David Hogg, anti -gun child, again surrounded by armed men protecting him...

This child and his followers don't see the irony in demanding banning guns, while their child leader is surrounded by armed security.

One might ask you if you saw the irony in your defense of a state whose very constitution says that only men sent with guns from the government, aka police, can dictate who may or may not enjoy their 2nd amendment.


You're a very poor representative of the 2nd. Every time you start one of these threads I chuckle.

You're probably a supporter of the NRA telling us who can and can't enjoy their 2nd, too. There's another organization that works tirelessly against the 2nd.
You seem to lack a sound argument, so you puppet a simple, but false post.
I'm taking a page from the USMB conservatives, by simply just stating something and it HAS to be true.

Except I'm actually putting SOME rational thought to it.
I'm taking a page from the USMB conservatives, by simply just stating something and it HAS to be true.

There aren't very many conservatives in America anymore. Most of the folks in America today whom identify as such are really nothing more than rabid statists. They're just as much, more so in many cases, pro-government than those who they have the stones to call pro-government.

If we want to be good conservatives, the way to do that is to ask what the role of government should be. The Framers asked that question, they had a revolution, and they wrote a Constitution. What they decided was that the role of government should be to protect Individual liberty.

If we want to be good conservatives, then, we have a very good guide. It's the Constitution.

But many, if not most, whom identify as conservative in America today are just as statist as those whom they label as such.

The only real conservatives left in America today are classical liberals. And it's darned painful to have to accept an adjective as a consequence of the shortcomings and pro-government tendencies of modern so-called 'conservatives'
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Besides all the other countless legitimate reasons to hate David Hogg......I despise him even more because he looks a bit like a younger version of me. I too have dark hair, large round eyes and a triangular face; we look like we could be related - except I'm capable of SMILING. So that makes this charmless, classless, joyless, humorless, vindictive, egomaniacal, spoiled punk an extra disgrace for me.

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