DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

How so? What skills does she have, and how much work has she ever done? I mean, are you considering her driving drunk and killing people, 'work?'

Since you're not her boss, she doesn't have to justify her worth to you. You have it confused. All you need to know is that she has that much and it's none of your damn business what she does with it.

Oh i see, she's worth every penny of her $8 Billion for doing nothing but driving drunk and killing people. But the poor guy mopping the floors at Walmart isn't even worth $8 an hr. Yeah, you greedy folks sure have crossed over to the dark side. You're lost.
In your world, how does the color 9 smell? I ask because you seem incapable of differentiating between things that are very different. The act of sweeping a floor is not worth very much to a company, while being the founder and visionary behind the company is worth a LOT. You see, the money that the Walmart heirs inherited was ALREADY EARNED and given to them. Thus, to try to tie it to what a guy makes now sweeping the floor is irrelevant.

:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.

If you hadn't said Alice Walton, I could swear you were talking about the Kennedy family. You do know how the Kennedy family made their money don't you?
The Kennedy's made their money running molasses from Cuba to Canada during Prohibition.
Since you're not her boss, she doesn't have to justify her worth to you. You have it confused. All you need to know is that she has that much and it's none of your damn business what she does with it.

Oh i see, she's worth every penny of her $8 Billion for doing nothing but driving drunk and killing people. But the poor guy mopping the floors at Walmart isn't even worth $8 an hr. Yeah, you greedy folks sure have crossed over to the dark side. You're lost.
In your world, how does the color 9 smell? I ask because you seem incapable of differentiating between things that are very different. The act of sweeping a floor is not worth very much to a company, while being the founder and visionary behind the company is worth a LOT. You see, the money that the Walmart heirs inherited was ALREADY EARNED and given to them. Thus, to try to tie it to what a guy makes now sweeping the floor is irrelevant.

:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.

If you hadn't said Alice Walton, I could swear you were talking about the Kennedy family. You do know how the Kennedy family made their money don't you?
The Kennedy's made their money running molasses from Cuba to Canada during Prohibition.

Actually, a large portion of their money was made using what would be called insider trading today. While it was not illegal when Joe, Sr. did what he did, it later became illegal under his direction while chair of the SEC. Strange how it was good enough for him but no longer OK after he had his.
Martha Stewart went to federal prison for insider trading for only a couple of hundred grand when she was a billionaire. Greed has no limit.
Apparently enough to be worth $8 billion. Jealous much?

How so? What skills does she have, and how much work has she ever done? I mean, are you considering her driving drunk and killing people, 'work?'

Since you're not her boss, she doesn't have to justify her worth to you. You have it confused. All you need to know is that she has that much and it's none of your damn business what she does with it.

Oh i see, she's worth every penny of her $8 Billion for doing nothing but driving drunk and killing people. But the poor guy mopping the floors at Walmart isn't even worth $8 an hr. Yeah, you greedy folks sure have crossed over to the dark side. You're lost.
In your world, how does the color 9 smell? I ask because you seem incapable of differentiating between things that are very different. The act of sweeping a floor is not worth very much to a company, while being the founder and visionary behind the company is worth a LOT. You see, the money that the Walmart heirs inherited was ALREADY EARNED and given to them. Thus, to try to tie it to what a guy makes now sweeping the floor is irrelevant.

:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.
Did you read what I said? The FOUNDER and VISIONARY behind the company was Sam Walton. HIS vision was worth a LOT to the company. He passed HIS OWN money on to his heirs. Please try to pay attention.
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Since you're not her boss, she doesn't have to justify her worth to you. You have it confused. All you need to know is that she has that much and it's none of your damn business what she does with it.

Oh i see, she's worth every penny of her $8 Billion for doing nothing but driving drunk and killing people. But the poor guy mopping the floors at Walmart isn't even worth $8 an hr. Yeah, you greedy folks sure have crossed over to the dark side. You're lost.
In your world, how does the color 9 smell? I ask because you seem incapable of differentiating between things that are very different. The act of sweeping a floor is not worth very much to a company, while being the founder and visionary behind the company is worth a LOT. You see, the money that the Walmart heirs inherited was ALREADY EARNED and given to them. Thus, to try to tie it to what a guy makes now sweeping the floor is irrelevant.

:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.

If you hadn't said Alice Walton, I could swear you were talking about the Kennedy family. You do know how the Kennedy family made their money don't you?

Yes, Alice Walton and Ted Kennedy do have a lot in common. Two pampered rich assholes who got away with murder. And Alice Walton might even be worse than Kennedy. She got a good man fired from his job as well.

But hey you wanna go on supporting evil, that's on you. I'm gonna have to pass though. There's other great stores out there. Ones where you can actually get quality products and service. And the Workers aren't miserable.

She got a good man fired from his job as well.

Hillary fired an entire travel office.
This post is going to be long but I hope that you bear with it because I have some very salient points to make and any researching of what I say will prove that I am telling the truth...this is not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy fact and it will affect even those that are able to keep our heads above water right now because the water will continue to rise until we wake up. The fate of the middle class was sealed by a document called the "Iron Mountain Report" that was commissioned by JFK. What he wanted to know was what did the top minds of that time thought the world would be like if there was no war and no threat to humanity. Needless to say, their views of the repercussions of ever lasting peace would differ from most of the people on this prison planet including JFK, the last great leader we ever had. JFK was killed before this report was finished and covertly released in 1967. People within the CIA claimed it was a hoax and attempted to laugh the release of this document off... but I beg to differ. Pretty much everything this "think tank" study said needed to happen in order to unite us into a potential one world government has been transpiring...even to the alleged environment crisis we are facing...here is an excerpt from that report. "When it comes to postulating a credible substitute for war … the “alternate enemy” must imply a more immediate, tangible, and directly felt threat of destruction. It must justify the need for taking and paying a “blood price” in wide areas of human concern. In this respect, the possible substitute enemies noted earlier would be insufficient. One exception might be the environmental-pollution model, if the danger to society it posed was genuinely imminent. The fictive models would have to carry the weight of extraordinary conviction, underscored with a not inconsiderable actual sacrifice of life. … It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. …
It is true that the rate of pollution could be increased selectively for this purpose. … But the pollution problem has been so widely publicized in recent years that it seems highly improbable that a program of deliberate environmental poisoning could be implemented in a politically acceptable manner.However unlikely some of the possible alternative enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must emphasize that one must be found of credible quality and magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come about without social disintegration. It is more probable, in our judgment, that such a threat will have to be invented."

The transference of wealth into the hands of the ultra wealthy from the middle class and poor was also necessary and is also outlined in this rather boring report because it is rather technical but it definitely has some eye browsing excerpts that almost 50 years ago would seem totally implausible.... but yet their recommendations have been followed to the proverbial "T". The Club Of Rome was an offshoot of the U.N that used the Iron Mountain Report as a blueprint for their "Zero Growth" plan. Here is a quote from Maurice Strong, who was a U.N bigwig and Club of Rome member and tell me this doesn't give you pause for thought.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”

So the systematic attack on the middle class began with with unfair trade agreements and unfair environmental laws that were allowed to be violated by the very elite that were connected to the banking oligarchs and furthered their agenda. They merged their corporations into bigger and bigger multi-corporations that used off-shore accounts to shield and protect their wealth while stealing the ability for the Johnny Lunchpail to make a living wage. It was all by design and done incrementally and in a way that wouldn't be detected by the dumb down masses that have been chemically and intellectually attacked to the point that they would accept any type of shitty legislation that would allow them "sex, drugs and rock 'n roll". If people only understood how badly that they have been used and abused? There would be a march on D.C with an armed citizenry that would shake the world.

Martha Stewart went to federal prison for insider trading for only a couple of hundred grand when she was a billionaire. Greed has no limit.

She was not charged with nor convicted of insider trading.
That is what I remember but my thinker is fading. Please remind me.

The Feds questioned her about her stock trade. She lied to them.

Stewart found guilty on all counts in obstruction trial - Mar. 10, 2004
How so? What skills does she have, and how much work has she ever done? I mean, are you considering her driving drunk and killing people, 'work?'

Since you're not her boss, she doesn't have to justify her worth to you. You have it confused. All you need to know is that she has that much and it's none of your damn business what she does with it.

Oh i see, she's worth every penny of her $8 Billion for doing nothing but driving drunk and killing people. But the poor guy mopping the floors at Walmart isn't even worth $8 an hr. Yeah, you greedy folks sure have crossed over to the dark side. You're lost.
In your world, how does the color 9 smell? I ask because you seem incapable of differentiating between things that are very different. The act of sweeping a floor is not worth very much to a company, while being the founder and visionary behind the company is worth a LOT. You see, the money that the Walmart heirs inherited was ALREADY EARNED and given to them. Thus, to try to tie it to what a guy makes now sweeping the floor is irrelevant.

:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.
Did you read what I said? The FOUNDER and VISIONARY behind the company was Sam Walton. HIS vision was worth a LOT to the company. He passed HIS OWN money on to his heirs. Please try to pay attention.

That is something Liberal bleeding hearts hate. They think that someone should pass along what is theirs to people bleeding hearts want it passed along to.
Walmart has decided not to build some of the stores that it had said it would inWashington DC.


The reason Walmart isn’t going to open those new stores:

Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.

Higher minimum wages mean fewer jobs as companies that would have expanded do not. And note again that not only do the workers not gain those higher wages the consumers also lose out on their benefits.

The correct minimum wage is, as it always has been, $0 per hour, as once even the New York Times knew.


The positive effect on consumers is some 50 times the possibly negative effect on the workers’ wages. That’s an effect of such size that no reworking of the numbers is going to reverse the conclusion. Yes, low price goods aid consumers more than low wages hurt workers. This is not a belief, this is a fact.

DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart
Technology is killing Walmart. Specifically in the form of amazon.com. It's going to kill many small businesses too. Just like Walmart does. Funny irony is that Walmart will be a victim of what it's currently doing to others.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Amazon is the 2nd largest online retailer and Walmart is number 5, I doubt technology will bring down the monster.

WalMart will either surf the waves of commerce and hang around, or it won't. Everyone makes a mistake eventually.
What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?

A lot.

Since you can't say specifically, "a lot" means nothing. The person is getting paid what their skills are worth and you have a problem with equality. Nothing wrong with that.

Uh huh, ''Whatever the Market decides to pay", and all that. Blah Blah Blah. Heard it all before. Our Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. It's shocking to the rest of the civilized developed world. How can a nation so wealthy treat its People so poorly? The answer is, because companies like Walmart exist.

That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

I'm sure you would feel differently if you'd been born crippled. Nobody asks to be born, nobody has anything to say about where they will be born or who their parents will be. Nobody has any input on their IQ. Arrogance is the sorriest goddam premise in mankind and because of the Alpha Male syndrome it's never been addressed. If power is money and most of it is inherited in one way or another from the previous generation the less than fully intelligent can forget ever getting a break........at least in the eyes of those who usually end up controlling things:


Well, thank you, Harrison Bergeron.
Paul is mad because he's been stuck working the fry station for a while now.

Yeah you said that already. Got anything else? Another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers really are dumb dipshits.

You're right, I should only shop at McDonalds, because their fry cook is a genius.

You represent another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers do seem to be greedy little dumbasses. You guys help create a very unpleasant shopping experience. You do seem like one of those classic Walmart mongoloid shoppers.

You probably walk around the store farting, yelling obnoxious gibberish, ripping packages apart, throwing em on the ground, and so on. Basically, being disgusting and annoying. I definitely don't miss you mongoloids. It's been great shopping elsewhere. I actually have a somewhat peaceful enjoyable shopping experience now. I'll never go back.

I only occasionally shop at WalMart. I prefer Costco, fewer minimum wage idiots like you.

Costco does actually provide a somewhat enjoyable shopping experience. Gotta give it some props. It seems to have the right idea. It's much better than shopping with you stinky Walmart farter mongoloids.

I'm glad you're too snooty to shop at WalMart. You're probably one of those twits who stands smack in the middle of the aisle that I always want to rear-end with my basket.
Paul is mad because he's been stuck working the fry station for a while now.

Yeah you said that already. Got anything else? Another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers really are dumb dipshits.

You're right, I should only shop at McDonalds, because their fry cook is a genius.

You represent another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers do seem to be greedy little dumbasses. You guys help create a very unpleasant shopping experience. You do seem like one of those classic Walmart mongoloid shoppers.

You probably walk around the store farting, yelling obnoxious gibberish, ripping packages apart, throwing em on the ground, and so on. Basically, being disgusting and annoying. I definitely don't miss you mongoloids. It's been great shopping elsewhere. I actually have a somewhat peaceful enjoyable shopping experience now. I'll never go back.

I only occasionally shop at WalMart. I prefer Costco, fewer minimum wage idiots like you.

And stop stinking up my Costco. Get your dumbass back to Walmart where you belong. ;)

Are you sure there isn't a pack of toilet paper somewhere that you need to be paying three times too much for? Please don't let us detain you.
My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.

What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?

Paul is mad because he's been stuck working the fry station for a while now.

Yeah you said that already. Got anything else? Another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers really are dumb dipshits.

Says the dumb dipshit that thinks paying someone a higher wage than the skills they offer are worth.

Nonsense. He cares deeply about the well-being and self-respect of those people he's shitting on in every post.
Yeah you said that already. Got anything else? Another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers really are dumb dipshits.

You're right, I should only shop at McDonalds, because their fry cook is a genius.

You represent another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers do seem to be greedy little dumbasses. You guys help create a very unpleasant shopping experience. You do seem like one of those classic Walmart mongoloid shoppers.

You probably walk around the store farting, yelling obnoxious gibberish, ripping packages apart, throwing em on the ground, and so on. Basically, being disgusting and annoying. I definitely don't miss you mongoloids. It's been great shopping elsewhere. I actually have a somewhat peaceful enjoyable shopping experience now. I'll never go back.

I only occasionally shop at WalMart. I prefer Costco, fewer minimum wage idiots like you.

And stop stinking up my Costco. Get your dumbass back to Walmart where you belong. ;)

Are you sure there isn't a pack of toilet paper somewhere that you need to be paying three times too much for? Please don't let us detain you.

Paul is jealous. Alice Walton's dad gave her billions in stock.
All Paul inherited was a lower than average IQ and a bad attitude.
That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Yeah, those "WalMart farter Mongoloids" are worth $15 an hour, damn it! It's disgraceful that you don't vote money out of other people's pockets to give to people Paulie can't even speak nicely about!
Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

YOU don't even think they're worth speaking about respectfully, but you want us to think they're worth $15 an hour?
Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

YOU don't even think they're worth speaking about respectfully, but you want us to think they're worth $15 an hour?

I have pualy ignored, so I don't see his posts, but isn't it interesting how left-wingers talk about the underclass they claim to support?

There have been a number of times where some leftwinger is arguing with me about some topic related to the poor, and then in the course of conversation if how much I earn in a year comes up, suddenly.... "You earn that little and think you can talk?"...

The true nature of the left-winger is absolute hatred and derision of the poor. They feign caring for the poor, purely to claim their moral superiority over everyone else. Arrogance is all it is.

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