Daughter of lesbian mothers speaks out against gay marriage

^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.

Yeah..her father abandoned her....but it's all the fault of gay marriage..........................
Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

Its seems that you, like many others, have a difficult time distinguishing between a "need" and a "want".
If a dad or a mom both were not needed, they both would not exist. The Lord wouldn't have had a man and woman's being together be the only way that a child can be created.

God bless you always!!!


^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.
I believe all of her needs were met to the best of her mother's ability. She likely couldn't make he ex husband stay. A step mom or dad will never be your dad.

Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

I disagree, I think it's her father's fault for leaving them. Is he dead, is he in a different part of the world? Does she even know? None of that is her mother's fault.

I'd say she did put the needs of her child first, any needs she could provide that is. She couldn't make her dad come back. A step father wouldn't be he father. And should the mother just pick some guy that she can't love? Is it good for children to be raised in families with loveless parents?

I would say she did the best she could. All kids are going to feel ripped off if they think about what they didn't have. My mom and dad aren't perfect but they did the best they could, they love me very much I feel blessed.

She could feel blessed and still have a longing for a relationship her father never have her. But I wouldn't blame her mother, her mother stood by her and did the hard thing. I know people (it makes me very sad this exists) that would give anything to have somebody care about them as much as her mother and step mom did.

Considering the alternatives, if say she is lucky. Very lucky.

I wish her the best with her children and husband.
I already know of one person who would objective to this because their step dad was the only dad that they ever knew.

God bless you two and them always!!!

P.S. That girl's needs were not put first because if they had been, she wouldn't have such things to say about her life now. Because of her mother's selfish choice, the girl had to go out and find a dad herself, something that no child should ever have to do, same thing with children having to find themselves a mom themselves.
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^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.

Yeah..her father abandoned her....but it's all the fault of gay marriage..........................
Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

Its seems that you, like many others, have a difficult time distinguishing between a "need" and a "want".
If a dad or a mom both were not needed, they both would not exist. The Lord wouldn't have had a man and woman's being together be the only way that a child can be created.

God bless you always!!!


Needed for creation, obviously. Needed for survival? No. There are countless homeless children around the world who have proven that neither Mother nor Father are needed for survival. Mother and Father are not even needed to experience happiness. Children with one parent, or two parents of the same gender should learn to be thankful when they have someone there who loves them and cares for their safety.

And ignorant, hopelessly indoctrinated Mundanes like you should learn to quit telling others how live their Lives in regards to raising their children.

^^^ I don't believe that what you say here is a one way street. People like you need to learn that you have no right to put your hand over another person's mouth. Therefore if you do not like what a person like me has to say, then maybe the internet is not the place for you.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ I don't believe that what you say here is a one way street. People like you need to learn that you have no right to put your hand over another person's mouth. Therefore if you do not like what a person like me has to say, then maybe the internet is not the place for you.

God bless you always!!!


Puttin' my hand over your mouth? No no no... I'm straight up bitch slappin' you like the fuckin' weak ass c*nt you are. Don't like gettin' shown up? Go fuck a ____ while screamin' "James Otto! James Otto!"

God bless bitch

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^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.
I believe all of her needs were met to the best of her mother's ability. She likely couldn't make he ex husband stay. A step mom or dad will never be your dad.

Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

I disagree, I think it's her father's fault for leaving them. Is he dead, is he in a different part of the world? Does she even know? None of that is her mother's fault.

I'd say she did put the needs of her child first, any needs she could provide that is. She couldn't make her dad come back. A step father wouldn't be he father. And should the mother just pick some guy that she can't love? Is it good for children to be raised in families with loveless parents?

I would say she did the best she could. All kids are going to feel ripped off if they think about what they didn't have. My mom and dad aren't perfect but they did the best they could, they love me very much I feel blessed.

She could feel blessed and still have a longing for a relationship her father never have her. But I wouldn't blame her mother, her mother stood by her and did the hard thing. I know people (it makes me very sad this exists) that would give anything to have somebody care about them as much as her mother and step mom did.

Considering the alternatives, if say she is lucky. Very lucky.

I wish her the best with her children and husband.

I think it's her father's fault for leaving them

it takes two to tango

it is both parents fault in the split

however it is the fathers fault for not staying in touch with the daughter

after all he was the adult and she the child
I know children of divorced parents that still have a good relationship with both of them.

For whatever reason it didn't work between them. We don't know why, she didn't give us that information. All I know is the words she used. "My father abandoned us." That's terrible, it's heart breaking. I've known children that have experienced that. It breaks my heart to hear about it.

But she clearly blamed her father.
^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.

Yeah..her father abandoned her....but it's all the fault of gay marriage..........................
Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

Its seems that you, like many others, have a difficult time distinguishing between a "need" and a "want".
If a dad or a mom both were not needed, they both would not exist. The Lord wouldn't have had a man and woman's being together be the only way that a child can be created.

God bless you always!!!


^^^ So you think that its good that she now feels ripped off for not having a dad when she was younger? To me, that only makes you a word that I can not say! If a person can not put first the needs of their children, they are not a parent. They do not even deserve to have the kids period.
I believe all of her needs were met to the best of her mother's ability. She likely couldn't make he ex husband stay. A step mom or dad will never be your dad.

Yes its her mom's fault for having no desire to find her daughter a new dad. Obviously what you and her mother do not get is that when you become a parent, what the child needs is what should come first.

God bless you two always!!!

I disagree, I think it's her father's fault for leaving them. Is he dead, is he in a different part of the world? Does she even know? None of that is her mother's fault.

I'd say she did put the needs of her child first, any needs she could provide that is. She couldn't make her dad come back. A step father wouldn't be he father. And should the mother just pick some guy that she can't love? Is it good for children to be raised in families with loveless parents?

I would say she did the best she could. All kids are going to feel ripped off if they think about what they didn't have. My mom and dad aren't perfect but they did the best they could, they love me very much I feel blessed.

She could feel blessed and still have a longing for a relationship her father never have her. But I wouldn't blame her mother, her mother stood by her and did the hard thing. I know people (it makes me very sad this exists) that would give anything to have somebody care about them as much as her mother and step mom did.

Considering the alternatives, if say she is lucky. Very lucky.

I wish her the best with her children and husband.
I already know of one person who would objective to this because their step dad was the only dad that they ever knew.

God bless you two and them always!!!

P.S. That girl's needs were not put first because if they had been, she wouldn't have such things to say about her life now. Because of her mother's selfish choice, the girl had to go out and find a dad herself, something that no child should ever have to do, same thing with children having to find themselves a mom themselves.
I know people who would object to your opinions because their gay parents were the only parents they had.

Her father made the selfish choice.Her needs were put first and every one of them met. Solely by her mother.

I agree no child should have to seek out their father. But I can't blame the mother because the father vanished. It's his fault. She is blaming the wrong person, when she should be thanking her lucky stars that her mother cared enough.

Some people who are jaded with the world only see what they don't have. It's really sad because they spend so much time feeling cheated that they don't appreciate the things that they do have.
^^^ That man was selfish for leaving most definitely yes, but the woman was also selfish too by not finding another man to take his place.

^^^ I don't believe that what you say here is a one way street. People like you need to learn that you have no right to put your hand over another person's mouth. Therefore if you do not like what a person like me has to say, then maybe the internet is not the place for you.

God bless you always!!!


Puttin' my hand over your mouth? No no no... I'm straight up bitch slappin' you like the fuckin' weak ass c*nt you are. Don't like gettin' shown up? Go fuck a ____ while screamin' "James Otto! James Otto!"

God bless bitch​
If you were really doing such a thing to me, there wouldn't be another word out of me here, but as you can see, I keep on coming back and if you don't like my presence in this chat or even at this entire forum as a whole, that is your problem and no one else's.

God bless you two always!!!

^^^ That man was selfish for leaving most definitely yes, but the woman was also selfish too by not finding another man to take his place.
She found somebody to take his place. I tend to agree with her mother. It doesn't matter her sex.

I don't agree that a child needs both sexes for parents. Some people thank God for his blessings, others feel cheated because he didn't give them exactly what every body else has. Thus woman is the latter.

^^^ We are just going to have to agree to disagree here. To me, one of each is needed when you think that one of each isn't needed.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. What I hate about homosexuality is people who live the life style making it look like God wasted his time creating the gender that is not present in each homosexual couple whether that is their intention or not when the Lord created both genders for a reason.
^^^ We are just going to have to agree to disagree here. To me, one of each is needed when you think that one of each isn't needed.

God bless you always!!!


Wanted? Perhaps. Needed? Absolutely not.

I speak from fact whereas you speak from biased opinion.

^^^ No I speak from what the Lord's word says about homosexuality which over rides anything that you try to come up with.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ We are just going to have to agree to disagree here. To me, one of each is needed when you think that one of each isn't needed.
I can respect that.

P.S. What I hate about homosexuality is people who live the life style making it look like God wasted his time creating the gender that is not present in each homosexual couple whether that is their intention or not when the Lord created both genders for a reason.
I find it sad that you hate based on your assumptions.

Are you completely closed off to listening and perhaps understanding the people you claim to hate?
^^^ I said that I hate homosexuality. That doesn't mean that I hate those who live it. I don't hate anyone.

God bless you always!!!

You still hate based on an incorrect assumption. Are you interested in enlightenment or do you prefer to cling to ignorance?
^^^ Wow. If you consider a person going with what is in the Lord's word as a form of ignorance, don't blame me if you end up burning for having such a frame of mind.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I tried to be nice, but sadly some things can not be candy coated.
^^^ Wow. If you consider a person going with what is in the Lord's word as a form of ignorance, don't blame me if you end up burning for having such a frame of mind.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I tried to be nice, but sadly some things can not be candy coated.
I believe differently when it comes to what the Lord says, up until this point when have been able to manage civil discussion.

Let's take a step back.

I didn't say what the Lord says was ignorant I said your assumption was.

I only ask if you are willing to listen or if you are committed to your assumption because I dint like wasting time trying to talk to people who choose not to listen.

What you said about homosexuality is definitely wrong. But if you are unwilling to accept that than we can agree to disagree respectfully and part ways. But should you dare to listen to somebody that knows the other side I'd speak with you.
^^^ I go with what the Lord's word says about homosexuality, so if you think that I am wrong about it, you are thinking that the Lord is wrong about it too.

^^^ No I speak from what the Lord's word says about homosexuality which over rides anything that you try to come up with.

God bless you always!!!

Which would be............................?
Its an abomination and is not to be done.

God bless you two always!!!

^^^ I go with what the Lord's word says about homosexuality, so if you think that I am wrong about it, you are thinking that the Lord is wrong about it too.
I don't recall the Lord saying that "God wasted his time creating the gender that is not present in each homosexual couple whether that is their intention or not when the Lord created both genders for a reason."

Those were your words unless you can give me chapter and verse that contain those exact words.
A dad who is little-involved in the life of his child? Sounds traditional to me...

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