David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics

Great article. Read it before judging based off of the title.
Parkland Survivor David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics | National Review

Disagreeing with his arguments would be fine, if it were just that.

It's not. It's adults pretending they're still the schoolyard bullies.

Or standing up to the bully, which would probably be more accurate.

Rubbish. He's a school kid, the NRA is a massive organization..... actually calling him the bully is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

It's like when the bully gets hit in the arm and sits down and pretends to cry.
spare us the horseshit. He has the entire fake media, the DNC and who knows how many billionaire donors blasting everything he says through an enormous megaphone. No one buys the snowflake that he's some poor sad grieving waif.
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He’a pawn, a willing one at that. It will be interesting where he ends up in all of this, sad to see.

The LMSM hates this country and what made it the greatest country of all time, this is simply more proof...
Spits the rightard who still can't understand what he himself says, no less what Hogg said.

Imbecile, how the fuck can you deny suggesting he wasn't at the school during the shooting?
...emphasized to highlight your bullshit.


Why don't you get off your fat ass and find where I said it? The reason is very simple. You can't find it, because I did not say it!

Now, are you going to stand up to the truth or slip off somewhere to suck on your binkie?
I already showed where you suggested it. Shit, I even highlighted that key word for you, but your ignorance blocks you from understanding.

Moron, by saying he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting, you are suggesting there is the possibility that he didn’t witness a mass shooting.

Exactly how rightarded are you that you can’t even understand what you write? :eusa_doh:

Put the words "supposedly witnessed" together. Now, shit for brains, I dont happen to know WHAT he saw, or what he claims to have seen. I don't know for a fact that he was or was not there. There were literally thousands of students on that campus that didn't see a damned thing! The shooting victims were all in a freshman building. Why was this supposed senior in a freshman building? Was he retaking his 9th grade American Government class (which I taught in Florida, BTW!) so that he might actually know something about what he is spewing?

"Supposedly" has a definition. I suggest you look it up before showing your ass again. You have done a fine job so far. Anyone here can see you are a dumbass in spite of your continued efforts to show that your IQ likely falls in the mentally trainable handicapped category.

Yesterday, a man killed his estranged wife in her home and then went to the high school my daughter graduated from in order to pick up their son. The woman had a restraining order against him and he was not allowed to enter the school. The school resource officer informed him that he needed to leave the premises, and he left the front of the school and went to the rear parking lot. They were then notified that the man was a suspect in his wife's murder after her body was discovered. The man was then located by the school resource officer and members of two other law enforcement organizations that were assisting. When they approached them an to attempt to take him into custody, he produced a handgun at which time he was ceremoniously ventilated and shuffled him off his mortal coil by rounds fired by seven different police officers and state troopers that has him surrounded. The incident took place in the rear of the high school in a parking lot where a middle and elementary school are also located contiguous to it. All together, there were over 3500 students within a few hundred yards of this incident. Because of the professionalism of our law enforcement personnel, a child was never in danger and never saw a thing!
You’re making my case, thanks.

I point out how you suggested there was a possibility he wasn’t in school during the shooting and you deny saying that. Now you finally admit it... “I don't know for a fact that he was or was not there.”


Oh, and supposedly means...
as is supposed : according to what is or was said, claimed, or believed by some; a supposedly true story; a supposedly good restaurant

... which is exactly what I said ... you suggested there was the possibility he didn’t witness a mass shooting.

That’s what you said ... and then that’s what you denied saying after I informed you how he returned to the school later in the day.

And moron, who ever said he visibly saw the shooting??

Just because you tell me something I am more inclined to believe the opposite and your continued idiocy is proof positive that is a smart course of action.

For one to have witnessed a shooting, which is what he claims, he would have to be physically present at the scene. If he was two buildings away, he might as well have been on the moon.

You keep arguing small points when a much larger point resides at the top of your head.

I think you must feel something in common with this miscreant. He obviously has suffered some terrible birth defect for his head to look like a triangle, as his lower face is completely out of proportion to that "fivehead" he carries around on top where most people have a forehead. Here's a little trick I learned from an art teacher friend. Look at every normal human and you will see that the corners of the mouth usually extend to perfect line with the pupils of the eye. This kid's face misses by a couple of inches. He has a two inch wide mouth and a four inch wide gap between his pupils, hence his triangular face. He also appears to either be older than 17 or he has been stealing the old man's testosterone supplements. He gets a 5 o'clock shadow at 9 a.m.

His suspicious appearances in a video in California and having a look alike in the local high school yearbook with the exact same name that already graduated have yet to be explained, yet the colleges that turned him down are where? That's right! California! Coincidence?

Personally I think this kid is a bigger fake than Obama was!

The fact that the English language apparently eludes your comprehension and you continue to double-down on stupid in every post is just a testament to your own mental issues.

How is this kid coming up with all the coin to make all of these trips? Are one of his parents the bastard love children of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett? Somebody is bankrolling this outfit, and it is highly suspect.

For what it's worth, I am tiring of these free lessons. You are an idiot and will continue to be one until you wake up and realize who truly stupid you are. I would pity you, but it is self-inflicted dumbassery!

Too funny. you’re so obsessed with this kid, now you’re making fun of his looks. Typical rightard. He’s already in your head.

As far as his location, he was in an adjacent building. He was there and no amount of delusions on your part will ever change that. Though it is entertaining watching you convulse over a HS teen. So much so that you find a video of him while in California, “suspicious.” :cuckoo:

But the funniest part of your post is that you think he has a look-alike with his same name in some other yearbook is fucking hysterical as it highlights just how fried your brain is.


You’re as dumb as they come, professor Spunky.
Great article. Read it before judging based off of the title.
Parkland Survivor David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics | National Review

Disagreeing with his arguments would be fine, if it were just that.

It's not. It's adults pretending they're still the schoolyard bullies.

Or standing up to the bully, which would probably be more accurate.

Rubbish. He's a school kid, the NRA is a massive organization..... actually calling him the bully is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

It's like when the bully gets hit in the arm and sits down and pretends to cry.
spare us the horseshit. He has the entire fake media, the DNC and who knows how many billionaire donors blasting everything he says through an enormous megaphone. No one buys the snowflake that he's some poor sad grieving waif.
Yet you still can’t prove that. Don’t your delusions ever bother you?
Great article. Read it before judging based off of the title.
Parkland Survivor David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics | National Review

Disagreeing with his arguments would be fine, if it were just that.

It's not. It's adults pretending they're still the schoolyard bullies.

Or standing up to the bully, which would probably be more accurate.

Rubbish. He's a school kid, the NRA is a massive organization..... actually calling him the bully is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

It's like when the bully gets hit in the arm and sits down and pretends to cry.
spare us the horseshit. He has the entire fake media, the DNC and who knows how many billionaire donors blasting everything he says through an enormous megaphone. No one buys the snowflake that he's some poor sad grieving waif.
Yet you still can’t prove that. Don’t your delusions ever bother you?

When are you going to prove the Herr Mewler has any evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians, eh dumbfuck?
Great article. Read it before judging based off of the title.
Parkland Survivor David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics | National Review

Disagreeing with his arguments would be fine, if it were just that.

It's not. It's adults pretending they're still the schoolyard bullies.

No it's ignorant kids thinking they deserve to set policy for the whole country and the leftist that are pulling their strings. There's nothing grass roots about this shit, it's all the usual actors pushing the same old crap.

I thought he wasn't even there? was that bs?

either way, going after the 2nd is not the answer and he's proven that's the only answer he will accept.

plus the punks a troll claiming that the far left groups that sponsor him have no influence on him.

"Was that BS"?.....followed by "either way".... is the standard held by nutbags.
supporting our Constitutional rights makes me a nutbag.

canaduh is just north of you

No. Not caring if something you believe is true or not makes you a nutbag.
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

Disagreeing with his arguments would be fine, if it were just that.

It's not. It's adults pretending they're still the schoolyard bullies.

Or standing up to the bully, which would probably be more accurate.

Rubbish. He's a school kid, the NRA is a massive organization..... actually calling him the bully is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

It's like when the bully gets hit in the arm and sits down and pretends to cry.
spare us the horseshit. He has the entire fake media, the DNC and who knows how many billionaire donors blasting everything he says through an enormous megaphone. No one buys the snowflake that he's some poor sad grieving waif.
Yet you still can’t prove that. Don’t your delusions ever bother you?

When are you going to prove the Herr Mewler has any evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians, eh dumbfuck?

After you quote me saying trump colluded with Russia. That you can’t back up your claims; and feel the need for me to back up something I never said, is all that is needed for everyone here to see how you just make up shit off the top of your head.

"Was that BS"?.....followed by "either way".... is the standard held by nutbags.
supporting our Constitutional rights makes me a nutbag.

canaduh is just north of you

No. Not caring if something you believe is true or not makes you a nutbag.
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.
Nobody is saying that Hogg should not be challenged or criticized.

That isn't true. Facebook and twitter have been alight with people blasting anyone who criticizes the march because it's allegedly cowardly to attack kids, or similar nonsense.
Yep. Alight.

Vast legions of Americans are doing just that. Why? Because it's the duty of grown-ups to defend kids and to give them a chance to grow - literally and in wisdom.

These kids are intelligent, angry as hell over the never-ending cycle of gun violence, and possessing basic organizational and public speaking skills that are snowballing.

They deserve all the help they can get. Time for us Old Farts to get the hell out of the way and let the Young Folk take the lead on this one.

Very few are looking to ban guns; rather, they're pushing for mandatory national standards for vetting, licensing, registration, transaction approval, etc.

Get back to me when you can legally require a criminal to get a firearms license or register their firearms. I'll be damned if I will comply with a requirement that criminals can't be forced or prosecuted for noncompliance.

Hey, I survived the New York 911 bombing!

Of course I was several thousand miles away at the time....but still, I survived.

Why wasn't the kid at school that day as the law requires unless sick or otherwise excused?

What did he know?

When did he know it?
He was at school. Now the question becomes — why are you trying to discuss a topic of which you clearly don’t have your first clue?

Yet we apparently have a broadcast on which he says he was at home and went to the school when he heard there was trouble going on. If that's true, he's not a heroic surviver, he's an idiot for putting himself in danger with no means or ability to stop others from getting hurt.
Great, show me where he says he was at home during the shooting — as opposed to going back to the school later in the day...

Wait, are you saying he was at school, went home, then returned to school again? It would be nice to nail that down for sure, because there's the normal swirl of info bits in this one. I'm not saying for sure one way or the other.

Look it up on snopes, the kid work for the school TV station and wanted to get some interviews.

He looks like a space alien.
He may be challenged. He may be criticized. But only those weak of mind and weak of decency would degrade him as a person.

But I guess that Golden Rule is seen as quaint by the characters pushing around a kid based on his appearance.
I can't speak to his character or lack of, but his poorly formed arguments are ripe for dissection.
Fair enough. But I, for one, am fed up with the personal smears on all the Parkland kids. When we look for the leaders of tomorrow, we can see either kids buried on a screen, self possessed electronic hermits or the kids ready to use their wits and their experiences and their preternatural savvy to make their voices heard.

Yeah, amplified by millions of gun grabber dollars.

He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?

That's about as an intelligent statement as saying a person shot by a police officer "missed" by shooting him in the hand.
Context means everything and is sadly lost on you. He said he meant he didn't want it to this to be another mass shooting like so many others where nothing is done. That's why he's among those leading the charge to effect change. Looks like he's more intelligent than you.

Meanwhile, there's another interview where he said he went back to the school at 6pm and there's video of him on lock down in the school.

Poor, brain-dead conservatives can't deal with reality, so they make up their own where he's a graduate from a high school in California, to him not living in Florida, to him not being at the school during the shooting, to this latest nonsense about him saying he went to the school upon learning about the shooting.

How sad. :(

I am sorry! Apparently you have to be a libtard to create context that is not there. I went with the quote, which made no sense, and still doesn't, even after your lame attempt to make excuses for your favorite Hitler youth wannabe!

It also takes a libtard to argue against things I did not say. Congratulations on jumping the shark!
Moron, it's one comment out of an entire interview. And it's not the only quote. And nowhere in that one comment does he say he wasn't at the school during the shooting.

Are ya feeling stupid yet?

No, but you should! Feeling stupid is apparently the libtard reason for living!

Why are you continuing to attack me for things I did not say, address or even mention? The reason is very simple. You lack the basic reading comprehension skills need to be advance beyond elementary school. You are guilty of busting my chops for the very thing you have done.
Spits the rightard who still can't understand what he himself says, no less what Hogg said.

Imbecile, how the fuck can you deny suggesting he wasn't at the school during the shooting?
He knew that this could not be another mass shooting after he supposedly witnessed a mass shooting?
...emphasized to highlight your bullshit.


Hogg didn't WITNESS the shooting, he was hiding in a closet.

He is a student and he was there. That's the problem so much GOP b*******. Half the GOP believe Anything bad about opponents.
Correction...80% of the GOP will believe anything bad about their perceived opponents.
...Get back to me when you can legally require a criminal to get a firearms license or register their firearms. I'll be damned if I will comply with a requirement that criminals can't be forced or prosecuted for noncompliance.

You will obey the Laws of the United States.

It's a pretty slick trick for the left wing coalition of crazies including Planned Parenthood, Move-On, BLM. OWS and others to use a kid as a spokesman and then whine that he is being picked on when he is criticized.
Great, this must mean you have some evidence you can share with the forum to show that any of those organizations are using him.....

Celebrity and corporate support[edit]
Amal and George Clooney donated $500,000 to support the march and announced they would attend. Oprah Winfrey matched the Clooney donation to support the march.[34][35] Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife Marilyn also contributed $500,000.[36] Film director and producer Steven Spielberg and actress Kate Capshaw Spielberg donated $500,000, also matching the donation of the Clooneys.[37] On February 23, Gucci announced they were also donating $500,000 towards the march.[38] Other people and organizations offering support have included Justin Bieber,[39] Gabby Giffords, Lauren Jauregui, Alyssa Milano, Moms Demand Action, Amy Schumer, St. Vincent, Harry Styles,[40] Hayley Williams,[41][42] Paul McCartney,[43] Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian.[44][45] John Legend and Chrissy Teigen donated $25,000.[46] Jimmy Fallon pledged to attend an event with his family.[47] Samantha Bee interviewed kids.[48] Jim Jefferies interviewed participants in San Diego.[49] Other celebrities including Taylor Swift have donated an undisclosed amount of money toward the campaign.[50]

James Corden promoted the March for Our Lives event.[51] John Zimmer and Logan Green, the co-founders of Lyft, announced their support of the rallies and stated that their company would provide free rides for those attending demonstrations.[52] Dating app Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd subsequently announced that they were supporting the NeverAgain movement by banning all images of firearms on their dating application.[53]

March for Our Lives - Wikipedia

Seems they forgot Blumbergs Every Town and Gifford Courage.

Each sibling march is an independent student-led initiative. Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords Courage, among others, will be assisting in the coordination of sibling marches around the country. More information regarding sibling marches can be found here.

FAQ for March 24 Gun Violence March | March For Our Lives

supporting our Constitutional rights makes me a nutbag.

canaduh is just north of you

No. Not caring if something you believe is true or not makes you a nutbag.
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.

So he most likely didn't witness much if anything, I doubt they evacuated him through the building where the shooting occurred.


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