Day After Every Revelation About the Biden Crime Family Trump’s Been Indicted. Every. Single. Time.

These are the first that he can't lawyer his way out of.

I see you are lacking any comment about the massive coincidence that a Trump indictment magically appears one day after a Hunter revelation, three times in a row.

One single day.

Every fuckin' time.

Thanks for revealing your total craven dishonesty.

Dually noted.
I see you are lacking any comment about the massive coincidence that a Trump indictment magically appears one day after a Hunter revelation, three times in a row.

One single day.

Every fuckin' time.

Thanks for revealing your total craven dishonesty.

Dually noted.

It's obvious that Trump supporters are carefully timing their blatantly accusations to distract from Trump's indictments.

Something to rally the idiots around.
You got him THIS time! LMAO Hocus Pocus evidence--ooops.

Yup. The justice system is unfairly biased in favor of the wealthy. Trump has already proven that.

But there is a limit to that bias. The Justice system knows that this time they, as much as Trump are on trial.

Trump is going down!
Stop committing crimes trump.



Now I understand the source of your confusion.

My name is not "Trump".

It's not me.

And whoever this "Trump" is, has clearly hurt you emotionally, perhaps irreversibly so.

It must be so devastating.

Can you describe this..."Trump"?

He seems to be all you think about.

You poor emotional cripple.
From the files of ‘They aren’t even trying to hide it’

3/17 - Hunter admits laptop
3/18 - Trump indictment news

6/8 - FBI doc alleges Biden bribe
6/9 - Trump indicted

7/26 - Hunter plea deal collapses
7/27 - Trump indicted

7/31 - Devon Archer testifies
8/1 - Trump indicted

I see you just don't believe in sheer fricking amazing repeated coincidences! :smoke:

I say, we keep exposing more and more Biden Family Crime Thuggery just to see how long they can keep it up!

I say, let's go for 200 indictments just to show the world what total scumbag fascist garbage that the democrat party really is now!
Keep talking duck. You exhibit ignorance with each keystroke. It is clear you have no concept of the difference between a civil case and a criminal conviction. Trump HAS NEVER been convicted of a crime. What part of YOU'RE DISMISSED did you not understand or is your English failing you?

The only reason Trump has never been convicted of a crime is because he has settled out of court without an admission of guilt. In other words, he bought his way out of it.

Trump has bragged about bribery and other corruption. When you’re rich they let you.
Arrested for the third time.

Arrested? Hey twit, there was no arrest, Trump came to them, walked in, pled NOT GUILTY, then walked back out, got in his limo and went to Bedminster to have a fabulous meal to standing ovation and applause while giving you the big fat stink-finger. :fu:

Trump gets more applause in a day than Joe Biden has had his entire life.

If you had asked for personal convictions of Trump my friend, I would have started with E. Jean Carol's success on Trump.

Are there more Trump personal convictions that can be named?

CARROLL: I think most people think of rape as being sexy.
COOPER: Let's take a short break --
CARROLL: They think of the fantasies

A rape? At Bergdorf Goodman?? Sounds Familiar!


"Roleplay took place in the dressing room at Bergdorf's. While she was trying lingerie, I would burst in."
I see you are lacking any comment about the massive coincidence that a Trump indictment magically appears one day after a Hunter revelation, three times in a row.

One single day.

Every fuckin' time.

Thanks for revealing your total craven dishonesty.

Dually noted.

Trump keeps breaking the law. He loves a headline.
Trump keeps breaking the law. He loves a headline.
Just for basic knowledge and this may have nothing to do with the accusations. The criminal code in a free nation is like an encyclopedia. What we do know as people like you expound. Progressive Socialists commits no crimes. Innocent as the pure driven white snow. A lifetime is say 80 years. You vote subtracting 20 of them for legal age. Republicans shoving RINOS/NEO CONS since at least Nixon. So 60 years of that lifetime for legal voting minus 50 years since Nixon leaves 10 years give or take a few. Whatever that means. So, Reagan his first 4 years gave us freedom and our money back. The Republican Revolution in 1994 gave us a few years prosperity. And Trump until COVID gave us the same. Total about 10 years or so.

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