David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics

...Get back to me when you can legally require a criminal to get a firearms license or register their firearms. I'll be damned if I will comply with a requirement that criminals can't be forced or prosecuted for noncompliance.

You will obey the Laws of the United States.


No I won't, and the supreme court says you can't make me. Something about the 5th Amendment, or are you out to do away with that one too?

Ah no, he was at home and rode his bike to the school after it happened...do try to keep up.



Why are NaziCons so evil? Why do they lie?
I thought he wasn't even there? was that bs?

either way, going after the 2nd is not the answer and he's proven that's the only answer he will accept.

plus the punks a troll claiming that the far left groups that sponsor him have no influence on him.

Interesting he would say that, given that their sponsorship would evaporate should he say anything counter to their agenda. I wonder if he's aware of that or if he really thinks they're just interested in providing a platform for political expression.
the boy isn't bright, but I think he understands who is paying to make him relevant.
supporting our Constitutional rights makes me a nutbag.

canaduh is just north of you

No. Not caring if something you believe is true or not makes you a nutbag.
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.
so he wasn't actually there and all his claims about 'knowing' what it's like are complete bs.
No. Not caring if something you believe is true or not makes you a nutbag.
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.
so he wasn't actually there and all his claims about 'knowing' what it's like are complete bs.

Why are you NaziCons repeating the lie that Hogg wasn't in school that day? He was!

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass Shooting?
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.
so he wasn't actually there and all his claims about 'knowing' what it's like are complete bs.

Why are you NaziCons repeating the lie that Hogg wasn't in school that day? He was!

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass Shooting?
faun is not a con.

and her link shows he wasn't in the building, making all his claims utter bullshit.

not that commies care what lies leftist repeat.
You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.
so he wasn't actually there and all his claims about 'knowing' what it's like are complete bs.

Why are you NaziCons repeating the lie that Hogg wasn't in school that day? He was!

FACT CHECK: Did David Hogg Lie About Being on Campus During Mass Shooting?
faun is not a con.

and her link shows he wasn't in the building, making all his claims utter bullshit.

not that commies care what lies leftist repeat.

Even Redstate retracted the lie:

RedState.com included a portion of that interview in their retraction of their original story:

After reviewing all of this, it appears that the problem was that CBS included a very confusing quote without context. Hogg was on campus during the shooting and returned several hours later to interview people across the street. The original story remains below, in strikethrough. I am sorry for the error and have updated the post accordingly.

UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.
It's a pretty slick trick for the left wing coalition of crazies including Planned Parenthood, Move-On, BLM. OWS and others to use a kid as a spokesman and then whine that he is being picked on when he is criticized.
Great, this must mean you have some evidence you can share with the forum to show that any of those organizations are using him.....

Celebrity and corporate support[edit]
Amal and George Clooney donated $500,000 to support the march and announced they would attend. Oprah Winfrey matched the Clooney donation to support the march.[34][35] Jeffrey Katzenberg and his wife Marilyn also contributed $500,000.[36] Film director and producer Steven Spielberg and actress Kate Capshaw Spielberg donated $500,000, also matching the donation of the Clooneys.[37] On February 23, Gucci announced they were also donating $500,000 towards the march.[38] Other people and organizations offering support have included Justin Bieber,[39] Gabby Giffords, Lauren Jauregui, Alyssa Milano, Moms Demand Action, Amy Schumer, St. Vincent, Harry Styles,[40] Hayley Williams,[41][42] Paul McCartney,[43] Kanye West, and Kim Kardashian.[44][45] John Legend and Chrissy Teigen donated $25,000.[46] Jimmy Fallon pledged to attend an event with his family.[47] Samantha Bee interviewed kids.[48] Jim Jefferies interviewed participants in San Diego.[49] Other celebrities including Taylor Swift have donated an undisclosed amount of money toward the campaign.[50]

James Corden promoted the March for Our Lives event.[51] John Zimmer and Logan Green, the co-founders of Lyft, announced their support of the rallies and stated that their company would provide free rides for those attending demonstrations.[52] Dating app Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd subsequently announced that they were supporting the NeverAgain movement by banning all images of firearms on their dating application.[53]

March for Our Lives - Wikipedia

Seems they forgot Blumbergs Every Town and Gifford Courage.

Each sibling march is an independent student-led initiative. Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords Courage, among others, will be assisting in the coordination of sibling marches around the country. More information regarding sibling marches can be found here.

FAQ for March 24 Gun Violence March | March For Our Lives

Thanks for showing they weren’t backed by “Planned Parenthood, Move-On, BLM. OWS.”
No. Not caring if something you believe is true or not makes you a nutbag.
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.
so he wasn't actually there and all his claims about 'knowing' what it's like are complete bs.
Actually, an abundance of proof shows he was there and you are one of our routine obsessive liars simply repeating a talking point lie over and over.
Great article. Read it before judging based off of the title.
Parkland Survivor David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics | National Review

Disagreeing with his arguments would be fine, if it were just that.

It's not. It's adults pretending they're still the schoolyard bullies.
But in reality Camera Hogg is being a bully, because he feels he can get away with trashing people over an issue he doesn't understand. He's bullying gun owners, and people are simply reacting to his stupidity.
Logic tells one that the only reason this loser is mouthing off is because he sees an opportunity to get rich and famous without doing the work that everyone else had to do. He's nothing more than an opportunist.
Nobody is saying that Hogg should not be challenged or criticized. Hogg himself certainly hasn't complained about any of that.

Pretty funny. Reporter on Fox mentions his inability to get accepted into any college and rather than just defend himself and explain why, he tries to take her off the air! If that isn't a complaint, I don't know what. Some would call it Fascism. Basically, his message is this: challenge me and I will try to cut your throat------ only the Left is so Paltry as to always try to silence their opposition with no voice rather than argue on the merits of their own position! The kid is scum.
How in the world do we never figure out that attacking a little-known person will only make that person into a hero, and fire up that side even more?

Does the affliction of partisan ideology blind THAT completely?

Absolutely amazing to watch.
Well isn't that how Democrats planned it??
I guess everyone should just listen to these idiots screaming a bunch of stupid shit in our faces 24/7 and never respond.
If the media was being honest they would cover it fairly, but instead they took sides.
Frankly I think most of America is fed up with this rubbish.
David Hogg doesn't have much of a future.
He's making himself radioactive.
The left will use him till he's no-longer of use to them, then they'll discard him like a used rubber.
How in the world do we never figure out that attacking a little-known person will only make that person into a hero, and fire up that side even more?

Does the affliction of partisan ideology blind THAT completely?

Absolutely amazing to watch.
Well isn't that how Democrats planned it??
I guess everyone should just listen to these idiots screaming a bunch of stupid shit in our faces 24/7 and never respond.
If the media was being honest they would cover it fairly, but instead they took sides.
Frankly I think most of America is fed up with this rubbish.
David Hogg doesn't have much of a future.
He's making himself radioactive.
The left will use him till he's no-longer of use to them, then they'll discard him like a used rubber.
There's more than one way to respond. It doesn't have to be with attacks and insults. I know we've lost that simple skill, but it used to be true.

Hey, that's up to the individual. It just blows my mind that people think that attacking a kid on an emotional issue like this isn't just going to make things worse.
Nobody is saying that Hogg should not be challenged or criticized. Hogg himself certainly hasn't complained about any of that.

Pretty funny. Reporter on Fox mentions his inability to get accepted into any college and rather than just defend himself and explain why, he tries to take her off the air! If that isn't a complaint, I don't know what. Some would call it Fascism. Basically, his message is this: challenge me and I will try to cut your throat------ only the Left is so Paltry as to always try to silence their opposition with no voice rather than argue on the merits of their own position! The kid is scum.
You guys just keep getting caught lying about Hogg and other kids and have not got a clue about how the youth have figured out how to use technology to kick your asses. Word of your despicable indecent lies and tactics spread like wildfire from the cell phones, notepads, laptops, and communication devices that are informative and instructional. You are the old has-beens screaming "get off my lawn".
No. Not caring if something you believe is true or not makes you a nutbag.
you're a sad little person.

stop trying to read into things and making up stuff like this, it makes you look incredibly weak.

You said that you heard he wasn't at the school....was that BS?.....either way......

That was you saying that the truth doesn't matter to you. Nutbag.

Snopes says he was at school hiding in a closet, I don't think they said what building he was in, feel free to look it up.

He was in an adjacent building.
so he wasn't actually there and all his claims about 'knowing' what it's like are complete bs.
You freaks are out of your fucking minds. There is simply no other explanation. He heard gun fire and went running before being ushered into a room in the adjacent building where he hid with other students in a closet. Knowing there was a shooter out there somewhere but not knowing where or if the shooter would or wouldn’t find their way to the closet he was in makes his experience no different than many of the hundreds of students who were in building 12, who also didn’t know where the shooter was as they also hid in classrooms and closets. One thing they experienced which he didn’t was having to run passed bodies on the ground as they fled. Something he never once claimed to have seen.

The personal attacks and threats on a teen who went through what he experienced is unconscionable and reveals the depths of depravity of many who disagree with his politics. Shameful.
How in the world do we never figure out that attacking a little-known person will only make that person into a hero, and fire up that side even more?

Does the affliction of partisan ideology blind THAT completely?

Absolutely amazing to watch.
Well isn't that how Democrats planned it??
I guess everyone should just listen to these idiots screaming a bunch of stupid shit in our faces 24/7 and never respond.
If the media was being honest they would cover it fairly, but instead they took sides.
Frankly I think most of America is fed up with this rubbish.
David Hogg doesn't have much of a future.
He's making himself radioactive.
The left will use him till he's no-longer of use to them, then they'll discard him like a used rubber.
There's more than one way to respond. It doesn't have to be with attacks and insults. I know we've lost that simple skill, but it used to be true.

Hey, that's up to the individual. It just blows my mind that people think that attacking a kid on an emotional issue like this isn't just going to make things worse.
I'm sure there's more than one way to respond.
If everyone responded to him the way a few have he wouldn't be able to show his face in public.
Also, pointing out what is obvious about this kid isn't wrong.
It's simply being honest. It's called observation.

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