DC appeals court says Trump is not immune (as a former president) from prosecution

Your opinion has no legal standing in the United States.
We are letting the process work. It just isnt going how you want it to so you have to come up with all this other bullshit.
So now we decide guilt or innocence of crimes by ballot in America? I dont think so pal. You are calling for the abolishment of courts of law. Which is about as anti-American as you can get.
Lets face reality here. You are on the wrong side of history and are unable to accept that. You need to look in the mirror. YOU are the scum, not those that believe in the rule of law, which seemingly you dont believe in.
Since you seem incapable of reading and comprehending what I wrote and prefer to go ad hominem and personally insulting I will wish you a pleasant day.
Actually, if you’re a highly partisan DA, it’s not hard to get a grand jury to indict.

You need evidence to convict, but then you have to let the defense question your evidence and present its own, so it isn’t as easy.
Your argument falls flat. Of course, the old saying is that you can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich, but there still has to be some meat on that sandwich.

If Trump really feels that he has been wrongly accused of doing what we all watched him do on National TV, he's free to hire some lawyers (this time, pay them and don't pick them based on Cup size) and argue that case in court.

But arguing that "the President can break any law he wants, and is immune if he doesn't get convicted after being impeached is disingenuous. The Court saw right through it and slapped him down, and it's unlikely he can find four SCOTUS judges who would want to set that precedent.
And you are welcome to try to prove that in a court of law.

So why didn't Durham charge him?

Oh, that's right, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T HAVE A CASE!
Our courts do not deal with crimes unless people are charged. They were never charged.
Yeah, because every drug addict openly admits on their firearm application that they are addicted to drugs.
I guess the point is for crackheads not to try to obtain firearms.

But if you have Biden privilege I guess it’s keel!
Hunter lied on a firearms background form. That’s a crime.
I guess. Or he really didn't think he had an addiction problem. Most addicts are in denial they have a problem.
You didn’t believe Monica until she produced the blue dress.
Oh, I totally believed Monica, and in 1998, I was one of you wingnuts who said, "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing. Between you, me and the lampost, Clinton did commit a crime, just not one serious enough to warrant removing him from office. But here's the gag. Clinton never claimed he was immune to criminal prosecution because he was president. That's why he decided to pay a fine for lying about Monica.

That said, When Clinton left office, I was pissed off that he lied about an affair.

When Bush left office, I was pissed off that I had to take a 20% reduction in salary, had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K. But Bush didn't commit any crimes, he was just incompetent.

When Trump left office, we had race riots, plagues and a whopping recession, those weren't crimes, either. Just incompetence. But trying to overthrow the government because he didn't get the election results he wanted was.
Your argument falls flat. Of course, the old saying is that you can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich, but there still has to be some meat on that sandwich.
Where’s the meat? What is the best evidence that a specific action by Trump violated a specific criminal statute?
If Trump really feels that he has been wrongly accused of doing what we all watched him do on National TV, he's free to hire some lawyers (this time, pay them and don't pick them based on Cup size) and argue that case in court.

But arguing that "the President can break any law he wants, and is immune if he doesn't get convicted after being impeached is disingenuous. The Court saw right through it and slapped him down, and it's unlikely he can find four SCOTUS judges who would want to set that precedent.
Answer the question before I respond to that.
Our courts do not deal with crimes unless people are charged. They were never charged.
Right...now, why do you think that Durham didn't charge Comey, McCabe, Hillary, etc. with a crime. Was it because.

a) He couldn't convince a grand jury they had done anything criminal, especially after he faceplanted on the few charges he was able to bring?
b) He's part of the evil deep state! THey are all out to get Orange Jesus!
"If immunity is not granted to a President, every future President who leaves office will be immediately indicted by the opposing party," he said. "Without complete immunity, a President of the United States would not be able to properly function!"
That is complete and utter inane equine excrement. First of all , there has to be some evidence of a crime to get an indictment. In addition, your statement assumes that everyone who might become president, or an attorney general or prosecutor is a sniviling, whiney vengeance driven, thin shinned brat like Trump.

The fact is that if he is given immunity, there will no longer be any checks on the behavior of the president who will be free to engage in any criminal act that they wish to, without even the pretense of it coming under their official duties. So if Trump is given the immunity that he seeks, I sure hope that Biden takes full advantage of it to stop the slimy bastard by any means necessary
Where’s the meat? What is the best evidence that a specific action by Trump violated a specific criminal statute?

Answer the question before I respond to that.
We all watched him on National TV rile those people up. We know that he was in communication with the leaders of the Nazi Proud Boys, who led the storming of the capitol.

Come on, guy this isn't the argument Trump made. The argument Trump made was that his attempt to overthrow the election was part of his "official duties" as President, and therefore he can't be charged for them.
I guess. Or he really didn't think he had an addiction problem. Most addicts are in denial they have a problem.

Oh, I totally believed Monica, and in 1998, I was one of you wingnuts who said, "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing. Between you, me and the lampost, Clinton did commit a crime, just not one serious enough to warrant removing him from office. But here's the gag. Clinton never claimed he was immune to criminal prosecution because he was president. That's why he decided to pay a fine for lying about Monica.

That said, When Clinton left office, I was pissed off that he lied about an affair.
Yes I remember how angry you Dems were at him. 😏
When Bush left office, I was pissed off that I had to take a 20% reduction in salary, had an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K. But Bush didn't commit any crimes, he was just incompetent.
That story makes you sound incompetent.
When Trump left office, we had race riots, plagues and a whopping recession, those weren't crimes, either. Just incompetence. But trying to overthrow the government because he didn't get the election results he wanted was.
We had race riots because of DNC backed BLM and ANTIFA. Are you saying that if the people elect a president and rioters riot, it’s the presidents fault?

He made a speech. That isn’t trying to overthrow the government.
The Senate already acquitted Trump so this sham case is DOA in the SCOTUS.
Except the law has always held that impeachment and criminal prosecution are two separate acts.

Two judges who were removed from office through impeachment were eventually acquitted by juries of their peers. One of them, Alcee Hastings, eventually ran for Congress and won.

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