Dark Girls

Any so-called church that admits queers as part of its membership.

Should lose the name Church and be called a Homo House of Worship. :doubt:

And you have to be the stupidest member in this entire forum. There is somebody gay in every church in the world. There are gay Muslims. Gay Buddhists. Gay atheists. Gays are ubiquitous. There are gay people in your family. You might be gay.
Christ didn't even speak to the matter....that's how important it was. He said, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". So you need to drop your brick like it burned your hand. Reprobate.

Jesus was referring to a woman not a Homo.

I know you think you're a female but you're not.

You are just an "It"

(Not a he or a she; but an it)

Fake Christian, I need a lecture from you to tell me what Jesus meant? F U.
I was born a man...I am a man...and I am attracted to other men. I've been with my life partner for 10 years, married in a mass ceremony at a local MCCR church. We're two men, in a monogamous relationship, going strong. And this it could kick your butt, Ms. Thing.
And since you don't have anything substantive, interesting or sensible to contribute to the discourse..you're the third dumb dora I'm placing on ignore. Goodbye.
The break up of the black family began, systematically, during slavery, when children were separated from their parents, husbands from their wives (or the mothers of their children), and women from their men, by being "sold down the river" to another plantation to settle a debt, satisfy a slave master's yearning for a particular slave, or simple commerce. Men were emasculated by not being able to do a damn thing about it, on the forfeiture of their lives or their hide. Women took on the burden of caring for fatherless families...it became ingrained in the psyche over generations.


None of what Poet stated happened?

Lies and sissy chatter. I'd find the evidence...you find the evidence to the contrary, and we'll see whose measures up.

Found it:



And Tank alluded to blacks as "child-like" and whites as their adult superiors, in an earlier post, before I placed him on ignore:

http://people.clarkson.edu/~astaiger/LS196/Student Papers/Onyinye Ibeneche.htm
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What about you Salt? Do you agree with what poet said?

Does the selling, breakup and systematic destruction of black families during slavery create a mindset that carries over today in the black community? Yes it does.

Is it the majority cause? No it's not.

I don't see it as "blame the white man". It happened, it has lasting effects past down through generations, but individuals chose to follow that path. We, as humans, have the ability to alter our future.
I don't bother with the ignore either. Sometimes, you can learn alot, even from assholes.

Now. Imagine the woman buried up to her waist. Men all around you and a pile of rocks. They hand you some. Would you throw?

I am supporter of the death penalty here in the United States.

And would throw the switch to execute them if asked.

Many people opposed stoning because it is barbaric.

To me it makes no difference if they are shot, hanged,injected, or stoned.

Because the ultimate result is the same, regardless of method.

So to answer your hypothetical question.

If a man or woman had been convicted of a capital offense crime.

I would have no problem helping them carry out the sentence. :doubt:

So to make it simple, yes. You would stone a woman to death.

I would stone a convicted criminal whether they were a man are a woman.

The keyword here is "convicted" criminal.
When a dog misbehaves we blame the owner.

When a black misbehaves we blame whites.

Are blacks pets that were just not raised correctly?

Pets? How insulting. Slavery ended in 1865, when Lincoln freed the slaves...I know you wish to return to those good ol' days, but never again.

Who do we blame when whites misbehave? No one....due to "white privilege". Fancy that.

There is no such thing as "White Privilege." That is some crap people fed you to control your mind & get votes. Obama would not be President if we had "White Privilege" in this country. 96% of blacks voted democrat even when a black person was not on the ticket 2 more percent did not make Obama president, it was white people. We have a Congressional Black Caucus made up of leaders who got there without the help of the "Affirmative Action" law. There is no "White Privilege" in this county except in your mind & it was planted there by politics. That mind control keeps you down when you actually have more rights than any white man in this country. You have been conditioned to vote for those who are planting those thoughts & keeping you down.

This country has an "Affirmative Action" law guaranteeing "Black Privilege." Bottom line is white males such as I, born since 1960 have experienced nothing but "Black Privilege." There is no such thing as the mythical "White Privilege" when whites & blacks compete for Jobs, Home Loans, Schools, Student Loans Business Contracts, or Business Grants & Loans, only "Black Privilege" guaranteed by law. The politicians you vote for have put "Chains On Your Brain" to keep you from trying & succeeding. They don't believe in school vouchers & no child left behind. Democrats still believe in creating black communities with bad schools to continue the programming of the black mind. Why else would they force gifted black students to stay in a failing school instead of letting them have vouchers to excellent schools that don't teach race & privilege? Some degree of "Class Privilege" may exist but not "White Privilege."

In this country you get what you earn! You have been taught to whine like a child instead of work like a man. It is time for you to grow up, break those Chains Off Of Your Brain & act like a man!!!
Of course it happened.
Please answer my question without turning it in to another question. I know it is not a cut and dried answer. But the gist. Is the reason so many woman (black) today are single parents the fault of white men?

I made my first post before I got to the end of the thread. I answered your question when I saw it, sorry for the confusion.

The reason so many black women are single parents is because they made bad choices in their lives. Unless their child was a product of rape, they had free will in deciding to get pregnant.
Of course it happened.
Please answer my question without turning it in to another question. I know it is not a cut and dried answer. But the gist. Is the reason so many woman (black) today are single parents the fault of white men?

I made my first post before I got to the end of the thread. I answered your question when I saw it, sorry for the confusion.

The reason so many black women are single parents is because they made bad choices in their lives. Unless their child was a product of rape, they had free will in deciding to get pregnant.

Again, thank you for responding.
When a dog misbehaves we blame the owner.

When a black misbehaves we blame whites.

Are blacks pets that were just not raised correctly?

Pets? How insulting. Slavery ended in 1865, when Lincoln freed the slaves...I know you wish to return to those good ol' days, but never again.

Who do we blame when whites misbehave? No one....due to "white privilege". Fancy that.

There is no such thing as "White Privilege." That is some crap people fed you to control your mind & get votes. Obama would not be President if we had "White Privilege" in this country. 96% of blacks voted democrat even when a black person was not on the ticket 2 more percent did not make Obama president, it was white people. We have a Congressional Black Caucus made up of leaders who got there without the help of the "Affirmative Action" law. There is no "White Privilege" in this county except in your mind & it was planted there by politics. That mind control keeps you down when you actually have more rights than any white man in this country. You have been conditioned to vote for those who are planting those thoughts & keeping you down.

This country has an "Affirmative Action" law guaranteeing "Black Privilege." Bottom line is white males such as I, born since 1960 have experienced nothing but "Black Privilege." There is no such thing as the mythical "White Privilege" when whites & blacks compete for Jobs, Home Loans, Schools, Student Loans Business Contracts, or Business Grants & Loans, only "Black Privilege" guaranteed by law. The politicians you vote for have put "Chains On Your Brain" to keep you from trying & succeeding. They don't believe in school vouchers & no child left behind. Democrats still believe in creating black communities with bad schools to continue the programming of the black mind. Why else would they force gifted black students to stay in a failing school instead of letting them have vouchers to excellent schools that don't teach race & privilege? Some degree of "Class Privilege" may exist but not "White Privilege."

In this country you get what you earn! You have been taught to whine like a child instead of work like a man. It is time for you to grow up, break those Chains Off Of Your Brain & act like a man!!!

Aren't you whining like a child?
Pets? How insulting. Slavery ended in 1865, when Lincoln freed the slaves...I know you wish to return to those good ol' days, but never again.

Who do we blame when whites misbehave? No one....due to "white privilege". Fancy that.

There is no such thing as "White Privilege." That is some crap people fed you to control your mind & get votes. Obama would not be President if we had "White Privilege" in this country. 96% of blacks voted democrat even when a black person was not on the ticket 2 more percent did not make Obama president, it was white people. We have a Congressional Black Caucus made up of leaders who got there without the help of the "Affirmative Action" law. There is no "White Privilege" in this county except in your mind & it was planted there by politics. That mind control keeps you down when you actually have more rights than any white man in this country. You have been conditioned to vote for those who are planting those thoughts & keeping you down.

This country has an "Affirmative Action" law guaranteeing "Black Privilege." Bottom line is white males such as I, born since 1960 have experienced nothing but "Black Privilege." There is no such thing as the mythical "White Privilege" when whites & blacks compete for Jobs, Home Loans, Schools, Student Loans Business Contracts, or Business Grants & Loans, only "Black Privilege" guaranteed by law. The politicians you vote for have put "Chains On Your Brain" to keep you from trying & succeeding. They don't believe in school vouchers & no child left behind. Democrats still believe in creating black communities with bad schools to continue the programming of the black mind. Why else would they force gifted black students to stay in a failing school instead of letting them have vouchers to excellent schools that don't teach race & privilege? Some degree of "Class Privilege" may exist but not "White Privilege."

In this country you get what you earn! You have been taught to whine like a child instead of work like a man. It is time for you to grow up, break those Chains Off Of Your Brain & act like a man!!!

Aren't you whining like a child?

I am not whining about Obama being president. I am talking to a racist who believes white men such as I caused problems between blacks. The fact is the Affirmative Action law does literally discriminate against white men & that can't be denied. I have experienced the evil quota boss & took action in my own hands & moved on. I don't sit around blaming others for my lot in life. I went on and made my own despite the law.
There is no such thing as "White Privilege." That is some crap people fed you to control your mind & get votes. Obama would not be President if we had "White Privilege" in this country. 96% of blacks voted democrat even when a black person was not on the ticket 2 more percent did not make Obama president, it was white people. We have a Congressional Black Caucus made up of leaders who got there without the help of the "Affirmative Action" law. There is no "White Privilege" in this county except in your mind & it was planted there by politics. That mind control keeps you down when you actually have more rights than any white man in this country. You have been conditioned to vote for those who are planting those thoughts & keeping you down.

This country has an "Affirmative Action" law guaranteeing "Black Privilege." Bottom line is white males such as I, born since 1960 have experienced nothing but "Black Privilege." There is no such thing as the mythical "White Privilege" when whites & blacks compete for Jobs, Home Loans, Schools, Student Loans Business Contracts, or Business Grants & Loans, only "Black Privilege" guaranteed by law. The politicians you vote for have put "Chains On Your Brain" to keep you from trying & succeeding. They don't believe in school vouchers & no child left behind. Democrats still believe in creating black communities with bad schools to continue the programming of the black mind. Why else would they force gifted black students to stay in a failing school instead of letting them have vouchers to excellent schools that don't teach race & privilege? Some degree of "Class Privilege" may exist but not "White Privilege."

In this country you get what you earn! You have been taught to whine like a child instead of work like a man. It is time for you to grow up, break those Chains Off Of Your Brain & act like a man!!!

Aren't you whining like a child?

I am not whining about Obama being president. I am talking to a racist who believes white men such as I caused problems between blacks. The fact is the Affirmative Action law does literally discriminate against white men & that can't be denied. I have experienced the evil quota boss & took action in my own hands & moved on. I don't sit around blaming others for my lot in life. I went on and made my own despite the law.

White men such as you did cause problems between blacks or was Jim Crow/government sponsored institutionalized racism only fostered by outerworldly white men?

I take all the credit and blame for my lot in life and I wouldn't change one second of it. I went on and made my own despite the white racism I experienced in my life.
It's a carry over from slavery times. Fair-skinned mulattos were valued over dark-skinned blacks. Blacks bought into it, and resentment and hatred resulted from it....even within our own families. Yep. Whites did a job with slavery...with lasting effects we're still grappling with today. Nice job.

Yet, you'd say you weren't "race-baiting" with the OP, were you, Tank?

I am shocked. I'm black and this is the first I ever heard about this. I thought the called me "lite brite" because I was so smart.:razz:

Wow my eyes have been opened, thank you tank.:clap2:

i am in exactly the same boat, but they called me "high yellow"...and I thought they meant I was Asian or something. :lol:

Tank rules! He is a beacon of something alright.
When a dog misbehaves we blame the owner.

When a black misbehaves we blame whites.

Are blacks pets that were just not raised correctly?

Pets? How insulting. Slavery ended in 1865, when Lincoln freed the slaves...I know you wish to return to those good ol' days, but never again.

Who do we blame when whites misbehave? No one....due to "white privilege". Fancy that.

There is no such thing as "White Privilege." That is some crap people fed you to control your mind & get votes. Obama would not be President if we had "White Privilege" in this country. 96% of blacks voted democrat even when a black person was not on the ticket 2 more percent did not make Obama president, it was white people. We have a Congressional Black Caucus made up of leaders who got there without the help of the "Affirmative Action" law. There is no "White Privilege" in this county except in your mind & it was planted there by politics. That mind control keeps you down when you actually have more rights than any white man in this country. You have been conditioned to vote for those who are planting those thoughts & keeping you down.

This country has an "Affirmative Action" law guaranteeing "Black Privilege." Bottom line is white males such as I, born since 1960 have experienced nothing but "Black Privilege." There is no such thing as the mythical "White Privilege" when whites & blacks compete for Jobs, Home Loans, Schools, Student Loans Business Contracts, or Business Grants & Loans, only "Black Privilege" guaranteed by law. The politicians you vote for have put "Chains On Your Brain" to keep you from trying & succeeding. They don't believe in school vouchers & no child left behind. Democrats still believe in creating black communities with bad schools to continue the programming of the black mind. Why else would they force gifted black students to stay in a failing school instead of letting them have vouchers to excellent schools that don't teach race & privilege? Some degree of "Class Privilege" may exist but not "White Privilege."

In this country you get what you earn! You have been taught to whine like a child instead of work like a man. It is time for you to grow up, break those Chains Off Of Your Brain & act like a man!!!

You're insane. White privilege is alive and well, and systemic.

10 Ways That the Birthers Are an Object Lesson in White Privilege | News & Politics | AlterNet

New York

When Are White People Going To Stop Waiting For A Handout? - Jack & Jill Politics

Tim Wise: Of National Lies and Racial America

Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black - Magazine - The Atlantic

Now, when you've read all those articles I'll read the tripe you wrote. - poet
Aren't you whining like a child?

I am not whining about Obama being president. I am talking to a racist who believes white men such as I caused problems between blacks. The fact is the Affirmative Action law does literally discriminate against white men & that can't be denied. I have experienced the evil quota boss & took action in my own hands & moved on. I don't sit around blaming others for my lot in life. I went on and made my own despite the law.

White men such as you did cause problems between blacks or was Jim Crow/government sponsored institutionalized racism only fostered by outerworldly white men?

I take all the credit and blame for my lot in life and I wouldn't change one second of it. I went on and made my own despite the white racism I experienced in my life.

Calling you on your bullshit again. I was born in 1966 so I had nothing to do with Jim Crow or any other retarded crap. No one born after 1946 would have been old enough to vote prior to the end of Jim Crow in 1965. But by all means please continue to blame & punish me with racist laws because or your issues.
There is no such thing as "White Privilege." That is some crap people fed you to control your mind & get votes. Obama would not be President if we had "White Privilege" in this country. 96% of blacks voted democrat even when a black person was not on the ticket 2 more percent did not make Obama president, it was white people. We have a Congressional Black Caucus made up of leaders who got there without the help of the "Affirmative Action" law. There is no "White Privilege" in this county except in your mind & it was planted there by politics. That mind control keeps you down when you actually have more rights than any white man in this country. You have been conditioned to vote for those who are planting those thoughts & keeping you down.

This country has an "Affirmative Action" law guaranteeing "Black Privilege." Bottom line is white males such as I, born since 1960 have experienced nothing but "Black Privilege." There is no such thing as the mythical "White Privilege" when whites & blacks compete for Jobs, Home Loans, Schools, Student Loans Business Contracts, or Business Grants & Loans, only "Black Privilege" guaranteed by law. The politicians you vote for have put "Chains On Your Brain" to keep you from trying & succeeding. They don't believe in school vouchers & no child left behind. Democrats still believe in creating black communities with bad schools to continue the programming of the black mind. Why else would they force gifted black students to stay in a failing school instead of letting them have vouchers to excellent schools that don't teach race & privilege? Some degree of "Class Privilege" may exist but not "White Privilege."

In this country you get what you earn! You have been taught to whine like a child instead of work like a man. It is time for you to grow up, break those Chains Off Of Your Brain & act like a man!!!

Aren't you whining like a child?

I am not whining about Obama being president. I am talking to a racist who believes white men such as I caused problems between blacks. The fact is the Affirmative Action law does literally discriminate against white men & that can't be denied. I have experienced the evil quota boss & took action in my own hands & moved on. I don't sit around blaming others for my lot in life. I went on and made my own despite the law.

When you moved on, that was the end of it righty? NO more hate towards you righty?

This constant (well, in your case, once in your life) beating down of white men has to stop dammit! :doubt:
I am not whining about Obama being president. I am talking to a racist who believes white men such as I caused problems between blacks. The fact is the Affirmative Action law does literally discriminate against white men & that can't be denied. I have experienced the evil quota boss & took action in my own hands & moved on. I don't sit around blaming others for my lot in life. I went on and made my own despite the law.

White men such as you did cause problems between blacks or was Jim Crow/government sponsored institutionalized racism only fostered by outerworldly white men?

I take all the credit and blame for my lot in life and I wouldn't change one second of it. I went on and made my own despite the white racism I experienced in my life.

Calling you on your bullshit again. I was born in 1966 so I had nothing to do with Jim Crow or any other retarded crap. No one born after 1946 would have been old enough to vote prior to the end of Jim Crow in 1965. But by all means please continue to blame & punish me with racist laws because or your issues.

Everything you learned, you learned from your parents righty? Who taught you right or wrong in the 60's? Did you take your core values from your parents?

Still dont get it? How were things for blacks in the early 60's Ron Paul.....the civil rights act was signed when? Everyone cahnged their thoughts on blacks and black rights after that was signed righty? Things were so fun after teh civil rights act was signed righty?
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There is no such thing as "White Privilege." That is some crap people fed you to control your mind & get votes. Obama would not be President if we had "White Privilege" in this country. 96% of blacks voted democrat even when a black person was not on the ticket 2 more percent did not make Obama president, it was white people. We have a Congressional Black Caucus made up of leaders who got there without the help of the "Affirmative Action" law. There is no "White Privilege" in this county except in your mind & it was planted there by politics. That mind control keeps you down when you actually have more rights than any white man in this country. You have been conditioned to vote for those who are planting those thoughts & keeping you down.

This country has an "Affirmative Action" law guaranteeing "Black Privilege." Bottom line is white males such as I, born since 1960 have experienced nothing but "Black Privilege." There is no such thing as the mythical "White Privilege" when whites & blacks compete for Jobs, Home Loans, Schools, Student Loans Business Contracts, or Business Grants & Loans, only "Black Privilege" guaranteed by law. The politicians you vote for have put "Chains On Your Brain" to keep you from trying & succeeding. They don't believe in school vouchers & no child left behind. Democrats still believe in creating black communities with bad schools to continue the programming of the black mind. Why else would they force gifted black students to stay in a failing school instead of letting them have vouchers to excellent schools that don't teach race & privilege? Some degree of "Class Privilege" may exist but not "White Privilege."

In this country you get what you earn! You have been taught to whine like a child instead of work like a man. It is time for you to grow up, break those Chains Off Of Your Brain & act like a man!!!

Aren't you whining like a child?

I am not whining about Obama being president. I am talking to a racist who believes white men such as I caused problems between blacks. The fact is the Affirmative Action law does literally discriminate against white men & that can't be denied. I have experienced the evil quota boss & took action in my own hands & moved on. I don't sit around blaming others for my lot in life. I went on and made my own despite the law.

Affirmative Action does not discriminate against white men, and yes, it can be denied.
Is Affirmative Action Still Needed?
Derrick A. Bell Jr., Lecture: California's Proposition 209: A Temporary Diversion On the Road to Racial Disaster, 30 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 1447 (1997)
This author explores the motives for establishing and terminating remedies for racial injustice. He contends that history clearly illustrates society's willingness to sacrifice the rights of people of color for the advancement of economic or political interests. (27) An additional charge is that society will only remedy racial wrongs when the remedy furthers these same interests.

Great emphasis surrounding affirmative action discussion is placed in the term "merit." However, you hardly ever hear this term outside of affirmative action arguments because merit has little to do with "making it." (28) "In short, the phony pennant of merit serves as the false banner or color-blindness, used as justification for opposition to affirmative action."(29) The author poses the question that if a genuine concern exists regarding college admissions based upon merit, why is there no discussion regarding termination of "legacy admits." Also, while the general implication is that merit refers to standardized test scores, these determinants are more accurate reflections of the socio-economic status of the parents.(30)

Mr. Bell's theory is that Plessy v. Ferguson is the prime example of a policy that "sacrificed the rights of black people in order to gain the support of whites for business-oriented economic policies that harmed a great many whites." (31) While Brown v. Board of Education seemed to represent an end to the "separate but equal" fiction, it was only instituted because the U.S. was attempting to gain credibility with mostly non-white third-world nations and the U.S. discovered that Jim Crow policies did not make for attractive sales brochures.(32) The Brown directive was not implemented until the 1960s with the enactment with additional civil rights laws. The author asserts that once whites discovered that corrective action was "more than condemning the use of fire hoses and police dogs" on innocent children, but entailed foregoing "white only" privileges, willingness subsided and fear of jobs and well-being emerged. (33) Proposition 209, which is an aggressive effort to eliminate all affirmative action programs in California is similarly representative of this same concern. Proposition 209, according to Mr. Bell, is simply a diversion. The real threat to white economic security is "growing reliance on automation, deportation of jobs to third-world countries, and the importation of cheap foreign labor.(34) However, the current strength of the affirmative action opposition, painted in black face (black conservatives leading the charge) once again sacrifices the legitimate rights of people of color to appease whites.

Mr. Bell's essay was perhaps the most militant perspective on the affirmative action debate. His militant tone, however, does not undermine the merit of his observations. His point surrounding the word "merit" is one well taken. His theme is logical and compelling and his ideas will probably pick up steam as this debate wages on.

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