Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
If you gonna believe leftists ( commies, socialists, national-socialists, democrats, marxists, progressives etc ) will have compassion you're wrong.
Just think about 300m brutally murdered victims in different countries through the 20th century in the name of their Marxist utopia.

Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse leading to mass starvation

The so-called Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse (leading to mass starvation), financial sector disruptions and an accelerating supply collapse of energy (gasoline, natural gas) needed to heat homes, make fertilizer and power transportation.
We are also watching in horror as this accelerating collapse bleeds into shipping and delivery companies (like Fedex) who are just about on the brink of suspending major services due to a lack of competent workers.
Meanwhile, 70+ container ships are stacked up outside the Los Angeles port, as criminal governors like Newsom deliberately worsen the supply line restrictions by enforcing senseless covid lockdowns that deprive the ports of desperately needed workers.
The traitors in charge are squeezing off all the chokepoints of infrastructure that keep human beings alive.
If they succeed, they will quickly plunge America (and other nations) into third world conditions of mass famine, destitution, homelessness, violence and despair. And have you noticed how quickly this is all materializing?
This is all by design, and it’s accelerating by the day
You are probably already noticing the grocery shortages that are rapidly spreading across North America. Grocers, school districts and food manufacturers that typically order large quantities of food supplies are seeing their orders cut by up to 50% in terms of actual delivery. At the commercial level, in other words, the food supply has already collapsed by nearly 50%. This is only now beginning to trickle into the retail sector of the food industry, where grocers are desperately trying to fill empty shelves with something — anything — just to avoid looking like they’re out of stock.
Most Americans think our medical system is the same as other 1st world countries… That’s what I used to think… But in fact, our medical system is a “ticking bomb” waiting to “explode”!
The #1 Killer In Any Crisis Is Disease And Infection
And it doesn’t matter
if it’s an earthquake, terrorist attack or the collapse of the dollar. One of the first things to kill most people in a crisis is an illness or disease

Under Biden and the covid tyrants, America is being rapidly transformed into Venezuela. This is not a coincidence. Yet many Americans are still stuck in denial, pretending things will all just “get back to normal” if enough people take deadly spike protein injections.
Today Joe Biden claimed that 98% of Americans would need to get vaccinated before we can return to normal. It’s obvious they’re gearing up to enforce vaccine mandates at gunpoint to try to hit that 98% target, at which point they will of course blame the remaining 2% for all the post-vaccine injuries and deaths among the 98%.

Remember when the goal was just 70%? Remember when we were told that “herd immunity” would protect us if we could get the majority of people vaccinated? Now that’s been thrown out the window, right along with the concept of natural immunity which the insane left-wing media now calls a “dangerous theory.”
Each booster shot, of course, is designed to destroy another 25% of your immune system’s response capability (white blood cells, mostly). Listen to this nurse explain how the boosters are designed to obliterate your immune response: this is how the jab is wiping out your immune system, terrifying

This winter, all the factors combine to achieve a mass die-off

If the anti-human globalists are able to pull off their plans, we will see millions of Americans dead over the next six months alone. Potential defenses against this assault include ivermectin, food preparedness, self-reliance and so on, so spread the word about these important truths to help save lives.
With far too many sheeple still going along with the vaccine mandates and mask requirements, what globalists have now confirmed is that 90% of humanity is incredibly easy for them to kill. Most people have zero backup food supplies, no backup water storage, no ability to produce their own food, no means of self-defense, no backup communications, etc. I cover this in a short podcast update today (this is not the main podcast, the full one is below:

Globalists are betting on 90% of humanity being EASY to kill

Thus, globalists cutting off food, fuel, power and banking transactions for a mere 90 days would likely achieve a huge die-off — perhaps 70% of the population or so, since the masses are completely oblivious to even the most basic survival skills. As you’ll notice, the food supply is being cut off right now. The power grid is being shut off in China. Fuel supplies are collapsing in the UK. Hospitals are collapsing to the point where National Guard troops are now being deployed to replace the health care workers who were fired for refusing to get jabbed. (See this video on We Are Change.)
The State of New York is expected to declare a state of emergency due to these hospital staffing shortages — all of which the government caused itself!
Meanwhile, the Evergrande Ponzi scheme in China is already spreading like a contagion to other property developers, while non-China bond holders have already been told they will never get paid what they are owed. The contagion will accelerate through the financial sector. This is bigger than Lehman Brothers. It’s way bigger than the 2008 sub-prime housing bubble collapse.
When you start combining these engineered layers of collapse: Food, energy, finance, medicine, etc., where does that lead civilization for the next several months? Right into the abyss. Expect a mass die-off. Actually, it has already begun, with left-wing media now acknowledging there is a spike in all cause mortality in 2021, but insisting it couldn’t possibly be related to covid vaccines.
How will they try to explain it away when millions are dead?

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I hear ya, bro.

As you no doubt know, wrapping a phone in aluminum foil will prevent radio waves from getting to it.

You can do the same with your head.
If you gonna believe leftists ( commies, socialists, national-socialists, democrats, marxists, progressives etc ) will have compassion you're wrong.
Just think about 300m brutally murdered victims in different countries through the 20th century in the name of their Marxist utopia.

Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse leading to mass starvation

The so-called Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse (leading to mass starvation), financial sector disruptions and an accelerating supply collapse of energy (gasoline, natural gas) needed to heat homes, make fertilizer and power transportation.
We are also watching in horror as this accelerating collapse bleeds into shipping and delivery companies (like Fedex) who are just about on the brink of suspending major services due to a lack of competent workers.
Meanwhile, 70+ container ships are stacked up outside the Los Angeles port, as criminal governors like Newsom deliberately worsen the supply line restrictions by enforcing senseless covid lockdowns that deprive the ports of desperately needed workers.
The traitors in charge are squeezing off all the chokepoints of infrastructure that keep human beings alive.
If they succeed, they will quickly plunge America (and other nations) into third world conditions of mass famine, destitution, homelessness, violence and despair. And have you noticed how quickly this is all materializing?
This is all by design, and it’s accelerating by the day
You are probably already noticing the grocery shortages that are rapidly spreading across North America. Grocers, school districts and food manufacturers that typically order large quantities of food supplies are seeing their orders cut by up to 50% in terms of actual delivery. At the commercial level, in other words, the food supply has already collapsed by nearly 50%. This is only now beginning to trickle into the retail sector of the food industry, where grocers are desperately trying to fill empty shelves with something — anything — just to avoid looking like they’re out of stock.
Most Americans think our medical system is the same as other 1st world countries… That’s what I used to think… But in fact, our medical system is a “ticking bomb” waiting to “explode”!
The #1 Killer In Any Crisis Is Disease And Infection
And it doesn’t matter
if it’s an earthquake, terrorist attack or the collapse of the dollar. One of the first things to kill most people in a crisis is an illness or disease

Under Biden and the covid tyrants, America is being rapidly transformed into Venezuela. This is not a coincidence. Yet many Americans are still stuck in denial, pretending things will all just “get back to normal” if enough people take deadly spike protein injections.
Today Joe Biden claimed that 98% of Americans would need to get vaccinated before we can return to normal. It’s obvious they’re gearing up to enforce vaccine mandates at gunpoint to try to hit that 98% target, at which point they will of course blame the remaining 2% for all the post-vaccine injuries and deaths among the 98%.

Remember when the goal was just 70%? Remember when we were told that “herd immunity” would protect us if we could get the majority of people vaccinated? Now that’s been thrown out the window, right along with the concept of natural immunity which the insane left-wing media now calls a “dangerous theory.”
Each booster shot, of course, is designed to destroy another 25% of your immune system’s response capability (white blood cells, mostly). Listen to this nurse explain how the boosters are designed to obliterate your immune response: this is how the jab is wiping out your immune system, terrifying

This winter, all the factors combine to achieve a mass die-off

If the anti-human globalists are able to pull off their plans, we will see millions of Americans dead over the next six months alone. Potential defenses against this assault include ivermectin, food preparedness, self-reliance and so on, so spread the word about these important truths to help save lives.
With far too many sheeple still going along with the vaccine mandates and mask requirements, what globalists have now confirmed is that 90% of humanity is incredibly easy for them to kill. Most people have zero backup food supplies, no backup water storage, no ability to produce their own food, no means of self-defense, no backup communications, etc. I cover this in a short podcast update today (this is not the main podcast, the full one is below:

Globalists are betting on 90% of humanity being EASY to kill

Thus, globalists cutting off food, fuel, power and banking transactions for a mere 90 days would likely achieve a huge die-off — perhaps 70% of the population or so, since the masses are completely oblivious to even the most basic survival skills. As you’ll notice, the food supply is being cut off right now. The power grid is being shut off in China. Fuel supplies are collapsing in the UK. Hospitals are collapsing to the point where National Guard troops are now being deployed to replace the health care workers who were fired for refusing to get jabbed. (See this video on We Are Change.)
The State of New York is expected to declare a state of emergency due to these hospital staffing shortages — all of which the government caused itself!
Meanwhile, the Evergrande Ponzi scheme in China is already spreading like a contagion to other property developers, while non-China bond holders have already been told they will never get paid what they are owed. The contagion will accelerate through the financial sector. This is bigger than Lehman Brothers. It’s way bigger than the 2008 sub-prime housing bubble collapse.
When you start combining these engineered layers of collapse: Food, energy, finance, medicine, etc., where does that lead civilization for the next several months? Right into the abyss. Expect a mass die-off. Actually, it has already begun, with left-wing media now acknowledging there is a spike in all cause mortality in 2021, but insisting it couldn’t possibly be related to covid vaccines.
How will they try to explain it away when millions are dead?

Why are you allowed to post in the regular forums?
The thing I like about the OPs dire predictions is they are all pretty short term so there are tons of opportunities to laugh your ass off at him when they do not come to pass

I hear ya, bro.

As you no doubt know, wrapping a phone in aluminum foil will prevent radio waves from getting to it.

You can do the same with your head.
Whoopi and her several abortions....clamps in, twist and pull it out...clamps in, twist and pull it out...clamps in, twist and pull it out...She is revered by Prog women.
If you gonna believe leftists ( commies, socialists, national-socialists, democrats, marxists, progressives etc ) will have compassion you're wrong.
Just think about 300m brutally murdered victims in different countries through the 20th century in the name of their Marxist utopia.

Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse leading to mass starvation

The so-called Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse (leading to mass starvation), financial sector disruptions and an accelerating supply collapse of energy (gasoline, natural gas) needed to heat homes, make fertilizer and power transportation.
We are also watching in horror as this accelerating collapse bleeds into shipping and delivery companies (like Fedex) who are just about on the brink of suspending major services due to a lack of competent workers.
Meanwhile, 70+ container ships are stacked up outside the Los Angeles port, as criminal governors like Newsom deliberately worsen the supply line restrictions by enforcing senseless covid lockdowns that deprive the ports of desperately needed workers.
The traitors in charge are squeezing off all the chokepoints of infrastructure that keep human beings alive.
If they succeed, they will quickly plunge America (and other nations) into third world conditions of mass famine, destitution, homelessness, violence and despair. And have you noticed how quickly this is all materializing?
This is all by design, and it’s accelerating by the day
You are probably already noticing the grocery shortages that are rapidly spreading across North America. Grocers, school districts and food manufacturers that typically order large quantities of food supplies are seeing their orders cut by up to 50% in terms of actual delivery. At the commercial level, in other words, the food supply has already collapsed by nearly 50%. This is only now beginning to trickle into the retail sector of the food industry, where grocers are desperately trying to fill empty shelves with something — anything — just to avoid looking like they’re out of stock.
Most Americans think our medical system is the same as other 1st world countries… That’s what I used to think… But in fact, our medical system is a “ticking bomb” waiting to “explode”!
The #1 Killer In Any Crisis Is Disease And Infection
And it doesn’t matter
if it’s an earthquake, terrorist attack or the collapse of the dollar. One of the first things to kill most people in a crisis is an illness or disease

Under Biden and the covid tyrants, America is being rapidly transformed into Venezuela. This is not a coincidence. Yet many Americans are still stuck in denial, pretending things will all just “get back to normal” if enough people take deadly spike protein injections.
Today Joe Biden claimed that 98% of Americans would need to get vaccinated before we can return to normal. It’s obvious they’re gearing up to enforce vaccine mandates at gunpoint to try to hit that 98% target, at which point they will of course blame the remaining 2% for all the post-vaccine injuries and deaths among the 98%.

Remember when the goal was just 70%? Remember when we were told that “herd immunity” would protect us if we could get the majority of people vaccinated? Now that’s been thrown out the window, right along with the concept of natural immunity which the insane left-wing media now calls a “dangerous theory.”
Each booster shot, of course, is designed to destroy another 25% of your immune system’s response capability (white blood cells, mostly). Listen to this nurse explain how the boosters are designed to obliterate your immune response: this is how the jab is wiping out your immune system, terrifying

This winter, all the factors combine to achieve a mass die-off

If the anti-human globalists are able to pull off their plans, we will see millions of Americans dead over the next six months alone. Potential defenses against this assault include ivermectin, food preparedness, self-reliance and so on, so spread the word about these important truths to help save lives.
With far too many sheeple still going along with the vaccine mandates and mask requirements, what globalists have now confirmed is that 90% of humanity is incredibly easy for them to kill. Most people have zero backup food supplies, no backup water storage, no ability to produce their own food, no means of self-defense, no backup communications, etc. I cover this in a short podcast update today (this is not the main podcast, the full one is below:

Globalists are betting on 90% of humanity being EASY to kill

Thus, globalists cutting off food, fuel, power and banking transactions for a mere 90 days would likely achieve a huge die-off — perhaps 70% of the population or so, since the masses are completely oblivious to even the most basic survival skills. As you’ll notice, the food supply is being cut off right now. The power grid is being shut off in China. Fuel supplies are collapsing in the UK. Hospitals are collapsing to the point where National Guard troops are now being deployed to replace the health care workers who were fired for refusing to get jabbed. (See this video on We Are Change.)
The State of New York is expected to declare a state of emergency due to these hospital staffing shortages — all of which the government caused itself!
Meanwhile, the Evergrande Ponzi scheme in China is already spreading like a contagion to other property developers, while non-China bond holders have already been told they will never get paid what they are owed. The contagion will accelerate through the financial sector. This is bigger than Lehman Brothers. It’s way bigger than the 2008 sub-prime housing bubble collapse.
When you start combining these engineered layers of collapse: Food, energy, finance, medicine, etc., where does that lead civilization for the next several months? Right into the abyss. Expect a mass die-off. Actually, it has already begun, with left-wing media now acknowledging there is a spike in all cause mortality in 2021, but insisting it couldn’t possibly be related to covid vaccines.
How will they try to explain it away when millions are dead?

In 1933 Hitler purged the government of Communists, Socialists, Democrats and Jews.

He put them in the newly built Dachau.
If you gonna believe leftists ( commies, socialists, national-socialists, democrats, marxists, progressives etc ) will have compassion you're wrong.
Just think about 300m brutally murdered victims in different countries through the 20th century in the name of their Marxist utopia.

Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse leading to mass starvation

The so-called Dark Winter is actually a die-off plan to exterminate humanity, and the vectors of attack against human beings include mass vaccination genocide, engineered food supply collapse (leading to mass starvation), financial sector disruptions and an accelerating supply collapse of energy (gasoline, natural gas) needed to heat homes, make fertilizer and power transportation.
We are also watching in horror as this accelerating collapse bleeds into shipping and delivery companies (like Fedex) who are just about on the brink of suspending major services due to a lack of competent workers.
Meanwhile, 70+ container ships are stacked up outside the Los Angeles port, as criminal governors like Newsom deliberately worsen the supply line restrictions by enforcing senseless covid lockdowns that deprive the ports of desperately needed workers.
The traitors in charge are squeezing off all the chokepoints of infrastructure that keep human beings alive.
If they succeed, they will quickly plunge America (and other nations) into third world conditions of mass famine, destitution, homelessness, violence and despair. And have you noticed how quickly this is all materializing?
This is all by design, and it’s accelerating by the day
You are probably already noticing the grocery shortages that are rapidly spreading across North America. Grocers, school districts and food manufacturers that typically order large quantities of food supplies are seeing their orders cut by up to 50% in terms of actual delivery. At the commercial level, in other words, the food supply has already collapsed by nearly 50%. This is only now beginning to trickle into the retail sector of the food industry, where grocers are desperately trying to fill empty shelves with something — anything — just to avoid looking like they’re out of stock.
Most Americans think our medical system is the same as other 1st world countries… That’s what I used to think… But in fact, our medical system is a “ticking bomb” waiting to “explode”!
The #1 Killer In Any Crisis Is Disease And Infection
And it doesn’t matter
if it’s an earthquake, terrorist attack or the collapse of the dollar. One of the first things to kill most people in a crisis is an illness or disease

Under Biden and the covid tyrants, America is being rapidly transformed into Venezuela. This is not a coincidence. Yet many Americans are still stuck in denial, pretending things will all just “get back to normal” if enough people take deadly spike protein injections.
Today Joe Biden claimed that 98% of Americans would need to get vaccinated before we can return to normal. It’s obvious they’re gearing up to enforce vaccine mandates at gunpoint to try to hit that 98% target, at which point they will of course blame the remaining 2% for all the post-vaccine injuries and deaths among the 98%.

Remember when the goal was just 70%? Remember when we were told that “herd immunity” would protect us if we could get the majority of people vaccinated? Now that’s been thrown out the window, right along with the concept of natural immunity which the insane left-wing media now calls a “dangerous theory.”
Each booster shot, of course, is designed to destroy another 25% of your immune system’s response capability (white blood cells, mostly). Listen to this nurse explain how the boosters are designed to obliterate your immune response: this is how the jab is wiping out your immune system, terrifying

This winter, all the factors combine to achieve a mass die-off

If the anti-human globalists are able to pull off their plans, we will see millions of Americans dead over the next six months alone. Potential defenses against this assault include ivermectin, food preparedness, self-reliance and so on, so spread the word about these important truths to help save lives.
With far too many sheeple still going along with the vaccine mandates and mask requirements, what globalists have now confirmed is that 90% of humanity is incredibly easy for them to kill. Most people have zero backup food supplies, no backup water storage, no ability to produce their own food, no means of self-defense, no backup communications, etc. I cover this in a short podcast update today (this is not the main podcast, the full one is below:

Globalists are betting on 90% of humanity being EASY to kill

Thus, globalists cutting off food, fuel, power and banking transactions for a mere 90 days would likely achieve a huge die-off — perhaps 70% of the population or so, since the masses are completely oblivious to even the most basic survival skills. As you’ll notice, the food supply is being cut off right now. The power grid is being shut off in China. Fuel supplies are collapsing in the UK. Hospitals are collapsing to the point where National Guard troops are now being deployed to replace the health care workers who were fired for refusing to get jabbed. (See this video on We Are Change.)
The State of New York is expected to declare a state of emergency due to these hospital staffing shortages — all of which the government caused itself!
Meanwhile, the Evergrande Ponzi scheme in China is already spreading like a contagion to other property developers, while non-China bond holders have already been told they will never get paid what they are owed. The contagion will accelerate through the financial sector. This is bigger than Lehman Brothers. It’s way bigger than the 2008 sub-prime housing bubble collapse.
When you start combining these engineered layers of collapse: Food, energy, finance, medicine, etc., where does that lead civilization for the next several months? Right into the abyss. Expect a mass die-off. Actually, it has already begun, with left-wing media now acknowledging there is a spike in all cause mortality in 2021, but insisting it couldn’t possibly be related to covid vaccines.
How will they try to explain it away when millions are dead?

Hey Baron. How's the weather today in St Petersburg?
Whoopi and her several abortions....clamps in, twist and pull it out...clamps in, twist and pull it out...clamps in, twist and pull it out...She is revered by Prog women.
Who would fardelay, and, but the question is no troubler devoutraveller in those inst of? There's the pale calamity opprespect to be whips and naturns, and arrows of dispriz'd count a sea of ressor's devoutrageousand that is make country life, or than fly take wish'd. To dreat with when heir thing a coil, and be: the shocks them? Ther 'tis may we end be, or when heir currents the us resolence dream: ay, those thought himself mind make arrows of action delay, that sleep to gread o'er this sicklied o'
Yeah because people who only parrot the statist, ruling party line are relevant. Correct ya fuckin drone?
Of course I'm relevant.

Where did the drone come in and why does it need correcting?

Don't any of you idiot speak English anymore?

I hear ya, bro.

As you no doubt know, wrapping a phone in aluminum foil will prevent radio waves from getting to it.

You can do the same with your head.

You shall do the same with your ass which looks meanwhile like the Atlanta's Airport after 'visits' of your numerous queer friends.
Enjoy the great music for your and your male 'friends' taste.

I'm very surprised this hasn't been moved to con-spiracy theories yet.

Today all 'conspiracy theories' suddenly became the truth.
BTW the therm 'conspiracy theory' was firstly applied by leftists almost forty years ago to smear and to silence opponents.
Goebbels would be proud on modern 'progressives'
Hey Baron. How's the weather today in St Petersburg?

Not bad, come to me.
You can fly directly from Tel Aviv, is very convenient for you.
BTW how about vaccination in Israel, you promised to tell something.
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