David Perdue is in office to help David Perdue

At the end of the day, they still aren't doing shit for you, while folks like you vote for them, and thanks for your vote. But ha, they love it, and so do their stocks. Which is all Perdue gives a shit about anyway.
Right now mcconnell and the repubs in the senate are being very helpful

inflating the free candy by $1400 is a very bad idea
"They are inflating free candy?" They said no before they said no a few more times, then yes, maybe. And you still said nothing.
How do you know what I said?

I have been against all the stimulus from the beginning

reopen the country and end the stupid lockdowns
I'm quoting your exact words.

You're against the stimulus? Really? Are you against this stimulus?

20 million Americans infected and you want to reopen the country? Are you out of your fucking mind?

See moron, most people aren’t lazy like you other libtards. Lockdowns did ZERO. Gee idiot, the areas getting hit hardest are the ones that locked down. Even your precious CDC has said lockdowns are not effective. Yes reopen the country. It never should have closed.

There's a retard born every day. Record numbers of deaths each day, and this clown hasn't the brain to figure out that there never were any lock downs in this country.

Damn you’re a fucking brain dead retard. California (LA in particular) never locked down idiot? Fuck off. Record deaths? Hardly. Calling everything Covid deaths doesn’t make your lies true. You’re getting beaten to a pulp. As usual.

Without mandatory lockdowns there are no lockdowns. And with your other lies about not being covid deaths, without proving that, you just once again proved what a pos hair brained liar you are.

Poor baby. Now you want to change the narrative. Hey asshole, those were “mandatory lockdowns”. Lies about Covid deaths. You lose again retard. Your precious CDC also says only 6% of deaths are from Covid. Learn the difference between dying OF something vs dying WITH something. You’re a POS who’s getting blasted into oblivion on your bullshit.

You are too stupid to know what a mandatory Lockdown is. *Italy had a mandatory lock down; COVID-19 lockdown in Italy - Wikipedia

Why There’s No National Lockdown You're too goddamn ignorant.

Poor illiterate asshole. When you aren’t allowed to work or even open your business, that’s being locked down. Regardless of your tantrum. Keep crying though, it’s mildly amusing.

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