David Gregory skates on gun clip crime - We all knew it would end like this

If true a prosecutors might go forward with a criminal complaint - I doubt s/he would be able to convince a trier of fact (the judge or a jury) that Gregory had a guilty mind; and, his/her office would be rightly, imo, accused of using their office for partisan politics.

Yes as any any good on-line attorney knows possession of an illegal item goes to the state of guiltiness of your mind while you personally posses said illegal item.

No it doesn't, turd. Possession of Marijuana is a crime, regardless of the state of your mind when the police find it on you.
There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.


A jurisdiction exercising prosecutorial discretion in no way ignores the rule of law, to suggest otherwise is ignorant idiocy or partisan demagoguery.
There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.

I bet your dumb ass could come up with 20 reasons to prosecute if it had been Chris Wallace.
There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.


A jurisdiction exercising prosecutorial discretion in no way ignores the rule of law, to suggest otherwise is ignorant idiocy or partisan demagoguery.

It depends on the reason for that "discretion." If the chances of getting a conviction are low, that's a good reason. If the DA wants to avoid angering a lot of power brokers in the government, that's a bad reason.

In this case we know the chances of getting a conviction are almost equal to 100%, so that can't be the reason.
It depends on the reason for that "discretion." If the chances of getting a conviction are low, that's a good reason. If the DA wants to avoid angering a lot of power brokers in the government, that's a bad reason.

In this case we know the chances of getting a conviction are almost equal to 100%, so that can't be the reason.

99% of the time when the govt refuses to prosecute an airtight case it's because the prosecutor took a bribe.
Rule of Law is a joke under obama. If you're part of his voting bloc, you can break any law you want just like the millions of illegals he gave amnesty to.

You want a guy punished for breaking a law you believe is unconstitutional?

That's mildly insane.

You want a guy punished for breaking a law you believe is unconstitutional?

That's mildly insane.

Not at all. The best way to get bad laws repealed is to enforce them religiously. Letting the power brokers who implement them off the hook is the height of corruption.

Well, then, when all these big talkers who claim they're going to defy any new gun laws actually make good on their boasts,

I'll expect you'll be siding with the Law when it comes down on their heads in full force.

how does this compare with GW Bush's commuting of Scooter Libby's sentence?

I don't recall much dispute from the 'nuts on that one...
It depends on the reason for that "discretion." If the chances of getting a conviction are low, that's a good reason. If the DA wants to avoid angering a lot of power brokers in the government, that's a bad reason.

In this case we know the chances of getting a conviction are almost equal to 100%, so that can't be the reason.

99% of the time when the govt refuses to prosecute an airtight case it's because the prosecutor took a bribe.

Or because some powerful politicians are putting heat on him. That's what happened in this situation.

how does this compare with GW Bush's commuting of Scooter Libby's sentence?

I don't recall much dispute from the 'nuts on that one...

That's entirely within the Constitutional powers granted to the president.

Prosecutors don't have discretion to decide which laws they are going to enforce.
Rule of Law is a joke under obama. If you're part of his voting bloc, you can break any law you want just like the millions of illegals he gave amnesty to.

Gregory Won't Face Charges over Gun Clip

Friday, 11 Jan 2013 05:56 PM

The District of Columbia has declined to prosecute NBC News anchor David Gregory for displaying an illegal high-capacity gun clip on a broadcast, a prosecutor said on Friday.

District Attorney General Irvin Nathan said his office would not seek to charge Gregory for showing the 30-round magazine on the Dec. 23 broadcast of "Meet the Press" in part because it was an element of the renewed debate about firearms.

His office "has determined to exercise its prosecutorial discretion to decline to bring criminal charges against Mr. Gregory, who has no criminal record, or any other NBC employee based on the events associated with the Dec. 23, 2012, broadcast," Nathan said in a letter to NBC's lawyers.

He called the decision "very close."

Gregory held up the magazine while hosting an interview with National Rifle Association Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre at NBC's studios in the District. Law in the U.S. capital bars possession of high-capacity magazines whether or not they are attached to a weapon or loaded.

There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.

Did he violate the law?

What would happen to you and me if we did the same?

So you're the type who would call the cops when an 8 year old girl operates a Lemonade stand without a permit, and demand it be shut down, because after all, they violated the law, right?

The law is the law, no exceptions, no common sense, no descretion. Right?
How are right wingers pissed that the cops/prosecutor decided to NOT enforce a law...that right wingers think should not be a law anyway? You'd think they'd applaud the prosecutor and police for saying "Hey, this law is stupid, and using common sense, this case is stupid. Moving on, stop wasting our time and resources on this non-issue."


how does this compare with GW Bush's commuting of Scooter Libby's sentence?

I don't recall much dispute from the 'nuts on that one...

Oh there was a lot of bitchin from the nuts on the left.

Bush didn't get in the way of the prosectution nor the conviction. Libby was still found guilty and paid a 250000 dollar fine. Hardly a comparision to not prosecuting an obvious crime except maybe to the nutters on the left.
How are right wingers pissed that the cops/prosecutor decided to NOT enforce a law...that right wingers think should not be a law anyway? You'd think they'd applaud the prosecutor and police for saying "Hey, this law is stupid, and using common sense, this case is stupid. Moving on, stop wasting our time and resources on this non-issue."


They would enforce it on us peasants.

Not the elite.

There was no reason for Gregory to be prosecuted. Prosecuting him would defy common sense, something seriously lacking in the enforcement of laws.

Did he violate the law?

When you go 56 MPH in a 55 MPH zone you are violating the law. Should we all get stopped and ticketed every single time?

What would happen to you and me if we did the same?

I can't envision a scenario in which I will ever appear on national television in Washington D.C. and hold up a large magazine clip to my audience in demonstration of what one looks like with absolutely zero malicious intent whatsoever which would be more than obvious to anyone with more than a first grade education, so I can't answer your question.
Taz here's the point Gregory broke a law something you and I would never be allowed to do. As for speeding that was a bad example because no one will be stopped for going up to 9 miles an hour over the speed limit. Either laws must be far an impartial or they must be removed from the books and not enforced.
I live on Long Island--mr Cumo's state.
I just came in from the garage,was cleaning some surface rust from my 30 round clip for my SKS. Haven't seen it for about 5 years. I have a extra room on my home that both me and my wife keep our guns in.
Kids are gone for the past years but ya never know when the grand kids will show up so we keep this room locked but a 12 guage double barrel is under my bed on my side and the shells are in my dresser--top draw and I can get to them in the dark.

Wife is from Brooklyn and is a better shot than me. I have two expert badges one for m14, another for m16 oh yea 67--68 Vietnam Army in case you were wondering if I have had any weapon training. Also have several combats ribbons--but we won't get into that.
I showed my wife how to shoot but guess what she is a favorite at the rifle range -- why- cause although she never shot a gun before she met me she seen guns all the time when growing up in Brookly and has no fear of them as she heard and saw them fire on a regular basis, gang bangers in bet sti.
What ya think were the gang bangers braking any gun laws in New York City.

There is more to the goverments plans then just protecting people from gun violence--they have had many years to do this--not what they want,,,Like Hitler we now have a goverment that wants total control and will use there brainwashed followers to try and do
this--the gun is the only thing keeping you free and not the weaklings that wish to take them away--gonna clean my wifes 9 mill semi auto as it might be closer than we think that we might have to use them (Mr Cumo ya see) Ya see I took an oath in 1966 to defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic---you are the domestic part now so give it a try wont ya.
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Mens Rea; in your case you'd fail to pass go and be put in jail. A prosecutor knows s/he would never be able to prove to a trier of fact this essential element of a crime in the Gregory matter, which got all of yolu wingnuts hysterical.

What a stupid thing to say. Of course Gregory had a guilty mind. NBC had contacted the authorities and were told they can't do this. But they went ahead and knowingly broke the law anyway. The case was open-and-shut.

David Gregory personally contacted authorities to ask permission? I suppose you can prove that?
If true a prosecutors might go forward with a criminal complaint - I doubt s/he would be able to convince a trier of fact (the judge or a jury) that Gregory had a guilty mind; and, his/her office would be rightly, imo, accused of using their office for partisan politics.

Yes as any any good on-line attorney knows possession of an illegal item goes to the state of guiltiness of your mind while you personally posses said illegal item.

No it doesn't, turd. Possession of Marijuana is a crime, regardless of the state of your mind when the police find it on you.

You obviously don't know what 'mens rea' is.

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