Dark Girls

White men such as you did cause problems between blacks or was Jim Crow/government sponsored institutionalized racism only fostered by outerworldly white men?

I take all the credit and blame for my lot in life and I wouldn't change one second of it. I went on and made my own despite the white racism I experienced in my life.

Calling you on your bullshit again. I was born in 1966 so I had nothing to do with Jim Crow or any other retarded crap. No one born after 1946 would have been old enough to vote prior to the end of Jim Crow in 1965. But by all means please continue to blame & punish me with racist laws because or your issues.

Everything you learned, you learned from your parents righty? Who taught you right or wrong in the 60's? Did you take your core values from your parents?

Still dont get it?

You mean the parents that made me pull weeds, pick up & clear rocks out of hundreds of acres of fields, dig ditches & fence post holes with a shovel & slop hogs, cows & chickens as a child daily before & after school from age 6 on. The same ones who refused to pay for my education, dorm room, insurance, car or gas. I worked for others to earn money for college. I formed my own work crew when I was 15 years old. I hustled jobs to pay my workers & earn money to pay for my car, gas, insurance, food & school. We dug wells, sewers, lagoons, ditches, loaded, hauled & stacked hay bails, shoveled grain, cleaned silos, painted every kind of building, built fences, poured concrete, built barns, grain silos & livestock facilities. I bet no one on this board crawled through a pipeline of pig shit, rats & other crawling things to repair sewage systems, remove skunks, opossums, raccoons, muskrats & other pissed off critters like I did as a teen. I had a crew of 10 throughout the summers until college started up in the fall.

Yeah, my parents tough me that they were not going to give me anything & I had to work for what I wanted in life. Yours must have rewarded you with toys for begging & whining. I never experienced racism until I moved to the city & started working with & for black racist who wielded affirmative action like a weapon.
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I am not whining about Obama being president. I am talking to a racist who believes white men such as I caused problems between blacks. The fact is the Affirmative Action law does literally discriminate against white men & that can't be denied. I have experienced the evil quota boss & took action in my own hands & moved on. I don't sit around blaming others for my lot in life. I went on and made my own despite the law.

White men such as you did cause problems between blacks or was Jim Crow/government sponsored institutionalized racism only fostered by outerworldly white men?

I take all the credit and blame for my lot in life and I wouldn't change one second of it. I went on and made my own despite the white racism I experienced in my life.

Calling you on your bullshit again. I was born in 1966 so I had nothing to do with Jim Crow or any other retarded crap. No one born after 1946 would have been old enough to vote prior to the end of Jim Crow in 1965. But by all means please continue to blame & punish me with racist laws because or your issues.

So, "white men such as you" didn't exist prior to 1966? What were the white men prior to 1966, were they better than you or worse?
The reason so many black women are single parents is because they made bad choices in their lives.
Are you saying black women make more bad choices in their lives then other races?
The reason so many black women are single parents is because they made bad choices in their lives.
Are you saying black women make more bad choices in their lives then other races?

I'm saying that getting pregnant and ending up a single parent is a bad choice.
Do black women get pregnant outside of a committed relationship at a higher rate than other rates?

Is doing so a bad choice?
White men such as you did cause problems between blacks or was Jim Crow/government sponsored institutionalized racism only fostered by outerworldly white men?

I take all the credit and blame for my lot in life and I wouldn't change one second of it. I went on and made my own despite the white racism I experienced in my life.

Calling you on your bullshit again. I was born in 1966 so I had nothing to do with Jim Crow or any other retarded crap. No one born after 1946 would have been old enough to vote prior to the end of Jim Crow in 1965. But by all means please continue to blame & punish me with racist laws because or your issues.

So, "white men such as you" didn't exist prior to 1966? What were the white men prior to 1966, were they better than you or worse?

According to history some that are now well over age 65 born before 1946 may have discriminated because they could have voted during the time of Jim Crow. More than likely the racist were from a much earlier time than that, back when Jim Crow started instead of when it ended. That means everyone working today had nothing to do with discrimination. Most people retire at or before 65 years old. So now Affirmative Action only punishes the white males that had absolutely nothing to do with oppressing or discriminating against blacks. Affirmative Action is no longer about getting justice from the long gone & retired racist. It is about getting paid for blaming & whining.
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A message for all black people who want to continually claim victims status and blame the white man.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIPUMTMuPFM&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪STOP BLAMING THE WHITE MAN!‬‏[/ame]
poet wants more dead babies.

'Affirmative Action'

State Sponsored Racism: Chicago Forced to Hire 111 Black Firefighters who scored lower than non-Black Firefighters | Scotty Starnes's Blog

How many children are you willing to kill by refusing to send the best damn firefighters we have, just so negroes can enjoy a false sense of accomplishment?

Poet was W.C. Fields, in another life. I don't care for children. Not yours, not hers, not his.

And incidents, like the one you mentioned are only indicative of the rampant raciism and discrimination against African-American firefighters across the U.S.

Dispute sparks tension between African-American firefighters, Newark fire department leaders | NJ.com

Houston Black firefighters continue to fight the flames of racism

Firefighters Ask For Harsher Punishments For Use Of Racial Slurs | Racism Daily

The white firefighters are against sharing any pieces of the pie (mgmt. positions, pay hikes, improved working conditions, etc..) as a matter of tradition and construct.
To suggest that black firefighters are just "naturally inferior" to white firefighters is another example of blatant racism on the parts of whites, who pretend racism is not a factor.
What about you Salt? Do you agree with what poet said?

Does the selling, breakup and systematic destruction of black families during slavery create a mindset that carries over today in the black community? Yes it does.

Is it the majority cause? No it's not.

I don't see it as "blame the white man". It happened, it has lasting effects past down through generations, but individuals chose to follow that path. We, as humans, have the ability to alter our future.

How stupid on your part. You summarily dismiss my assertion as "bunk", but don't provide an explanation as to what the root cause for the breakup of the black family is.
Blame the white man? Who else would be the blame? Did we bring ourselves here to America, to be abused, raped, murdered and forced to labor for no pay? Don't you think something so grave would have a lasting psychological effect on generations? To be scapegoated for everything from crime to poor education, completely ignoring poverty, and the instinctive quest to survive, at all costs, while being denied funds for resources that the white community receives without having to ask for it. And you think that is "our fault"?????????? The infrastructure of the entire country is failing, but no place, moreso than the inner city, where minorities are directly and concretely affected. And that's our fault? No jobs mean no opportunity to rise above poverty. No means for day care. No means for advancement. Then we hear cries of blacks not wanting to work. How ridiculous. People work to survive....and who doesn't want to survive?

So, let's blame ourselves...taking full responsibility, while "the white man" laughs in our face at the stupid, hapless negroes, who can't seem to get it together. Our lack of opportunity is our own fault...because with the outdated school textbooks and lack of working computer equipment, and quality teachers, we should still be able to compete with our well-equipped and well-endowed white counterparts, because, heck, we must be superhuman...we endured slavery. Everything else is a piece of cake, or should be.
poet wants more dead babies.

'Affirmative Action'

State Sponsored Racism: Chicago Forced to Hire 111 Black Firefighters who scored lower than non-Black Firefighters | Scotty Starnes's Blog

How many children are you willing to kill by refusing to send the best damn firefighters we have, just so negroes can enjoy a false sense of accomplishment?

Poet was W.C. Fields, in another life. I don't care for children. Not yours, not hers, not his.

And incidents, like the one you mentioned are only indicative of the rampant raciism and discrimination against African-American firefighters across the U.S.

Dispute sparks tension between African-American firefighters, Newark fire department leaders | NJ.com

Houston Black firefighters continue to fight the flames of racism

Firefighters Ask For Harsher Punishments For Use Of Racial Slurs | Racism Daily

The white firefighters are against sharing any pieces of the pie (mgmt. positions, pay hikes, improved working conditions, etc..) as a matter of tradition and construct.
To suggest that black firefighters are just "naturally inferior" to white firefighters is another example of blatant racism on the parts of whites, who pretend racism is not a factor.

A Hispanic Firefighter ties a Noose & the the entire US White Male population must pay the price. Sorry but I don't agree with your form of social justice.

From your first link
Ziyad said the firefighter who tied the rope is Hispanic and was having "personal issues."
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Calling you on your bullshit again. I was born in 1966 so I had nothing to do with Jim Crow or any other retarded crap. No one born after 1946 would have been old enough to vote prior to the end of Jim Crow in 1965. But by all means please continue to blame & punish me with racist laws because or your issues.

So, "white men such as you" didn't exist prior to 1966? What were the white men prior to 1966, were they better than you or worse?

According to history some that are now well over age 65 born before 1946 may have discriminated because they could have voted during the time of Jim Crow. More than likely the racist were from a much earlier time than that, back when Jim Crow started instead of when it ended. That means everyone working today had nothing to do with discrimination. Most people retire at or before 65 years old. So now Affirmative Action only punishes the white males that had absolutely nothing to do with oppressing or discriminating against blacks. Affirmative Action is no longer about getting justice from the long gone & retired racist. It is about getting paid for blaming & whining.

What? You're bitter because you were denied a job, due to affirmative action? Could it have been due to your stupidity and having nothing to do with AA? I believe that.
poet wants more dead babies.

'Affirmative Action'

State Sponsored Racism: Chicago Forced to Hire 111 Black Firefighters who scored lower than non-Black Firefighters | Scotty Starnes's Blog

How many children are you willing to kill by refusing to send the best damn firefighters we have, just so negroes can enjoy a false sense of accomplishment?

Poet was W.C. Fields, in another life. I don't care for children. Not yours, not hers, not his.

And incidents, like the one you mentioned are only indicative of the rampant raciism and discrimination against African-American firefighters across the U.S.

Dispute sparks tension between African-American firefighters, Newark fire department leaders | NJ.com

Houston Black firefighters continue to fight the flames of racism

Firefighters Ask For Harsher Punishments For Use Of Racial Slurs | Racism Daily

The white firefighters are against sharing any pieces of the pie (mgmt. positions, pay hikes, improved working conditions, etc..) as a matter of tradition and construct.
To suggest that black firefighters are just "naturally inferior" to white firefighters is another example of blatant racism on the parts of whites, who pretend racism is not a factor.

A Hispanic Firefighter ties a Noose & the the entire US White Male population must pay the price. Sorry but I don't agree with your form of social justice.

Evidently. He, undoubtedly, was one of those who 'passes" for white (or thought he was de facto "white") and since that is a part of the "good ol' boy" white mentality, you gots to pay. Damn straight. He was one of yours.
And the entire US white male population doesn't have to pay.....every US white male isn't a friggin racist and a bigot.....some are normal and are racially neutral. The rest of you racist mf'ers, start paying...and in USD.
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Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:
Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.
Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.

And why should we let up on blaming them. When they are the ones in control, who else would we blame? They are to blame for the economy, wars, high price of gasoline, shortages, lack of jobs (by outsourcing)...they are to blame for everything. Were we in charge and we f***ed up, they could blame us. I"m going to blame them from now until kingdom come. They best get ready. If they don't like it...they can flee or put me on ignore. Karma is a bitch.
Sue Mother Nature, shes the reason blacks aren't equal.
Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.

I will have to agree with you about that HG

Just wondering what it will take for the blame the white man for everything mindset to end among blacks.

My Irish ancestors came to America after the Civil War had ended.

So I find it hard to participate in a sense of guilt for something that neither I nor my ancestors were involved in.

That's why I suggested a date to end all of this divisive madness.

Otherwise it could go on forever. :doubt:
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