Data Set Tampering, Exposed Fraud Just in Time for Paris.

Put a constant rpm turbo-diesel in the present Prius, with a Li battery, and you have a car easily exceeding 50 mpg. Samsung has created an Li battery with nearly twice the capacity of the present Li batteries. Present EV's easily exceed, the equivalent of 50 mpg, and that battery will give a range that will make them much more desireable. No repeal of the laws of physics, just taking advantage of new technology.

Yes, if we all want to drive tiny, light weight electric vehicles, we can get there. LOL!
The Prius is not tiny, nor that lightweight. The Tesla is a heavyweight that goes like a lightweight, handles like a sports car, and is a luxury car. Many of the other EV's and hybrids are not lightweights at all. And you damned well know all this, so why the lies?
Well, gosh, I wonder why the average fleet mileage isn't over 50 MPG already, 'cause it's so easy.
I mean if you force people to buy cars they don't want.
Are we really gonna drive the US automakers out of business so soon after they recovered?
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Paris is a go fuck yourself America... I'll be damned if im going to let some commie bastards take over the US. Your the one NOT winning..

Its rather telling that you approve of deception to get your agenda and control pushed upon the American people. The ends justify your means.. and anything including lying out your ass is ok by you to kill america.
LOL. Billy Bob, Billy Bob, not a lucid arguement at all. Commie bastards taking over the US! You silly little bastards are so ludicrous. We can sign onto that agreement without batting an eye. Because is now makes economic sense to get rid of the fossil fuel generation in favor of renewables.

Speaking about lack of lucid thought, Old Fraud doesn't disappoint. Went right to adhom and blew right past the data and graphs showing the rise that has been placed on all data sets.

Nothing more than a commie bastard...
HadCRUT4 is a gridded dataset of global historical surface temperature anomalies relative to a 1961-1990 reference period.

GISS: The current analysis is now based on the adjusted GHCN v3 data for the data over land. The ocean data are now based on NOAA ERSST for the sake of simplicity, replacing a prior concatenation of Hadley Center's HadSST1 and the satellite-based NOAA (Reynolds) OISST.

NCDC: Land surface temperatures are available from the Global Historical Climate Network-Monthly(GHCN-M). Sea surface temperatures are determined using the extended reconstructed sea surface temperature (ERSST) analysis. ERSST uses the most recently available International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) and statistical methods that allow stable reconstruction using sparse data. The monthly analysis begins January 1854, but due to very sparse data, no global averages are computed before 1880. With more observations after 1880, the signal is stronger and more consistent over time.

RSS: RSS has a number of different products, all of which are measurements of the upper atmosphere taken by satellites and radiosondes making amy of several different types of measurements. None of their products contain surface land or ocean temperature data. See Upper Air Temperature Remote Sensing Systems

UAH: As part of an ongoing joint project between UAHuntsville, NOAA and NASA, Christy and Dr. Roy Spencer, an ESSC principal scientist, use data gathered by advanced microwave sounding units on NOAA and NASA satellites to get accurate temperature readings for almost all regions of the Earth. This includes remote desert, ocean and rain forest areas where reliable climate data are not otherwise available. The satellite-based instruments measure the temperature of the atmosphere from the surface up to an altitude of about eight kilometers above sea level.
Where did you ever get the idea that these datasets should behave identically?

SO why did your side adjust them all to be the same? hmmmmm RSS and UAH are far superior products and not easily manipulated by fear-mongering fools. They clearly show just how much adjustment has been done without justifications.

SO tell me Crick, why during the base periods were there no adjustments but the last 15 years they adjusted them up like crazy? Justify those.. "pause busting" adjustments of +1.21 deg C.
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It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Paris is a go fuck yourself America... I'll be damned if im going to let some commie bastards take over the US. Your the one NOT winning..

Its rather telling that you approve of deception to get your agenda and control pushed upon the American people. The ends justify your means.. and anything including lying out your ass is ok by you to kill america.
LOL. Billy Bob, Billy Bob, not a lucid arguement at all. Commie bastards taking over the US! You silly little bastards are so ludicrous. We can sign onto that agreement without batting an eye. Because is now makes economic sense to get rid of the fossil fuel generation in favor of renewables.
That sounds very good. How many lost jobs are we talking about? Lemme see… coal miners, transportation people, power plant people and of course lost business for service people and merchants.. sounds real good. When you have your fucking plan to offset the unemployment then come back. I thought you were for the poor and working class. Apparently that's just a fucking hogwash to push your fucking communist agenda. You don't care about the working class.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Who is going to approve an agreement?

The Senate is not going to allow the Iran deal to go through and it wont let this one either.. If either of these make it through we need to recall all of them that voted for this shit.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Who is going to approve an agreement?

The Senate is not going to allow the Iran deal to go through and it wont let this one either.. If either of these make it through we need to recall all of them that voted for this shit.

Deals not ratified by Congressional vote don't need a new vote to repeal.
Both could be eliminated by a stroke of the pen.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Who is going to approve an agreement?

The Senate is not going to allow the Iran deal to go through and it wont let this one either.. If either of these make it through we need to recall all of them that voted for this shit.

Unfortunately, the "Senate' you envision has ceased to exist.

The Left found it to be an encumbrance.

That was part of what America used to be.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Who is going to approve an agreement?

The Senate is not going to allow the Iran deal to go through and it wont let this one either.. If either of these make it through we need to recall all of them that voted for this shit.

Unfortunately, the "Senate' you envision has ceased to exist.

The Left found it to be an encumbrance.

That was part of what America used to be.

The checks and balances of powers has been bastardized by the current regime more severely than all previous ones. I fear that only blood shed will restore the Constitution now. The left has destroyed the knowledge of what it means to be a free people with what they have done to our schools and we as parents haven't done our job being a check on those fools.
It wouldn't matter one or another as the agreement will be approved! Who's not winning?

Paris is a go fuck yourself America... I'll be damned if im going to let some commie bastards take over the US. Your the one NOT winning..

Its rather telling that you approve of deception to get your agenda and control pushed upon the American people. The ends justify your means.. and anything including lying out your ass is ok by you to kill america.
LOL. Billy Bob, Billy Bob, not a lucid arguement at all. Commie bastards taking over the US! You silly little bastards are so ludicrous. We can sign onto that agreement without batting an eye. Because is now makes economic sense to get rid of the fossil fuel generation in favor of renewables.
That sounds very good. How many lost jobs are we talking about? Lemme see… coal miners, transportation people, power plant people and of course lost business for service people and merchants.. sounds real good. When you have your fucking plan to offset the unemployment then come back. I thought you were for the poor and working class. Apparently that's just a fucking hogwash to push your fucking communist agenda. You don't care about the working class.
dude, watch the show 'last ship'. about a virus infection world wide. 'Last ship' doctor develops a cure and sends it out. The last ship finds a group immune to the virus who then bomb all of the labs in the world where the cure viles and recipe went because they want all those who would be infected to die off to allow for a master race.

See I now play that theory into all of what I watched with this forum and it is what they are after a master race. Truly Hitler like thinking going on. There plan would be to kill off bottom feeders and how far the threshold goes is open I bet.

Yep lose jobs, lose light, lose energy lose access, eventually die. Yep the plan.

Edit: I forgot to add, the immune group was making more viles of the virus to speed up the infection and elimination of the inferior race.
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See I now play that theory into all of what I watched with this forum and it is what they are after a master race. Truly Hitler like thinking going on. There plan would be to kill off bottom feeders and how far the threshold goes is open I bet.

So you think of yourself as a bottom feeder?

How exactly have you gone from added taxes, fuel cell cars and higher electric bills to "kill off the bottom feeders"?
Data Set Tampering, Exposed Fraud Just in Time for Paris.

You just cant make this stuff up. The terrestrial data sets are so screwed up that they are no longer fit for any scientific purpose. Monckton has really put this in vivid perspective.

View attachment 46445

The amount of data manipulation is so big that no one in science will now use any of the big three data sets in real work.

From 1979 to the present, the difference between the means of the terrestrial and satellite datasets is 0.40 K century–1; from 1990 to the present, the difference is 0.56 K century–1; from 1997 to the present, the difference has risen to a hefty 1.06 K century–1. It is pardonable to deduce from this that the chief purpose of the terrestrial tampering has been to wipe out the embarrassing Pause.

The graphs are below. Frankly, even after the tampering, the warming rate is nothing like what it should have been if any of the IPCC’s predictions had been true. My guess is that once they’ve got their world government in Paris they’ll stop tampering leave the temperature records alone.

Its no wonder they dont want any one to see the satellite data, it clearly exposes their fraud. Its a sad day in science to have government agenda destroy it.


I think this may be a misunderstanding of how their individual anomalies are created. There's never been a HUGE disagreement between Satellite and the cooked land data. Just enough to make spurious statistical headlines..

The Sat data uses an normalization from the Sat era -- roughly 1979 to present. The others USED to use a 30 year average but most switched to "20th century averages" around 2000 because it's a larger scarier number.

So the ANOMALIES never agreed much. But the TEMPERATURES do.. Depends on what you SUBTRACT from a current data point to MAKE the anomaly... Graph them all together and you get..


Or something essentially similar.. If there are departures of more than 0.2degC --- somebody's mangling something and I don't think it's Monckton..

Largest diffs are probably in high Sea Temp yrs. With the Satellites getting it right because of broader and uniform coverage. Same with Arctic oscillations..

Saw an analysis of Sat vs GISS for the GOLDEN USHCN readings. Subtract those USCN readings from each of RSS, UAH, (2 sat processing centers) And GISS (boilerroom where NASA cooks the land/sea readings) and you find that GISS OBVIOUSLY is biased high,
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