Days of China, Wall Street, and K Street Screwing Over the USA Coming to an End


May 23, 2014
The Trump administration is doing the right thing by getting tough with China on the fucked-up trade deals that have cost millions of US jobs and billions of $$$ to our economy. The administration must go after the unpatriotic scumbags on Wall Street who were an active participant in fucking over their own country for personal gain, and kick Chinese lobbyists out of Washington DC. Law must also be passed that prohibits former members of Congress from being paid lobbyists by foreign entities.
Larry Kudlow On China Tariffs: A Risk We Should Take To Correct 20 Years Of Unfair Trade
Bunch of traitors should be put in a cage for selling out their country to the enemy.
Meet the U.S. Officials Now in China’s Sphere of Influence
Foreign countries have no business being lobbyists in Washington DC...throw the bums out! I don’t care if they are an ally. Representatives and Senators were elected (hired) to represent the United States of America and the American people.
Foreign interests have spent over $530 million influencing US policy, public opinion since 2017
China wanted to maintain status quo in Washington DC so they gave to Jeb and Hillary.
Chinese-owned company that gave illegal $1.3 million to Jeb Bush super PAC also gave to pro-Clinton groups
Largest contributor to the Clinton campaign in 2016 was the Paloma Partners a pro-China firm and lobby group. They own this company (why establishment wanted to beat Trump)
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Wonder why we are hearing nothing about Diane 'Warbucks' Feinstein's involvement with a Red Chinese spy she employed.
Liberal media is financed by the same people who have bought the Democratic Party and are economically tied with China. Sorry assed cycle.
.....really ridiculous when they send workers here and we send jobs /business there = double fked
we have Chinese/Vietnamese/ a Taiwanese /etc--and they hardly ever speak English
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Interesting that you should categorize China w/Wall & K street....~S~
Free trade was always a rigged system that killed the American worker and economy while enriching Wall St, K St. and multinational corporations. It was the establishments dream of profiting off of slave labor. It has to end.
Interesting that you should categorize China w/Wall & K street....~S~
Why do you say that? China as a nation state is the largest lobby group and special interest group in the United States. We are the biggest market for the shit products they make and dump into our markets.
Free trade was always a rigged system that killed the American worker and economy while enriching Wall St, K St. and multinational corporations. It was the establishments dream of profiting off of slave labor. It has to end.
It has been terrible for American workers.
It isn't 'free trade'; Red China requires most everything sold there to be made there. This is fine with the financial sector, as the profits from slave labor are enormous and on top of massive Federal subsidies and essentially no taxes on the gains. Nor is it 'trade'; Apple shipping itself stuff from their foreign factories are merely intra-company transfers, not 'trade'. Same with Mexico, Viet Nam, and all the other 'trade' scams, Ford or whomever merely shipping itself parts and cars to its plants and dealerships here. Smarter and informed consumers know to ask dealers to prove the engines in GM cars were ones made in Canada rather than Mexico, fro instance, and 'Just Say No' to those with Mexican built engines in them.

Red China is also allowed under the WTO rules to still be claiming to be a 'developing nation' and getting those bennies as well.
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Free trade was always a rigged system that killed the American worker and economy while enriching Wall St, K St. and multinational corporations. It was the establishments dream of profiting off of slave labor. It has to end.
It has been terrible for American workers.
But it has been fantastic for the transnational capitalist class aka The Billionaires. Since they own and control the political class, they always win.
Look at these RW nutbags reversing course on free trade and deficits so they can kiss fat orange ass.

Something to behold.
Look at these RW nutbags reversing course on free trade and deficits so they can kiss fat orange ass.

Something to behold.

Never been a right winger, but you have always been a dope addled deviant, as your obsession with a red head's ass is obvious.

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