DC Protests Draw 2 Million

Ame®icano;1520636 said:
I expected your answer to be - but BOOOSH. Are we talking about Bush here?

Actually, I was talkingn about ALL adminsitrations. Booooosh's administration just happened to be the perfect example, as it was so recent and fresh in our memories.

Only 40 Billion spent and the Economy is already recovering from the Bush recession? Excellent! Maybe we won't have to even spend the rest of the money.

Or not spent at all I imagine.

You've been silent about other stuff.


Blaming Bush for a world wide event that was expected to occur does not make it his fault. Obama hasn't done anything different, so if anyone is to get credit for anything it's Bush.

is this world wide event the financial crisis? if yes, this started in the USA!USA!USA!, own it.
Ooookay ... seak help please. Al Gore has never been right, will never be right, and he can search for the Manbearpig on his own dime now, not my tax dollars.

Hey now, what does that guy's apparent insanity have to do with my man Gore?

I was just being a smartass, but if you like Gore then that changes my perspective of you from blind to insane. ;)
You sound like one of those tsunami victims.

e.g. Oh, wow, look at the water, it has receded. Wow, look at the wave in the background....it's coming closer...you got to take a picture of me. Here's the camera. Say cheese when i'm suppose to smile. Is my hair fine for the shot? You got it? *turns around* Wow, that's the biggest wave i ever seen, it looks like it is coming closer. I need another pic.

Ooookay ... seak help please. Al Gore has never been right, will never be right, and he can search for the Manbearpig on his own dime now, not my tax dollars.

fuck, al gore invented the mayan calendar, too?
How silly. Everyone knows that Al Gore is responsibile for the tsunami and plays golf with Jimmy Hoffa on every sabbath day of the Mayan calendar. Get with it.
Ooookay ... seak help please. Al Gore has never been right, will never be right, and he can search for the Manbearpig on his own dime now, not my tax dollars.

fuck, al gore invented the mayan calendar, too?
How silly. Everyone knows that Al Gore is responsibile for the tsunami and plays golf with Jimmy Hoffa on every sabbath day of the Mayan calendar. Get with it.

Blasphemy over Gores intermets!
Ooookay ... seak help please. Al Gore has never been right, will never be right, and he can search for the Manbearpig on his own dime now, not my tax dollars.

fuck, al gore invented the mayan calendar, too?
How silly. Everyone knows that Al Gore is responsibile for the tsunami and plays golf with Jimmy Hoffa on every sabbath day of the Mayan calendar. Get with it.

plays golf on shabbes? and is not even jewish?

you crossed a line!
These are the same people who went to work pissing away orders of magnitude more then was spent in the entire GWOT over 8 YEARS... in 6 months...

See now, here's the thing, in this entire conversation we've been having for quite a few pages now, no-one has been LYING, and it's remained moderately enjoyable for it.

But now here you come and bring out the completely false accusations. Sigh. {She's trying hard to call me a liar, without using the word...}

The thing to remember is that when EVER you find a Leftist proclaiming something akin to "FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY"... you're looking at a liar.

And the childish name-calling. ...

ROFLMNAO... You can't make this crap up...

These are the same people who went to work pissing away orders of magnitude more then was spent in the entire GWOT over 8 YEARS... in 6 months...

See now, here's the thing, in this entire conversation we've been having for quite a few pages now, no-one has been LYING, and it's remained moderately enjoyable for it.

But now here you come and bring out the completely false accusations. Sigh. {She's trying hard to call me a liar, without using the word...}

Um, actually I did call you a Liar and I'll do it again, and who's this "she" you're speaking of?

The thing to remember is that when EVER you find a Leftist proclaiming something akin to "FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY"... you're looking at a liar.

And the childish name-calling.

ROFLMNAO... You can't make this crap up...

Are you drunk or are you always this cryptic? Try and make some sense man!

What about them? You must be quite familiar with the moniker.
And about Al Gore.

Since a clear majority of the scientific world happens to agree with him, blindly stating that he's a madman is like being an Athiest...

...You adamantly deny the existence of something you personally can't see the proof of, which is just as odd as adamantly believing in the subject to begin with.

I'm an agnostic on the subject.

For now, I've seen enough evidence that the man was right on Global Warming, and I choose to believe.

If I am presented with enough evidence that he is wrong, I will call him a fool and move on.

However, I say he's "my man" because he's helped to create a global movement to wean us off Oil, and no matter how you look at that, it's a good thing. So he's got my respect for that if nothing else.
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This is no raw nerve. It is a small group of the population who hate the left and hate Obama and maybe hate the fact he is black.

It is orchestrated from the top by a bunch of folks with money to get those without this money to march for them.

It wasn't 2 million, it wasn't even a million.

This is more of 2000 with the RNC operatives pounding on the doors.:cuckoo:

When Glenn Beck and Dick Armey and Rush are your leaders this has nothing to do with grass roots.:doubt:

You lost the election to the "majority" of Americans. Live with it as you told US to when your bobo was in charge.

Or you can chose treason because you lost this inning.
Ame®icano;1520636 said:
I expected your answer to be - but BOOOSH. Are we talking about Bush here?

Actually, I was talkingn about ALL adminsitrations. Booooosh's administration just happened to be the perfect example, as it was so recent and fresh in our memories.

No, we're talking about Obama.

There is only $40 billions spent from stimulus so far. Do you know where did it go?

Only 40 Billion spent and the Economy is already recovering from the Bush recession? Excellent! Maybe we won't have to even spend the rest of the money.

Rest of it is back loaded and have to be spent by the mid of September next year. Just before the mid-term election.

Or not spent at all I imagine.

You've been silent about other stuff.


So you're saying that Obama is fixing errors from previous administrations altogether?

All that by repeating what they did, just on a much bigger scale. Does it make sense?

Economy is recovering? Who told you that?
See now, here's the thing, in this entire conversation we've been having for quite a few pages now, no-one has been LYING, and it's remained moderately enjoyable for it.

But now here you come and bring out the completely false accusations. Sigh. {She's trying hard to call me a liar, without using the word...}

Um, actually I did call you a Liar and I'll do it again, and who's this "she" you're speaking of?

And the childish name-calling.

ROFLMNAO... You can't make this crap up...

Are you drunk or are you always this cryptic? Try and make some sense man!

Too deep?

Well, I can dumb it down for ya...

You advanced the (false) assertion that I had Lied; in effect, calling me a liar... and in the same breath you lamented the reference of a liar, as childish name-calling...

Which is one classic indication of the common...
PubliusInfinitum said:

You must be quite familiar with the moniker.

Indeed... I 've spent 8-10 hours a day, 7 days a week, debating you people, over the last 15 years...
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Too deep?

Well, I can dumb it down for ya...

You advanced the (false) assertion that I had Lied; in effect, calling me a liar... and in the same breath you lamented the reference of a liar, as childish name-calling...

Which is one classic indication of the common...

No, I called you a liar because you lied.

Specifically you claimed that Mr Obama had created as much debt in his first year as George Bush had in his entire term of office.

That is a lie.
Too deep?

Well, I can dumb it down for ya...

You advanced the (false) assertion that I had Lied; in effect, calling me a liar... and in the same breath you lamented the reference of a liar, as childish name-calling...

Which is one classic indication of the common... Idiots

No, I called you a liar because you lied.

Specifically you claimed that Mr Obama had created as much debt in his first year as George Bush had in his entire term of office.

That is a lie.

ROFLMNAO... (She just can't get her head around it... can she? But she can VOTE!)

No sis... I said that Obama pissed away more money in his first six months than Bush used to prosecute the US GWOT... in 8 years. Which is an incontrovbertible fact...

US Government Accounting Office said:
Since 2001, Congress has appropriated about $430 billion to DOD and other government agencies for military and diplomatic efforts in support of GWOT.

And Hussein regime having spent nearly 2 TRILLION Dollars in deficit since coming to power... and he projects that he will spend 2 trillion in deficit every year of his regime.

Now do you need me to prove that 430 billion is smaller than 2 trillion? Or can ya handle that much?
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No sis... I said that Obama pissed away more money in his first six months than Bush used to prosecute the US GWOT... in 8 years. Which is an incontrovbertible fact...

You did say in the GWOT, I stand corrected. I was wrong in my choice of what I called you a liar about.

Except that the GWOT comment is also a lie.

Because you are excluding all moneys spent on the Iraq war from your figures, as well as all the additional expenses caused by the GWOT and Iraq, like increased VA costs, increased Oil costs, increased defense spending used in replacement necessities caused by the GWOT, etc, etc. And Iraq would be part of those figures, not because I believe it should have been included in the GWOT, but because Mr Bush made it part of the GWOT.

Estimates on the total cost of the GWOT, including Iraq, range in the 3 Trillion dollar range.
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This is no raw nerve. It is a small group of the population who hate the left and hate Obama and maybe hate the fact he is black.

It is orchestrated from the top by a bunch of folks with money to get those without this money to march for them.

It wasn't 2 million, it wasn't even a million.

This is more of 2000 with the RNC operatives pounding on the doors.:cuckoo:

When Glenn Beck and Dick Armey and Rush are your leaders this has nothing to do with grass roots.:doubt:

You lost the election to the "majority" of Americans. Live with it as you told US to when your bobo was in charge.

Or you can chose treason because you lost this inning.

Beck, Armey and Rush aren't our leaders. Apparently they're yours. You guys certainly talk about them a lot more than we do.

Tell me when this many people have participated in a movement so widespread in this country, and it hasn't resulted in a major change, via the will of the people, in the way things are done here.

There was the Revolution, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement.

So to pooh-pooh it as nothing and fringe and whatever is proof of your idiocy.
Funny though that, when asked, no-one at the Tea Party seemed to be supporting that "message":

Tea Party Interviews

Wow. Buncha loony tunes. Thanks for sharing that.

What a great video. Those people are as wacky as the right wingers on this site and just as ignorant.

You mean great leftist propaganda....btw here is some of the non existent black tea baggers....I guess they are racists too huh?

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SOME TEA PARTY PHOTOS from Fresno. “Fresno had over 7.500 attend the most polite protest I have eve…



Tu quoque arguments don't interest me, as fallacies rarely do (except to point them out).

ROFL. a laughable attempt to deflect.
Since 1/4 of the debt is interest on the existing debt caused by Republicans, I am not just saying "Republicans did it too", I am saying that part of Obama's current deficit is not even his, but was caused by other people. ...
So, your point is that the other side spent as well. Tu quoque.

While I will not call you a liar, I will say that your evidence that the same people that attended the Tea Party protest also attended anti-war demonstrations is very, very thin. ....
Which is not quite the claim I made. It was asserted by CF that no anti-spending type ('teabaggers') were protesting during the last administration. Many were.

.... And since you were the one who made this point to begin with, we can all consider it a non-point, as it is, up to this point, an unproven one.
Damn straight it's irrelevant, yet CF still brings it up over and over and over again, even after I have told him several times and so have others.

No the POINT is that there weren't MASSIVE protests when BUSH spent $5,000,000,000,000 with NOTHING to show for it.

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