Zone1 David Archuleta Believes That Being Gay Is The Way God Made Him

This God character of yours allegedly sent His only son to earth to be brutally tortured and killed as some kind of punishment for the sinners of the day when He could have just snapped His fingers and eliminated all of them in one fell swoop.

What kind of sense does that make?
Why "snap" His fingers when God is omnipotent........and resurrected the Christ after 3 days? Thus........there never was a literal human sacrifice, its the symbolism between father Abraham's sacrifice and God's sacrifice that is important. God had a plan all along. What you call a human sacrifice.......God calls murder. What would you call charging an innocent man of a crime he never committed then killing him because of that lie? What would you call a lynch mob?

Some fail to comprehend the actual nature of that was a reflected image of father Abraham's faith in offering to sacrifice his son....but God stayed his hand once the faith was demonstrated. Why? God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son........

God appears to Abraham for the purpose of testing his faith. The Lord God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on a mountain that God would later show to Abraham. Of course Abraham was more than confused by this request as Isaac was the child whom God said many descendants would come. These descendants of Abraham and Isaac would inherit the land of Canaan. How would God fulfill these promises if Abraham actually sacrificed Isaac? God declared that He hates (abhors) human sacrifices (Lev. 18:21, 20:1-5). God does not change. Therefore we must assume that Abraham knew this and was fully aware of God's position on human sacrifice. What Abarham did not realize was this was a "symbolic" request from God. The scriptures are filled with symbolism and parables. God was sitting the stage for future events. God described Abraham's love for Isaac and how that love parallels God's own love for His Son Jesus. (John 17:24) this passage describes God's love for His Son as existing before the foundation of the world.

Instead of questioning God's authority.....Abraham proceeds to do as God orders. Abraham assumed that if he went through with the sacrifice.......God being Omnipotent would rise Isaac from the dead because of God previous promises that would be fulfilled through Isaac (Heb. 11:17-19) Abraham never doubted that God would keep His promises.....his faith did not wave.

The moutain that God said the sacrifice was to take place was over 50 miles from Abraham's home.......this gave Abraham at least 3 days to change his mind...but Abraham continued to the mountain called Moriah.......the future location were Solomon built the temple....the word Moraih is mentioned only one other place in the O.T. (2 Cron. 3:1) as the place where God appeared to David and later the building site of Solomon's temple.

How strong was Abraham's faith in God? He told his servants not to worry...both he and Isaac would return from the mountain......Isaac carried the wood for his own burnt offering up the hill.........notice the parallels.........Jesus carried His own cross up the exact same hill. Still Abarham is sure God will provide another burnt offering in place of Isaac.........and God did, He provided a Ram in place of Isaac. Before Abraham who is ready to give the killing blow to Issac......God stays his hand. God then praises Abraham's devotion and faith which mirrors God's own devotion to the people He had created (John 3:16, 1 John 4:9-11). After God stayed Abraham's hand and provided a Ram for sacrifice.......Abraham named the place, "God will provide........."

Eventually........God would provide the true lamb for the ultimate sacrifice that would be capable of saving the world of men that God had created.

God had a plan before time began or the worlds were created for man's salvation (1 Peter 1:20, 2 Tim. 1:9) allowing His only Begotten Son to become Sin in order to take upon Himself the sins of the world. (2 Cor. 5:21)........Jesus never sinned, as the perfect lamb of God..........spotless, without blemish, Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the world, through His sacrificial blood.......which (the sacrifice) was also symbolic in nature. The Body of Jesus never knew corruption (Acts 13:37) like all others who died before Him.......Jesus ascendended into heaven while still in the flesh..........Unlike Abraham's son........God allowed Jesus to physically die ..but brought Him back to life after 3 days.....thus there never was a literal human sacrifice, God provides a way. Jesus was seen alive IN THE FLESH with a physical body after His crucifixtion and resurrection (Luke 24:39).
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If Jesus didn't say it, it doesn't matter.

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Where did Jesus say he was here to deliver everyone from punishment?
Unlearned and ignorant concerning the actual content of the Holy Scriptures? Everything that the Apostles spoke were directed by Jesus after His death, burrial and ressurection, those words of Jesus were directed by the Holy Spirit of Truth as Jesus ordered Him to speak.

Jesus promised the Apostles a "helper" after His death.

"When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you (the Apostles to whom Jesus was addressing) into ALL TRUTH. For He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears, He will speak. And He will declare to you things that are to come." -- John 16:13

Jesus had promised them a bring back to remembrance the things that Jesus had taught them. (Not every word that Jesus taught personally is not recorded, but those that serve the purpose of inspiring future generations (those that never witnessed Jesus in person) of the truth that Jesus taught.-- John 20:30)

"And I will ask the Father, and He will give you (the apostles of Christ) another helper, to be with you forever. Even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him or Knows Him." -- John 14:16:17 AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH.......THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE HIM...BECAUSE OF IGNORANCE.

The Spirit of Truth....aka, the Holy Spirit of God was to bring back to remembrance the things Jesus taught the Apostles while He was living. "These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you (alive). But, the Helper, the Spirit of Truth, WHOM THE FATHER WILL SEND IN MY NAME.........will teach you (the apostles of Christ) things and bring back remembrance of all I have said, to you." -- John 14:25-26

In Essence......what the Apostles taught......were the Words as directed by Jesus Christ.

After His resurrection, right before His ascension into heaven.....Jesus told the Apostles that which He had promised (the Helper.....Spirit of Truth, The Holy Spirit of God) would come upon them shortly (Acts 1:6-8). The Spirit of Truth came to the Apostles 10 days later on the day of Pentecost after the ascension of Jesus. (Acts 2:)

It was the Apostles of Christ that were inspired to place to script the Words of the Spirit of Truth....these records became the N.T. canon. (1 Peter 1:19-21, Eph. 3:3-5)

And the scriptures......"All scriptures are inspired by God" -- 2 Tim. 3:16...........clearly declare that Jesus became sin in order to take upon Himself the Sins of the World. -- 2 Cor. 5:21
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