DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Oh i see, she's worth every penny of her $8 Billion for doing nothing but driving drunk and killing people. But the poor guy mopping the floors at Walmart isn't even worth $8 an hr. Yeah, you greedy folks sure have crossed over to the dark side. You're lost.
In your world, how does the color 9 smell? I ask because you seem incapable of differentiating between things that are very different. The act of sweeping a floor is not worth very much to a company, while being the founder and visionary behind the company is worth a LOT. You see, the money that the Walmart heirs inherited was ALREADY EARNED and given to them. Thus, to try to tie it to what a guy makes now sweeping the floor is irrelevant.

:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.
Did you read what I said? The FOUNDER and VISIONARY behind the company was Sam Walton. HIS vision was worth a LOT to the company. He passed HIS OWN money on to his heirs. Please try to pay attention.

That is something Liberal bleeding hearts hate. They think that someone should pass along what is theirs to people bleeding hearts want it passed along to.

Well, then you can stop calling yourself a 'Christian' now. Jesus Christ was the ultimate 'bleeding heart.' He cared about his fellow man.

Jesus, not once, went about using the government to force what he believed on anyone. That's where you morons are confused. While Jesus did say that we should help our fellow man, he didn't mandate it through government laws dictating it. What he taught was doing it because you cared not because you were forced to.

Jesus also held people accountable for their actions. With the woman at the well, he didn't say continue doing what you're doing. He said go and sin no more.

You, like so many others, twist the words of Jesus and make it appear he forced people to do something.
Los Angeles is closing a Walmart over the $15 minimum wage.


Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment

Perhaps if these local residents who live in the “City of Angles” understood the basic concept of “profit” and “loss” or perhaps understood economics, rather than relay on political hacks, professional agitators and self-serving unions, for an honest discourse on their working conditions, Wal-Mart would still be open and employing people.
Rather then closing its doors within this impoverished neighborhood in Chinatown. The demise of this particular store was in part due to an unrealistic understanding my career politicians, and activists on how businesses actually function, and at the heart of the issue was the mandated new $15-dollar minimum wage and the continued harassment by the unions.
Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment ⋆ US Herald

Walmart won't be missed. It'll be replaced by something better. It's an evil entity sucking the lifeblood out of America. The Community wil be better off in the end. When Walmart does finally die, the nation can live again.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor.

The 125 million Americans who shop there weekly disagree with your ignorant claim.

Those numbers are rapidly declining. Besides it being an unethical immoral entity, it really is a miserable shopping experience. I can't think of any other place that provides a worse shopping experience. Most of its loyal customers really are pretty gross. They're usually greedy, fat, stinky, and loud.

They make it miserable for other customers. Since i've stopped shoping there, i actually kinda enjoy shopping. There are other great stores out there that do provide quality products and service. I suggest people venture out and escape Walmart.

You said you don't go there yet you keep saying things as if you do.
In your world, how does the color 9 smell? I ask because you seem incapable of differentiating between things that are very different. The act of sweeping a floor is not worth very much to a company, while being the founder and visionary behind the company is worth a LOT. You see, the money that the Walmart heirs inherited was ALREADY EARNED and given to them. Thus, to try to tie it to what a guy makes now sweeping the floor is irrelevant.

:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.
Did you read what I said? The FOUNDER and VISIONARY behind the company was Sam Walton. HIS vision was worth a LOT to the company. He passed HIS OWN money on to his heirs. Please try to pay attention.

That is something Liberal bleeding hearts hate. They think that someone should pass along what is theirs to people bleeding hearts want it passed along to.

Well, then you can stop calling yourself a 'Christian' now. Jesus Christ was the ultimate 'bleeding heart.' He cared about his fellow man.

Jesus, not once, went about using the government to force what he believed on anyone. That's where you morons are confused. While Jesus did say that we should help our fellow man, he didn't mandate it through government laws dictating it. What he taught was doing it because you cared not because you were forced to.

Jesus also held people accountable for their actions. With the woman at the well, he didn't say continue doing what you're doing. He said go and sin no more.

You, like so many others, twist the words of Jesus and make it appear he forced people to do something.

We are a Christian Nation, no? Are we really doing all we can do for our fellow man? I think Jesus is very disappointed in us. We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're the quickest to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us. Hate & Greed consumes our nation at this point. It's very sad.
Los Angeles is closing a Walmart over the $15 minimum wage.


Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment

Perhaps if these local residents who live in the “City of Angles” understood the basic concept of “profit” and “loss” or perhaps understood economics, rather than relay on political hacks, professional agitators and self-serving unions, for an honest discourse on their working conditions, Wal-Mart would still be open and employing people.
Rather then closing its doors within this impoverished neighborhood in Chinatown. The demise of this particular store was in part due to an unrealistic understanding my career politicians, and activists on how businesses actually function, and at the heart of the issue was the mandated new $15-dollar minimum wage and the continued harassment by the unions.
Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment ⋆ US Herald

Walmart won't be missed. It'll be replaced by something better. It's an evil entity sucking the lifeblood out of America. The Community wil be better off in the end. When Walmart does finally die, the nation can live again.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor.

The 125 million Americans who shop there weekly disagree with your ignorant claim.

Those numbers are rapidly declining. Besides it being an unethical immoral entity, it really is a miserable shopping experience. I can't think of any other place that provides a worse shopping experience. Most of its loyal customers really are pretty gross. They're usually greedy, fat, stinky, and loud.

They make it miserable for other customers. Since i've stopped shoping there, i actually kinda enjoy shopping. There are other great stores out there that do provide quality products and service. I suggest people venture out and escape Walmart.

Those numbers are rapidly declining.

If that's the case, so be it. Capitalism works much better than communism.

Most of its loyal customers really are pretty gross. They're usually greedy, fat, stinky, and loud.

Yes, we understand that you dislike your fellow poor people.

I suggest people venture out and escape Walmart.

Great idea. People should freely choose where they shop.
You should spend your McBucks wherever you like.
:badgrin: Ha, Alice Walton a 'visionary?' More like a disgusting pampered little Daddy's Girl. And a murderer. You folks really are lost.
Did you read what I said? The FOUNDER and VISIONARY behind the company was Sam Walton. HIS vision was worth a LOT to the company. He passed HIS OWN money on to his heirs. Please try to pay attention.

That is something Liberal bleeding hearts hate. They think that someone should pass along what is theirs to people bleeding hearts want it passed along to.

Well, then you can stop calling yourself a 'Christian' now. Jesus Christ was the ultimate 'bleeding heart.' He cared about his fellow man.

Jesus, not once, went about using the government to force what he believed on anyone. That's where you morons are confused. While Jesus did say that we should help our fellow man, he didn't mandate it through government laws dictating it. What he taught was doing it because you cared not because you were forced to.

Jesus also held people accountable for their actions. With the woman at the well, he didn't say continue doing what you're doing. He said go and sin no more.

You, like so many others, twist the words of Jesus and make it appear he forced people to do something.

We are a Christian Nation, no? Are we really doing all we can do for our fellow man? I think Jesus is very disappointed in us. We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're the quickest to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us. Hate & Greed consumes our nation at this point. It's very sad.

We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're so quick to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us.

You mean the "greedy, fat, stinky, and loud" among us?
Walmart won't be missed. It'll be replaced by something better. It's an evil entity sucking the lifeblood out of America. The Community wil be better off in the end. When Walmart does finally die, the nation can live again.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor.

The 125 million Americans who shop there weekly disagree with your ignorant claim.

Those numbers are rapidly declining. Besides it being an unethical immoral entity, it really is a miserable shopping experience. I can't think of any other place that provides a worse shopping experience. Most of its loyal customers really are pretty gross. They're usually greedy, fat, stinky, and loud.

They make it miserable for other customers. Since i've stopped shoping there, i actually kinda enjoy shopping. There are other great stores out there that do provide quality products and service. I suggest people venture out and escape Walmart.

You said you don't go there yet you keep saying things as if you do.

I used to. It's a place of misery. It represents everything wrong with our nation. I will never again give my hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton.
Did you read what I said? The FOUNDER and VISIONARY behind the company was Sam Walton. HIS vision was worth a LOT to the company. He passed HIS OWN money on to his heirs. Please try to pay attention.

That is something Liberal bleeding hearts hate. They think that someone should pass along what is theirs to people bleeding hearts want it passed along to.

Well, then you can stop calling yourself a 'Christian' now. Jesus Christ was the ultimate 'bleeding heart.' He cared about his fellow man.

Jesus, not once, went about using the government to force what he believed on anyone. That's where you morons are confused. While Jesus did say that we should help our fellow man, he didn't mandate it through government laws dictating it. What he taught was doing it because you cared not because you were forced to.

Jesus also held people accountable for their actions. With the woman at the well, he didn't say continue doing what you're doing. He said go and sin no more.

You, like so many others, twist the words of Jesus and make it appear he forced people to do something.

We are a Christian Nation, no? Are we really doing all we can do for our fellow man? I think Jesus is very disappointed in us. We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're the quickest to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us. Hate & Greed consumes our nation at this point. It's very sad.

We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're so quick to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us.

You mean the "greedy, fat, stinky, and loud" among us?

Just cause i don't wanna shop with you greedy Walmart farters, doesn't mean i don't care about ya. I hope you're doing well. But man, y'all is some gross folks. I enjoy shopping elsewhere.
Los Angeles is closing a Walmart over the $15 minimum wage.


Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment

Perhaps if these local residents who live in the “City of Angles” understood the basic concept of “profit” and “loss” or perhaps understood economics, rather than relay on political hacks, professional agitators and self-serving unions, for an honest discourse on their working conditions, Wal-Mart would still be open and employing people.
Rather then closing its doors within this impoverished neighborhood in Chinatown. The demise of this particular store was in part due to an unrealistic understanding my career politicians, and activists on how businesses actually function, and at the heart of the issue was the mandated new $15-dollar minimum wage and the continued harassment by the unions.
Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment ⋆ US Herald

Walmart won't be missed. It'll be replaced by something better. It's an evil entity sucking the lifeblood out of America. The Community wil be better off in the end. When Walmart does finally die, the nation can live again.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.
They also provide a lot of poor people access to goods they otherwise could not afford.
You represent another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers do seem to be greedy little dumbasses. You guys help create a very unpleasant shopping experience. You do seem like one of those classic Walmart mongoloid shoppers.

You probably walk around the store farting, yelling obnoxious gibberish, ripping packages apart, throwing em on the ground, and so on. Basically, being disgusting and annoying. I definitely don't miss you mongoloids. It's been great shopping elsewhere. I actually have a somewhat peaceful enjoyable shopping experience now. I'll never go back.

I only occasionally shop at WalMart. I prefer Costco, fewer minimum wage idiots like you.

And stop stinking up my Costco. Get your dumbass back to Walmart where you belong. ;)

Are you sure there isn't a pack of toilet paper somewhere that you need to be paying three times too much for? Please don't let us detain you.

Paul is jealous. Alice Walton's dad gave her billions in stock.
All Paul inherited was a lower than average IQ and a bad attitude.

Exactly, she never worked for anything in her life. Yet you greedy wankers truly believe she's worth every penny of her $Billions. Y'all need to stop your blind Corporate-Worshipping. Greedy Corporatism does not = Capitalism/Democracy.
Wrong. Her DAD believed she was worth what he gave her. Big difference.
Los Angeles is closing a Walmart over the $15 minimum wage.


Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment

Perhaps if these local residents who live in the “City of Angles” understood the basic concept of “profit” and “loss” or perhaps understood economics, rather than relay on political hacks, professional agitators and self-serving unions, for an honest discourse on their working conditions, Wal-Mart would still be open and employing people.
Rather then closing its doors within this impoverished neighborhood in Chinatown. The demise of this particular store was in part due to an unrealistic understanding my career politicians, and activists on how businesses actually function, and at the heart of the issue was the mandated new $15-dollar minimum wage and the continued harassment by the unions.
Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment ⋆ US Herald

Walmart won't be missed. It'll be replaced by something better. It's an evil entity sucking the lifeblood out of America. The Community wil be better off in the end. When Walmart does finally die, the nation can live again.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.
They also provide a lot of poor people access to goods they otherwise could not afford.

It's helped make them poor.
Los Angeles is closing a Walmart over the $15 minimum wage.


Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment

Perhaps if these local residents who live in the “City of Angles” understood the basic concept of “profit” and “loss” or perhaps understood economics, rather than relay on political hacks, professional agitators and self-serving unions, for an honest discourse on their working conditions, Wal-Mart would still be open and employing people.
Rather then closing its doors within this impoverished neighborhood in Chinatown. The demise of this particular store was in part due to an unrealistic understanding my career politicians, and activists on how businesses actually function, and at the heart of the issue was the mandated new $15-dollar minimum wage and the continued harassment by the unions.
Walmart Shuts Down L.A. Store Due To $15 Minimum Wage Increase And Union Harassment ⋆ US Herald

Walmart won't be missed. It'll be replaced by something better. It's an evil entity sucking the lifeblood out of America. The Community wil be better off in the end. When Walmart does finally die, the nation can live again.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.
They also provide a lot of poor people access to goods they otherwise could not afford.

It's helped make them poor.
By selling them cheap goods at low prices? That simply does not compute in the real world.
I only occasionally shop at WalMart. I prefer Costco, fewer minimum wage idiots like you.

And stop stinking up my Costco. Get your dumbass back to Walmart where you belong. ;)

Are you sure there isn't a pack of toilet paper somewhere that you need to be paying three times too much for? Please don't let us detain you.

Paul is jealous. Alice Walton's dad gave her billions in stock.
All Paul inherited was a lower than average IQ and a bad attitude.

Exactly, she never worked for anything in her life. Yet you greedy wankers truly believe she's worth every penny of her $Billions. Y'all need to stop your blind Corporate-Worshipping. Greedy Corporatism does not = Capitalism/Democracy.
Wrong. Her DAD believed she was worth what he gave her. Big difference.

Ah, we'll just go round & round on this one. Y'all greedy folks hate the poor Worker struggling along, yet worship scum like Alice Walton. Y'all need to reexamine your values. You don't have to be loyal Corporate-Bootlickers.
Walmart won't be missed. It'll be replaced by something better. It's an evil entity sucking the lifeblood out of America. The Community wil be better off in the end. When Walmart does finally die, the nation can live again.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.
They also provide a lot of poor people access to goods they otherwise could not afford.

It's helped make them poor.
By selling them cheap goods at low prices? That simply does not compute in the real world.

Walmart helped make them poor. Too bad most of em don't realize that.
That is something Liberal bleeding hearts hate. They think that someone should pass along what is theirs to people bleeding hearts want it passed along to.

Well, then you can stop calling yourself a 'Christian' now. Jesus Christ was the ultimate 'bleeding heart.' He cared about his fellow man.

Jesus, not once, went about using the government to force what he believed on anyone. That's where you morons are confused. While Jesus did say that we should help our fellow man, he didn't mandate it through government laws dictating it. What he taught was doing it because you cared not because you were forced to.

Jesus also held people accountable for their actions. With the woman at the well, he didn't say continue doing what you're doing. He said go and sin no more.

You, like so many others, twist the words of Jesus and make it appear he forced people to do something.

We are a Christian Nation, no? Are we really doing all we can do for our fellow man? I think Jesus is very disappointed in us. We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're the quickest to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us. Hate & Greed consumes our nation at this point. It's very sad.

We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're so quick to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us.

You mean the "greedy, fat, stinky, and loud" among us?

Just cause i don't wanna shop with you greedy Walmart farters, doesn't mean i don't care about ya. I hope you're doing well. But man, y'all is some gross folks. I enjoy shopping elsewhere.
Then you and several like minded individuals should go down to your closest Walmart and tell the store manager that you're going to supplement every worker's paycheck for that day so that every worker would receive at least $15/hr for their shift. You won't do that.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.
They also provide a lot of poor people access to goods they otherwise could not afford.

It's helped make them poor.
By selling them cheap goods at low prices? That simply does not compute in the real world.

Walmart helped make them poor. Too bad most of em don't realize that.
That still does not compute. You made a statement, do you even have any idea why it could be true?
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor.

The 125 million Americans who shop there weekly disagree with your ignorant claim.

Those numbers are rapidly declining. Besides it being an unethical immoral entity, it really is a miserable shopping experience. I can't think of any other place that provides a worse shopping experience. Most of its loyal customers really are pretty gross. They're usually greedy, fat, stinky, and loud.

They make it miserable for other customers. Since i've stopped shoping there, i actually kinda enjoy shopping. There are other great stores out there that do provide quality products and service. I suggest people venture out and escape Walmart.

You said you don't go there yet you keep saying things as if you do.

I used to. It's a place of misery. It represents everything wrong with our nation. I will never again give my hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton.
Nor to those working there.
Well, then you can stop calling yourself a 'Christian' now. Jesus Christ was the ultimate 'bleeding heart.' He cared about his fellow man.

Jesus, not once, went about using the government to force what he believed on anyone. That's where you morons are confused. While Jesus did say that we should help our fellow man, he didn't mandate it through government laws dictating it. What he taught was doing it because you cared not because you were forced to.

Jesus also held people accountable for their actions. With the woman at the well, he didn't say continue doing what you're doing. He said go and sin no more.

You, like so many others, twist the words of Jesus and make it appear he forced people to do something.

We are a Christian Nation, no? Are we really doing all we can do for our fellow man? I think Jesus is very disappointed in us. We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're the quickest to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us. Hate & Greed consumes our nation at this point. It's very sad.

We're blessed being the richest nation on earth, yet we're so quick to turn our backs on the least fortunate among us.

You mean the "greedy, fat, stinky, and loud" among us?

Just cause i don't wanna shop with you greedy Walmart farters, doesn't mean i don't care about ya. I hope you're doing well. But man, y'all is some gross folks. I enjoy shopping elsewhere.
Then you and several like minded individuals should go down to your closest Walmart and tell the store manager that you're going to supplement every worker's paycheck for that day so that every worker would receive at least $15/hr for their shift. You won't do that.

I'll gladly pay a little more for my goods if it helps some American Workers out. How bout you?
Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.
They also provide a lot of poor people access to goods they otherwise could not afford.

It's helped make them poor.
By selling them cheap goods at low prices? That simply does not compute in the real world.

Walmart helped make them poor. Too bad most of em don't realize that.
That still does not compute. You made a statement, do you even have any idea why it could be true?

Research Walmart's long ugly history of unethical and immoral practices. It has contibuted heavily to making Americans poorer.
Why do you hate poor people so much?

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.
They also provide a lot of poor people access to goods they otherwise could not afford.

It's helped make them poor.
By selling them cheap goods at low prices? That simply does not compute in the real world.

Walmart helped make them poor. Too bad most of em don't realize that.
Working made them poor? That's ignorant

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Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor. It's an evil entity. Communities should shun it all costs.

Walmart has conributed heavily to making Americans poor.

The 125 million Americans who shop there weekly disagree with your ignorant claim.

Those numbers are rapidly declining. Besides it being an unethical immoral entity, it really is a miserable shopping experience. I can't think of any other place that provides a worse shopping experience. Most of its loyal customers really are pretty gross. They're usually greedy, fat, stinky, and loud.

They make it miserable for other customers. Since i've stopped shoping there, i actually kinda enjoy shopping. There are other great stores out there that do provide quality products and service. I suggest people venture out and escape Walmart.

You said you don't go there yet you keep saying things as if you do.

I used to. It's a place of misery. It represents everything wrong with our nation. I will never again give my hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton.
Nor to those working there.

Sadly, that is the case. I feel for em, but i can't give my money to such an evil entity.

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