Darrell Issa Loses Again .... Embarrasses Republicans....Again

Inquiry Into I.R.S. Lapses Shows No Links to White House
WASHINGTON — An 18-month congressional investigation into theInternal Revenue Service’s mistreatment of conservative political groups seeking tax exemptions failed to show coordination between agency officials and political operatives in the White House, according to a report released on Tuesday."""""


So Wittle Dawwil releases this press release right before Christmas....Ha!
Since that wasnt the aim of the investigation thee was no loss.
What Issa did uncover was a pattern of corruption in the iRS and outright lying by the administration.
The issue was not some low level employees in the Cincinnatti office.
The policy did not affect liberal groups and convservative ones equally.
There was more than a smidgen of corruption.
The administration's own investigation was a politically oriented joke and an insult to the voter.
All of that is clear and on the record. And if the administration ever stops stonewalling we will find the link to the WH.
How do you feel about an IRS official purposefully targeting any group she politically opposes, then lies to Congress about it?

I think targeting RW Groups trying to defraud the government is awesome.

But since Lerner never testified..
Since that wasnt the aim of the investigation thee was no loss.
What Issa did uncover was a pattern of corruption in the iRS and outright lying by the administration.
The issue was not some low level employees in the Cincinnatti office.
The policy did not affect liberal groups and convservative ones equally.
There was more than a smidgen of corruption.
The administration's own investigation was a politically oriented joke and an insult to the voter.
All of that is clear and on the record. And if the administration ever stops stonewalling we will find the link to the WH.

And you'll finally found those UFO Aliens the Gummit's been lying to you about.
Not if Darrell Issa
Doesn't it worry you that first the Pubies admit no Benghazi scandal and now they admit this, too? Is the GOP run by a bunch of really stupid people?
Not if Issa what?

I'm not as concerned with political parties as much as people who strictly adhere to their edicts. How do you feel about an IRS official purposefully targeting any group she politically opposes, then lies to Congress about it?

Allegations against Lerner remain allegations, but there's no doubt the Republicans have targeted Obama and, so far have come up empty.
That's not what I asked you.

I answered you. What has she been charged with? Has she been arrested, arraigned, indicted or convicted yet?
You did not answer me. I never mentioned anyone by name. Let me ask again:

How do you feel about an IRS official purposefully targeting any group she politically opposes, then lies to Congress about it?
If you're expecting a straight answer, forget it.
The truth is, as long as Democrats are fucking Republicans they're happy. Once Republicans fuck Democrats they'll scream about fairness and the rule of law.
It will be interesting to see how the IRS conspiracy theory evolves, where those on the ridiculous right have once again failed to 'get rid of Obama.'
How do you feel about an IRS official purposefully targeting any group she politically opposes, then lies to Congress about it?

I think targeting RW Groups trying to defraud the government is awesome.

But since Lerner never testified..
She did testify.
There was no atttemptto defraud. You've repeated this lie numerous times even in the last 2 days. You never have any proof and you never respond to questions about it.
It will be interesting to see how the IRS conspiracy theory evolves, where those on the ridiculous right have once again failed to 'get rid of Obama.'
The only conspiracy theory is that Republicans are out to get Obama.
The truth we know is that Democrats in Congress leaned on Lerner to rein in TP groups and she complied, politicizing the agency and handing liberal interest groups confidential tax information on conservative groups. All things you're jim dandy with.
It also failed to show coordination between agency officials and Islamic terrorist organizations.

Do you think Lerner will do jail time for lying to Congress?

Since she never actually testified, no.

more than likely. Obama pardons her on his last day of office so you will stop fucking with the poor lady.
I'm not fucking with her at all.

But as long as Obama pardons her for something she never did, I guess all is well in your world. :)
Since that wasnt the aim of the investigation thee was no loss.
What Issa did uncover was a pattern of corruption in the iRS and outright lying by the administration.
The issue was not some low level employees in the Cincinnatti office.
The policy did not affect liberal groups and convservative ones equally.
There was more than a smidgen of corruption.
The administration's own investigation was a politically oriented joke and an insult to the voter.
All of that is clear and on the record. And if the administration ever stops stonewalling we will find the link to the WH.

And you'll finally found those UFO Aliens the Gummit's been lying to you about.
You have nothing. That's clear.
"Inquiry Into I.R.S. Lapses Shows No Links to White House"

And as with the phony 'Benghazi' scandal, the phony 'IRS' scandal moves into the ridiculous realm of conspiracy theory.

Or, as Mitch McConnell said in 2010, do whatever is necessary to "...make this a one-term president".
The object of partisan politics is to get elected, you idiot.
The object of the IRS is to collect taxes, not single out competing ideology for closer scrutiny.
Hmm the investigation closes out with Congress and the IRS STILL hasn't supplied all of the subpoenaed documents and it's Issa that's being blamed by the leftards. How very Progressive!

Nobody is blaming Issa, we don't have to, it's a fact he failed to make his case. Got it yet, Sparky?
Yes. He failed to make his case because the IRS failed to comply with subpoenas. Got it yet, dimwit?
"Inquiry Into I.R.S. Lapses Shows No Links to White House"

And as with the phony 'Benghazi' scandal, the phony 'IRS' scandal moves into the ridiculous realm of conspiracy theory.

Or, as Mitch McConnell said in 2010, do whatever is necessary to "...make this a one-term president".
The object of partisan politics is to get elected, you idiot.
The object of the IRS is to collect taxes, not single out competing ideology for closer scrutiny.
Under Obama the object of government is to reward friends and destroy enemies by any means possible.
She did testify.
There was no atttemptto defraud. You've repeated this lie numerous times even in the last 2 days. You never have any proof and you never respond to questions about it.

Karl rove is not a social welfare agency. He's pretty much the opposite of that.

Ergo- Fraud.
Under Obama the object of government is to reward friends and destroy enemies by any means possible.

As opposed to Bush, whose the object of government was to punish everyone, due to pure criminal incompetence.
I'm not fucking with her at all.

But as long as Obama pardons her for something she never did, I guess all is well in your world.

Sorry, bud, that line was crossed when Ford Pardoned Nixon for crimes Nixon had never been charged with.

At that point, it became expected that if you got caught up in a political prosecution, you could expect a pardon or commutation.
I'm not fucking with her at all.

But as long as Obama pardons her for something she never did, I guess all is well in your world.

Sorry, bud, that line was crossed when Ford Pardoned Nixon for crimes Nixon had never been charged with.

At that point, it became expected that if you got caught up in a political prosecution, you could expect a pardon or commutation.

Yup, sort of like Scooter Libby, too.
"Inquiry Into I.R.S. Lapses Shows No Links to White House"

And as with the phony 'Benghazi' scandal, the phony 'IRS' scandal moves into the ridiculous realm of conspiracy theory.

Or, as Mitch McConnell said in 2010, do whatever is necessary to "...make this a one-term president".
The object of partisan politics is to get elected, you idiot.
The object of the IRS is to collect taxes, not single out competing ideology for closer scrutiny.

These were partisan witch hunts that failed. That's the reality. If you're a rightwinger then you should consider your politicians just aren't as bright as the guy in the White House.

Yup, sort of like Scooter Libby, too.

To be fair, Clinton pardoned a lot of his loyalists as well. I expect Obama is going to end up issuing some pardons when he leaves.

Here's my problem, and maybe it's a bit of residual republicanism. I think Scooter actually did get a bad deal. He wasn't the one who outed "not really a spy" Valerie Plame. That was Richard Armitage, who was against the war, outing Valerie Plame whose husband, Joe Wilson, was against the war, to Robert Novak, who despite being a conservative columnist, also thought the Iraq War was a terrible idea. So the outing of Plame really was an anti-War circle jerk that resulted from a pretty legitimate question of who they could have picked a clown like Wilson to do a pretty important mission he claimed he did.

What Scooter got convicted of is not remembering the story the same way Tim Russert did. The actual key points - that they had discussed Plame and Wilson - were not in dispute and he actually copped to it.

Which, looping this back around to Lerner, is exactly why she was completely justified in not testifying to Congress or anyone else, for that matter. No point in making yourself the scapegoat, legally.
She did testify.
There was no atttemptto defraud. You've repeated this lie numerous times even in the last 2 days. You never have any proof and you never respond to questions about it.

Karl rove is not a social welfare agency. He's pretty much the opposite of that.

Ergo- Fraud.
I am certain you can explain that non-sequitur. Otherwise your meds need adjusting.

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