David Hogg, the kid with no power, has more power than any member here.

He has "power" with left loons. Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes him for what he is...a loudmouth, clueless little puppet yammering what he's told to yammer.

Just offset the little shit stain by donating to politicians and organizations that protect gun rights. There is the power
He only reflects the same childish understanding of the issues as the leftists in the Democrat Party. That's why they've annointed this clueless child as their leader.

He's no leader...to thinking people anyway. I see his BS and eye roll.

Our oldest daughters debate on the school team. I'd love to see him take that team on, they'd rip him a new asshole
Given this is still a Democratic republic, all things being equal, screw the NRA. Perhaps we, the people should get to chime in. Perhaps, if that isn't intimidating to the whole firearms industrial complex thing, and perhaps Americans should be able to actually get a vote here? We like guns, but not to point of self destruction.

The people do chime in...by voting. The problem is the Second is huge...too huge for the left to overcome
Well The NRA and other groups found a way to dig in under the election process. And subvert the entire system. I sense most Americans are on the verge of calling for a prohibition on all guns and a overhaul of the 2nd amendment, it not a total repeal. We don't need guns anymore . Especially if they are abused like this. Kids shooting up schools? What would Jefferson say?
Given this is still a Democratic republic, all things being equal, screw the NRA. Perhaps we, the people should get to chime in. Perhaps, if that isn't intimidating to the whole firearms industrial complex thing, and perhaps Americans should be able to actually get a vote here? We like guns, but not to point of self destruction.

The people do chime in...by voting. The problem is the Second is huge...too huge for the left to overcome
Well The NRA and other groups found a way to dig in under the election process. And subvert the entire system. I sense most Americans are on the verge of calling for a prohibition on all guns and a overhaul of the 2nd amendment, it not a total repeal. We don't need guns anymore . Especially if they are abused like this. Kids shooting up schools? What would Jefferson say?

Wow the NRA makes people vote a certain way?

Yes, each thread posted about him gives him more power. Oops, I just empowered him a little more myself.
Threads empower people? In this board? I don’t think so
Hogg has almost a million followers on twitter.
90% of the Democrat Party agrees with him. They see him as their vehicle to success. He should have TENS OF MILLIONS, so I guess he's a failure.
If he were a failure the NRA shills wouldn’t be losing their minds over him

Ow run along
Well The NRA and other groups found a way to dig in under the election process. And subvert the entire system
"Subvert" the system? How? Our Constitution is quite clear on the gun issue. Because you disagree does not mean the system has been "subverted." It is the left who is determined to subvert our Constitution.
Well The NRA and other groups found a way to dig in under the election process. And subvert the entire system
"Subvert" the system? How? Our Constitution is quite clear on the gun issue. Because you disagree does not mean the system has been "subverted." It is the left who is determined to subvert our Constitution.
Well, by subvert, I mean like cajole , manipulate or sidestep by means of influence monetarily.. Did Jefferson factor in, with all that obligatory fighting tyranny he didn't have the foresight of the abuses , He never foresaw 200 years later a 13 year old with a grudge shooting up his school mates? Nobody could have. Ok course not. Now say, people that produce guns, they want to maintain their profit margin. So what do you think? They, nor do you , seem too worried about this abuse. Money is always the main factor in American politics. Plain pure and simple. Perhaps we need to put this up to a vote?
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Its been pointed out over and over that its the kids who make change. That's the way its supposed to be.

Hogg and the others speak for those who cannot - such as the 5 year olds gunned down at Sandy Hook.

They are leading you RWNJs around by your ignorant noses.
How far has Little Hogg come in obtaining his goal of getting rid of the second amendment?
No one of any significance listens to little Hogg...
So people think school shootings are funny? Or excusable as unarmed Americans are disposable like gophers that deserve culling by people wielding guns and their maniacal potshots because THE NRA has the final say in this? Um, no, think again children. The NRA is a PAC that is circumventing the electoral process in much the same we NEVER got to vote on sanctuary cities. We need to end all that.
We get to vote for constitutional rights now?
What an outrage! We can't have the constitution reflect the will of the majority of the people, we cant have that now, can we? Why the hell not?
Because they are inalienable rights bestowed upon us by our Creator.

Really? Your creator might have bestowed rights on you, but our laws take precidence here in the US.
Hey, it's your Constitution, too. :)

Of course it is. Nothing miraculous or holy about it.
Hogg represents voters, present and future, thank God.
This dork is your parties future? This pic is the corniest shit ive ever seen. :laugh:

And he gets that power from YOU. You are the fuel to his engine with your constant bitching. Your insults, your mockery fuels the people who keep his movement alive with their money.


And why do you do that? Deep down your fear him and what he stands for but you wont admit it.
Just like the hacks, racists & trolls on this board feed off of your rebuttals to their every post. A wise person ignores the shit, the rest of you fuel it.

Some people never learn.

And pass the crack pipe s0n.

You dolts celebrate billboards and banners = ghey. Hogg will continue to show up for a cup of coffee every now and then and Congress will hit the snooze button....like always....a few days later!!:cul2:

But you and your progressive pals keep taking bows! Nobody is caring!:bye1:
And he gets that power from YOU. You are the fuel to his engine with your constant bitching. Your insults, your mockery fuels the people who keep his movement alive with their money.


And why do you do that? Deep down your fear him and what he stands for but you wont admit it.
Just like the hacks, racists & trolls on this board feed off of your rebuttals to their every post. A wise person ignores the shit, the rest of you fuel it.

Some people never learn.

He has "power" with left loons. Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes him for what he is...a loudmouth, clueless little puppet yammering what he's told to yammer.

Just offset the little shit stain by donating to politicians and organizations that protect gun rights. There is the power
Seems to be infuriating the right

If he is a puppet, he seems to be hitting all the right buttons. The fact that a child is so hated by the right means his message is getting across
And he gets that power from YOU. You are the fuel to his engine with your constant bitching. Your insults, your mockery fuels the people who keep his movement alive with their money.


And why do you do that? Deep down your fear him and what he stands for but you wont admit it.
Just like the hacks, racists & trolls on this board feed off of your rebuttals to their every post. A wise person ignores the shit, the rest of you fuel it.

Some people never learn.

He has "power" with left loons. Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes him for what he is...a loudmouth, clueless little puppet yammering what he's told to yammer.

Just offset the little shit stain by donating to politicians and organizations that protect gun rights. There is the power
Seems to be infuriating the right

If he is a puppet, he seems to be hitting all the right buttons. The fact that a child is so hated by the right means his message is getting across

Yep s0n...... clearly David Hogg has Congress wrapped around his finger!!:backpedal:
And he gets that power from YOU. You are the fuel to his engine with your constant bitching. Your insults, your mockery fuels the people who keep his movement alive with their money.


And why do you do that? Deep down your fear him and what he stands for but you wont admit it.
Just like the hacks, racists & trolls on this board feed off of your rebuttals to their every post. A wise person ignores the shit, the rest of you fuel it.

Some people never learn.

He has "power" with left loons. Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes him for what he is...a loudmouth, clueless little puppet yammering what he's told to yammer.

Just offset the little shit stain by donating to politicians and organizations that protect gun rights. There is the power
Seems to be infuriating the right

If he is a puppet, he seems to be hitting all the right buttons. The fact that a child is so hated by the right means his message is getting across

Has he gotten any laws passed, guns banned?

Lol nope just runs his juvenile mouth.
And he gets that power from YOU. You are the fuel to his engine with your constant bitching. Your insults, your mockery fuels the people who keep his movement alive with their money.


And why do you do that? Deep down your fear him and what he stands for but you wont admit it.
Just like the hacks, racists & trolls on this board feed off of your rebuttals to their every post. A wise person ignores the shit, the rest of you fuel it.

Some people never learn.

He has "power" with left loons. Anyone with a lick of sense recognizes him for what he is...a loudmouth, clueless little puppet yammering what he's told to yammer.

Just offset the little shit stain by donating to politicians and organizations that protect gun rights. There is the power
Seems to be infuriating the right

If he is a puppet, he seems to be hitting all the right buttons. The fact that a child is so hated by the right means his message is getting across

Has he gotten any laws passed, guns banned?

Lol nope just runs his juvenile mouth.

Up till now, after these massacres and some heartfelt thoughts and prayers the NRA would just wait it out and legislation would just die on the vine

Hogg has managed to keep the heat on
Given this is still a Democratic republic, all things being equal, screw the NRA. Perhaps we, the people should get to chime in. Perhaps, if that isn't intimidating to the whole firearms industrial complex thing, and perhaps Americans should be able to actually get a vote here? We like guns, but not to point of self destruction.

The people do chime in...by voting. The problem is the Second is huge...too huge for the left to overcome
Well The NRA and other groups found a way to dig in under the election process. And subvert the entire system. I sense most Americans are on the verge of calling for a prohibition on all guns and a overhaul of the 2nd amendment, it not a total repeal. We don't need guns anymore . Especially if they are abused like this. Kids shooting up schools? What would Jefferson say?
Jefferson would say it is time to shoot back at them.

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