DC Trucker Rally Flopper

Apparently, most of the online hype disappeared when Russian trolls got repurposed to propaganda about Ukraine and Europe.

And now the useful idiot American truckers are rudderless, without their Russian troll leadership and media team.
The RW militias are jumping the truckers media. It's really turned out to be "hey, let's use the dumb truckers site to get our words out"
The masks are coming off because the left sees they are road kill in the midterms and when Joe Depends
is up in the barrel.

What is in your front yard is immaterial. And the convoy isn't anywhere near completing their little visit to
Joe Town yet. Rawstory must be a bit player on the lying left bug screen because no other news service is
pretending the convoy has arrived yet.

You guys will swallow anything the media puts in your face.

Yep, that is it. Has nothing at all to do with the number of new cases dropping by 92% in the last 45 days.

You people are a fucking joke. you whine like 3 year olds about the mask mandates, and then when they are dropped you whine about them being dropped.

How do you even look in the mirror?
The White House was never attacked. Drama queen much?
youre letting your ignorance show again,,

Zip, Pop, Fizzle. When more reporters show up than your audience it's called a flop.

Seems to me that an audience of 10 supporters is a sign of their future. Like doing some trucking.

"Rage against Joe Biden failed to materialize on Tuesday at a trucker rally held near the Washington Monument ahead of the president's State of the Union address."

They must have realized their tyranny doesn’t measure up.
Poor little pawns.

How dumb will they look when they are standing their with their dumb signs, as the restrictions all get lifted anyway? Dummies
They want to make sure they do not come back on the whim of an illegitimate administration also. They will not be subject to authoritarian rule from proven liars.
since the goal was to stop the mandates and now the mandates are all coming to an end it sounds like a total success to me,,
The mandates were never the goal. Opposing Biden was the goal. Organizers just used the mandates as a focal point to keep the crazies riled up. Now that he mandates are going away, the same partisan organizers will find something else to rile the crazies up with and go again.
What an ironic post and you support the coward trump too. :heehee:

No, I don't. I don't want him to run again. I don't want him to be President again.

Tell me how that equates to me supporting him?

It matters not how monumental a fuck up Trump may have been. That does nothing to diminish how big a fuck up Biden has been, and continues to be...
The mandates were never the goal. Opposing Biden was the goal. Organizers just used the mandates as a focal point to keep the crazies riled up. Now that he mandates are going away, the same partisan organizers will find something else to rile the crazies up with and go again.
go show your ignorance somewhere else please,,

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