DC Protests Draw 2 Million

From a partisan site, but still...

Trust me, I don't want to keep writing about the hilarious right-wing attempts to inflate Saturday's crowd, and how bloggers pushing the fake facts appear to occupy a Bizarro-type parallel universe, but given what's going on online, I don't really have a choice.

I'll try to make this quick playing off Ben's post below which noted that right-wingers were excitedly quoting a National Parks spokesman claiming Saturday's rally was the biggest ever. Wrong, the Parks Service quote in question came from Jan. and it was about Obama's inauguration.

Got it? Ok. Now, how did bloggers who first floated the phony Parks Service quote deal with the embarrassing revelation that they were quoting statistic for a Democratic event? If you're Thomas Lifson and you blog at American Thinker you do this:

[Note to readers: in my haste, I misread the Globe report forwarded to me as referring to the 9/12 deminstrations. I apologize. TL]

See, simple explanation. Lifson even provided a link to the Boston Globe article that he confesses he read too quickly, and which lead to his bogus post. Slight problem, though.

Here's the Globe headline [emphasis added]:

Inaugural crowd size reportedly D.C. record

And here's the lede:
WASHINGTON - The National Park Service says it will rely on a media report that says 1.8 million people attended President Obama's inauguration.

Simple question for Lifson: How could anybody with a fourth grade education or beyond read that ("Inaugural") headline and that ("inauguration") lede and not know the article was about....Obama's inauguration? It makes no sense that somehow a rushed blogger could be confused about the context. What does make a bit more sense though, is that some bloggers knew the Parks Service quote was bogus (i.e. it wasn't about 9/12 rally) and posted it anyway, and are only now playing dumb because they've been caught.


Silly wingnuts!
Ame®icano;1519988 said:
A ridiculous, completely unsupported claim.

I just posted the actual numbers for the budget. Which of those major categories are "those who got him elected"?

The Millitary? Medicare Recipients? Social Security Recipients? or the people that hold the national debt?

Let me explain:

Stimulus bill.
Omnibus bill.
Acorn funding.
Closing car dealerships.
Cap and trade bill.


Not really sure how ANY of those apply to your accusation.

Are you saying that the entire stimulus bill is just a massive payoff to Obama's "cronies"?

And even for the money that does go to interests that have historically supported Democrats, it seems to me that when any adminsitration needs to get something done, they use people they trust to do it.

I'm sure you can add up all the money that went to "ACORN" or "GE" and it wouldn't even come close to the amount that the Bush administration gave Halliburton and it's subsidiaries. And Halliburton "lost" a large portion of that money into thin air with nothing to show for it.

And it certainly doesn't come close to the entire amount of the Stimulus Bill, not by a longshot.

I expected your answer to be - but BOOOSH. Are we talking about Bush here?

No, we're talking about Obama.

There is only $40 billions spent from stimulus so far. Do you know where did it go?

Rest of it is back loaded and have to be spent by the mid of September next year. Just before the mid-term election.

You've been silent about other stuff.

Have you noticed there isn't Tort Reform in Health Care Reform? That would seem to be a payoff to those trial lawyers who helped him get elected, no?

While I personally agree with your point that we shouild be including Tort reform...

it seems to me that EVERYONE in government is a lawyer. Aren't they just protecting their own personal interests rather than some mysterious third party?

Surprisingly, we do agree on this.

Politician's personal interests (mainly of being reelected) are greased by special interests.
:lol: Oh my! These "conservatives" are so divine...as opposed to the smelly, sinky Obama supporters. You people continue to top yourselves, I'm beginning to suspect you are DNC sock puppets.

What a total laugh riot this thread is.

Actually, whether those protesters cleaned up after themselves or not, I don't know. But I do know that the Obama supporters left our local streets a huge mess, beer cans and trash filled the streets in most areas. It cost twice as much to clean up after his election than it normally does after our Pride Parade, only there were no donations for the election disaster.

Thats pretty funny kitten. Most of your neighbors are ahlkys pimps ho's homeless and crack dealers. A real "exclusive" neighborhood....:lol::lol::lol: I'm sure those beer cans didn't last long after the shopping cart people swarmed to get the recyclables...and the last drops of beer.

Your ignorance and stupidity knows no bounds.
Absolutely: Lawyers/law firms overwhelminly donate to the Democratic Party. Dems will not step on a cash cow like that, unless there is great public outcry about favoring lawyers' special interests over the people.

Whereas health insurance firms overwhelmingly donate to Republicans, or the few "Blue Dog" Democrats they are trying to sway.

At least Democrats are open to considering Tort Reform, whereas Republicans are completely against the "public option" as it hurts their buddies in private health care.

And again, all politicians are lawyers.

Not really. Democrats are blocking Tort reform for ages. If you saw Obama's speech, only reps were applauding to him on mentioning Tort reform. Dems remained quiet.
I think someone should propose a seperate tort reform bill...i bet it would pass fast then we would have one small piece of health care reform immediately....that would boost both congress' and Obama's approval and give them more credibility to move forward with their agenda.

Wait..what...good avice for dems.....who are you and where did you tie up pilgrim :slap:

EDIT: Oh this isn't a health care thread :lol:

had to say it
World won't sustain ourselves. We outgrown our boundaries. The government knows something that the public are unaware of....Dec 21, 2012. Enjoy because in 1192 days 12 hours 15 minutes of this posting, we're going "to the end of the world, quote it, yes indeed."
Last edited:
World won't sustain ourselves. We outgrown our boundaries. The government knows something that the public are unaware of....Dec 21, 2012. Enjoy because in 1192 days 12 hours 15 minutes of this posting, we're going "to the end of the world, quote it, yes indeed."

I hope that's satire :doubt: if not seek help immediately.
World won't sustain ourselves. We outgrown our boundaries. The government knows something that the public are unaware of....Dec 21, 2012. Enjoy because in 1192 days 12 hours 15 minutes of this posting, we're going "to the end of the world, quote it, yes indeed."

I hope that's satire :doubt: if not seek help immediately.

You sound like one of those tsunami victims.

e.g. Oh, wow, look at the water, it has receded. Wow, look at the wave in the background....it's coming closer...you got to take a picture of me. Here's the camera. Say cheese when i'm suppose to smile. Is my hair fine for the shot? You got it? *turns around* Wow, that's the biggest wave i ever seen, it looks like it is coming closer. I need another pic.
World won't sustain ourselves. We outgrown our boundaries. The government knows something that the public are unaware of....Dec 21, 2012. Enjoy because in 1192 days 12 hours 15 minutes of this posting, we're going "to the end of the world, quote it, yes indeed."

I hope that's satire :doubt: if not seek help immediately.

You sound like one of those tsunami victims.

e.g. Oh, wow, look at the water, it has receded. Wow, look at the wave in the background....it's coming closer...you got to take a picture of me. Here's the camera. Say cheese when i'm suppose to smile. Is my hair fine for the shot? You got it? *turns around* Wow, that's the biggest wave i ever seen, it looks like it is coming closer. I need another pic.

Ooookay ... seak help please. Al Gore has never been right, will never be right, and he can search for the Manbearpig on his own dime now, not my tax dollars.
I hope that's satire :doubt: if not seek help immediately.

You sound like one of those tsunami victims.

e.g. Oh, wow, look at the water, it has receded. Wow, look at the wave in the background....it's coming closer...you got to take a picture of me. Here's the camera. Say cheese when i'm suppose to smile. Is my hair fine for the shot? You got it? *turns around* Wow, that's the biggest wave i ever seen, it looks like it is coming closer. I need another pic.

Ooookay ... seak help please. Al Gore has never been right, will never be right, and he can search for the Manbearpig on his own dime now, not my tax dollars.

You are like the wife of OJ Simpson.

E.g., He's such a caring guy after he's mad and punches me in the face. He tells me it his way of expressing he loves me. He once held a knife to my throat and i was like, are you going to stab me. He goes, if i ever left him. I tell him i'll never leave him.
I hope that's satire :doubt: if not seek help immediately.

You sound like one of those tsunami victims.

e.g. Oh, wow, look at the water, it has receded. Wow, look at the wave in the background....it's coming closer...you got to take a picture of me. Here's the camera. Say cheese when i'm suppose to smile. Is my hair fine for the shot? You got it? *turns around* Wow, that's the biggest wave i ever seen, it looks like it is coming closer. I need another pic.

Ooookay ... seak help please. Al Gore has never been right, will never be right, and he can search for the Manbearpig on his own dime now, not my tax dollars.

fuck, al gore invented the mayan calendar, too?
World won't sustain ourselves. We outgrown our boundaries. The government knows something that the public are unaware of....Dec 21, 2012. Enjoy because in 1192 days 12 hours 15 minutes of this posting, we're going "to the end of the world, quote it, yes indeed."

The Long Count is the name given to the chronology used by the Maya during their Classical Era to keep track of the long-term passage of vast tracks of time that individual human lifetimes could not encompass. On almost all the ancient pyramids and stelae, dates were inscribed according to this "Long Count."

The Long Count consisted of thirteen baktuns, which are periods of 400 tuns (a tun is a 360-day period). One baktun is thus 400 x 360 = 144,000 days, amounting to 394.3 solar years.

Today, most archaeologists agree that the beginning date of the thirteen baktuns of the Long Count was the day we would now call August 11, 3114 B.C.E.

It should be noted that the current swell of interest in 2012, the supposed end of the Mayan Calendar, cresting at times into fear and anxiety about the end of the world, the end times, the Apocalypse, and other similar awe-inspiring events, is largely unfounded, if simply by definition. The Mayan Calendar is not defined solely by the Long Count; it is a system of timekeeping tools, as is explained on these pages, that work harmoniously together to offer a multi-level view into the nature of existence, from the individual human being to the large-scale universal time scales most of us find hard to imagine.

The MCP Wheel | The Mayan Calendar Portal
Ame®icano;1520636 said:
I expected your answer to be - but BOOOSH. Are we talking about Bush here?

Actually, I was talkingn about ALL adminsitrations. Booooosh's administration just happened to be the perfect example, as it was so recent and fresh in our memories.

No, we're talking about Obama.

There is only $40 billions spent from stimulus so far. Do you know where did it go?

Only 40 Billion spent and the Economy is already recovering from the Bush recession? Excellent! Maybe we won't have to even spend the rest of the money.

Rest of it is back loaded and have to be spent by the mid of September next year. Just before the mid-term election.

Or not spent at all I imagine.

You've been silent about other stuff.

I think someone should propose a seperate tort reform bill...i bet it would pass fast then we would have one small piece of health care reform immediately....that would boost both congress' and Obama's approval and give them more credibility to move forward with their agenda.

Wait..what...good avice for dems.....who are you and where did you tie up pilgrim :slap:

EDIT: Oh this isn't a health care thread :lol:

had to say it

I agree. As long as it doesn't go beyond medical malpractice.

Republicans have been known to go too far off the deep end in the other direction when it comes to protecting Corporations from victims.
Ame®icano;1520636 said:
I expected your answer to be - but BOOOSH. Are we talking about Bush here?

Actually, I was talkingn about ALL adminsitrations. Booooosh's administration just happened to be the perfect example, as it was so recent and fresh in our memories.

No, we're talking about Obama.

There is only $40 billions spent from stimulus so far. Do you know where did it go?

Only 40 Billion spent and the Economy is already recovering from the Bush recession? Excellent! Maybe we won't have to even spend the rest of the money.

Rest of it is back loaded and have to be spent by the mid of September next year. Just before the mid-term election.

Or not spent at all I imagine.

You've been silent about other stuff.


Blaming Bush for a world wide event that was expected to occur does not make it his fault. Obama hasn't done anything different, so if anyone is to get credit for anything it's Bush.

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