'Dark Money erodes public trust', Said Joe Biden, Who Was Just Exposed For Having $50 Mil in 'Dark Money'

1. My post-15 is valid. The links are all credible and agree. They are not "tabloids" dumbass. What shit-hole country are you from, really?
2. Your post-16 is basically a whine, because you can't refute my links
3. My calling you a low-IQ moron is not personal. Its my standard monicker/descriptor for democrats if they call me names.
4. Your IQ test sentence is either total bullshit or you're not in the USA.
LOL. One again you post crap. You are either a damn liar or out of touch with reality. Tabloids are predictable and not posting reality; much like your attempt to convince anyone but Trumpanzees to believe you.
LOL. One again you post crap. You are either a damn liar or out of touch with reality. Tabloids are predictable and not posting reality; much like your attempt to convince anyone but Trumpanzees to believe you.
You obviously have no clue what a "tabloid" is.
What shit-hole country are you from?

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