Dark Girls

Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.
Why should they? With rights and liberties come responsibilities. If the Negroes aren't intelligent, mature, and evolved enough to be responsible for themselves, then how can they be entrusted with the same rights and liberties as everyone else?

There's a reason children aren't granted the same rights and liberty as adults. if Negroes can't be responsible for themselves, then, like children, they can't be set loose and allowed to run around with liberties they are not responsible enough to enjoy.

So Black people don't deserve equal rights until they behave the way you want them to? lol whatever go fuck yourself racist.:lol:

I will have to agree with you about that HG

Just wondering what it will take for the blame the white man for everything mindset to end among blacks.

My Irish ancestors came to America after the Civil War had ended.

So I find it hard to participate in a sense of guilt for something that neither I nor my ancestors were involved in.

That's why I suggested a date to end all of this divisive madness.

Otherwise it could go on forever. :doubt:

You shouldn't feel guilty for anything, however I don't think we can really set a date for this sort of thing.
You can have a funeral for the word '******', but not one for childish blame-gaming? What about a funeral for crack?

A funeral for crack? what the fuck are you talking about clown?:cuckoo:
Well having a Black President is a step in the right direction

No, it's not. It is a step backward. A step in the right president would be worrying about having a good president and not voting for someone because you like what colour his skin is.

Obama's entries campaign was built on racism. His entire platform was: I am not an old White man. I am a Negroe, just like you niggas.
Well having a Black President is a step in the right direction

No, it's not. It is a step backward. A step in the right president would be worrying about having a good president and not voting for someone because you like what colour his skin is.

Obama's entries campaign was built on racism. His entire platform was: I am not an old White man. I am a Negroe, just like you niggas.

I hate reading JB's posts involving race. He's such a frustrating mix of logical, reasonable arguments and generalizing, racist BS. Plus, it's JB, so I never can decide if he means what he's saying or just trying to stir the pot. :lol:
I hate reading JB's posts involving race. He's such a frustrating mix of logical, reasonable arguments and generalizing, racist BS. Plus, it's JB, so I never can decide if he means what he's saying or just trying to stir the pot. :lol:

He's just a moron who thinks hes being trendy and cool when he's really just a pompous ass who doesn't take his anti psychotics and abuses Vodka.
And incidents, like the one you mentioned are only indicative of the rampant raciism and discrimination against African-American firefighters across the U.S.

Expecting a Negro to do its job is racism... riiiight...

They took the guys who did best on the tests, demonstrating a knowledge of thermodynamics, accelerants, firefighting methods, and related skillsets, as well as meeting the physical fitness requirements.

If a disproportionate number are Christians, or Negroes, or Muslims, or Whites, so be it. The day I'm trapped in a building, i don't want a black firefighter coming to get me, or a jewish firefighter, or a native american firefighter, or a muslim firefighter, or a white firefighter, or an atheist firefighter, or a pastafarian firefighter- I want the best firefighter we have- PERIOD.

That's the ONLY criterion I give a damn about.

Why do i bother with you idiots?

I'm sure the occupants of Hell want a tall glass of ice water, but seldom get it.
When I go into a store, I want the best salesperson imaginable, but I seldom get it.
When I need a handyman to repair what ails my apartment, I usually get somebody who does the job "half-assed". So lower your expectations....as I have lowered mine. Idiot.
This message is hidden because Sunni Man is on your ignore list.

Here ya go, coward

Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:
This message is hidden because Sunni Man is on your ignore list.

Hiding from the truth not only shows that you are a racist but also a coward.

Btw how is that calling a lawyer to shut down the board thing going?? :lol: :cuckoo:

Hey, stupid bitch....putting someone on ignore means I don't wanna know what they're talking about, because they weren't talking about anything in the first place. And just as soon as I finish this thread, you'll be the next idiot I place ignore.

Hiding? What truth? All you stupid mofos wouldn't know the truth, if it knocked you upside your thick craniums. I'm not even going to ask you to explain how placing someone on ignore equals racism. Coward? I gave you a chance to engage respectfully, but it's not in you, so ciao.
Why don't the black's pick a date to end the blame the white man for everything and start taking responsibility for their own lives and actions

My suggestion would be January 1, 2013 on the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

You would think that 150 years is more than enough time for the Negroes to get their act together. :doubt:

Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.
Why should they? With rights and liberties come responsibilities. If the Negroes aren't intelligent, mature, and evolved enough to be responsible for themselves, then how can they be entrusted with the same rights and liberties as everyone else?

There's a reason children aren't granted the same rights and liberty as adults. if Negroes can't be responsible for themselves, then, like children, they can't be set loose and allowed to run around with liberties they are not responsible enough to enjoy.

Sorry, but that call isn't yours to make. After the fourteenth amendment was enacted, that gave black people entitlement to the Constituton and all of its' amendments.....permanently. You fucking racist POS.
They are to blame for the economy
Crime has a negative effect on the economies of many communities. Let's compare the crime rates between Whites and Negroes.
Crime rate statistics? Composed and compiled by whites with a clear agenda of portraying blacks in a negative light for political purposes and propaganda?????????? Sorry , not buying it. What else you got?

, wars,
Every black politician voted nay?

What are you talking about? Every war the U.S. ever entered into was at the behest of "white men". Period. Find evidence to the contrary. Black politicians? What are they compared to the ridiculously skewed numbers of white politicians?
lack of jobs
There are no black entrepreneurs?

There are black entrepreneurs and black businessmen, and successful. They aren't responsible for the massive outsourcing of jobs to third world countries. They weren't responsible for NAFTA. Or the trade imbalance with China. Lack of jobs started occuring under the Bush administration....so Obama isn't responsible for that...he, on the otherhand, is responsible for job creation, and the adding of jobs after the financial meltdown, caused by white men during the Bush Administration.

Were we in charge

You've tried running your own countries. Liberia is a shithole.

Africa? How lame....European colonization by whites fucked up all of Africa...seemingly everywhere you go, everything you touch, you fuck up. America. Latin America. Vietnam. Korea. The Balkans. Afghanistan. Iraq. Somalia. Grenada. Beirut. Seemingly the only thing done right was the capture of Saddam Hussein and the assassination of Bin Laden.
Did it ever occur to you that politicians, not Whites, set government policies?

White politicians you moron. Whites are in control...but that control is slipping away. Soon you'll be in the minority...and perhaps things will begin to get done.
Sunni not for nothing but blacks didn't really get "equal" rights until the civil rights movement, and some people will say not even than.
Why should they? With rights and liberties come responsibilities. If the Negroes aren't intelligent, mature, and evolved enough to be responsible for themselves, then how can they be entrusted with the same rights and liberties as everyone else?

There's a reason children aren't granted the same rights and liberty as adults. if Negroes can't be responsible for themselves, then, like children, they can't be set loose and allowed to run around with liberties they are not responsible enough to enjoy.

Sorry, but that call isn't yours to make. After the fourteenth amendment was enacted, that gave black people entitlement to the Constituton and all of its' amendments.....permanently. You fucking racist POS.
I love poetry. It's another way to keep the dead from the neck up.........Dead from the neck up.
It's only slightly surpassed by music.
As we know (or should), religion tops the list.
White politicians you moron. Whites are in control...but that control is slipping away. Soon you'll be in the minority...and perhaps things will begin to get done.
Ya, like in the Congo, Sudan, Haiti, Detroit..........
This thread has become too serious...

Well having a Black President is a step in the right direction

No, it's not. It is a step backward. A step in the right president would be worrying about having a good president and not voting for someone because you like what colour his skin is.

Obama's entries campaign was built on racism. His entire platform was: I am not an old White man. I am a Negroe, just like you niggas.

And you're retarded. How would it be a step backwards? 43 white presidents before him, with some failed presidencies. White doesn't always make you right.
High time we had a president of color. High time we had a female president...since men are prone to Neanderthalism.
And WTF? Up until now, you've had the luxury of voting for a president because he was of the skin color you approved of. Now that the tables are turned you want to cry "foul"???????? Fuck you.
And evidently, your pea-brain doesn't understand too much of anything. Obama appealed to the sensibilites of the electorate, whereas John McCain did not. What about all the independents and whites who voted for Obama? I guess they were crazy or easily fooled.

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