David Santucci shot dead while walking to his car by black thugz- Trayvon fallout


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Another Senseless Murder You?re Not Hearing About ? and Some in the Family Wonder If It Could Be a Trayvon Martin Revenge Murder | TheBlaze.com

Since the killing, Miguel has worked tirelessly to track down the good Samaritans who rushed to the aid of his brother-in-law as he lay bleeding on the sidewalk. He managed to track down the first three to get to David’s side, Taneshia, Sharae and Brittany. Arriving first on the scene, Sharae tried to apply pressure to the wound in order to stop the bleeding. Brittany searched through David’s phone and tried to call a family member, and Taneshia held David Santucci’s hand and led them all in prayer.


In addition to the fact that Santucci was still in possession of his phone and wallet, Miguel says witnesses told police that the car drove past David, stopped and backed up. One of the suspects (Mario Patterson) got out of the car and walked toward Santucci, fired a shot and ran back to the car, jumping into the driver’s seat and speeding off. Miguel also says the police told him that the 9mm shell casing was found 10 feet from the body — an indication to him that the shooter was not at close range as would typically happen with a robbery.

Miguel told TheBlaze that he tracked the alleged shooter, Patterson through his Facebook account — an account now deleted. He said the page had numerous photos of Trayvon Martin, and he wondered if it’s possible the shooting was a revenge killing for the Zimmerman verdict.
It's open season on white people .. The DEMORACE Whores-Pimps which includes the sitting President of the United States and his racist AG can share in the blame for what's taking place in this nation right now.
Unreal.. and we have silence from this WH.. Sadly, this is going to escalate if something isn't done.. White people are now going to arm themselves when even walking out to check their mail..
Who cares if someone got shot.....

It is the price we willingly pay for our second amendment rights
Who cares if someone got beaten to death or doused with gasoline and set on fire, the poor black babies were too poor to afford a gun.

Now, more than ever, we need those second amendment rights. We also need to use them.
The norm from the White House and todays liberal PC media .......... :doubt:

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So somebody got shot?

Why is that news? Clean up the blood, find who did it if you can and lock them up

Rinse and repeat
There are 300 million guns in this country

Some people are going to end up getting shot

Get used to it
One of the two black guys who beat the veteran to death has been arrested. Catch the black guys who shot Santucci, the black guys who doused a man with gasoline, the black guys who beat the hot dog vendor to death, the black guys who beat a transsexual prostitute to death, put them in prison with the black guys who shot Christopher Lane, the black guy who beat the housewife in New Jersey, the black teens who beat up the 13 year old boy on a school bus.

And then complain that the prisons are full of black guys.
One of the two black guys who beat the veteran to death has been arrested. Catch the black guys who shot Santucci, the black guys who doused a man with gasoline, the black guys who beat the hot dog vendor to death, the black guys who beat a transsexual prostitute to death, put them in prison with the black guys who shot Christopher Lane, the black guy who beat the housewife in New Jersey, the black teens who beat up the 13 year old boy on a school bus.

And then complain that the prisons are full of black guys.

Well, the people who did those crimes deserved to be locked up, what can we do?
There are 300 million guns in this country

Some people are going to end up getting shot

Get used to it

Yeah, I remember you saying this same thing when the black kid int he hoody got killed.


The best response when someone gets shot is to say "Sorry for your loss" and move on

Guns keep us safe, don't you know that?
Yes, I do. I also know how inconsistent LOLberal like yourself are. When it fits the right agenda, press it. When it doesn't, make sarcastic comments as deflection from your "rivals".

Your spots don't change, RWer.
There are 300 million guns in this country

Some people are going to end up getting shot

Get used to it

Your little 'performance art' bit here is really not clever. It's really not. Sorry to have to break the news to you.
One of the two black guys who beat the veteran to death has been arrested. Catch the black guys who shot Santucci, the black guys who doused a man with gasoline, the black guys who beat the hot dog vendor to death, the black guys who beat a transsexual prostitute to death, put them in prison with the black guys who shot Christopher Lane, the black guy who beat the housewife in New Jersey, the black teens who beat up the 13 year old boy on a school bus.

And then complain that the prisons are full of black guys.

Well, the people who did those crimes deserved to be locked up, what can we do?

Start addressing the problem head on. This is a sickness within the black community. It is fed by race baiting leaders and soothing away wrongdoing justifying it. Those teens who killed Christopher Lane had a hit list of five others they intended to kill. All those potential victims were other black boys. Understanding motivations has led to Chicago and Detroit and a dozen other crime ridden cities. It can and is slowly turning the whole country into one big Chicago. These killers think they had a right to commit those crimes and that's where the beginning of these crimes occur.

When you figure out why Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louie Farrakhan are "leaders" and Allen West, Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell aren't, then you will figure out what can be done.

Black cities are watching their best and brightest be killed by mindless savage predators. If black people cannot step up and challenge their "leaders" there will be a backlash with some very deadly results.
There are 300 million guns in this country

Some people are going to end up getting shot

Get used to it

Your little 'performance art' bit here is really not clever. It's really not. Sorry to have to break the news to you.

It is a fact of life

People get shot. There is nothing we can do about it. Catch them, lock them up and wait for the next one

Our guns keep us safe. An occaisional shooting is the price we pay for our safety
Bring back the JOBS. No amount of hand-wringing, threats of retaliation, turning your home into a fortress, or being terrified of black kids will right these wrongs. There needs to be an alternative to welfare and the crushing hopelessness in all poor communities and that is a living WAGE. Most adult blacks are also afraid of these little monsters using the Trayvon excuse to kill the whites they've been taught to hate. Don't fall into the kind of racism that creates more of them. Bring back the JOBS...it's the only thing that will stop this.

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