language advice from you???

Oh, you're from Alabama. I'm sorry.

I'm not from Alabama any more than you're from Africa, asshole. I moved here from Fort Lauderdale 4 months ago. I lived in South Florida for 10 years. I was born and raised in Connecticut.

Stereotype much?
This attitude black folks have towards "dark girls" is the same everywhere in the world.

Except in Africa, where dark skin is the standard of beauty.
Black is beautiful.!!
If we could only make Africa even blacker !
Lincoln tried. His handlers wouldn't allow it.
I like mine brown with straight hair.


  • $jackijeep.jpg
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Joyce, IanC, manifold, and xsited1 will all tell you that Asians are superior to whites and whites are superior to blacks. All wrong, but at least they aren't afraid to state their beliefs.
It all depends on what one finds to be "superior", I personaly believe those with compassion for others to be "superior"
That's nice. Are you saying that in your opinion skin color has nothing to do with superiority?

it would be hard to draw up a list of qualities in a person that most people in western societies would agree are superior that wouldnt find whites, on average, higher ranked than blacks. because the societal norms are based on white strengths and preferences to a large part, I think whites may even outrank NE Asians, certainly other asians. other societies would probably have a different order than westerners but maybe not.
It's a carry over from slavery times. Fair-skinned mulattos were valued over dark-skinned blacks. Blacks bought into it, and resentment and hatred resulted from it....even within our own families. Yep. Whites did a job with slavery...with lasting effects we're still grappling with today. Nice job.

Yet, you'd say you weren't "race-baiting" with the OP, were you, Tank?

Excuse Me! Blacks are the racist here! Black Africans are the ones who captured & enslaved the Black Americans in the first place. They then sold those Black Slaves to Americans. We set you free! Would you like to go back to Africa & be treated the way Black Africans will treat you over there? You stupid brainwashed racist assholes always have to blame Whites for how Blacks treat you. Hell you blame Whitey for everything wrong with your life. :fu:
Delusion is a well known trait of the black man, they like to rewrite his-story in their own minds instead of rationally reading and accepting the real historical facts. Arabs also bought slaves from the black Africans too, but they don't seem to have much of a problem with Arabs.

They'd never dream of going back, they have it far too good over here in our countries. Easy targets for them to rape and steal from, the government paying their way, "rapping" about killing whites and seeing those same whites then buying their so-called music. Oh no, blacks might complain all day long about how bad the white man is, but secretly they know how good they have it here. Black people are never happy unless they have something to complain about no matter how delusional they seem, that's just the way it is.

They won't go back unless we toughen up, wake up and realise what a national crisis we are facing and send their ungrateful asses back there. Then they'll really have something to complain about when they are forced to live the African way of life after living lives of luxury over here!
Sorry Buckwheat, but there's no Aunt Jemima on this board to protect your delicate feelings.

I would say grow up and be a man.

But since you're a Homo that's impossible.

Buckwheat? Aunt Jemima? Black stereotypes? There is nothng stereotypical about me. And my feelings are fine, but anyone in their right mind would object to slander and an attempt at character assassination. You don't know me, or anything about me...so to assume that I have HIV (even if I did) and to broadcast it in a public forum is a criminal offense. The fact that you immediately jump to ad hominem attacks, shows how weak and lacking in debate skills you are.
And we'll see if the moderation has the integrity to deal with creeps like you.

Grow up? I've officially been a man, and on my own since the age of 18. I'm not 58.
And more gay men would be seen as "real men" than you ever would. And if you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person...it could very well be the last thing you ever do.
Chronology on the History of Slavery 1619 to 1789
In the 1700s the coasts of West Africa had three main divisions controlled by Europeans in their effort to monopolize the slave trade. The three divisions were SENEGAMBIA, UPPER GUINEA, and LOWER GUINEA. SENEGAMBIA'S two navigable rivers, the Senegal and the Gambia, were controlled by the French and the English, respectively. The West Africans who became slaves from the SENEGAMBIA included the Fula, Wolof, Serer, Felup, and the Mandingo. UPPER GUINEA had a two thousand miles coastline from the Gambia south and east to the Bight of Biafra. This coastline was also designated the Windward Coast because of the heavy winds on the shore. The West Africans who became slaves from the UPPER GAMBIA included the Baga and Susu from French Guinea, the Chamba from Sierra Leone, the Krumen from the Grain Coast, and the Fanti and the Ashanti from the Gold Coast, commonly referred to today as Ghana. East of the Volta River was the Slave Coast which was so named because the slave trade was at its height there since the African kings (Slattees) permitted Europeans to compete equally for Africans to become slaves. Those West Africans who became slaves from this region included Yoruban, Ewe, Dahoman, Ibo, Ibibio, and the Efik. LOWER GUINEA had fifteen hundred miles of coastline from Calabar to the southern desert. The West Africans who became slaves from this region were all Bantus. The trading of Africans from the West Coast provided an economic boon for the Europeans. The trading of Africans from the West Coast produced the heinous Middle passage. The trading of Africans from the West Coast produced the African American!

For the first time I have found evidence that African "kings" permitted Europeans to "compete" for slaves. I never would have thought it to be true. But if anyone thinks that this absolves whites of their heinous part in the slave trade, its' expansion and its' conclusion, they have another think coming. No one held a gun to the head of any white, forcing him to buy a slave. Absolutely horrific and reprehensible, by any standards.

It doesn't absolve anything, no. But the Irish and other immigrants, although free, didn't have it much better.
No one held a gun to the tribal kings to sell of their enemies, either.
What was done to the Jews is reprehensible and horrific as well. Same with what's going on in Rwanda and Uganda. Evil permeates this world, Poet. My family was poor. They worked the land, and were farmers. Their ancestors came from europe and worked for what they had, not via black slave hands. And look at Australia. Nothing but poor people from debtors prison is how they started.
That was then. This is now. Division must end. Period. Nobody is entitled to anything from the past. End the division. From all sides.

I hear caveats coming from you. I despise comparisons. The Irish and "other immigrants" weren't chattal slaves, who were raped and murdered. I disagree. Until the past is "resolved", it remains a factor.

I thought you intelligent at first. My bad.
Sorry Buckwheat, but there's no Aunt Jemima on this board to protect your delicate feelings.

I would say grow up and be a man.

But since you're a Homo that's impossible.

Buckwheat? Aunt Jemima? Black stereotypes? There is nothng stereotypical about me. And my feelings are fine, but anyone in their right mind would object to slander and an attempt at character assassination. You don't know me, or anything about me...so to assume that I have HIV (even if I did) and to broadcast it in a public forum is a criminal offense. The fact that you immediately jump to ad hominem attacks, shows how weak and lacking in debate skills you are.
And we'll see if the moderation has the integrity to deal with creeps like you.

Grow up? I've officially been a man, and on my own since the age of 18. I'm not 58.
And more gay men would be seen as "real men" than you ever would. And if you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person...it could very well be the last thing you ever do.
Please provide evidence that stating you are HIV on a public forum is a criiminal offense?:doubt:

( This ought to be good )

Any person of the male gender who gets his fudge packed has had their "Man Card" revoked.

And can no longer lay claim to being a man but are now basically an "It"

(Not a she and not a he; but an It )
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Hasn't been a slave in this Country since 1866 and yet you manage to blame all your problems on slavery and whites. Are you EVER responsible for your actions?

Oh, right. The moment the Emacipation Proclamation was signed, all black peoples' problems disappeared, overnight. The word didn't hit Texas until a whole year later, hence we celebrate "Juneteeth" (June 19th). Then Jim Crow in the first part of the 20th century. Segregation until Truman integrated the Armed Forces and schools became integrated (on paper) in 1954. Then there was that whole "March on Washington" thing in the early 60's, and the Civil Rights Act of '64. And still in 2011, we have rampant racism, cries of reverse racism (which doesn't exist), and the first black president who is more despised for his skin color (whether you are willing to admit it or not) than for his policies, which have been remarkable, in light of the Republican onslaught to destroy the middle class and poor people (a large segment of which consist of people of color....fancy that).
Notice that, mostly, only rich whites ( who benefit greatly from Republican policies which favor them) and poor whites ( who are largely uneducated, and easily manipulated by fear and right wing propaganda) vote Republican. Educated whites, who fall within the middle class, and/or who do not benefit from Republican policies, tend to vote Democratic. It's those whites who are responsible for Obama being elected president, which he could not have done without them.

I, personally, have few problems...so there is no need for me to blame whites, or anyone else. I have worked long and hard from 1970, upon graduating from high school, at the top of my class, until 1993, when I retired. No one gave me anything that I didn't earn.
Now I spend my time composing music, writing and producing, in my own studio. I'm responsible for my every action. What's your excuse? White privilege (again?)
Oh, and you're from North Carolina. I'm sorry.

Yup whites are to blame, poor mistreated blacks are innocent and have no responsibility in the way they chose to live their lives.

Of course whites are to blame for actively and demonstratively denying blacks (and other persons of color) basic civil righs and discriminating against them at every turn. Blacks have been psychologically and morally wounded by slavery and Jim Crow laws, and for you to deny that those dark days in American History can simply be swept under a carpet and ignored, is not surprising, but hardly acceptable.

The Democrats held blacks down from 1866 until Civil Rights laws were passed and since then they have "helped" them by destroying their cohesion as a family and teaching them they are the perpetual victim.


http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/08/27/krauthammerWhitey forces blacks to rob, murder and rape. Whitey forces black men to abandon their kids. Whitey is the ever present crutch for the victimized blacks.

How arrogant of you to assume that you, yourself, could force anyone to do anything. I guess you think you're God, or a reasonable facsimile, thereof? Peoples' conditions and lack of opportunity and quest for survival force them to commit crimes. When the American Dream is denied them, because of being born, unwanted, into a poor, uneducated family, with little hope for any kind of reasonable future, then despair, poverty, and envy are their bread and butter. And what folks don't have, but want, they find ways to get them. As if the same thing doesn't exist and go on in poor white communities. You're trying to race-bait. It's not a "black thing". "Whitey" forces black men to abandon their kids....well, when generational separation since slavery was commonplace, when familes were destroyed by being "sold down the river", the despair and uncertainty about life and relationships got passed down from generation to generation, hence black women became the matriarchs, and head of the family because for the most part, they never abandoned their children. Quite a job slavery did on the black male psyche. And you're so willing to dismiss what is obvious. If the tables were turned you'd fare no better. So easy to speak with a "forked tongue" out the left side of your mouth.

What is sad is that before the Democrats taught the blacks they were the perpetual victim and "owed" something their family structure was one of the strongest in the Nation, their work ethic just as high. Crime was low amongst the black community until the Democrats taught them whitey owed them and that they were never to blame for any action they took.


The trouble is you're caught up in your own madness. You watch, listen to, and absorb the right wing racist propaganda of Fox News as gospel. God gave you a brain....using it is optional. Try gathering information and learning the truth, before rattling off "right wing talking points", and trying to pass them off as intellectual prowess. I"m an uppity n-word, just like Barack Obama. Deal with it.
Don't be too hard on him.

Because it's the white man's fault not his.

True story :cool:

No the only fault you have, outside of being stupid and reprehensible is slandering another forum member. And I just got here, with 56 posts under my belt.
Board, he asked me if I "still" have AIDS? I want to know is that supposed to be some anti-gay humor? And I'd like to know why the moderation hasn't acted on my reporting of your act of slander. I'm sure there is a clause in the Terms of Service, which clearly states that false accusation is a violation, and grounds for permanent banning.

Can't handle free speech either can you?

Oh, yes Miss Thing...I handle free speech quite well....extremely fond of the 1st amendment. Girl, how you do you handle it?
Yeah right Tank should take language advice from you???

Oh, you're from Alabama. I'm sorry.

I'm not from Alabama any more than you're from Africa, asshole. I moved here from Fort Lauderdale 4 months ago. I lived in South Florida for 10 years. I was born and raised in Connecticut.

Stereotype much?

We are what we eat, and where we live. Stereotype? Yeah, it seems to be the standard currency 'round here.
It doesn't absolve anything, no. But the Irish and other immigrants, although free, didn't have it much better.
No one held a gun to the tribal kings to sell of their enemies, either.
What was done to the Jews is reprehensible and horrific as well. Same with what's going on in Rwanda and Uganda. Evil permeates this world, Poet. My family was poor. They worked the land, and were farmers. Their ancestors came from europe and worked for what they had, not via black slave hands. And look at Australia. Nothing but poor people from debtors prison is how they started.
That was then. This is now. Division must end. Period. Nobody is entitled to anything from the past. End the division. From all sides.

I hear caveats coming from you. I despise comparisons. The Irish and "other immigrants" weren't chattal slaves, who were raped and murdered. I disagree. Until the past is "resolved", it remains a factor.

I thought you intelligent at first. My bad.

Honey, moreso than anyone here. Funny, I thought you sane, at first...new age witches have a knack for disguises.
Oh, yes Miss Thing...I handle free speech quite well....extremely fond of the 1st amendment. Girl, how you do you handle it?


Then why did you PM me and cuss me out saying that you were getting a lawyer and we're going to shut down this board because you were offended?

Btw How is that lawyer thing working out faggot boy? :lol: :cuckoo:
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