Dark Girls

Slavery ended in 1865, when Lincoln freed the slaves..

Hard to believe that you finally do admit it.

It's time for you black folk to throw away the victim status and start trying to stand on your own 2 feet
I'm sick of hearing you talk about slavery and how it's affected you.

You were not a slave and you never met anybody that was a slave.

So get that chip off your shoulder and get a life Buckwheat. :doubt:
It doesn't absolve anything, no. But the Irish and other immigrants, although free, didn't have it much better.
No one held a gun to the tribal kings to sell of their enemies, either.
What was done to the Jews is reprehensible and horrific as well. Same with what's going on in Rwanda and Uganda. Evil permeates this world, Poet. My family was poor. They worked the land, and were farmers. Their ancestors came from europe and worked for what they had, not via black slave hands. And look at Australia. Nothing but poor people from debtors prison is how they started.
That was then. This is now. Division must end. Period. Nobody is entitled to anything from the past. End the division. From all sides.

I hear caveats coming from you. I despise comparisons. The Irish and "other immigrants" weren't chattal slaves, who were raped and murdered. I disagree. Until the past is "resolved", it remains a factor.

The past is resolved on our end. You just need to stop crying about it and using it as an excuse to smoke crack, beat your women, and join a gang instead of getting a job.

The only institutionalized racism in America today is in the Negroes' favour, yet no matter how hard the White man tries, he cannot make the Negroe race civilized any more than he can teach dogs to recite poety.
How much longer must the White man carry this burden?

You racist POS. Nobody is crying....you may cry one day. Smoke crack? Beat women, join a gang? You must be looking in a mirror.

Racism, institutionalized, systemic, and otherwise, is alive and well...and coming, concretely from whites.
What is Racism?

Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief, most of the time based on racism, that different races should remain segregated and apart from one another.

Racial Separatism
Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.

During the past 500-1000 years, racism on the part of Western powers toward non-Westerners has had a far more significant impact on history than any other form of racism (such as racism among Western groups or among Easterners, such as Asians, Africans, and others). The most notorious example of racism by the West has been slavery, particularly the enslavement of Africans in the New World (slavery itself dates back thousands of years). This enslavement was accomplished because of the racist belief that Black Africans were less fully human than white Europeans and their descendants.

A primer on the word racism. - By Richard Thompson Ford - Slate Magazine

A Primer on Racism
The many uses of the word and how legit they are.
By Richard Thompson Ford
Updated Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009, at 12:41 PM ET
More than a few naive souls hoped that the election of Barack Obama signaled a new era of racial harmony. Instead, alas, American race relations have entered a bizarre new phase in which tension is ubiquitous and almost anyone can claim to be the victim of racism. Former President Jimmy Carter lamented that "there is an inherent feeling among many in the country that an African-American should not be president," in reaction to Rep. Joe Wilson's now-infamous outburst during President Obama's congressional address. Also of late, the Rev. Al Sharpton and many others cried racism over a tasteless New York Post cartoon, Cambridge police were accused of "racial profiling" after arresting Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. at his home, and Newsweek asked "Is Your Baby Racist?" And although conservatives have long complained of unwarranted accusations of racism, two of their henchmen, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, have been shamelessly playing the race card.

Politicians and pundits on both the left and right abuse the term racism to tar their political enemies. But decent people with good intentions also overuse the term as they struggle to draw attention to racial injustices that do not involve overt bigotry. With the R-word used to describe so many different things, it no longer has a clear and agreed-upon meaning. Attorney General Eric Holder has urged Americans to talk bravely and openly about race, but how can we when we aren't speaking the same language? In the interest of democratic dialogue, I offer this rough-and-ready primer on racism for the not-so-post-racist era. Below, I'll define several of the more commonly cited types of racism and offer my humble opinion as to whether they deserve the label.

Institutional racism
Many businesses, schools, clubs, and other organizations are racially homogenous or segregated, even though no one deliberately excludes racial minorities or tries to prevent them from succeeding. For instance, although roughly half of all college football players are black, only about 5 percent of head coaches are.

Correction, Oct. 1, 2009: The original sentence misspelled Harvey Gantt's name. (Return to the corrected sentence.)

Evidently, you suffer from what most racists suffer from, terminal stupidity. You, obviously, can't spell, and I doubt if a remedial English course will help.

Since you "collectively" started this s***, I guess you'll have to bear the burden for the duration. Moron.
You are an idiot Poet.

Do you think anyone is going to read all that nonsense.

It almost sounds like you are a member of the Nation of Islam.

But I know that you aren't because they don't allow Queers to be members.
Anyone that points out facts is a racist now? Is it true that crime is higher, much higher, amongst the black population? Is it true that black males refuse to be fathers at a much higher percentage then any other group? Is it true that black families are broken in most of the black community?

Pointing these things out does not make one a racist. It makes one a realist. The destruction of the black family was done by democrats in a concentrated effort to make them dependent on the party.
The destruction of the black family was done by democrats in a concentrated effort to make them dependent on the party.
Actually, that statement itself is racist. What you are saying is that blacks are stupid and easily led.

Well, I guess they aren't stupid enough to vote for Republicans.

What do you blame the destruction of the white family on?
You are an idiot Poet.

Do you think anyone is going to read all that nonsense.

It almost sounds like you are a member of the Nation of Islam.

But I know that you aren't because they don't allow Queers to be members.

If you think so, I'm on track.
I give a sh** if you read it or not...it's my evidence for my argument. So until you produce evidence to the contrary, it stands, as gospel.
I'm a life-long Episcopalian....a Christian, not a Muslim. Thank you.
That's nice. Are you saying that in your opinion skin color has nothing to do with superiority?

it would be hard to draw up a list of qualities in a person that most people in western societies would agree are superior that wouldnt find whites, on average, higher ranked than blacks.

Look at all the real competitors in the Olympic finals when it comes to the track. All black. Look at the NBA. When it comes to sprinting and jumping, blacks tend to excel due to a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Whites, by contrast, have more slow-twitch fibers, which is better in terms of absolute and sustained strength (think powerlifting), but not as explosive.

That slow twitch vs. fast twitch argument was used about 40 years ago concerning sprinters vs. long distance runners. I guess it had to be revised to powerlifing since the African marathoners gained power. Do you also ascribe to the theory that slaves who ran away were suffering from a disease?
When are black "men" going to stop treating black women like shit?

You are an idiot Poet.

Do you think anyone is going to read all that nonsense.

It almost sounds like you are a member of the Nation of Islam.

But I know that you aren't because they don't allow Queers to be members.

If you think so, I'm on track.
I give a sh** if you read it or not...it's my evidence for my argument. So until you produce evidence to the contrary, it stands, as gospel.
I'm a life-long Episcopalian....a Christian, not a Muslim. Thank you.

That figures;

Because they are one of the few churches that accepts fudge packers.
The destruction of the black family was done by democrats in a concentrated effort to make them dependent on the party.
Actually, that statement itself is racist. What you are saying is that blacks are stupid and easily led.

Well, I guess they aren't stupid enough to vote for Republicans.

What do you blame the destruction of the white family on?

Stating a fact is not racist dumb fuck.
The destruction of the black family was done by democrats in a concentrated effort to make them dependent on the party.
Actually, that statement itself is racist. What you are saying is that blacks are stupid and easily led.

Well, I guess they aren't stupid enough to vote for Republicans.

What do you blame the destruction of the white family on?

Stating a fact is not racist dumb fuck.

What fact did you state? Were the black Marines you served with equal to the white Marines you served with? If not, how were they deficient.
Anyone that points out facts is a racist now? Is it true that crime is higher, much higher, amongst the black population? Is it true that black males refuse to be fathers at a much higher percentage then any other group? Is it true that black families are broken in most of the black community?

Pointing these things out does not make one a racist. It makes one a realist. The destruction of the black family was done by democrats in a concentrated effort to make them dependent on the party.

No, girlfriend, actually all that is white racist propaganda. There is an agenda afoot, to demonize blacks as criminal, irresponsible, and broken....it makes it so much more easier to discriminate against them, and justify that discrimination. It's propaganda.
Do you think I feel less of a person because you post that here? Am I supposed to be intimidated, and run away with my tail between my legs?
I'm an arrogant, uppity SOB...and I don't take no stuff off of any white people. Some white people know me, and accept me for who and what I am....and some are completely fearful and discombobulated by me, because they can't compete intellectually and attempt to use sophistr, to no avail.

Of course pointing out "those things" makes you a racist....because you seek to demonize black people, in order to feel good about yourself. And no telling how many skeletons you got in your closet.
Blacks align themselves with the Democratic Party because the Dem Party cared about the interests of the black community...the Republican Party could care less.
The black family was effectively destroyed or fractured by the effects of slavery and Jim Crow. Who do you think that you're talking to?
Actually, that statement itself is racist. What you are saying is that blacks are stupid and easily led.

Well, I guess they aren't stupid enough to vote for Republicans.

What do you blame the destruction of the white family on?

Stating a fact is not racist dumb fuck.

What fact did you state? Were the black Marines you served with equal to the white Marines you served with? If not, how were they deficient.

I have not here or anywhere else claimed a black person was inferior to me. Care to quote me? I have stated and it is a fact, that black families when taken as a whole are mostly broken. Males do not stay around to be fathers. And crime amongst black youths is at an all time high. All facts.

Further we can trace this disintegration of the black family to the failed policies of Democrats starting after the Civil Rights laws were passed. For over 40 years democrats have been making blacks dependent on Government and thus Democrats running said Government.
You are an idiot Poet.

Do you think anyone is going to read all that nonsense.

It almost sounds like you are a member of the Nation of Islam.

But I know that you aren't because they don't allow Queers to be members.

If you think so, I'm on track.
I give a sh** if you read it or not...it's my evidence for my argument. So until you produce evidence to the contrary, it stands, as gospel.
I'm a life-long Episcopalian....a Christian, not a Muslim. Thank you.

That figures;

Because they are one of the few churches that accepts fudge packers.

Fudge packers? Does your church accept "muff divers", or "felchers"?
How dare you malign my church, you don't know anything about it...you're obviously a "fake, self-righteous wanna be Christian.
The destruction of the black family was done by democrats in a concentrated effort to make them dependent on the party.
Actually, that statement itself is racist. What you are saying is that blacks are stupid and easily led.

Well, I guess they aren't stupid enough to vote for Republicans.

What do you blame the destruction of the white family on?

Stating a fact is not racist dumb fuck.

You're the dumb fuck, because it's not a fact. It's propaganda. Made up rhetoric, with no basis in fact, to serve a racist white agenda.
I wonder if the persons of color you served with called you a racist SOB, behind your back...of that, I have no doubt. Gomer Pyle.
Last edited:
Now Poet wants us to believe that he is a militant faggot.

And that white people become fearful of him when he starts flapping his limp wrists.

As he tells them off with his gay lisp voice. :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:
When a dog misbehaves we blame the owner.

When a black misbehaves we blame whites.

Are blacks pets that were just not raised correctly?

Pets? How insulting. Slavery ended in 1865, when Lincoln freed the slaves...I know you wish to return to those good ol' days, but never again.

Who do we blame when whites misbehave? No one....due to "white privilege". Fancy that.
It's like blacks are the spoiled children of white folks, grow up, it's old.

Shit, white folks treat blacks better then blacks treat themselves.

You Bros can start by treating women better.
If you think so, I'm on track.
I give a sh** if you read it or not...it's my evidence for my argument. So until you produce evidence to the contrary, it stands, as gospel.
I'm a life-long Episcopalian....a Christian, not a Muslim. Thank you.

That figures;

Because they are one of the few churches that accepts fudge packers.

Fudge packers? Does your church accept "muff divers", or "felchers"?
How dare you malign my church, you don't know anything about it...you're obviously a "fake, self-righteous wanna be Christian.

Any so-called church that admits queers as part of its membership.

Should lose the name Church and be called a Homo House of Worship. :doubt:

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