Dastardly Donna Brazile just told RNC Chair Rowdy Ronna McDaniel to “go to hell” live on Fox News

She sure didn't take her own advice last year when she slipped Hillary the questions...

Dirty. Why would Fox employ her? Embarrassing.

"Ronna, Go to Hell!

– Donna Brazile LOSES IT – RIPS RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel… Then Blames Russia!


"This was an epic meltdown, on Super Tuesday morning, from a former Democrat leader whose party is going straight to the sewer.

Donna Brazile:
"First of all, I want to talk to my Republicans. Stay the hell out of our race! Stay the hell out of our race! I get sick and tired of Republicans telling me and my colleagues about our process…"

What Brazile is tired of is everyone reminding her that she ADMITTED to in 2016 helping Hillary cheat in debates, funneling donations intended for other Democrat candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, to rigging the 2016 DNC Primaries against Sanders and for Hillary, and of finally GIVING Hillary the 2016 DNC Nomination she could not win by herself.

She can't blame the GOP and Trump supporters for doing that all by themselves. Just prior to the SC Primaries, a black former Obama advisor declared on national TV:

'What Democrat voters need to remember is that the Democratic Party has a Party, and that Party decides who gets their nomination, not the voters. Voters get to vote, but the Democratic Party decides who is given the nomination."

As the Trump WH Counsel stated during the Senate Impeachment Trial, 'The Democrats are not just trying to steal1 election - the 2016 election, they are trying to steal 2 elections - the 2016 & 2020 election.'

"And for people to use Russian talking points to sew division among Americans. That is stupid. So, Ronna, go to hell!"


Bwuhahahahahaha....that's what the Democrats have done for the last 4 years....and they're still doing it.

"Ronna, Go to Hell!" - Donna Brazile LOSES IT - RIPS RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel... Then Blames Russia! (VIDEO)


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Bill Hemmer would have never stood for that kind of behavior from Donna on his show...I wish FOX would find two new hosts for the morning show...Ed Henry is a sissy and Smith can't read....
And FOX...why do you have a cheater of elections giving her opinion on anything?....she should have been prosecuted for election tampering...

"Ronna, Go to Hell!

– Donna Brazile LOSES IT – RIPS RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel… Then Blames Russia!


"This was an epic meltdown, on Super Tuesday morning, from a former Democrat leader whose party is going straight to the sewer.

Donna Brazile:
"First of all, I want to talk to my Republicans. Stay the hell out of our race! Stay the hell out of our race! I get sick and tired of Republicans telling me and my colleagues about our process…"

What Brazile is tired of is everyone reminding her that she ADMITTED to in 2016 helping Hillary cheat in debates, funneling donations intended to other Democrat candidates in other races to Hillary's campaign, to rigging the 2016 DNC Primaries against Sanders and for Hillary, and of finally GIVING Hillary the 2016 DNC Nomination she could not win by herself.

She can't blame the GOP and Trump supporters fro doing that all by themselves. Just prior to the SC Primaries, a black former Obama advisor declared on national TV:

'What Democrat voters need to remember is that the Democratic Party has a Party, and that Party decides who gets their nomination, not the voters. Voters get to vote, but the Democratic Party decides who is given the nomination."

As the Trump WH Counsel stated during the Senate Impeachment Trial, 'The Democrats are not just trying to steal1 election - the 2016 election, they are trying to steal 2 elections - the 2016 & 2020 election.'

"And for people to use Russian talking points to sew division among Americans. That is stupid. So, Ronna, go to hell!"


Bwuhahahahahaha....that's what the Democrats have done for the last 4 years....and they're still doing it.

"Ronna, Go to Hell!" - Donna Brazile LOSES IT - RIPS RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel... Then Blames Russia! (VIDEO)


That's not how you spell "sow."
They are all part of the Deep State.

She needed to be rewarded for doing what she was told. . . perhaps it was the only position available at the time.

She is a good and loyal Deep State soldier.

She managed two losing campaigns that were predetermined to fail, and she did it like a champ. And she was a DNC chairperson and worked for CNN. Then she became one of the most hated whistle blowers. She will, of course, be handsomely rewarded by the Deep State.

She is the equivalent of a spy, and nothing she says can be taken at face value, NOTHING.

IT is all propaganda.

. . this should be an abject lesson for any fool that watches FOX noise and decides to take anything over there seriously.
What Brazile did in 2016 - admitting the DNC cheated for Hillary, screwed Bernie, and GAVE the nomination to Hillary - is like shooting yourself right between the eyes with a 12-gauge.....there's no coming back from that.

Her getting pissed at people for reminding her is reflective of her own struggle with 'hindsight regret' for moronically admitting it.
The very fact that they have super delegates is proof that the DNC rigs their primaries. Donna is full of shit when she claims her party's process is based on democracy. She's a farce.
It is also laughable that the Democrats railed - and still rail - against the Electoral College created by the Founding Fathers to ensure every state has an equal voice in the choice of our leaders...

....while they have created a process that completely negates / silences the will of the people and allows them to impose their choice.

If you went to an expensive steak house and ordered their best Filet Mignon...and the waiter comes back, plops down a plate with hamburger steak on it...and when you pointed out this is not what you ordered.....you were told it does not matter what you ordered, that this is what you are going to get....


Snowflakes ordered the 'Sanders' in 2016, were served the 'Hillary', and were told to STFU - 'Just take he 'Hillary' and like it.'

Its 2020, and Bernie and his supporters are back, sitting at the table again, and the staff is by the kitchen door laughing and pointing at them...
Nothing. Fox video player sucks ass in my browser.

Apparently Firefox thinks it puts spyware onto machines or something. Fox video player never plays, I can't watch it. So either tell us what happened, or find YouTube version. :dev3:
Let me help ya


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