Darwinism displayed in Charlottesville-Where was Geraldo?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?
Because we have a President that has legitimized hate. And were we to have a gathering of the neo-nazis like that here, I would show up to state that they do not represent me, my city, or my nation. Assholes like those neo-nazis must be met with equal force, lest we see here what we saw in Germany prior to World War 2.
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Because we have a President that has legitimized hate. And were we to have a gathering of the neo-nazis like that here, I would show up to state that they do not represent me, my city, or my nation. Assholes like those neo-nazis must be met with equal force, lest we see here what we saw in Germany prior to World War 2.

This type of thing has been going on for much longer than the president has been in office. Running through the streets carrying sticks never results in a good outcome. Is that so hard to figure out? Right or left there is always a certified nut in the crowd waiting to pounce. Darwinism is cruel but effective.
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.
The left bemoans "white nationalism" but were firmly behind the BLM movement

They'd be wise to just hush

Leftist better get it clear in their heads that times they are a changin...
We'll no longer be browbeat because of our skin color and we will no longer tolerate the eradication of our heritage.
The left needs to STFU or things are going to go South in a hurry...as we've seen in Charlotte.
One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events?

They won't ask that question because it's an inane question to ask. Individuals' very presence at the events indicates why they are there: depending on whether they are protesters or counter-protesters, they preponderantly concur with or oppose the notions being expressed by protesters and they want to express their approbation or disapprobation to that effect.
The left bemoans "white nationalism" but were firmly behind the BLM movement

They'd be wise to just hush

Leftist better get it clear in their heads that times they are a changin...
We'll no longer be browbeat because of our skin color and we will no longer tolerate the eradication of our heritage.
The left needs to STFU or things are going to go South in a hurry...as we've seen in Charlotte.
Ah, you poor little pussies are so being victimized. No, we will not shut up, and we will prevent you assholes from changing our nation into the Fourth Reich. And we are quite willing to do whatever it takes to prevent that. A bunch of turds showed up their with guns. Didn't use them, but if we do not let them know that we will not stand for their nonsense, they will begin to use them. We saw that in the Civil Rights era.
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There were some KKK members in a small town in New Hampshire years a ago who advertised that they would hold a rally. About twenty of them showed up at the town square and did their thing. No one paid any attention. It was a non event that didn't even get covered by the local paper. I know because I was a reporter for the paper. My editor told me to cover a city council meeting and ignore the idiots. It got a big yawn from the community and the KKK disappeared. By the way, no one died.
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.

Hypocrite, you don't want to discuss BLM, then go out of your way to defend it.

Freaking moron
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.

Hypocrite, you don't want to discuss BLM, then go out of your way to defend it.

Freaking moron
Bitch, this is a discussion concerning people that would re-instate slavery if they could. They are against everything this nation stands for. They are the same people that bombed little girls at church, that lynched adolescents for a wolf whistle. Yes, many in the BLM are over the top, but they are not advocating Black Supremecy, most simply want not to be targeted by police.
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.

Hypocrite, you don't want to discuss BLM, then go out of your way to defend it.

Freaking moron
Bitch, this is a discussion concerning people that would re-instate slavery if they could. They are against everything this nation stands for. They are the same people that bombed little girls at church, that lynched adolescents for a wolf whistle. Yes, many in the BLM are over the top, but they are not advocating Black Supremecy, most simply want not to be targeted by police.

Watch your mouth you deluded old fool. Yiu want to bitch and moan about white nationalists but the poor racist BLM is entitled somehow

You're a transparent old loon
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.

Hypocrite, you don't want to discuss BLM, then go out of your way to defend it.

Freaking moron

You went out of your way to bring up BLM. I didn't have to respond to your deflection but I did. Now you're whining because I gave my opinion on BLM?
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.
You protest peacefully, not like animals.
Because we have a President that has legitimized hate. And were we to have a gathering of the neo-nazis like that here, I would show up to state that they do not represent me, my city, or my nation. Assholes like those neo-nazis must be met with equal force, lest we see here what we saw in Germany prior to World War 2.

These white supremacists are a few powerless knuckleheads. Anyone who shows up to protest their gatherings are as stupid as they are.
The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.

Hypocrite, you don't want to discuss BLM, then go out of your way to defend it.

Freaking moron

You went out of your way to bring up BLM. I didn't have to respond to your deflection but I did. Now you're whining because I gave my opinion on BLM?

I brought it up to show your hypocrisy...you swallowed it hook, line and sinker

The only thing missing in the Charlottesville incident was Geraldo Rivera. He really should have been there pontificating about crowd control and approaching protesters getting live shots and comments. Rivera is particularly good at pointing out morons who are in the crowd swinging sticks and looking for fifteen seconds of fame. One question that will never be asked by the media is why do idiots play into the hands of left/right extreme groups by even showing up at their planned events? If they just stayed home their absence would far more effective than a bunch of imbeciles running and jumping in the streets. There may be evidence here that some humans still have the brains of apes as they run right into harms way waving their arms while they grunt and yell. Now at least one is dead. What the hell for? This should be studied. Geraldo, where the hell were you?

Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.

Hypocrite, you don't want to discuss BLM, then go out of your way to defend it.

Freaking moron
Bitch, this is a discussion concerning people that would re-instate slavery if they could. They are against everything this nation stands for. They are the same people that bombed little girls at church, that lynched adolescents for a wolf whistle. Yes, many in the BLM are over the top, but they are not advocating Black Supremecy, most simply want not to be targeted by police.

These Nazi sympathizer will do anything to defelect the heat off of what's happening in Charlotteville. BLM seems to be the common defelection shield. Followed by Obama.
Staying home would legitimize these mofos. They would look victorious have their white supremacy marches while no one refuting them.

Counter protest let the Nazis know that people aren't going to stand for the hate in 2017.

You feel the same regarding BLM? They're full of hate and racist as the sky is blue

You know I would love to have a lengthy discussion about BLM but that's not the topic. You right wingers have a habit of deflecting when the heat is on you. You can't handle that things aren't looking good for the right wing right now so you bring BLM. Others have even brought up Obama again.

Try and counter what someone says without deflecting for once.

But to appease your deflection I will say this, I do not agree with everything BLM says and does. I agree with them on protesting unlawful shootings of minorities. I agree that cops need to be held accountable for the people they shoot and kill. But don't agree with some BLM protesters or chant stuff like " Shoot back" and other things that advocate violence against police.

BLM doesn't support black supremacy. BLM main issue is with black men and women getting shot and killed by cops.

Hypocrite, you don't want to discuss BLM, then go out of your way to defend it.

Freaking moron

You went out of your way to bring up BLM. I didn't have to respond to your deflection but I did. Now you're whining because I gave my opinion on BLM?

I brought it up to show your hypocrisy...you swallowed it hook, line and sinker


What hypocrisy? You act like I praised BLM and claimed they were the best thing since sliced. You totally ignored my points criticizing them.

Dismissed? What are you in high school?

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