RNC: God Qualified Lara Trump To Be Their Co-Chair

McDaniel refused to give Trump RNC donation to pay his legal bills and fines. Since Trump no longer has access to the national treasury, he'll be taking all of the RNC's money from here on in.

Trump has already bankrupted the Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevade Republican parties fighting his "stolen election" law suits. McDaniels refused to give him RNC funds to pay his lawyers because the party will have nothing left to fund candidates at any level.

Donations to the RNC are WAY down this year already, as are donations to Trump's campaign and his PAC. The billionaire donors want nothing to do with another Trump presidency, and the small money donors have been bled white by Trump's incessant fund raising.

Both the Biden campaign and the DNC have completely surpassed 2020's fundraising to this point.
So, you condone the U.S. Government using the legal system to go after a private citizen. The Government (Joe Biden and the Democrats) can't stop Trump so they are using far left legal entities and people (James, Willis, Jack Smith) who are funded by far left extremists such as George Soros whose funding helped Leticia James win office when she declared she'd get Trump. Same with Willis who said Trump was guilty based on lawfare. Biden and the DNC are the ones draining Trump with all these fake indictments causing him to spend money defending himself from this self serving administration. You should be ashamed of these people but apparently self-reflection went out with your raging TSD affliction.
He sure is not answering that question. Who did Trump have arrested besides illegals? Those are not political prisoners.
Creepy's MO is to start with an outrageous lie knowing he'll/she'll be called on that lie, then just deny it with an 'LOL' That's 'sliming a thread'
“Beth Bloch from the West Virginia Republican Party took the podium and claimed that God qualified Lara Trump to be co-chair of the RNC.”

The GOP is clearly a Christo-fascist cult.
To know the shills and sell outs in politics, see the Republican Federal Congress House Representatives retiring or leaving office before the November election. They are despicable. leaving a minimum of Congressional majority. This is what the voters have constantly been fighting for and being reamed from their own for many years. Shill installed to promote the Prog agendas and activated when needed.
He sure is not answering that question. Who did Trump have arrested besides illegals? Those are not political prisoners.
It's just their knee jerk reaction to accuse Trump of what their people are guilty of. "Biden's a senile old man? No, Trump's a senile old man!"

They have zero expectation that anyone will believe it. They are just trying to do what in chess is called "gain a tempo."
What political prisoners did Trump arrest?

Cohen was put into solitary confinement

Cohen was put into solitary confinement
From your link:

One of the sources said Cohen was placed in solitary after another inmate complained about his internet use.
“It is my understanding that a verbal dispute over phone use prompted a temporary placement to SHU pending an investigation. I do not however know who prompted the altercation, or if the action taken was factually/ regulatory appropriate," Cohen’s lawyer, Roger Adler, said in an email to Reuters.

Internet and phone use?

Yeah, sounds like he was doing some hard time.

Cohen is a crook and there is no reason to believe he stopped being a crook while in prison. He tried to rip off another con and got punished for it.
Democrats didn't think it was wrong for JFK to hire his own brother as Attorney General but they get in a snit about GOP internal campaign politics. Watch out when lefties invoke "God" in a political discussion.
This one simple move has the TDS levels skyrocketing. It’s really not that big of a deal.
To be replaced by Kimberly Guilfoyle?

Guilfoyle was once married to Governor Gavin Newsom.

Newsom is a Democrat.

Guilfoyle and Newsom must have has a contentious divorce because Guilfoyle talks a lot shit about California.

Guilfoyle worked on FOX News. She was fired because of a sexual harassment complaint against her.

Guilfoyle is engaged to a non-powerful man, Don Trump Jr.

Future father-in-law, Donald J Trump, finds Guilfoyle “annoying.”
Democrats didn't think it was wrong for JFK to hire his own brother as Attorney General but they get in a snit about GOP internal campaign politics. Watch out when lefties invoke "God" in a political discussion.

JFK's brother was qualified

Trump said he was going to turn the GOP into the MAGA Worker's Party.

Trump and his prophets talk about God incessantly. See Paula White and Kat Kerr.

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