Davenport, Iowa Building Collapsed


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX

– live: Rescue crews search Davenport apartment wreckage as number of missing unknown​

Saw this also on Fox News a few minutes ago.
On TV, a lady who escaped was crying because her doggie is missing. She said the dog was her world. Not everybody got out. Please pray for the people in Davenport. They're in a lot of hurt. Information is scanty so far, at least it is here.


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Crazy. I saw some maing jokes of shiddy engineering when a building in China collapsed. Humans are sick. Hopefully casualties are at a minimal.
Did you notice the section that collapsed is directly below the rooftop heating/central air unit?

Like I said, could be caused by water leaking in through the roof. The building likely has one of those old, level, flat rooftops and there could have been an undetected flaw in their adding AC or something to the building. Wet wood weakens and attracts insects.
100 bucks once a year to make sure you most expensive purchase is not being eaten up from the inside out.

Morons if they do not

At this point I’m going to need to se your yearly receipt for services rendered since you purchased your home.

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