Dark Girls

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This message is hidden because Sunni Man is on your ignore list.

Sorry, but I can't seem to make out what you guys are saying. LOL
Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.

And why should we let up on blaming them. When they are the ones in control, who else would we blame? They are to blame for the economy, wars, high price of gasoline, shortages, lack of jobs (by outsourcing)...they are to blame for everything. Were we in charge and we f***ed up, they could blame us. I"m going to blame them from now until kingdom come. They best get ready. If they don't like it...they can flee or put me on ignore. Karma is a bitch.

Except that now we have a black president in the White House.

Which means that a black man is in control and has responsibility for all of the items that you listed.

So what is your excuse now Buckwheat ??
Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.

I will have to agree with you about that HG

Just wondering what it will take for the blame the white man for everything mindset to end among blacks.

My Irish ancestors came to America after the Civil War had ended.

So I find it hard to participate in a sense of guilt for something that neither I nor my ancestors were involved in.

That's why I suggested a date to end all of this divisive madness.

Otherwise it could go on forever. :doubt:

You shouldn't feel guilty for anything, however I don't think we can really set a date for this sort of thing.
This message is hidden because Tank is on your ignore list.

This message is hidden because Sunni Man is on your ignore list.

Sorry, but I can't seem to make out what you guys are saying. LOL

You are such a liar Buckwheat.

Because anytime someone replies to one of my posts.

It will show up for you to read even though you have me on ignore. :eusa_angel:
Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.

And why should we let up on blaming them. When they are the ones in control, who else would we blame? They are to blame for the economy, wars, high price of gasoline, shortages, lack of jobs (by outsourcing)...they are to blame for everything. Were we in charge and we f***ed up, they could blame us. I"m going to blame them from now until kingdom come. They best get ready. If they don't like it...they can flee or put me on ignore. Karma is a bitch.

Except that now we have a black president in the White House.

Which means that a black man is in control and has responsibility for all of the items that you listed.

So what is your excuse now Buckwheat ??

Well having a Black President is a step in the right direction however it doesn't erase all the problems Black people have and I don't remember Obama really championing any black issues, like he has done for the Latinos and the Gays.
Poet was W.C. Fields, in another life. I don't care for children. Not yours, not hers, not his.

And incidents, like the one you mentioned are only indicative of the rampant raciism and discrimination against African-American firefighters across the U.S.

Dispute sparks tension between African-American firefighters, Newark fire department leaders | NJ.com

Houston Black firefighters continue to fight the flames of racism

Firefighters Ask For Harsher Punishments For Use Of Racial Slurs | Racism Daily

The white firefighters are against sharing any pieces of the pie (mgmt. positions, pay hikes, improved working conditions, etc..) as a matter of tradition and construct.
To suggest that black firefighters are just "naturally inferior" to white firefighters is another example of blatant racism on the parts of whites, who pretend racism is not a factor.

A Hispanic Firefighter ties a Noose & the the entire US White Male population must pay the price. Sorry but I don't agree with your form of social justice.

From your first link
Ziyad said the firefighter who tied the rope is Hispanic and was having "personal issues."

Evidently. He, undoubtedly, was one of those who 'passes" for white (or thought he was de facto "white") and since that is a part of the "good ol' boy" white mentality, you gots to pay. Damn straight. He was one of yours.
And the entire US white male population doesn't have to pay.....every US white male isn't a friggin racist and a bigot.....some are normal and are racially neutral. The rest of you racist mf'ers, start paying...and in USD.

First you blamed the white man for a black on black problem, then you blame the white man for a Hispanic on black problem. Now you have the gall to call me a racist bigot mf'er!!! Now you are telling me to start paying you money in USD because you are a racist!!! I have been paying the bills for your racist ass my whole life. I just want to know when my great, great, great, great grand children will ever be allowed to stop paying for your racism? When will you start being a man & stop being a racist?
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As I've told you before HG I am married to a black woman.

I refuse to allow my children to buy into the slave/victim mentality.

They are taught that whatever their ancestors went thru has no bearing on their abilities or future.

And that they will be judged by what they do with their lives.

People like Poet and his slave/victim mentality only handicaps and cripples black people.
As I've told you before HG I am married to a black woman.

I refuse to allow my children to buy into the slave/victim mentality.

They are taught that whatever their ancestors went thru has no bearing on their abilities or future.

And that they will be judged by what they do with their lives.

People like Poet and his slave/victim mentality only handicaps and cripples black people.

You are 100% correct on that Sunni, everyone is judged by what they do with their lives now, not the actions of their ancestors.
A Hispanic Firefighter ties a Noose & the the entire US White Male population must pay the price. Sorry but I don't agree with your form of social justice.

Evidently. He, undoubtedly, was one of those who 'passes" for white (or thought he was de facto "white") and since that is a part of the "good ol' boy" white mentality, you gots to pay. Damn straight. He was one of yours.
And the entire US white male population doesn't have to pay.....every US white male isn't a friggin racist and a bigot.....some are normal and are racially neutral. The rest of you racist mf'ers, start paying...and in USD.

You blamed the white man for a black on black problem & also blame the white man for a Hispanic problem & now you have the gall to call me a racist!!! Now you are telling me to start paying you money in USD because you are a racist!!! I have been paying the bills for your racist ass my whole life. I just want to know when my great, great, great, great grand children will ever be allowed to stop paying for your racism? When will you start being a man & stop being a racist?

Bitch, please. Like I said before, I blame the white man, collectively, for all the worlds of shit that we're in. White folks are running the majority of the shows, so why wouldn't they be responsible. Banks, Stock Market, Congress, Law Enforcement, CIA, FBI, Trade, Military.
When you abjectly denied white privilege existed, you became a racist...because I have white friends who acknowledge its' existence and acknowledged that they have benefitted from it. So what now, bitch? One of your own just burst your bubble. Say you're in denial. Say you can't cope with the truth, but don't say the damn construct doesn't exist.
First of all, I'm no racist. As a producer and writer, I work with white people all the time. I belong to a predominantly white readers group, and am revered there. I have family members who are married to whites and have bi-racial children. Racists tend not to hang around or interact with the objects of their hate. So, you're wrong. I love white people. I love all people. But I hate racists. Of all colors. Capice? Good.
Your payment is due. When can we expect it?
Poet is the worst kind of racist.

He is a self hating black that wants to keep his people down by telling them that they are inferior and victims.

While at the same time turning his hate towards white people and blaming them for all of his problems.

So in his mental delusion as long as you can keep hatred going.

He can then assume a smug sense of superiority.

His worst fear is that the races will solve their problems and join together.

Then he would only be left with himself to blame for his pathetic life and problems.
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Yeah, Fuck you, you Hep C carrying motherfucker. Racist SOB. Illegitimate bastard. Suck my wingwang.
And you found it cute to chime in about my partner. Did you marry the last $20 crack whore you hooked up with? No doubt.
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And why should we let up on blaming them. When they are the ones in control, who else would we blame? They are to blame for the economy, wars, high price of gasoline, shortages, lack of jobs (by outsourcing)...they are to blame for everything. Were we in charge and we f***ed up, they could blame us. I"m going to blame them from now until kingdom come. They best get ready. If they don't like it...they can flee or put me on ignore. Karma is a bitch.

Except that now we have a black president in the White House.

Which means that a black man is in control and has responsibility for all of the items that you listed.

So what is your excuse now Buckwheat ??

Well having a Black President is a step in the right direction however it doesn't erase all the problems Black people have and I don't remember Obama really championing any black issues, like he has done for the Latinos and the Gays.

He cant.

There is a comedian named Patrice Oneal...black guy, funny as hell. He said, at this point, he thought he would own white slaves, so he is disappointed. lol He said he would have a fat one warming his bed. He said he would go out to the field and speak with her husband and decide if he was going to sell him or not :)

Deep down, a lot of blacks thought everything would change but they are just silly. I knew he HAD to stay away from black issues and I am fine with it. Eventually he will, but not in his first term.
Except that now we have a black president in the White House.

Which means that a black man is in control and has responsibility for all of the items that you listed.

So what is your excuse now Buckwheat ??

Well having a Black President is a step in the right direction however it doesn't erase all the problems Black people have and I don't remember Obama really championing any black issues, like he has done for the Latinos and the Gays.

He cant.

There is a comedian named Patrice Oneal...black guy, funny as hell. He said, at this point, he thought he would own white slaves, so he is disappointed. lol He said he would have a fat one warming his bed. He said he would go out to the field and speak with her husband and decide if he was going to sell him or not :)

Deep down, a lot of blacks thought everything would change but they are just silly. I knew he HAD to stay away from black issues and I am fine with it. Eventually he will, but not in his first term.

Yeah, its too obvious to go after it in the first term.
And incidents, like the one you mentioned are only indicative of the rampant raciism and discrimination against African-American firefighters across the U.S.

Expecting a Negro to do its job is racism... riiiight...

They took the guys who did best on the tests, demonstrating a knowledge of thermodynamics, accelerants, firefighting methods, and related skillsets, as well as meeting the physical fitness requirements.

If a disproportionate number are Christians, or Negroes, or Muslims, or Whites, so be it. The day I'm trapped in a building, i don't want a black firefighter coming to get me, or a jewish firefighter, or a native american firefighter, or a muslim firefighter, or a white firefighter, or an atheist firefighter, or a pastafarian firefighter- I want the best firefighter we have- PERIOD.

That's the ONLY criterion I give a damn about.

Why do i bother with you idiots?
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This message is hidden because Sunni Man is on your ignore list.

Here ya go, coward

Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:
This message is hidden because Sunni Man is on your ignore list.

Hiding from the truth not only shows that you are a racist but also a coward.

Btw how is that calling a lawyer to shut down the board thing going?? :lol: :cuckoo:
Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.
Why should they? With rights and liberties come responsibilities. If the Negroes aren't intelligent, mature, and evolved enough to be responsible for themselves, then how can they be entrusted with the same rights and liberties as everyone else?

There's a reason children aren't granted the same rights and liberty as adults. if Negroes can't be responsible for themselves, then, like children, they can't be set loose and allowed to run around with liberties they are not responsible enough to enjoy.
They are to blame for the economy
Crime has a negative effect on the economies of many communities. Let's compare the crime rates between Whites and Negroes.
Every black politician voted nay?
lack of jobs
There are no black entrepreneurs?

Were we in charge

You've tried running your own countries. Liberia is a shithole.

Did it ever occur to you that politicians, not Whites, set government policies?
Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.

I will have to agree with you about that HG

Just wondering what it will take for the blame the white man for everything mindset to end among blacks.

My Irish ancestors came to America after the Civil War had ended.

So I find it hard to participate in a sense of guilt for something that neither I nor my ancestors were involved in.

That's why I suggested a date to end all of this divisive madness.

Otherwise it could go on forever. :doubt:

You shouldn't feel guilty for anything, however I don't think we can really set a date for this sort of thing.
You can have a funeral for the word '******', but not one for childish blame-gaming? What about a funeral for crack?

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