DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

Cool story bro, too bad its bunk. Liberal logic is amazing, so the SCOTUS that just gave you people an abortion enema doesn't want to get involved that's your thinking. :auiqs.jpg:
Either way I'm fine with it. Your mind is going to be blown when the SCOTUS rules against Trump then. Which might even be better. LOL!

Well, this was interesting, esp the part here


Steven Cheung, Trump campaign spokesperson, said in a statement that the case will have far-reaching consequences, both for Trump and all future presidents.

"If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party," he said. "Without complete immunity, a President of the United States would not be able to properly function!"


I wonder if a former president can be held accountable for what he /she did when VICE president?


Only if he or she is a Republican?

Its never been total immunity for everything including ordering an assassination as trump lawyers claimed.

Every president has dealt with there being no presidential immunity for non presidential duty, crimes committed.

This has never affected all other presidents....this is not something new...even Nixon knew he'd be charged for his crimes that's why he needed a pardon by Ford....

Trump is a CRIMINAL, that's why he is fighting only for himself on this....
The like objection occurs to the Senates being made the Triers upon Impeachmts., as they therein Participate in the Judicial Powers, and it may be Added that in case of Impeachment Of the President for Mal Conduct by their advice, they will be a strange Tribunal to Judge of it; at the same time it will be objected to, as borrowed from the British form and approximating too nearly to the obnoxious power of the Lords. Tho’ I do not see any material reason for having taken this trial out of the Judiciary course, yet it is really not so exceptionable as it at first appears. The mode of Prosecution, as generally practiced, is not a favorite with me, being generally the Engine of Party contentions for Offices, and no matter how Seldom practiced. It is in the hands of the House of Representatives, who will not use it in the case Supposed, or if they do, and meet the obstruction, may yet resort to the Courts of Justice, as an Acquital would not bar that remedy—the assimilation to the Power of the Lords, is too futile to merit notice.
What they have accused him of is not even a crime. If it was there would be a lot of Democrats in jail. You know this is political interference and it has nothing to do with anything than keeping power, Fascism.

He's more than free to argue that in a DC Court. I don't think he'll get very far.

What he's arguing is that the president should be above the law, not only while he is in office but after he leaves.

LMAO lunatic Dems and their wild hypotheticals.
If I had said in Dec. 2020 that Trump was going to unleash an angry mob on Congress in an attempt to terrify them into throwing out an election he clearly lost, you'd have called that a "Wild Hypothetical".

Judge Pan nailed Trump's lawyer to the wall on this one.

When you see Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Clapper and Fauci walking around free? Don't forget Killary. Looks more like an astute observation.

None of them committed any crimes. Leaving aside Hillary and Fauci, Weird Beard Durham had complete prosecutorial power to bring charges against the others you listed for Russia-Gate. The problem he had was he couldn't convince a grand jury. He couldn't even convict the bit players of crimes.
He's more than free to argue that in a DC Court. I don't think he'll get very far.

What he's arguing is that the president should be above the law, not only while he is in office but after he leaves.

If I had said in Dec. 2020 that Trump was going to unleash an angry mob on Congress in an attempt to terrify them into throwing out an election he clearly lost, you'd have called that a "Wild Hypothetical".

Judge Pan nailed Trump's lawyer to the wall on this one.

None of them committed any crimes. Leaving aside Hillary and Fauci, Weird Beard Durham had complete prosecutorial power to bring charges against the others you listed for Russia-Gate. The problem he had was he couldn't convince a grand jury. He couldn't even convict the bit players of crimes.
He is arguing while in office the president should be protected. And the Constitution does that. Nothing about doing anything to stay in power?
If I had said in Dec. 2020 that Trump was going to unleash an angry mob on Congress
You people unleashed angry MOBS (plural) on the nation looting, burning and rioting across America for 6 months while your reps in congress cheered. Injuring over 2,000 police. Damaging untold numbers of government buildings, occupying police departments, and destroying countless private businesses. Shove that right up your asses with a hot poker you faux rage J6 dicks.
A "DC" court you say... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Too bad for Dems the Trump SCOTUS has the final say. :muahaha:
The "Trump SCOTUS" you say. It is amazing that people think that way, it really is. Trump is not the president, yet he seems to control at least enough of the Republican house that he is calling the shots, like the immigration bill. Now you claim Trump controls the SCOTUS, guess he had his appointees sign some kind of agreement. I mean shit, now all we have to do is get rid of Biden and elect Trump.

In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent, is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty, it is evident that each department should have a will of its own; and consequently should be so constituted, that the members of each should have as little agency as possible in the appointment of the members of the others.
That is James Madison, Federalist 51. Note,

distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent, is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty,
The separation of powers has been the cornerstone of the Constitution. It has been the air that this nation breathes and it, and it alone, as allowed our Republic to last this long. Totalitarian governments, they usually don't last long, because they are not nimble, they can't react to unexpected catastrophes or change. They are like a big ass ocean liner steaming ahead, changing direction is a major undertaking, if even possible. But a functioning democracy, with a distinct separation of powers, well that is like a Sea Doo, zipping and turning at a moments notice. But back to Madison

each department should have a will of its own;
These MAGA Republican legislators, damn dollar to a flippin doughnut they don't even know what the Federalist papers are, let alone bothered to read any of them, most certainly not 51. It is their duty, THEIR FLIPPIN DUTY, to be independent. At best, they are cowards, each and everyone. I mean it is really pretty damn sad when Liz Cheney has bigger balls than they do. But at worse, they are traitors, REAL TRAITORS, and should be dragged before a judge, tried, and executed.
And the SCOTUS, maybe you are right. Maybe they are "bought and bossed" by none other than Trump himself. They are quickly coming to a Jesus moment. The 14th amendment case, the immunity claim, the correct decision is really not that difficult to ascertain. And those legislators are just pussies, after all, they have to be re-elected. Which should never have been allowed, ask George Mason. But that is another thread and another time. And besides, you people don't even know who George Mason was.

But damn, a SCOTUS judge has a lifetime appointment. I mean that is the last safeguard left, the founders were absolutely geniuses. They can rule against Trump and there is not a damn thing he, or the public, can do about it. But, if they rule in his favor, then the gig is up. Shut the book on the American Republic. It is over.

When we contemplate the fall of empires & the extinction of the nations of the ancient world, we see but little more to excite our regret than the mouldering ruins of pompous palaces, magnificent monuments, lofty pyramids, and walls and towers of the most costly workmanship: But when the empire of America shall fall, the subject for contemplative sorrow will be infinitely greater than crumbling brass or marble can inspire. It will not then be said, here stood a temple of vast antiquity, here rose a babel of invisible height, or there a pa∣lace of sumptuous extravagance; but here ah painful thought! the noblest work of human wisdom, the grandest scene of human glory, the fair cause of freedom rose and fell.

That is Thomas Paine, in a letter to George Washington, a scathing letter. But you can't blame the dude, he was sitting in a French jail cell. And yeah, maybe Trump will win the presidential election and go ahead and put in the final nail in the coffin of what once was "the grandest scene of human glory". What won't go unnoticed, the wealthiest president in American History was Donald Trump. Second, George Washington. The beginning and the ending.

Not at all. The Constitution protects the Hell out of the president. And when is Obama's trial for droning American citizens?
You mean the ones who decided to hang out at a terrorist camp in a war zone?
You think anyone sane would prosecute him for that?

They all lied to Congress with 0 accountability for it. With the exception of Killary, she was not under oath. That is above the law.
Who said they lied? Trump?
The "Trump SCOTUS" you say. It is amazing that people think that way, it really is. Trump is not the president, yet he seems to control at least enough of the Republican house that he is calling the shots, like the immigration bill. Now you claim Trump controls the SCOTUS, guess he had his appointees sign some kind of agreement. I mean shit, now all we have to do is get rid of Biden and elect Trump.

In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent, is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty, it is evident that each department should have a will of its own; and consequently should be so constituted, that the members of each should have as little agency as possible in the appointment of the members of the others.
That is James Madison, Federalist 51. Note,

distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent, is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty,
The separation of powers has been the cornerstone of the Constitution. It has been the air that this nation breathes and it, and it alone, as allowed our Republic to last this long. Totalitarian governments, they usually don't last long, because they are not nimble, they can't react to unexpected catastrophes or change. They are like a big ass ocean liner steaming ahead, changing direction is a major undertaking, if even possible. But a functioning democracy, with a distinct separation of powers, well that is like a Sea Doo, zipping and turning at a moments notice. But back to Madison

each department should have a will of its own;
These MAGA Republican legislators, damn dollar to a flippin doughnut they don't even know what the Federalist papers are, let alone bothered to read any of them, most certainly not 51. It is their duty, THEIR FLIPPIN DUTY, to be independent. At best, they are cowards, each and everyone. I mean it is really pretty damn sad when Liz Cheney has bigger balls than they do. But at worse, they are traitors, REAL TRAITORS, and should be dragged before a judge, tried, and executed.
And the SCOTUS, maybe you are right. Maybe they are "bought and bossed" by none other than Trump himself. They are quickly coming to a Jesus moment. The 14th amendment case, the immunity claim, the correct decision is really not that difficult to ascertain. And those legislators are just pussies, after all, they have to be re-elected. Which should never have been allowed, ask George Mason. But that is another thread and another time. And besides, you people don't even know who George Mason was.

But damn, a SCOTUS judge has a lifetime appointment. I mean that is the last safeguard left, the founders were absolutely geniuses. They can rule against Trump and there is not a damn thing he, or the public, can do about it. But, if they rule in his favor, then the gig is up. Shut the book on the American Republic. It is over.

When we contemplate the fall of empires & the extinction of the nations of the ancient world, we see but little more to excite our regret than the mouldering ruins of pompous palaces, magnificent monuments, lofty pyramids, and walls and towers of the most costly workmanship: But when the empire of America shall fall, the subject for contemplative sorrow will be infinitely greater than crumbling brass or marble can inspire. It will not then be said, here stood a temple of vast antiquity, here rose a babel of invisible height, or there a pa∣lace of sumptuous extravagance; but here ah painful thought! the noblest work of human wisdom, the grandest scene of human glory, the fair cause of freedom rose and fell.

That is Thomas Paine, in a letter to George Washington, a scathing letter. But you can't blame the dude, he was sitting in a French jail cell. And yeah, maybe Trump will win the presidential election and go ahead and put in the final nail in the coffin of what once was "the grandest scene of human glory". What won't go unnoticed, the wealthiest president in American History was Donald Trump. Second, George Washington. The beginning and the ending.

You people unleashed angry MOBS (plural) on the nation looting, burning and rioting across America for 6 months while your reps in congress cheered. Injuring over 2,000 police. Damaging untold numbers of government buildings, occupying police departments, and destroying countless private businesses. Shove that right up your asses with a hot poker you faux rage J6 dicks.
You sure are angry. More bad days like this are ahead for you pal. You better learn to control that anger. It isnt healthy.

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