Day After Every Revelation About the Biden Crime Family Trump’s Been Indicted. Every. Single. Time.

From the files of ‘They aren’t even trying to hide it’

3/17 - Hunter admits laptop
3/18 - Trump indictment news

6/8 - FBI doc alleges Biden bribe
6/9 - Trump indicted

7/26 - Hunter plea deal collapses
7/27 - Trump indicted

7/31 - Devon Archer testifies
8/1 - Trump indicted

Mere koinkydink.

Fortunately most Americans see thru the Banana Republic tactics of the Democrats. This too will backfire bigly and like in 16 catapult Trump into the White House.

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Fox? You dimwits are still using an exposed and fraudulent liar as your source?

You have to be one dumb and deluded SOB if you still watch Fox.

Oh yeah. The overwhelming majority of America does not watch Fox.

Only isolated old men who just can’t get along with the rest of the world, and live in their little fiefdoms of isolated ignorance, either alone, or with wives who wonder what life would be like if they would have made diffent decisions, and children that look forward to the day they can get away from them.
BS. Most of what they allege that Trump "did" is itself mere conjecture and assumption drawing specific conclusions from general actions. But in fact, the more one looks at what Trump actually DID, the more it WEAKENS the case!

Bullshit. No one needs to prove their beliefs. Many people know and believe many TRUE things despite being unable to PROVE them. No one's innocence is CONTINGENT on PROVING their well-founded and reasonable beliefs. But won't it be funny if the case actually opens the door for Trump to reexamine the cases that the courts refused to hear?! :21:

And he will be overruled on appeal. His case is a bag full of tissues.

Trump is done. And in case you haven’t been paying attention to the special elections as of late, your side is in big trouble son.
From the files of ‘They aren’t even trying to hide it’

3/17 - Hunter admits laptop
3/18 - Trump indictment news

6/8 - FBI doc alleges Biden bribe
6/9 - Trump indicted

7/26 - Hunter plea deal collapses
7/27 - Trump indicted

7/31 - Devon Archer testifies
8/1 - Trump indicted

Mere koinkydink.

Fortunately most Americans see thru the Banana Republic tactics of the Democrats. This too will backfire bigly and like in 16 catapult Trump into the White House.

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It won't, though. :itsok:
BS. Most of what they allege that Trump "did" is itself mere conjecture and assumption drawing specific conclusions from general actions. But in fact, the more one looks at what Trump actually DID, the more it WEAKENS the case!

Bullshit. No one needs to prove their beliefs. Many people know and believe many TRUE things despite being unable to PROVE them. No one's innocence is CONTINGENT on PROVING their well-founded and reasonable beliefs. But won't it be funny if the case actually opens the door for Trump to reexamine the cases that the courts refused to hear?! :21:

And he will be overruled on appeal. His case is a bag full of tissues.
Yes, they do need to prove their beliefs..if they are going to base their ACTIONS on them. :)
As there have been 60+ court cases dismissed (the majority on evidence), I don't think the judge will be too receptive to entertaining conspiracy theories. Just a hunch.

C'mon, It'll be a lot of fun watching this.
I see you are lacking any comment about the massive coincidence that a Trump indictment magically appears one day after a Hunter revelation, three times in a row.

One single day.

Every fuckin' time.

Thanks for revealing your total craven dishonesty.

Dually noted.
Take your head out of the sand and look around. Economy, fuel, immigration, election irregularities, hundred year old companies bankrupted
Economy is good. Allows me to afford the high fuel prices. Our gov't, lead with either dems or reps, has handled immigration poorly my whole life. Do you really believe whining about it more is having an impact? I don't. :dunno: Hundred year old companies go bankrupt because they have put themselves in positions where they can no longer remain competitive in their respective industries. That's capitalism, moron, not politics.
war in Ukraine that is draining our weaponry, sending strategic fuel supplies to China and refusing to replenish them, non existent foreign policy, politization of the DOJ, unending political attacks, investigations and indictments, homelessness, human trafficking, fentanyl and that is just off the top of what the msm is sweeping under the rug.
Well, you're certainly hyperbolically whining about these issues. Issues you have no control over. If a moron like yourself knows about them, how are these issues being swept under the rug?
The democrats and Biden are solely responsible---and YOU voted for it.
Ooh, listen to you shame virtue signal. Complainers are boring. :rolleyes:
It's funny you think your hobby of attempting to drum up charges on political opponents is NOT eastern European/communist tactics.
Well it's not a hobby. Grand juries are returning these indictments. And your blob will have his day in court if he wants one. Here's a news flash for you....he doesn't want one.

How do I know this?

Because the defense in the latest round of indictments centers on his frame of mind; that he believed he won the election so any move he made was therefore justified.

How does the defense intend to demonstrate this after the prosecution parades witness after witness who tells the jury that they told your blob that he lost--bigly and that there is evidence of his telling those around him that he knew he lost? The only way to do that is to have the blob ooze onto the witness stand himself. Where he will commit perjury within 15 seconds (or less). Much like yourself, he is congenitally unable to tell the truth.

Say, aren't you a traveling nurse of some type? Compassionate.
Oh heavens no. I'm a hospital administrator.
Well it's not a hobby. Grand juries are returning these indictments. And your blob will have his day in court if he wants one. Here's a news flash for you....he doesn't want one.

How do I know this?

Because the defense in the latest round of indictments centers on his frame of mind; that he believed he won the election so any move he made was therefore justified.

How does the defense intend to demonstrate this after the prosecution parades witness after witness who tells the jury that they told your blob that he lost--bigly and that there is evidence of his telling those around him that he knew he lost? The only way to do that is to have the blob ooze onto the witness stand himself. Where he will commit perjury within 15 seconds (or less). Much like yourself, he is congenitally unable to tell the truth.

Oh heavens no. I'm a hospital administrator.

A hospital administrator. That tracks perfectly. How much Remsdesivir did you order up for people on vents?
From the files of ‘They aren’t even trying to hide it’

3/17 - Hunter admits laptop
3/18 - Trump indictment news

6/8 - FBI doc alleges Biden bribe
6/9 - Trump indicted

7/26 - Hunter plea deal collapses
7/27 - Trump indicted

7/31 - Devon Archer testifies
8/1 - Trump indicted

Mere koinkydink.

Fortunately most Americans see thru the Banana Republic tactics of the Democrats. This too will backfire bigly and like in 16 catapult Trump into the White House.

View attachment 810901

You can go after the Bidens any time you like, if you have sufficient evidence of wrongdoing.

Go for it... have a field day with it... no big deal...


That will NOT be allowed to distract every loyal US citizen beyond your own MAGA base who wants Trump to pay for January 6, 2021...

And there are legions of them... decent folk who despise Trump for summoning, inciting and aiming a mob against Congress on that day...

Looks like your boy can't shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it after all, eh? :clap2: :abgg2q.jpg:

Don't forget your popcorn... enjoy the show...
Trump is done.
Yep. You got him, this time, right, Screwed, after 8 years and 4,000 attempts? :21:

And in case you haven’t been paying attention to the special elections as of late, your side is in big trouble son.
Really? Must be why democrat donations and Biden donations are WAY down by 30% compared to last time! Never mind that none of the charges hold an ounce of water, the nation is growing increasingly conservative and fed up with the left and their fascist witch-hunts, AND the investigation and pending impeachment of Biden has barely begun yet! :auiqs.jpg:

No. It isn't. It's built around what Trump DID. And yes, Trump will need to prove there was election fraud in order to slither out from the charge that he BELIEVED there was election fraud....when he didn't really believe it. :)
Yes, the burden of proof is on Jack Smith...and I have no doubt that he's going to deliver. If Trump's lawyer tries to re-litigate 2020, he's cooked. The charges and the reasoning behind them are laid out clearly. No whataboutism's
are going to save him this time.

You just can't give this guy up for some reason. And he will be like a boat anchor around your party, its ideology, its belief system, and its political future.
This trial, will make sure he's not a boat anchor around the neck of the country, and the Constitution it was built on.

I would deal with it and start lining up some other Republican you can throw your support behind.
It's only gonna get worse for Trump. And sooner or later, enough of his "supporters"..will abandon him.
/——/ Jack Smith is a student of the Adam Shytface School of Nothingburgers.
Yes, they do need to prove their beliefs..if they are going to base their ACTIONS on them.
Fuck off, Jack. No one needs to, much less CAN prove their BELIEFS to justify their actions, especially when more than half the country believes the same things. And for very good reason. Trump isn't the one making accusations here, Jack, it is your Hollywood Shit-Show, Fly-boy Smith who has all the burden of proof. Just what country do you live in, Jack? Communist Cuba? Guilty unless proven innocent? Fuck You. :fu: Now I KNOW you ain't no "constitutional scholar." You ain't even a constitutional lemming. You are a constitutional BOWEL MOVEMENT.

As there have been 60+ court cases dismissed
57 of 60 cases dismissed without even LOOKING at the cases!

I don't think the judge will be too receptive to entertaining conspiracy theories.
You keep right on thinking that, Jerky, the burden of proof is on Jack Smith and he is going to fail, if on appeal, because he HAS NO CASE. Not even a weak one much less one strong enough to send Trump to prison by his political rival, but glad to hear you approve of a state which locks up its political dissidents in order to win an election because they know it is the only way to win.
Fuck off, Jack. No one needs to, much less CAN prove their BELIEFS to justify their actions, especially when more than half the country believes the same things. And for very good reason. Trump isn't the one making accusations here, Jack, it is your Hollywood Shit-Show, Fly-boy Smith who has all the burden of proof. Just what country do you live in, Jack? Communist Cuba? Guilty unless proven innocent? Fuck You. :fu: Now I KNOW you ain't no "constitutional scholar." You ain't even a constitutional lemming. You are a constitutional BOWEL MOVEMENT.

57 of 60 cases dismissed without even LOOKING at the cases!

You keep right on thinking that, Jerky, the burden of proof is on Jack Smith and he is going to fail, if on appeal, because he HAS NO CASE. Not even a weak one much less one strong enough to send Trump to prison by his political rival, but glad to hear you approve of a state which locks up its political dissidents in order to win an election because they know it is the only way to win.
That's what a trial is all about, proving that what you did say and how you acted upon those can be backed up with evidence.
Of course the burden of proof is on Smith..duh. He's the prosecutor. However, the grand jury is the entity that handed down the indictments.
You keep hanging on to Levin. Your outrage here doesn't even compare to the amusement I'm getting out the fits that asshat is tying himself into.
I'm afraid he's gonna have coronary right there on Fox. :auiqs.jpg:

Of those 60+ cases, NINE were decided on standing, including the AG douche from TX that thought he could tell other states their vote tallies were incorrect.
That's what a trial is all about, proving that what you did say and how you acted upon those can be backed up with evidence.
No, that is NOT what a trial is about Jack. Gee, you are a complete jerk. You're even dumber than I thought. Guess you're too fucked in the head to even know: INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. The burden is on the PROSECUTION asshole, not the accused. ESPECIALLY in a case so high profile as this. Gee, the more you talk, the more you step into your own bullshit you fucking liar "constitutional scholar!"

the grand jury is the entity that handed down the indictments.
And there is no doubt the entire case is being rigged against Trump to lose. You assholes have been throwing mud against the wall hoping for 7 years something will stick to Trump and this verdict will be appealed in another court and won, period.

You keep hanging on to Levin.
Another bogus nonsense you pulled out of your ass?

Your outrage here
What outrage? I'm LAUGHING at you Jack. You're a 24K asshole.

I'm afraid he's gonna have coronary right there on Fox.
Glad to hear you watch the Fake News Channel! :laughing0301: I don't even have cable Jack.

You're an asshole, Jack. You argue like a little petulant girl.
No, that is NOT what a trial is about Jack. Gee, you are a complete jerk. You're even dumber than I thought. Guess you're too fucked in the head to even know: INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. The burden is on the PROSECUTION asshole, not the accused. ESPECIALLY in a case so high profile as this. Gee, the more you talk, the more you step into your own bullshit you fucking liar "constitutional scholar!"

And there is no doubt the entire case is being rigged against Trump to lose. You assholes have been throwing mud against the wall hoping for 7 years something will stick to Trump and this verdict will be appealed in another court and won, period.

Another bogus nonsense you pulled out of your ass?

What outrage? I'm LAUGHING at you Jack. You're a 24K asshole.

Glad to hear you watch the Fake News Channel! :laughing0301: I don't even have cable Jack.

You're an asshole, Jack. You argue like a little petulant girl.
You're saying a trial is NOT about evidence? Gee, that's contrary to what I've been taught all my life. BTW, who has rendered a verdict against Trump and passed down a sentence of guilty? Again, yes, the burden of proof is on the prosecution. And after the prosecution presents its arguments, do you think that Trump's hot defense attorney is going to sit there and want to argue that her client BELIEVED he was robbed (even when the evidence says he knew he wasn't), therefore inciting insurrection and attempting to impeded the peaceful transition of power was justified....because that's how he FELT??? Remind me never to take legal advice from you. :auiqs.jpg:

Cable huh?..don't tell me, let me guess....Newsmax?? OANN?. Cause those are pretty much your choices. Either way, if you made an argument at all, you'd argue like a schoolboy. You get too bogged down in personal insults. You don't deal in actual facts.
From your non-existent proof of election fraud. Now your non-existent proof of Biden misdeeds. And excusing your lord and savior..cause you know, facts are inconvenient. :)
You're saying a trial is NOT about evidence?
WHERE did I say that, Jack? Is Saturday your EXTRA-STUPID day?

Gee, that's contrary to what I've been taught all my life.
It took you all your life to learn nothing?

Remind me never to take legal advice from you.
I never offered any, Jack.

Cable huh?..don't tell me, let me guess....
I said I DIDN'T have cable jack. Not for a long, long time, almost 20 years? Gee, you're 0 for 20 today Jack, just as Smith's case will be when put under the crucible of judicial scrutiny.
WHERE did I say that, Jack? Is Saturday your EXTRA-STUPID day?

It took you all your life to learn nothing?

I never offered any, Jack.

I said I DIDN'T have cable jack. Not for a long, long time, almost 20 years? Gee, you're 0 for 20 today Jack, just as Smith's case will be when put under the crucible of judicial scrutiny.
Me From Post #95
"That's what a trial is all about, proving that what you did say and how you acted upon those can be backed up with evidence".

You From Post #96
"No, that is NOT what a trial is about Jack. Gee, you are a complete jerk. You're even dumber than I thought. Guess you're too fucked in the head to even know: INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. The burden is on the PROSECUTION asshole, not the accused. ESPECIALLY in a case so high profile as this. Gee, the more you talk, the more you step into your own bullshit you fucking liar "constitutional scholar!"

Did I misquote you here? You are insinuating that a trial is not based on evidence.

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