DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Since she has the money, she sure is worth that much.

Uh huh, Alice Walton works so damn hard for those $Billions. Poor old murderer is plumb tuckered out. Man, you greedy bastids aren't just greedy, you're delusional too.

You mean like the welfare freeloaders work so hard for the check they get?

Again, and I don't know how many time you have to be told, if you're getting a wage equivalent to your skills, the person paying you that wage isn't greedy because you don't have as much as they do.

Yup, poor ole murderer must be so dang tuckered out. All that work she's doing and all. She's got mad skills an shit.

She's got what you're jealous of and demand she give someone you think she owes it to.

Yeah, all that drunk driving and murdering must make her pretty tired. Poor thing.
Yes, I believe the Founding Fathers said that when they were shooting and stabbing their fellow Brits.

Sounds to me as if they dealt with it and won.

I think the problem with this Thread is the confusion between Walmart in specific and the general concession that Tax Payers, via political deals, have to subsidize non-skilled labor.

If someone is unskilled, why is it the responsibility of others to offset the results, many times the fault of the person with low skills?

For example, if someone quits high school while a freshman, in essence having only an 8th grade education, why should those of us who finished and went well beyond that be accountable to take care of them? Why is it our place to pay for their bad choices?

Which results in?
Somewhere along the line, the shit's gonna hit the fan.

If you can't provide an explanation or answer my questions, tells me we shouldn't be forced to do it.

I've had similar questions like yours asked of me. Not the same wording but the same context. My response to them was let those who think one group should fund another group's bad choices voluntarily do it. If someone quits high school, to use my example, and now can't make it financially, let the bleeding hearts who think they deserve help prove it by paying their bills for them.

It's not my responsibility to pay for someone else's bad choices.
The liberal response is always that they won't help unless everyone is forced to do it. Apparently they believe that everyone else thinks the same way they do and won't ever voluntarily do anything for anyone.
$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

People at McDonald's are making $9.00 an hour here. Who do you know that makes $8 an hour?

Actually if you work down town Columbus Ohio, they pay $10.50 to start.... that's start. Not including your 60 day automatic 50¢ raise.

The only place I know that pays $8, is the small mom&pop shops in the strip malls.... which apparently the left thinks everyone should not work at the place that pays more and has benefits, but rather work at the minimum wage place with zero benefits...... because they care. Idiots.

No thanks to you people. If it were left up to you folks, they'd be making $1/hr. But that being said, even $10.50 is peanuts in today's America.

I'm a firm believer that you get paid what the skills you offer in return or worth regardless of the amount.

If it was up to bleeding hearts like you, people would be paid what they told the employer to pay them based on their situation even if that situation existed prior to being employed somewhere and due to things they did out of the control of the employer. You have it backwards. The employer, the one whose money is doing the paying, gets to decide not the one doing the work.

If someone doesn't like whatever wage it is they make, improve their skills instead of begging for more. If they spent half the time doing the former, they wouldn't have to do the latter. It would take care of itself.

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.
Since she has the money, she sure is worth that much.

Uh huh, Alice Walton works so damn hard for those $Billions. Poor old murderer is plumb tuckered out. Man, you greedy bastids aren't just greedy, you're delusional too.

You mean like the welfare freeloaders work so hard for the check they get?

Again, and I don't know how many time you have to be told, if you're getting a wage equivalent to your skills, the person paying you that wage isn't greedy because you don't have as much as they do.

Yup, poor ole murderer must be so dang tuckered out. All that work she's doing and all. She's got mad skills an shit.

She's got what you're jealous of and demand she give someone you think she owes it to.

Yeah, all that drunk driving and murdering must make her pretty tired. Poor thing.

You mean like Ted Kennedy?
People at McDonald's are making $9.00 an hour here. Who do you know that makes $8 an hour?

Actually if you work down town Columbus Ohio, they pay $10.50 to start.... that's start. Not including your 60 day automatic 50¢ raise.

The only place I know that pays $8, is the small mom&pop shops in the strip malls.... which apparently the left thinks everyone should not work at the place that pays more and has benefits, but rather work at the minimum wage place with zero benefits...... because they care. Idiots.

No thanks to you people. If it were left up to you folks, they'd be making $1/hr. But that being said, even $10.50 is peanuts in today's America.

I'm a firm believer that you get paid what the skills you offer in return or worth regardless of the amount.

If it was up to bleeding hearts like you, people would be paid what they told the employer to pay them based on their situation even if that situation existed prior to being employed somewhere and due to things they did out of the control of the employer. You have it backwards. The employer, the one whose money is doing the paying, gets to decide not the one doing the work.

If someone doesn't like whatever wage it is they make, improve their skills instead of begging for more. If they spent half the time doing the former, they wouldn't have to do the latter. It would take care of itself.

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.
That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.
If you pay employees more than the worth of their work, you're losing money on them, and a company that continues to lose money will not be around after a while, and a company that no longer exists employs absolutely no one. You simply can't get around that stark economic reality.

You might as well claim that gravity is disgraceful because it hurts more clumsy people than graceful ones.
Uh huh, Alice Walton works so damn hard for those $Billions. Poor old murderer is plumb tuckered out. Man, you greedy bastids aren't just greedy, you're delusional too.

You mean like the welfare freeloaders work so hard for the check they get?

Again, and I don't know how many time you have to be told, if you're getting a wage equivalent to your skills, the person paying you that wage isn't greedy because you don't have as much as they do.

Yup, poor ole murderer must be so dang tuckered out. All that work she's doing and all. She's got mad skills an shit.

She's got what you're jealous of and demand she give someone you think she owes it to.

Yeah, all that drunk driving and murdering must make her pretty tired. Poor thing.

You mean like Ted Kennedy?

So not show up to work because you don't like receiving a wage you agreed to when you took the job

Hell yea. It called a workers strike. We have a histroy of them in this country.
It catches the attention of the employer.

At will employement means you can leave when you want. What? Did you think you signed an employment contract when you went to work at Walmart for 8 bucks an hour.

What were you? A serf?

But dont worry. If Walmart ever does unionize, the Walton family will be just fine.

And the employees would be better off too.

You I dont know about. I guess your favorite store might have to raise prices on you and others who shop there.

Cant have the billioniare family taking a hit now could you?

Those that do such things in my State aren't going on strike, they're saying I quit. They can do that and if they can't afford to support themselves as a result, let them starve. No one owes them anything for that choice.

The sad part is many who complain about the wage continue to work there. If it's so bad, quit and show you really mean what you say.
Actually if you work down town Columbus Ohio, they pay $10.50 to start.... that's start. Not including your 60 day automatic 50¢ raise.

The only place I know that pays $8, is the small mom&pop shops in the strip malls.... which apparently the left thinks everyone should not work at the place that pays more and has benefits, but rather work at the minimum wage place with zero benefits...... because they care. Idiots.

No thanks to you people. If it were left up to you folks, they'd be making $1/hr. But that being said, even $10.50 is peanuts in today's America.

I'm a firm believer that you get paid what the skills you offer in return or worth regardless of the amount.

If it was up to bleeding hearts like you, people would be paid what they told the employer to pay them based on their situation even if that situation existed prior to being employed somewhere and due to things they did out of the control of the employer. You have it backwards. The employer, the one whose money is doing the paying, gets to decide not the one doing the work.

If someone doesn't like whatever wage it is they make, improve their skills instead of begging for more. If they spent half the time doing the former, they wouldn't have to do the latter. It would take care of itself.

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.
Oh, heck no. They should be very UNhappy and take whatever steps they need to take in order to qualify for better paying jobs. Only a liberal would think that a worker can only work at one job for ever.
That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Especially when it's being paid to someone with $5/hr skills.

You don't want reasoning, you want agreement.

If you want to pay someone more than their skills are worth, start a business and do so with YOUR money.

Who the hell is the WE? Sounds to me like you consider we as people like you demanding someone else doing the paying pay what you think an employee should make. Not how it works unless it's your money.

Alice Walton 'worth' her several $Billions? Her only 'skill' is being a despicable drunk driving murderer. So be very careful going down that road of contemplating what a human being is 'worth.'
Since when is an employee's skills and work the same as their intrinsic worth? Seems to me that the liberal side of the aisle is being very mercantile.
They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Especially when it's being paid to someone with $5/hr skills.

You don't want reasoning, you want agreement.

If you want to pay someone more than their skills are worth, start a business and do so with YOUR money.

Who the hell is the WE? Sounds to me like you consider we as people like you demanding someone else doing the paying pay what you think an employee should make. Not how it works unless it's your money.

Alice Walton 'worth' her several $Billions? Her only 'skill' is being a despicable drunk driving murderer. So be very careful going down that road of contemplating what a human being is 'worth.'
Since when is an employee's skills and work the same as their intrinsic worth? Seems to me that the liberal side of the aisle is being very mercantile.

The Liberal side thinks those with a lot of money owe more to someone that the skills they provide and the revenue they generate just because they breathe.
Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

What does it matter to you and how is it relevant?

You folks don't feel Walmart Workers are 'worth' much. So how much do you feel Alice Walton is worth? Is she really worth her several $Billions?
The work they do is not worth more than MW. How is that the same as saying they're not worth much? As for Alice Walton, why does she have to justify what she has to anyone?
No thanks to you people. If it were left up to you folks, they'd be making $1/hr. But that being said, even $10.50 is peanuts in today's America.

I'm a firm believer that you get paid what the skills you offer in return or worth regardless of the amount.

If it was up to bleeding hearts like you, people would be paid what they told the employer to pay them based on their situation even if that situation existed prior to being employed somewhere and due to things they did out of the control of the employer. You have it backwards. The employer, the one whose money is doing the paying, gets to decide not the one doing the work.

If someone doesn't like whatever wage it is they make, improve their skills instead of begging for more. If they spent half the time doing the former, they wouldn't have to do the latter. It would take care of itself.

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.
Oh, heck no. They should be very UNhappy and take whatever steps they need to take in order to qualify for better paying jobs. Only a liberal would think that a worker can only work at one job for ever.

Yup, they're worthless untouchables. They should actually be happy they have a job, and should even consider doing it for free. I mean, Alice Walton does fancy another yacht.

Y'all greedy bastids is craaazy. :cuckoo:
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Actually if you work down town Columbus Ohio, they pay $10.50 to start.... that's start. Not including your 60 day automatic 50¢ raise.

The only place I know that pays $8, is the small mom&pop shops in the strip malls.... which apparently the left thinks everyone should not work at the place that pays more and has benefits, but rather work at the minimum wage place with zero benefits...... because they care. Idiots.

No thanks to you people. If it were left up to you folks, they'd be making $1/hr. But that being said, even $10.50 is peanuts in today's America.

I'm a firm believer that you get paid what the skills you offer in return or worth regardless of the amount.

If it was up to bleeding hearts like you, people would be paid what they told the employer to pay them based on their situation even if that situation existed prior to being employed somewhere and due to things they did out of the control of the employer. You have it backwards. The employer, the one whose money is doing the paying, gets to decide not the one doing the work.

If someone doesn't like whatever wage it is they make, improve their skills instead of begging for more. If they spent half the time doing the former, they wouldn't have to do the latter. It would take care of itself.

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?
I'm a firm believer that you get paid what the skills you offer in return or worth regardless of the amount.

If it was up to bleeding hearts like you, people would be paid what they told the employer to pay them based on their situation even if that situation existed prior to being employed somewhere and due to things they did out of the control of the employer. You have it backwards. The employer, the one whose money is doing the paying, gets to decide not the one doing the work.

If someone doesn't like whatever wage it is they make, improve their skills instead of begging for more. If they spent half the time doing the former, they wouldn't have to do the latter. It would take care of itself.

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.
Oh, heck no. They should be very UNhappy and take whatever steps they need to take in order to qualify for better paying jobs. Only a liberal would think that a worker can only work at one job for ever.

Yup, they're worthless untouchables. They should actually be happy they have a job, and should even consider doing it for free. I mean, Alice Walton does need another yacht.

Y'all greedy bastids is craaazy. :cuckoo:

No, those of you who incorrectly define greedy are crazy. You demand someone get more than the job they do is worth and have yet to justify based on what pay is determined why they should. Your entire argument is centered around a bleeding heart mentality rather than along the lines for which the pay should be determined.

You tell me. What should someone whose only skill set allows them to do is sweep floor, empty trash, and clean toilets make per hour? You're wanting to pay them for that low skill set what most people learn to do by the time they are 8 years old. If that's all they can do as an adult, the problem is with them not with someone paying them whatever amount is determined those skills are worth.

What do you pay the high school dropout who has a 8th grade education because he quit in the 9th grade when HIS/HER choice is the sole producer of the reason he/she can't make more than a low wage?
I'm a firm believer that you get paid what the skills you offer in return or worth regardless of the amount.

If it was up to bleeding hearts like you, people would be paid what they told the employer to pay them based on their situation even if that situation existed prior to being employed somewhere and due to things they did out of the control of the employer. You have it backwards. The employer, the one whose money is doing the paying, gets to decide not the one doing the work.

If someone doesn't like whatever wage it is they make, improve their skills instead of begging for more. If they spent half the time doing the former, they wouldn't have to do the latter. It would take care of itself.

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.
Oh, heck no. They should be very UNhappy and take whatever steps they need to take in order to qualify for better paying jobs. Only a liberal would think that a worker can only work at one job for ever.

Yup, they're worthless untouchables. They should actually be happy they have a job, and should even consider doing it for free. I mean, Alice Walton does need another yacht.

Y'all greedy bastids is craaazy. :cuckoo:
You seem incapable of logical thought and actually believe that workers are under no obligation to provide value to their employers. That's a very warped way of thinking, if you can call it that. Actually, come to think of it, it's NOT thinking, it's feeling. You FEEL that every worker should get paid a high wage regardless of the work they do. Feelings are always overwhelmed by reality. Companies simply can't pay workers more than worth of the work they do.
Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

What does it matter to you and how is it relevant?

You folks don't feel Walmart Workers are 'worth' much. So how much do you feel Alice Walton is worth? Is she really worth her several $Billions?
The work they do is not worth more than MW. How is that the same as saying they're not worth much? As for Alice Walton, why does she have to justify what she has to anyone?

You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'
Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

What does it matter to you and how is it relevant?

You folks don't feel Walmart Workers are 'worth' much. So how much do you feel Alice Walton is worth? Is she really worth her several $Billions?

Some people think so. Should my opinion override theirs? Should yours?

She has no skills. She's just a pampered rich Daddy's little girl. The cretin should be in prison.
Maybe. I don't know much about her.

But I'll ask again, do you think your opinion, or my opinion, or the opinions of government regulators, should override the opinions of consumers who gave her their money? Should we be allowed to tell them that they're "doing it wrong" and take the money back? That seems to be what you're suggesting.
Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.
Oh, heck no. They should be very UNhappy and take whatever steps they need to take in order to qualify for better paying jobs. Only a liberal would think that a worker can only work at one job for ever.

Yup, they're worthless untouchables. They should actually be happy they have a job, and should even consider doing it for free. I mean, Alice Walton does need another yacht.

Y'all greedy bastids is craaazy. :cuckoo:
You seem incapable of logical thought and actually believe that workers are under no obligation to provide value to their employers. That's a very warped way of thinking, if you can call it that. Actually, come to think of it, it's NOT thinking, it's feeling. You FEEL that every worker should get paid a high wage regardless of the work they do. Feelings are always overwhelmed by reality. Companies simply can't pay workers more than worth of the work they do.

I call it the bleeding heart mentality. Those who have it don't base what they think someone should make on the sole factor that should be used to do so (skills), they base it on the mindset of we owe it to them because they breathe.
he Liberal side thinks those with a lot of money owe more to someone that the skills they provide and the revenue t

You might want to try and use Google somethime.

In April of this year, the StARtING wage at Walmart will be 9 bucks an hour. Avg wages almost 13 bucks an hour.

Quit fucking ragging on Walmart employees.

Or at least threaten to sell that huge block of Walmart stock you have in protest for them (Walmart) paying such high wages.
Cause you guys know that those workers are only worth 7.50 an hour max. LMAO.

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