DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?

How much work is Alice Walton doing? Unless you consider driving drunk and killing people, 'work.' What skills does she have that warrant her several $Billions?

How much work is Alice Walton doing?

Why does she have to work? She has billions in stock.

apparently Paul thinks it just fell in her lap and nothing was done for it to do so.
What I find to be cognitively dissonant is the position that Walmart paying low wages forces society to "make up the difference" with welfare programs, while ignoring the economic reality that forcing employers to pay arbitrary wages that are higher than the value of the work results in more workers having no job at all, thus forcing society to "make up the difference" to a much greater degree.
They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?

How much work is Alice Walton doing? Unless you consider driving drunk and killing people, 'work.' What skills does she have that warrant her several $Billions?

How much work is Alice Walton doing?

Why does she have to work? She has billions in stock.

apparently Paul thinks it just fell in her lap and nothing was done for it to do so.

Her father built the largest retailer, Paul's dad.....not so much.
It's so unfair. LOL!
Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.
Oh, heck no. They should be very UNhappy and take whatever steps they need to take in order to qualify for better paying jobs. Only a liberal would think that a worker can only work at one job for ever.

Yup, they're worthless untouchables. They should actually be happy they have a job, and should even consider doing it for free. I mean, Alice Walton does need another yacht.

Y'all greedy bastids is craaazy. :cuckoo:
You seem incapable of logical thought and actually believe that workers are under no obligation to provide value to their employers. That's a very warped way of thinking, if you can call it that. Actually, come to think of it, it's NOT thinking, it's feeling. You FEEL that every worker should get paid a high wage regardless of the work they do. Feelings are always overwhelmed by reality. Companies simply can't pay workers more than worth of the work they do.

You FEEL that every worker should get paid a high wage regardless of the work they do.

As the fry cook at his local McDonalds, paul thinks he deserves $30 an hour.
He gets paid less because Ronald lives in a big house. And because paul is black. It's very sad.

The mindset of bleeding hearts is based on feelings not logic. The problem is they feel it's their place to say what someone else should do with their own money.

I asked Paul to put a value on specific jobs. All you get is living wage as an answer.
Don't ever let a liberal get away with vague words like that. "Fair share" and "living wage" are just two of the emotional, deliberately non-specific terms they like to use to shield them from having to pick a value and defend it. This way they can just wave those terms around and, no matter WHAT happens, they can always demand more. Bottom line is, "Fair share" and "living wage" are euphemisms for "more". That's what they really mean, and what they always mean.
Third, if I have to pay more money for wages, that means I have to charge more money to the customers.

Depends on how much money your company is making.

But still, thats what lots of people say; there are only two options. But there is a third option. Especially with a privately held company.

the owners can simply be willing to accept less money for themselves. A share the wealth with customers and employees type mentality. Altruism I think describes it.

Why is that not a viable option in your mind?
You folks don't feel Walmart Workers are 'worth' much. So how much do you feel Alice Walton is worth? Is she really worth her several $Billions?
The work they do is not worth more than MW. How is that the same as saying they're not worth much? As for Alice Walton, why does she have to justify what she has to anyone?

You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'

Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Well, that might be what you greedy folks' main problem is. You seem to base a human being's worth solely on a monetary level. Walmart Workers are people, and our fellow Americans. The richest nation on earth can surely do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.
Well, that might be what you greedy folks' main problem is. You seem to base a human being's worth solely on a monetary level. Walmart Workers are people, and our fellow Americans. The richest nation on earth can surely do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

You're the one preoccupied with rating someone's worth in terms of money.
The work they do is not worth more than MW. How is that the same as saying they're not worth much? As for Alice Walton, why does she have to justify what she has to anyone?

You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'

Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Well, that might be what you greedy folks' main problem is. You seem to base a human being's worth solely on a monetary level. Walmart Workers are people, and our fellow Americans. The richest nation on earth can surely do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

When it comes to how much wage someone is paid, the value of their skills is the only thing that needs to be considered. Why should an employer take into account someone's personal situation outside of the job they're hired to do when it comes to a wage? Employers pay you on what you do not who you are. You want employers to pay someone based on anything except what they are hired to do.

Who the hell is this we doing the treating. You keep saying we should do better yet you want it funded with something that isn't yours nor over which you have no say. If it's the we that is supposed to do it, put up your part monetarily and prove it rather than demanding someone else do what you want done.
The work they do is not worth more than MW. How is that the same as saying they're not worth much? As for Alice Walton, why does she have to justify what she has to anyone?

You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'

Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Paul's problem is he thinks it's his place to determine monetary worth of skills when it comes to paying someone with money that isn't his.

Looks like someone's gotta do it. Americans sure can't count on you greedy old white Republican dudes to help em out. If they leave it solely up to you folks, they're competely flucked.

You greedy folks cheer for the dark side bullies. You support and even worship scum like Alice Walton. But the rest of us cheer for the struggling underdogs. I mean, someone's gotta do it. And it sure won't be you folks.
Well, that might be what you greedy folks' main problem is. You seem to base a human being's worth solely on a monetary level. Walmart Workers are people, and our fellow Americans. The richest nation on earth can surely do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.

You're the one preoccupied with rating someone's worth in terms of money.

I play your game sometimes. I find it interesting.
Greedy white Republican dude code for: 'Fuck em, they should just shut up and be happy slaves.'

They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?

How much work is Alice Walton doing? Unless you consider driving drunk and killing people, 'work.' What skills does she have that warrant her several $Billions?

How much work is Alice Walton doing?

Why does she have to work? She has billions in stock.

Exactly. What skills does she have, or what work has she ever done? Is she worth that $8 Billion?
The work they do is not worth more than MW. How is that the same as saying they're not worth much? As for Alice Walton, why does she have to justify what she has to anyone?

You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'

Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Well, that might be what you greedy folks' main problem is. You seem to base a human being's worth solely on a monetary level. Walmart Workers are people, and our fellow Americans. The richest nation on earth can surely do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.
Of course we can. Go down to your closest Walmart and tell the manager that you're going to add $1/hr to every MW worker's pay for that day. I know you won't do that. Why not?
You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'

Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Paul's problem is he thinks it's his place to determine monetary worth of skills when it comes to paying someone with money that isn't his.

Looks like someone's gotta do it. Americans sure can't count on you greedy old white Republican dudes to help em out. If they leave it solely up to you folks, they're competely flucked.

You greedy folks cheer for the dark side bullies. You support and even worship scum like Alice Walton. But the rest of us cheer for the struggling underdogs. I mean, someone's gotta do it. And it sure won't be you folks.
So why do you want the struggling underdogs to be unemployed?
You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'

Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Paul's problem is he thinks it's his place to determine monetary worth of skills when it comes to paying someone with money that isn't his.

Looks like someone's gotta do it. Americans sure can't count on you greedy old white Republican dudes to help em out. If they leave it solely up to you folks, they're competely flucked.

You greedy folks cheer for the dark side bullies. You support and even worship scum like Alice Walton. But the rest of us cheer for the struggling underdogs. I mean, someone's gotta do it. And it sure won't be you folks.

Help them out? You mean give them something above what they offer in return.

If you want it done, how much of YOUR money can we count on to put into the pot? That's right. You just want it done and demand someone else pay for it.

If you really cared about those you call underdogs, you'd write them a check with your money. You sound like so many who demand something be done then claim you don't have the ability to do it. That weakens your claim to the point of nothing.
You should check out Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might just change your perspective on determining what a human being is 'worth.'

Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Well, that might be what you greedy folks' main problem is. You seem to base a human being's worth solely on a monetary level. Walmart Workers are people, and our fellow Americans. The richest nation on earth can surely do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better.
Of course we can. Go down to your closest Walmart and tell the manager that you're going to add $1/hr to every MW worker's pay for that day. I know you won't do that. Why not?

Interesting how Paul uses the term "we" when it comes to helping yet when it comes to actually doing, it's "them" that Paul wants to fund it.
They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?

How much work is Alice Walton doing? Unless you consider driving drunk and killing people, 'work.' What skills does she have that warrant her several $Billions?

How much work is Alice Walton doing?

Why does she have to work? She has billions in stock.

Exactly. What skills does she have, or what work has she ever done? Is she worth that $8 Billion?

Apparently enough to be worth $8 billion. Jealous much?
They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?

How much work is Alice Walton doing? Unless you consider driving drunk and killing people, 'work.' What skills does she have that warrant her several $Billions?

How much work is Alice Walton doing?

Why does she have to work? She has billions in stock.

Exactly. What skills does she have, or what work has she ever done? Is she worth that $8 Billion?
You turn full commie now?

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They should be honorable enough to know that if they offer a set of skills and are getting paid at an equivalent level for those skills to STFU or improve them. What you demand is they be paid at a wage above what they offer in return. You say whatever it is isn't enough but you don't what skills they offer in return for the higher wage.

Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?

How much work is Alice Walton doing? Unless you consider driving drunk and killing people, 'work.' What skills does she have that warrant her several $Billions?

How much work is Alice Walton doing?

Why does she have to work? She has billions in stock.

Exactly. What skills does she have, or what work has she ever done? Is she worth that $8 Billion?
She's not an employee so she doesn't have to justify the economic value of her work or skills to anyone. Likewise, if a MW worker wins the lottery, I don't care if he's "worth" that money because it's his, but if he wants me to pay him for work, he does have to justify it. I wouldn't pay top dollar for crappy work, but I would for excellent work.
Since we're talking monetarily, she's worth about $8 billion.

But is she 'worth' $8 billion?
Her worth as a person is completely independent of her financial status, which is true of every person. If she was an employee, her work could be assigned a fiscal value. The same is true of Walmart employees.

Paul's problem is he thinks it's his place to determine monetary worth of skills when it comes to paying someone with money that isn't his.

Looks like someone's gotta do it. Americans sure can't count on you greedy old white Republican dudes to help em out. If they leave it solely up to you folks, they're competely flucked.

You greedy folks cheer for the dark side bullies. You support and even worship scum like Alice Walton. But the rest of us cheer for the struggling underdogs. I mean, someone's gotta do it. And it sure won't be you folks.

Help them out? You mean give them something above what they offer in return.

If you want it done, how much of YOUR money can we count on to put into the pot? That's right. You just want it done and demand someone else pay for it.

If you really cared about those you call underdogs, you'd write them a check with your money. You sound like so many who demand something be done then claim you don't have the ability to do it. That weakens your claim to the point of nothing.

You support and worship the dark side bullies. But the rest of us choose not to. I won't give my hard-earned money to criminal scum like Alice Walton. I won't support evil. I won't encourage other American Businesses to employ Walmart's unethical immoral practices.

But hey, i know you greedy folks will never understand that. You've crossed over to the dark side. And most of you are never coming back.
Yes we know, Walmart Workers are unwashed untouchables. They aren't worthy of being treated like human beings. They should just shut up and be happy little slaves. God, you greedy bastids sure are warped.

If they offer skills worth a certain amount and are paid that amount, how is that not treating them like human beings? It's equal. You mean you don't support equal?

How much work is Alice Walton doing? Unless you consider driving drunk and killing people, 'work.' What skills does she have that warrant her several $Billions?

How much work is Alice Walton doing?

Why does she have to work? She has billions in stock.

Exactly. What skills does she have, or what work has she ever done? Is she worth that $8 Billion?
She's not an employee so she doesn't have to justify the economic value of her work or skills to anyone. Likewise, if a MW worker wins the lottery, I don't care if he's "worth" that money because it's his, but if he wants me to pay him for work, he does have to justify it. I wouldn't pay top dollar for crappy work, but I would for excellent work.

The only person to whom she has to justify her worth is her not Paul.

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