Data On White Supremacist Terrorism trump Tried to Hide


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress
Looks like they were all thwarted or deterred
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress

26 of your Terrorist act were threats by Individuals , and others were for stock piling weapons, appears that all were arrested some are deceased. And it appears by your own data the Govt is doing a great job at deterring white supremacist activity within our borders. That's why Nobody wants to read you AOL report LMWSAO.
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress

How many of those "white supremacists" are leftists like you?
The replies are what I expected.

Blame everyone else. Call me names and lie.

Keep it up. Ignoring the truth will not make it go away.

In fact it will come back to bite you in the butt next election.

Keep ignoring facts, don't try to change your behavior, you will lose the next election. Just like you lost in 2018.
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress

How many of those "white supremacists" are leftists like you?
You just wont accept that White Supremacists are a SOCIALIST bunch. Deny it or not, it's a fact
The replies are what I expected.

Blame everyone else. Call me names and lie.

Keep it up. Ignoring the truth will not make it go away.

In fact it will come back to bite you in the butt next election.

Keep ignoring facts, don't try to change your behavior, you will lose the next election. Just like you lost in 2018.

Who are the YOU"S referred too? That's right everyone who has a different opinion. Or relevant thought! Thank you now:anj_stfu: and GFY.
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress

There is a skinhead under your bed. He gonna gitcha when you turn out the lights!
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress
Looks like they were all thwarted or deterred
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress

26 of your Terrorist act were threats by Individuals , and others were for stock piling weapons, appears that all were arrested some are deceased. And it appears by your own data the Govt is doing a great job at deterring white supremacist activity within our borders. That's why Nobody wants to read you AOL report LMWSAO.

Did you ever read any posts from 8chan when they were still online? Many groups but most are lone wolfs cheered on by others.
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress
I’m a white nationalist I’m not hiding.. I’m
Openly against globalization and I’m white
The report came out in April but trump was unwilling or unable to provide this information to congress.

Interesting, trump has reduced the number of categories of terrorism.

Meanwhile FBI director Wray was right, most of the domestic terrorism is done by white supremacists.

The report is disturbing and the article is even more disturbing by the fact that trump has been trying to hide the scope of the white supremacist violence.

Here's data on white supremacist terrorism WH has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress

You are a moron.....

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.
In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists.

Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York.

In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.
The only white supremacists I know about are the KKK, which were created by Dems, and skinhead neo natzi's. Neither are a big group and don't have a lot of followers.

The WS crap is just bullshit. Only idiots believe there are millions of them out there. What a load of horse shit.
The only white supremacists I know about are the KKK, which were created by Dems, and skinhead neo natzi's. Neither are a big group and don't have a lot of followers.

The WS crap is just bullshit. Only idiots believe there are millions of them out there. What a load of horse shit.

The Russian boogeyman didn't work so now they have a new boogeyman

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