Darwin destroyed in new book

The primary theme of this book is that Darwin published his The Origin of Species via Natural Selection while admitting that it contained very little evidence. In particular, it was missing actual cases of one species evolving from another.

Darwin admitted this several times throughout the book, stating that Origin of Species was only an abstract as he called it. He promised a much larger work, which would present the evidence he found through research which led him to abandon the idea of species being immutable and embrace evolution through a purely naturalistic mechanism.

Darwin never published that book, instead taking up a long study and writing about specific flowering plants.

However, there is an unfinished manage script of this book. This unfinished manuscript has a similar structure to the published book, chapters correspond with the chapters of the manuscript.

The author of the book presented by the OP claims that there is a dearth of evidence in that manuscript also. In other words, Darwin never published the grand book of evidence, because he had found so little of it. Not to mention that origin of species was subjected to much criticism, to which Darwin had little response.

A couple of things I find very interesting about those claims: making a claim about science, and insisting that there is a mountain of evidence for it while refusing to show the evidence is a rhetorical device easily recognizable to people on this forum. Only instead of telling people to “look it up,” Darwin would say that the evidence is on its way in the form of his larger book.

Darwin commonly insisted that people who disagreed with his theory simply did not understand it. That is another method of debate avoidance that we commonly see on this forum..
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The primary theme of this book is that Darwin published his The Origin of Species via Natural Selection while admitting that it contained very little evidence. In particular, it was missing actual cases of one species evolving from another.

Darwin admitted this several times throughout the book, stating that Origin of Species was only an abstract as he called it. He promised a much larger work, which would present the evidence he found through research which led him to abandon the idea of species being immutable and embrace evolution through a purely naturalistic mechanism.

Darwin never published that book, instead taking up a long study and writing about specific flowering plants.

However, there is an unfinished manage script of this book. This unfinished manuscript has a similar structure to the published book, chapters correspond with the chapters of the manuscript.

The author of the book presented by the OP claims that there is a dearth of evidence in that manuscript also. In other words, Darwin never published the grand book of evidence, because he had found so little of it. Not to mention that origin of species was subjected to much criticism, to which Darwin had little response.

A couple of things I find very interesting about those claims: making a claim about science, and insisting that there is a mountain of evidence for it while refusing to show the evidence is a rhetorical device easily recognizable to people on this forum. Only instead of telling people to “look it up,” Darwin would say that the evidence is on its way in the form of his larger book.

Darwin commonly insisted that people who disagreed with his theory simply did not understand it. That is another method of debate avoidance that we commonly see on this forum..

Certainly, a number of false claims and falsehoods in the long screed above.

The underlying failure of religionists is their belief that biological evolution is somehow refuted by false claims about “Darwinism”. It’s a common tactic of religionism to claim Darwin presented no evidence. Another common tactic of religionists is to claim Darwin called his work an abstract.

The more excitable of the religionists will ignore the overwhelming evidence for biological “evilution”, in favor of talking snakes and a 6,000 year old planet.
Certainly, a number of false claims and falsehoods in the long screed above.

The underlying failure of religionists is their belief that biological evolution is somehow refuted by false claims about “Darwinism”. It’s a common tactic of religionism to claim Darwin presented no evidence. Another common tactic of religionists is to claim Darwin called his work an abstract.

The more excitable of the religionists will ignore the overwhelming evidence for biological “evilution”, in favor of talking snakes and a 6,000 year old planet.
Name three of the top proofs of Darwinism.
I’m two thirds of the way through reading it. I thank the OP for suggesting it. I’ll have some comments on it when I’m done.

Quick question: is descent of all life on Earth from a common ancestor really the consensus? What does that mean exactly?

No, not exactly. Evolution goes on all around us all the time. For example - something may have evolved into a yeast cell 400 million years ago, but that exact same evolution is taking place today. We just don't notice it as much, because there are so many other yeast cells out there.

Generally speaking, complex organisms evolve from simpler ones. So for example man, can trace his roots backwards through apes and lemurs - but there is no requirement that there be a "single" common ancestor. There is little scientific consensus on the missing link, and some disagreement that there even is one.

Evolution today, is kind of where psychology was in the 1920's. The gestalts are there but the biophysical details aren't. (Yet) But they're being discovered every day. Right now there is a massive effort underway (using AI) to catalog every available protein. Once we understand the topologies (shapes) in play we can deduce how one evolved into another. Evolution occurs at the biophysical level. Proteins, not species.

All plants and animals came from the same single event in which non-living matter transformed into living matter?


All organisms came from a single original cell?

Name three of the top proofs of Darwinism.
There is no "ism".

Darwin didn't know anything about biophysics. Because biophysics didn't exist yet, when he was around.

Darwin is like a Freud, discovering some of the structure of mind without knowing anything about neurotransmitters or receptors.

Or like a 5000 year old Jew who gets the order of evolution right, and passes it on by word of mouth for 700 years before anyone gets a chance to write a Bible.
Name three of the top proofs of Darwinism.

You should have learned some basic elements of biological evolution beginning in the 7th grade.

Any university you want to research will have similar courses of study.

Religionism will be deficient.
Show me a single instance of talking snakes.
No, not exactly. Evolution goes on all around us all the time. For example - something may have evolved into a yeast cell 400 million years ago, but that exact same evolution is taking place today. We just don't notice it as much, because there are so many other yeast cells out there.

What is the something that evolved into a yeast cell? Is it the same as what is evolving into a yeast cell today?

Is that an assumption, or has that been observed?
Generally speaking, complex organisms evolve from simpler ones. So for example man, can trace his roots backwards through apes and lemurs - but there is no requirement that there be a "single" common ancestor. There is little scientific consensus on the missing link, and some disagreement that there even is one.
So the process of life arrising out of non-life happened multiple times on Earth, and keeps happening? That seems a better assumption than the single common ancestor theory that we are told to accept. Now all we need is some evidence that such a thing happened, or ever could happen.
Evolution today, is kind of where psychology was in the 1920's. The gestalts are there but the biophysical details aren't. (Yet) But they're being discovered every day. Right now there is a massive effort underway (using AI) to catalog every available protein. Once we understand the topologies (shapes) in play we can deduce how one evolved into another. Evolution occurs at the biophysical level. Proteins, not species.
Psychology developed into an experimental science post-Freud. If Darwininian evolution is poised to do the same, I'd recommend they get on with it.
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You should have learned some basic elements of biological evolution beginning in the 7th grade.

Any university you want to research will have similar courses of study.

Religionism will be deficient.
Show me a single instance of talking snakes.
I appreciate your taking the time to post a link. But if I wanted to google the topic, I would have done so. This is a message board, so I'm here to engage in discussion. Can you tell me what three proofs of Darwinism are in that link? I know you wouldn't want me to waste my time if they are not there.

There is no "ism".

Darwin didn't know anything about biophysics. Because biophysics didn't exist yet, when he was around.

Darwin is like a Freud, discovering some of the structure of mind without knowing anything about neurotransmitters or receptors.

Or like a 5000 year old Jew who gets the order of evolution right, and passes it on by word of mouth for 700 years before anyone gets a chance to write a Bible.
"Darwinism" is shorthand for origin of species by means of natural selection. Is that idea not accepted today?
I appreciate your taking the time to post a link. But if I wanted to google the topic, I would have done so. This is a message board, so I'm here to engage in discussion. Can you tell me what three proofs of Darwinism are in that link? I know you wouldn't want me to waste my time if they are not there.

"Darwinism" is shorthand for origin of species by means of natural selection. Is that idea not accepted today?

As you're lacking a science vocabulary, I'm happy to help. Science doesn't deal in proofs. Proofs are a function of mathematics.

However, that does mean there are facts supporting the theory of evolution and that biological evolution is a fact, supported by tbe theory. It is a fact that the earth is more than 3.6 billion years old. Another fact is that cellular life has been around for at least half of that period. Multicellular life in organized and evolving form is at least 800 million years old. It is a fact that major life forms now on earth do not all extend into the distant past. BIrds and mammals did not exist 250 million years ago. There used to be dinosaurs and there are none now. It is a fact that all living forms have evolutionary connections to previous living forms and share common links to DNA structures. All present forms of life arose from ancestral forms.

It's an unfortunate situation with religionism and religionists such that they will refuse to accept modern biological sciences in favor of fear and superstition.

I note it's stereotypical that religionists are wholly unable to offer a single refutation to the facts of biological evolution so are left to offer juvenile references to "Darwinism".

As you falsely and dishonestly claim you're here for discussion, you might have chosen to offer something more than silly slogans you apparently stole from ID'iot creationer websites.
As you're lacking a science vocabulary, I'm happy to help. Science doesn't deal in proofs. Proofs are a function of mathematics.

However, that does mean there are facts supporting the theory of evolution and that biological evolution is a fact, supported by tbe theory. It is a fact that the earth is more than 3.6 billion years old. Another fact is that cellular life has been around for at least half of that period. Multicellular life in organized and evolving form is at least 800 million years old. It is a fact that major life forms now on earth do not all extend into the distant past. BIrds and mammals did not exist 250 million years ago. There used to be dinosaurs and there are none now. It is a fact that all living forms have evolutionary connections to previous living forms and share common links to DNA structures. All present forms of life arose from ancestral forms.

It's an unfortunate situation with religionism and religionists such that they will refuse to accept modern biological sciences in favor of fear and superstition.

I note it's stereotypical that religionists are wholly unable to offer a single refutation to the facts of biological evolution so are left to offer juvenile references to "Darwinism".

As you falsely and dishonestly claim you're here for discussion, you might have chosen to offer something more than silly slogans you apparently stole from ID'iot creationer websites.
None of that even tries to offer evidence of speciation caused by natural selection, which is what I asked about.

But it reads like a rant you’ve been wanting to get off your chest, so I hope it gave you some relief.
None of that even tries to offer evidence of speciation caused by natural selection, which is what I asked about.

But it reads like a rant you’ve been wanting to get off your chest, so I hope it gave you some relief.
You have been vomiting this same, boilerplate crap for the last 3 scrennames. All of it has been addressed and obliterated.

None of that even tries to offer evidence of speciation caused by natural selection, which is what I asked about.

But it reads like a rant you’ve been wanting to get off your chest, so I hope it gave you some relief.
There are many examples of speciation.

You appear angry and emotive when your questions are addressed.

Enter the term, "examples of speciation" in a browser.

Otherwise, as you're unable to offer any relevant examples of designer gods and creation by supernatural means, I'll assume you have nothing to present that refutes biological evolution.
There are many examples of speciation.

You appear angry and emotive when your questions are addressed.

Enter the term, "examples of speciation" in a browser.
You seem to be deliberately misunderstanding my question. There would be as many examples of speciation as there are examples of species. That is circular logic.

The question you “addressed” but did not answer asked for evidence that natural selection causes speciation.
Otherwise, as you're unable to offer any relevant examples of designer gods and creation by supernatural means, I'll assume you have nothing to present that refutes biological evolution.
Not surprising that you assume. Assumptions are the driver of Darwinian theory.

I never claimed to refute anything. I asked for any evidence that speciation by natural selection really happens.
You seem to be deliberately misunderstanding my question. There would be as many examples of speciation as there are examples of species. That is circular logic.

The question you “addressed” but did not answer asked for evidence that natural selection causes speciation.

Not surprising that you assume. Assumptions are the driver of Darwinian theory.

I never claimed to refute anything. I asked for any evidence that speciation by natural selection really happens.

You seem to be deliberately avoiding direct answers to your repetitive questions. Argumentative responses to matters you don't understand is pointless.

You were tasked with entering a specific term into a browser and you failed to do that. While you are something of a stereotypical science denier, pleading ignorance to well defined scientific theories and the facts supportive of those theories suggests wilful ignorance.
You seem to be deliberately misunderstanding my question. There would be as many examples of speciation as there are examples of species. That is circular logic.

The question you “addressed” but did not answer asked for evidence that natural selection causes speciation.

Not surprising that you assume. Assumptions are the driver of Darwinian theory.

I never claimed to refute anything. I asked for any evidence that speciation by natural selection really happens.

How about if we used the term "taxon" and defined it as "a reproductively isolated population" ...

The uplift of the Rocky Mountains split the Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) population in half 100 million years ago ... one side could never reach the other, such that any mutation that occurred on one side of the Rockies would be confined to that side, and never reaches the other ... today the western population is quite distinct and given "species" recognition ... Bullock's oriole (Icterus bullockii) ...

100 million years ... sir ... not 6,000 ...

No ... that's not Darwinism ... speciation had nothing to do with survival of the fittest or natural selection ... strictly geology ... ToE does not care ...
You seem to be deliberately avoiding direct answers to your repetitive questions. Argumentative responses to matters you don't understand is pointless.

You were tasked with entering a specific term into a browser and you failed to do that. While you are something of a stereotypical ed science denier, pleading ignorance to well defined scientific theories and the facts supportive of those theories suggests wilful ignorance.
This is how it always goes when a believer in the religion of Darwinism is asked for evidence to support their belief. A dismissive tasking to “look it up” followed by anger when asked to provide examples.

Suppose I asked a creationist for proof that rainbows are God’s promise never to flood the Earth again. If they responded by telling me to google “examples of rainbows” they would be using the same logic you are using on this thread.

Obviously you have no facts that are explained by Darwinian evolution exclusively, or you would be eager to present them.
How about if we used the term "taxon" and defined it as "a reproductively isolated population" ...

The uplift of the Rocky Mountains split the Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) population in half 100 million years ago ... one side could never reach the other, such that any mutation that occurred on one side of the Rockies would be confined to that side, and never reaches the other ... today the western population is quite distinct and given "species" recognition ... Bullock's oriole (Icterus bullockii) ...

100 million years ... sir ... not 6,000 ...

No ... that's not Darwinism ... speciation had nothing to do with survival of the fittest or natural selection ... strictly geology ... ToE does not care ...
Bullocks oriole are monogamous, at least for the mating and hatching season. They work together as a couple to build a nest and care for the young. In this, they could be said to be further evolved than many humans.
This is how it always goes when a believer in the religion of Darwinism is asked for evidence to support their belief. A dismissive tasking to “look it up” followed by anger when asked to provide examples.

Suppose I asked a creationist for proof that rainbows are God’s promise never to flood the Earth again. If they responded by telling me to google “examples of rainbows” they would be using the same logic you are using on this thread.

Obviously you have no facts that are explained by Darwinian evolution exclusively, or you would be eager to present them.

I can see you're getting quite angry as your attempt to sidestep and deflect has failed.

You refuse learn even the most basic concepts of biological evolution, yet, here you are, furiously arguing against what you don't understand

Your attempts at argument here are actually rather silly as you have been given relevant examples of speciation previously.

Your angry and emotive response here are simply an attempt to reinforce your ignorance about matters you refuse to investigate.

Obviously, the facts of evolution have been demonstrated. Those facts have been conveyed to you. You choose to fall to the floor while kicking and stomping your feet in denial.
Bullocks oriole are monogamous, at least for the mating and hatching season. They work together as a couple to build a nest and care for the young. In this, they could be said to be further evolved than many humans.

I agree ... humans are ill-formed rodents ... birds, you know, FLY ...

300,000,000 years of additional evolution ... humans just smell bad, and taste worse ... but we are proud aren't we hahahahahahahaha ...

But thank you for confirming proof of speciation ... Hollie has been right this whole time, glad you agree now ...

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