Day After Every Revelation About the Biden Crime Family Trump’s Been Indicted. Every. Single. Time.

You can go after the Bidens any time you like, if you have sufficient evidence of wrongdoing.

Go for it... have a field day with it... no big deal...


That will NOT be allowed to distract every loyal US citizen beyond your own MAGA base who wants Trump to pay for January 6, 2021...

And there are legions of them... decent folk who despise Trump for summoning, inciting and aiming a mob against Congress on that day...

Looks like your boy can't shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it after all, eh? :clap2: :abgg2q.jpg:

Don't forget your popcorn... enjoy the show...
Don’t worry. J6 2025 won’t be the same rabble of unarmed yahoos that nearly toppled and overthrew the US government
I`m still waiting for the FIRST revelation about Joe Biden`s crimes. Unlike Trump`s criminal family, Biden`s kids aren`t on the government payroll. If you want to impeach Hunter Biden, I won`t stand in the way although my wife also owns a laptop.
You’ll never see one.
Your head is too far up the ass of your masters.

BTW - Brandon’s job approval vs Trumps lowest.

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