Day After Every Revelation About the Biden Crime Family Trump’s Been Indicted. Every. Single. Time.

What do you want? You got a bunch of NothingBurger faux scandals on Biden.
On the other hand, the evidence against Trump seems pretty solid.
So, there's that. :)
They're just going to get loonier and loonier.

They keep trying to change the subject, and they keep striking out.

This is what they get for selling their soul to the most obvious con man this country has ever seen.
Attack him with what? We’re still waiting on that evidence. Archer just confirmed everything Biden told you about his conversations with Hunter. They didn’t talk business.
I see you just don't believe in sheer fricking amazing repeated coincidences! :smoke:

I say, we keep exposing more and more Biden Family Crime Thuggery just to see how long they can keep it up!

I say, let's go for 200 indictments just to show the world what total scumbag fascist garbage that the democrat party really is now!

I find it odd that you think that Hunter Biden’s misdemeanour late filing of his tax returns is an equivalent crime to Donald Trump defrauding the American people and attempting to steal the 2020 election.

Even Fox News is mocking your attempts to portray the Bidens as criminals.

Arrested? Hey twit, there was no arrest, Trump came to them, walked in, pled NOT GUILTY, then walked back out, got in his limo and went to Bedminster to have a fabulous meal to standing ovation and applause while giving you the big fat stink-finger. :fu:

Trump gets more applause in a day than Joe Biden has had his entire life.

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The only people applauding Trump are those too stupid to realize what a crooked disaster he’s been, and your enemies who want to see the USA destroyed.

Which one are you?
Donald Trump defrauding the American people
and attempting to steal the 2020 election.
Even Fox News is mocking your attempts to portray the Bidens as criminals.

Wow, that borders on delusional psychoses. You even quote Fox News the fake news network we were told for years not to believe anything they said!

But you believe them when it is convenient for you.

The question is: were you BORN a complete uninformed jackass or have you been criminally MADE a total idiot by all of the misinformation spread by the leftwing media?
We don`t convict people before they`re tried. It`s not surprising that Trump loves his dumbfucks.
Look at your posts and those of your democrat buddies on this board--You morons convicted him seven years ago and your posts are written as you've already put him in prison. Meanwhile, the criminal that you put in the WH eats his ice cream while he destroys the nation.
Look at your posts and those of your democrat buddies on this board--You morons convicted him seven years ago and your posts are written as you've already put him in prison. Meanwhile, the criminal that you put in the WH eats his ice cream while he destroys the nation.
How many times have you locked up "crooked Hillary" for using email? How is the nation being destroyed?
How many times have you locked up "crooked Hillary" for using email? How is the nation being destroyed?
Take your head out of the sand and look around. Economy, fuel, immigration, election irregularities, hundred year old companies bankrupted, war in Ukraine that is draining our weaponry, sending strategic fuel supplies to China and refusing to replenish them, non existent foreign policy, politization of the DOJ, unending political attacks, investigations and indictments, homelessness, human trafficking, fentanyl and that is just off the top of what the msm is sweeping under the rug. The democrats and Biden are solely responsible---and YOU voted for it.
Take your head out of the sand and look around. Economy, fuel, immigration, election irregularities, hundred year old companies bankrupted, war in Ukraine that is draining our weaponry, sending strategic fuel supplies to China and refusing to replenish them, non existent foreign policy, politization of the DOJ, unending political attacks, investigations and indictments, homelessness, human trafficking, fentanyl and that is just off the top of what the msm is sweeping under the rug. The democrats and Biden are solely responsible---and YOU voted for it

Arrested? Hey twit, there was no arrest, Trump came to them, walked in, pled NOT GUILTY, then walked back out, got in his limo and went to Bedminster to have a fabulous meal to standing ovation and applause while giving you the big fat stink-finger. :fu:

Trump gets more applause in a day than Joe Biden has had his entire life.

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Trump has a cult. Here`s a guy at a rally who was seeing Trump for the 68th (sixty-eight) time! Do you think there is something wrong with these people?
Take your head out of the sand and look around. Economy, fuel, immigration, election irregularities, hundred year old companies bankrupted, war in Ukraine that is draining our weaponry, sending strategic fuel supplies to China and refusing to replenish them, non existent foreign policy, politization of the DOJ, unending political attacks, investigations and indictments, homelessness, human trafficking, fentanyl and that is just off the top of what the msm is sweeping under the rug. The democrats and Biden are solely responsible---and YOU voted for it.
msm? Why did you not say the magic word, Woke? That one is pretty popular among the buffoonatics, these days.
You guys can stop having the Biden witch-hunt and ensure that Trump never gets indicted again.

The nation we continue to share with these people is not the USA.

That's why we need to split and just let them have their own totalitarian state. Look here, it's what corny wants.
Take your head out of the sand and look around. Economy, fuel, immigration, election irregularities, hundred year old companies bankrupted, war in Ukraine that is draining our weaponry, sending strategic fuel supplies to China and refusing to replenish them, non existent foreign policy, politization of the DOJ, unending political attacks, investigations and indictments, homelessness, human trafficking, fentanyl and that is just off the top of what the msm is sweeping under the rug. The democrats and Biden are solely responsible---and YOU voted for it.
What's new? America has gone through all that, several times in the decades I've been alive???I

We will make it out of this, just like all other troubled times that we've been through.
What's new? America has gone through all that, several times in the decades I've been alive???I

We will make it out of this, just like all other troubled times that we've been through.

The difference is that, largely due to YOUR actions, a good half of us don't want to make it out as an US. We watched you lose your minds over a president and devolve to....this. We have lost faith in ALL our institutions, and you just continue to pulverize what little faith we have left.

Learn this:

There is hardly a "we" left. So congrats for that.
From the files of ‘They aren’t even trying to hide it’

3/17 - Hunter admits laptop
3/18 - Trump indictment news

6/8 - FBI doc alleges Biden bribe
6/9 - Trump indicted

7/26 - Hunter plea deal collapses
7/27 - Trump indicted

7/31 - Devon Archer testifies
8/1 - Trump indicted

Mere koinkydink.

Fortunately most Americans see thru the Banana Republic tactics of the Democrats. This too will backfire bigly and like in 16 catapult Trump into the White House.

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The nation we continue to share with these people is not the USA.

That's why we need to split and just let them have their own totalitarian state. Look here, it's what corny wants.
I`m okay with splitting but don`t think that you`re getting your slaves back. Sorry.
I`m okay with splitting but don`t think that you`re getting your slaves back. Sorry.

You get all the white liberal middle aged harpies who don't do much. And we get almost all the working class: by that I mean plumbers, electricians, construction workers, builders, other tradesmen.

Oh, and the military.

I love our odds. LOVE them.

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