Dark Matter; Real? Or Imagined?

My theory is the universe is contained within a giant invisible sphere that has mass so great it is "pulling" all the matter in the universe towards itself. Hey, that's just as plausible as dark matter!
Unfortunately no, it isn't, as it misses the entire point of why dark matter had to be postulated. But thanks anyway.
Prove that my brilliant invisible sphere theory is wrong.
My theory is the universe is contained within a giant invisible sphere that has mass so great it is "pulling" all the matter in the universe towards itself. Hey, that's just as plausible as dark matter!
Unfortunately no, it isn't, as it misses the entire point of why dark matter had to be postulated. But thanks anyway.
Prove that my brilliant invisible sphere theory is wrong.
I am not saying it is wrong. I am saying it would not explain the observations that led to the postulation of dark matter in the first place, i.e., rotation speed of galaxies.
What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

Should probably stick to the question of how it arises and then ask more questions.

So discuss alternate hypothosis with regard to empty space. Meanning challenge the cosmological constant in which Einsteins current model functions. Probably would wanna kick around the theory of electromagnetism as an ice breaker. Knawmean?
I understand how the concept of dark matter / dark energy arose. And I understand the theory of how it is "created" so to speak.

What I am trying to understand is if it is materially different than the matter that formed the universe.
Maybe Dark matter is true NOTHINGNESS.....the absence of anything
Then you have to explain its boundaries. Why wouldn't the patches of nothing just diffuse across space and become filled with something? Fascinating idea though.
Nothingness would require nothing including its own boundaries and would have nothing to create boundaries. Maybe true nothingness is nothing more than a blank slate whose boundaries aren't defined by it, but by the SOMETHING that surrounds it. The something creates and defines the boundaries. Likely bonds would be created based on the Somethings need past the cellular and elemental levels. Maybe all somethings require a bond to something else which prevents them from existing nothingness on their own(unless they can slowly build or move into nothingness by keeping their bonds and closing in on the boundaries.) If Dark Matter was just blank white--------

What are the evidences of dark matter?

Still what Vera Rubin found out in context of the rotation of the galaxy Andromeda is a very impressing question, which makes plaubsible the existence of "dark matter" (better to say: "unknown mass" - or "still unknown source of something what looks like gravitational force").

Here an example for the galaxy Messier 33:


Rotation curve of spiral galaxy Messier 33 (yellow and blue points with error bars), and a predicted one from distribution of the visible matter (gray line). The discrepancy between the two curves can be accounted for by adding a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy.
Otherwise known as a fudge factor.

May I ask, why you say such an unbelievable stupid nonsense? Do you love pub brawls?

The path velocity far from the bulge of a galaxy should be proportional in an idealized Kepler system to the squareroot of the reziprocal radius. Why is it not?

What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

You don't understand what you ask and why you ask this. Think about what I said - or let it be.

I do understand what I ask and why I ask it. If they are correct and dark matter accounts for 85% of the matter in the universe then these are important questions.

no comment

Hence, it's a fudge factor.

What's nonsense. To say so has more to do with psychology, sociology and politics than mathematics and physics.

Short: Explain why in a galaxy the path velocity is not proportional to ~ (1/radius)^1/2. Why exists such a huge difference in the expected values of an ideal Kepler system and the real measured values? Which other kind of formula is to use? "Dark matter" means in this context - as far as I am able to see - the formulas are correct, but there exists in reality indeed an additional gravity force. To use the word "dark" instead of "unknown" is perhaps just simple a poetical mistake. You can use instead of "dark matter" also an expression like "unknown gravity force" - or "gravity force, which comes from something, what we still don't know".

Which particles make up dark matter?

We don't.know. in fact, it is only called "matter" for convenience, to denote the fact that it appears to be interacting via gravity. "Matter" may be a misnomer. Scientists know this.

The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.
What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

Should probably stick to the question of how it arises and then ask more questions.

So discuss alternate hypothosis with regard to empty space. Meanning challenge the cosmological constant in which Einsteins current model functions. Probably would wanna kick around the theory of electromagnetism as an ice breaker. Knawmean?
I understand how the concept of dark matter / dark energy arose. And I understand the theory of how it is "created" so to speak.

What I am trying to understand is if it is materially different than the matter that formed the universe.
Maybe Dark matter is true NOTHINGNESS.....the absence of anything
It’s only known property is being a fudge factor.

What are the evidences of dark matter?

Still what Vera Rubin found out in context of the rotation of the galaxy Andromeda is a very impressing question, which makes plaubsible the existence of "dark matter" (better to say: "unknown mass" - or "still unknown source of something what looks like gravitational force").

Here an example for the galaxy Messier 33:


Rotation curve of spiral galaxy Messier 33 (yellow and blue points with error bars), and a predicted one from distribution of the visible matter (gray line). The discrepancy between the two curves can be accounted for by adding a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy.
Otherwise known as a fudge factor.

May I ask, why you say such an unbelievable stupid nonsense? Do you love pub brawls?

The path velocity far from the bulge of a galaxy should be proportional in an idealized Kepler system to the squareroot of the reziprocal radius. Why is it not?

What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

You don't understand what you ask and why you ask this. Think about what I said - or let it be.

I do understand what I ask and why I ask it. If they are correct and dark matter accounts for 85% of the matter in the universe then these are important questions.

no comment

Hence, it's a fudge factor.

What's nonsense. To say so has more to do with psychology, sociology and politics than mathematics and physics.

Short: Explain why in a galaxy the path velocity is not proportional to ~ (1/radius)^1/2. Why exists such a huge difference in the expected values of an ideal Kepler system and the real measured values? Which other kind of formula is to use? "Dark matter" means in this context - as far as I am able to see - the formulas are correct, but there exists in reality indeed an additional gravity force. To use the word "dark" instead of "unknown" is perhaps just simple a poetical mistake. You can use instead of "dark matter" also an expression like "unknown gravity force" - or "gravity force, which comes from something, what we still don't know".

Which particles make up dark matter?

We don't.know. in fact, it is only called "matter" for convenience, to denote the fact that it appears to be interacting via gravity. "Matter" may be a misnomer. Scientists know this.

The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.

That's only a clue that they need to conduct more investigation.
What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

Should probably stick to the question of how it arises and then ask more questions.

So discuss alternate hypothosis with regard to empty space. Meanning challenge the cosmological constant in which Einsteins current model functions. Probably would wanna kick around the theory of electromagnetism as an ice breaker. Knawmean?
I understand how the concept of dark matter / dark energy arose. And I understand the theory of how it is "created" so to speak.

What I am trying to understand is if it is materially different than the matter that formed the universe.
Maybe Dark matter is true NOTHINGNESS.....the absence of anything
It’s only known property is being a fudge factor.
Yes, but there would be a requirement that somewhere out there that there is NOTHINGNESS so even if Dark Matter isn't nothingness than something has to be.
What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

Should probably stick to the question of how it arises and then ask more questions.

So discuss alternate hypothosis with regard to empty space. Meanning challenge the cosmological constant in which Einsteins current model functions. Probably would wanna kick around the theory of electromagnetism as an ice breaker. Knawmean?
I understand how the concept of dark matter / dark energy arose. And I understand the theory of how it is "created" so to speak.

What I am trying to understand is if it is materially different than the matter that formed the universe.
Maybe Dark matter is true NOTHINGNESS.....the absence of anything
It’s only known property is being a fudge factor.
You're not much into existential theories are you?

Even if Dark matter is not anything not even nothingness, there has to be something out there is nothing.
The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.

"Something" certainly exists ... else how do you explain we effect we do observe ... what is the cause? ...

Are you suggesting atoms didn't exist until we discovery protons and electrons? ...
The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.

"Something" certainly exists ... else how do you explain we effect we do observe ... what is the cause? ...

Are you suggesting atoms didn't exist until we discovery protons and electrons? ...
What's a quark made of? I will assume all the scientists are wrong, and they do not exist. Until you answer.
My theory is the universe is contained within a giant invisible sphere that has mass so great it is "pulling" all the matter in the universe towards itself. Hey, that's just as plausible as dark matter!
Unfortunately no, it isn't, as it misses the entire point of why dark matter had to be postulated. But thanks anyway.
Prove that my brilliant invisible sphere theory is wrong.
What we can see supposedly is that Light Protons are broken down by Proton Decay causing the black holes to emit large amounts of gamma rays.

Proton Decay is Known to occur but never observed...perhaps lack of gravity or some other phenom like certain types of radiation affects protons differently in the area of the black holes. If a black hole results from lack of orbital objects which typically produce gravity--------protons may just act differently there than here breaking apart and then decaying. It would explain why we see no body masses and no light in these areas.

You are basically looking for what would cause a proton to decay.
Last edited:
My theory is the universe is contained within a giant invisible sphere that has mass so great it is "pulling" all the matter in the universe towards itself. Hey, that's just as plausible as dark matter!
Unfortunately no, it isn't, as it misses the entire point of why dark matter had to be postulated. But thanks anyway.
Prove that my brilliant invisible sphere theory is wrong.
What we can see supposedly is that Light Protons are broken down by Proton Decay causing the black holes to emit large amounts of gamma rays.

Proton Decay is Known to occur but never observed...perhaps lack of gravity or some other phenom affects protons differently in the area of the black holes. If a black hole results from lack of orbital objects which typically produce gravity--------protons may just act differently there than here breaking apart and then decaying. It would explain why we see no body masses and no light in these areas.
Actually the only
The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.

"Something" certainly exists ... else how do you explain we effect we do observe ... what is the cause? ...

Are you suggesting atoms didn't exist until we discovery protons and electrons? ...
What's a quark made of? I will assume all the scientists are wrong, and they do not exist. Until you answer.
Actually all the scientist who claim to know what quarks are made of are wrong because none of them know
The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.

"Something" certainly exists ... else how do you explain we effect we do observe ... what is the cause? ...

Are you suggesting atoms didn't exist until we discovery protons and electrons? ...
I don't think so. I am suggesting that dark matter was imagined to make the world make sense. It's nebulous at best.

What are the evidences of dark matter?

Still what Vera Rubin found out in context of the rotation of the galaxy Andromeda is a very impressing question, which makes plaubsible the existence of "dark matter" (better to say: "unknown mass" - or "still unknown source of something what looks like gravitational force").

Here an example for the galaxy Messier 33:


Rotation curve of spiral galaxy Messier 33 (yellow and blue points with error bars), and a predicted one from distribution of the visible matter (gray line). The discrepancy between the two curves can be accounted for by adding a dark matter halo surrounding the galaxy.
Otherwise known as a fudge factor.

May I ask, why you say such an unbelievable stupid nonsense? Do you love pub brawls?

The path velocity far from the bulge of a galaxy should be proportional in an idealized Kepler system to the squareroot of the reziprocal radius. Why is it not?

What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

You don't understand what you ask and why you ask this. Think about what I said - or let it be.

I do understand what I ask and why I ask it. If they are correct and dark matter accounts for 85% of the matter in the universe then these are important questions.

no comment

Hence, it's a fudge factor.

What's nonsense. To say so has more to do with psychology, sociology and politics than mathematics and physics.

Short: Explain why in a galaxy the path velocity is not proportional to ~ (1/radius)^1/2. Why exists such a huge difference in the expected values of an ideal Kepler system and the real measured values? Which other kind of formula is to use? "Dark matter" means in this context - as far as I am able to see - the formulas are correct, but there exists in reality indeed an additional gravity force. To use the word "dark" instead of "unknown" is perhaps just simple a poetical mistake. You can use instead of "dark matter" also an expression like "unknown gravity force" - or "gravity force, which comes from something, what we still don't know".

Which particles make up dark matter?

We don't.know. in fact, it is only called "matter" for convenience, to denote the fact that it appears to be interacting via gravity. "Matter" may be a misnomer. Scientists know this.

The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.

That's only a clue that they need to conduct more investigation.

Something that constitutes 85% of the universe shouldn't be that hard to find. But apparently that's what happens when this made up matter isn't made of the electrons, protons, and neutrons that we’re familiar with.
The fact that scientists can’t tell you what it consists of ought to be the first clue it doesn’t exist.

"Something" certainly exists ... else how do you explain we effect we do observe ... what is the cause? ...

Are you suggesting atoms didn't exist until we discovery protons and electrons? ...
I don't think so. I am suggesting that dark matter was imagined to make the world make sense. It's nebulous at best.
Yes ding, that is how hypotheses work. Else we would not need them. Evolution was also "imagined" to make the world make sense.

And again, no scientists thinks it is anything like what we know as "matter", save for interacting with gravity. So the name "matter" was chosen for convenience and convention. Scientists are also looking for solutions in gravity theory that don't involve a strange new type of matter. So they are actually working to rule out dark "matter", not just complaining about it on a message board.
What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

Should probably stick to the question of how it arises and then ask more questions.

So discuss alternate hypothosis with regard to empty space. Meanning challenge the cosmological constant in which Einsteins current model functions. Probably would wanna kick around the theory of electromagnetism as an ice breaker. Knawmean?
I understand how the concept of dark matter / dark energy arose. And I understand the theory of how it is "created" so to speak.

What I am trying to understand is if it is materially different than the matter that formed the universe.
Maybe Dark matter is true NOTHINGNESS.....the absence of anything
It’s only known property is being a fudge factor.
Yes, but there would be a requirement that somewhere out there that there is NOTHINGNESS so even if Dark Matter isn't nothingness than something has to be.
What type of matter is dark matter?
Of which particles consist dark matter?
How does dark matter arise?
What are the evidences of dark matter?

Should probably stick to the question of how it arises and then ask more questions.

So discuss alternate hypothosis with regard to empty space. Meanning challenge the cosmological constant in which Einsteins current model functions. Probably would wanna kick around the theory of electromagnetism as an ice breaker. Knawmean?
I understand how the concept of dark matter / dark energy arose. And I understand the theory of how it is "created" so to speak.

What I am trying to understand is if it is materially different than the matter that formed the universe.
Maybe Dark matter is true NOTHINGNESS.....the absence of anything
It’s only known property is being a fudge factor.
You're not much into existential theories are you?

Even if Dark matter is not anything not even nothingness, there has to be something out there is nothing.
Nothingness is not extant. Nothingness is the absence of something. The presence of energy/matter creates space and time. So the absence of space and time is nothingness.

That seemed sorta existential to me.

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