DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Uh huh, ''Whatever the Market decides to pay", and all that. Blah Blah Blah. Heard it all before. Our Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. It's shocking to the rest of the civilized developed world. How can a nation so wealthy treat its People so poorly? The answer is, because companies like Walmart exist.

That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

People at McDonald's are making $9.00 an hour here. Who do you know that makes $8 an hour?

Actually if you work down town Columbus Ohio, they pay $10.50 to start.... that's start. Not including your 60 day automatic 50¢ raise.

The only place I know that pays $8, is the small mom&pop shops in the strip malls.... which apparently the left thinks everyone should not work at the place that pays more and has benefits, but rather work at the minimum wage place with zero benefits...... because they care. Idiots.
If someone is unskilled, why is it the responsibility of others to offset the results, many times the fault of the person with low skills?

For example, if someone quits high school while a freshman, in essence having only an 8th grade education, why should those of us who finished and went well beyond that be accountable to take care of them? Why is it our place to pay for their bad choices?

Which results in?
Somewhere along the line, the shit's gonna hit the fan.

If you can't provide an explanation or answer my questions, tells me we shouldn't be forced to do it.

I've had similar questions like yours asked of me. Not the same wording but the same context. My response to them was let those who think one group should fund another group's bad choices voluntarily do it. If someone quits high school, to use my example, and now can't make it financially, let the bleeding hearts who think they deserve help prove it by paying their bills for them.

It's not my responsibility to pay for someone else's bad choices.

They shouldn't be funded at all.
I simply pity the police that have to deal with the riots.

I thought you were against subsidizing anyone?

I am, but if a company can't pay a minimum living wage based on locality, don't open a store.
One locality might need $8.00/hour, another might need $9.56/hour.

And they don't. Then you have high unemployment, and the idiots on the left complain that the rich aren't creating jobs.

Uh huh, ''Whatever the Market decides to pay", and all that. Blah Blah Blah. Heard it all before. Our Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. It's shocking to the rest of the civilized developed world. How can a nation so wealthy treat its People so poorly? The answer is, because companies like Walmart exist.

That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.
"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

Oh, well then it's ok to treat them like worthless slaves. Pretty much sums up the average loyal cheapskate Walmart Shopper mentality. Folks who think that way are usually greedy white Republican douches. Another good reason to avoid Walmart. Too many of its loyal customers are just plain assholes.

My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.

Are you going to have a serious discussion because if you want to wander off into La-La Land, you need to get a grip! Slavery? Unethical? Immoral?

Get off your high horse!

How much would you pay someone to sweep the floor at Walmart? $20 an hour? $15 an hour? Of course not! There is no skill there. You pay them what it is worth.

Alice Walton is the 2nd richest woman in the world. And she only killed a good man and got another one fired. She worth all that cash? Obviously not. She should actually be in prison.

So let's not talk about what a human being is worth. I'd much rather see the person sweeping the floor make a decent living, than see Alice Walton have all those $Billions. That person is worth much more as a human being.
That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.
Walmart has decided not to build some of the stores that it had said it would inWashington DC.


The reason Walmart isn’t going to open those new stores:

Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.

Higher minimum wages mean fewer jobs as companies that would have expanded do not. And note again that not only do the workers not gain those higher wages the consumers also lose out on their benefits.

The correct minimum wage is, as it always has been, $0 per hour, as once even the New York Times knew.


The positive effect on consumers is some 50 times the possibly negative effect on the workers’ wages. That’s an effect of such size that no reworking of the numbers is going to reverse the conclusion. Yes, low price goods aid consumers more than low wages hurt workers. This is not a belief, this is a fact.

DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart
Technology is killing Walmart. Specifically in the form of amazon.com. It's going to kill many small businesses too. Just like Walmart does. Funny irony is that Walmart will be a victim of what it's currently doing to others.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
It would be more accurate to say that technology is fundamentally changing the retail business, like cars changed the transportation business. Where there once were small, local buggy manufacturers making buggies on site, there are now massive assembly lines shipping cars to local dealers for sale. Likewise, where there are now large retail stores and complex transport webs getting goods to those stores, in the future there will be small storefronts with a few samples of goods. Most goods will be ordered online and shipped. Going to a store and picking up items to take home will be done much less frequently. So, to that extent, Walmart will have to change or die.
My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.

What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?

A lot.

You really have a major problem with logical thinking.
If he believes paying someone what their skills are worth despite the amount is wrong, he doesn't think at all.

What's Alice Walton worth? A drunk driving piece of shite murderer. That's her only skill. So fuck the Waltons and Walmart.
Uh huh, ''Whatever the Market decides to pay", and all that. Blah Blah Blah. Heard it all before. Our Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. It's shocking to the rest of the civilized developed world. How can a nation so wealthy treat its People so poorly? The answer is, because companies like Walmart exist.

That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

People at McDonald's are making $9.00 an hour here. Who do you know that makes $8 an hour?

Ha, and you greedy bastids even whined about that. $9/hr? Peanuts in today's America.
My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.

What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?

Paul is mad because he's been stuck working the fry station for a while now.

Yeah you said that already. Got anything else? Another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers really are dumb dipshits.

Then don't shop there! Why is that so hard for you to get through your thick cranium?

Oh i don't. I won't feed Alice Walton's bank account. I'll leave that to greedy numbnuts like you.
What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?

Paul is mad because he's been stuck working the fry station for a while now.

Yeah you said that already. Got anything else? Another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers really are dumb dipshits.

You're right, I should only shop at McDonalds, because their fry cook is a genius.

You represent another good reason to not shop at Walmart. Most of its customers do seem to be greedy gross little dumbasses. You guys help create a very unpleasant shopping experience. You do seem like one of those classic Walmart mongoloid shoppers.

You probably walk around the store farting, yelling obnoxious gibberish, ripping packages apart, throwing em on the ground, and so on. Basically, being disgusting and annoying. I definitely don't miss you mongoloids. It's been great shopping elsewhere. I actually have a somewhat peaceful enjoyable shopping experience now. I'll never go back.

You need psychiatric help, immediately!

Nah, just summing you Walmart mongoloids up. Walking around yelling obnoxious gibberish, farting away, ripping packages open, throwing shit on the ground, stealing everything not locked down, and so on.

You're another good reason to not shop there. Very unpleasant shopping experience. I had a relative who worked in Management there. And he'll tell ya from much experience, most Walmart customers really are pretty gross. He's got some real horror stories.
Uh huh, ''Whatever the Market decides to pay", and all that. Blah Blah Blah. Heard it all before. Our Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. It's shocking to the rest of the civilized developed world. How can a nation so wealthy treat its People so poorly? The answer is, because companies like Walmart exist.

That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Especially when it's being paid to someone with $5/hr skills.

You don't want reasoning, you want agreement.

If you want to pay someone more than their skills are worth, start a business and do so with YOUR money.

Who the hell is the WE? Sounds to me like you consider we as people like you demanding someone else doing the paying pay what you think an employee should make. Not how it works unless it's your money.

Alice Walton 'worth' her several $Billions? Her only 'skill' is being a despicable drunk driving murderer. So be very careful going down that road of contemplating what a human being is 'worth.'
That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Especially when it's being paid to someone with $5/hr skills.

You don't want reasoning, you want agreement.

If you want to pay someone more than their skills are worth, start a business and do so with YOUR money.

Who the hell is the WE? Sounds to me like you consider we as people like you demanding someone else doing the paying pay what you think an employee should make. Not how it works unless it's your money.

Alice Walton 'worth' her several $Billions?

You'd have to ask the people who have it to her.
One Walmart shopper mongoloid on this thread already summed them up perfectly. He openly stated he doesn't care about the man Alice Walton killed. They even went as far as to blame him. That, despite her her ugly bloody history hehind the wheel.

They're greedy mutants. As long as they get that shitty Chinese slave-made blender or microwave, they're happy. They have no clue they're only supporting their own demise when they give more money to criminal cretins like Alice Walton.

But check out this interesting take...

Why The Age Of Walmart Is Over

I live in east TN. We have some of the least educated, most ignorant, obviously arrogant people in the country right around here within 100 miles of Knoxville. I'm old and I spend more time in the waiting rooms of doctors than ever before and sometimes the level of conversation from the ignorant drives me to get up and walk out before my appointment time. What I see is the reason the solid south votes Republican. They vote against their own interests. Most of them draw monthly checks from the government and still vote Republican. Now that takes an ignorant bastard:


Most of them draw a monthly check from the government? Proof please.

Within 100 miles of Knoxville all the old coal miners are still around and since they strip mined everything there's little work left for them. They find it more profitable to continue on the draw. I didn't mention the 20% of them who claim to be disabled and draw from early social security. This is not a joke.....this is real:

If the part you're disagreeing with is voting Republican...nearly everybody in east TN always votes Republican. I've voted Democrat in three presidential elections.....lost every vote. In 2008 only six of the ninety five counties voted Democrat:


People like you have said my State is one of those that gets more than it provides. The interesting part about that is there is 1 blue district and 6 red districts with the only blue district being the poorest, by far, and getting much more than the closest red district. In fact, at one point, that blue district was #10 of 435 in how much it received.

People Like Me???? Screw You! You have no idea who I am or what I do.

Don't bother, you're dealing with greedy twits who truly believe Alice Walton is worth every penny of her several $Billions. I mean, what 'skills' does that criminal cretin have? I'd much rather see the folks cleaning the toilets make a decent living, than see her with all those $Billions.
I live in east TN. We have some of the least educated, most ignorant, obviously arrogant people in the country right around here within 100 miles of Knoxville. I'm old and I spend more time in the waiting rooms of doctors than ever before and sometimes the level of conversation from the ignorant drives me to get up and walk out before my appointment time. What I see is the reason the solid south votes Republican. They vote against their own interests. Most of them draw monthly checks from the government and still vote Republican. Now that takes an ignorant bastard:


Most of them draw a monthly check from the government? Proof please.

Within 100 miles of Knoxville all the old coal miners are still around and since they strip mined everything there's little work left for them. They find it more profitable to continue on the draw. I didn't mention the 20% of them who claim to be disabled and draw from early social security. This is not a joke.....this is real:

If the part you're disagreeing with is voting Republican...nearly everybody in east TN always votes Republican. I've voted Democrat in three presidential elections.....lost every vote. In 2008 only six of the ninety five counties voted Democrat:


People like you have said my State is one of those that gets more than it provides. The interesting part about that is there is 1 blue district and 6 red districts with the only blue district being the poorest, by far, and getting much more than the closest red district. In fact, at one point, that blue district was #10 of 435 in how much it received.

People Like Me???? Screw You! You have no idea who I am or what I do.

I know the type asshole you are. All I need to know.

Yes we know, anyone who's honorable and tells the truth is an 'asshole' to you Wallmart-Worshipper types. You prefer greedy lying scum like those who run Walmart.
They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Especially when it's being paid to someone with $5/hr skills.

You don't want reasoning, you want agreement.

If you want to pay someone more than their skills are worth, start a business and do so with YOUR money.

Who the hell is the WE? Sounds to me like you consider we as people like you demanding someone else doing the paying pay what you think an employee should make. Not how it works unless it's your money.

Alice Walton 'worth' her several $Billions?

You'd have to ask the people who have it to her.

What 'skills' does Alice Walton have? Enlighten us.
That the government mandates an employer do with his money what the government thinks is right is an embarrassment. That it's greater than $0 is an embarrassment. That people with shitty skills think they should be paid as if they had some higher ones is an embarrassment.

If someone with $8/hr skills gets $8/hr, that's not treating them poorly. Last time I looked, $8 = $8. Funny how so many who argue for equality don't follow it when it comes to something they don't agree with.

They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

People at McDonald's are making $9.00 an hour here. Who do you know that makes $8 an hour?

Actually if you work down town Columbus Ohio, they pay $10.50 to start.... that's start. Not including your 60 day automatic 50¢ raise.

The only place I know that pays $8, is the small mom&pop shops in the strip malls.... which apparently the left thinks everyone should not work at the place that pays more and has benefits, but rather work at the minimum wage place with zero benefits...... because they care. Idiots.

No thanks to you people. If it were left up to you folks, they'd be making $1/hr. But that being said, even $10.50 is peanuts in today's America.
They're arguing for humanity. Something Walmart and criminal scum like Alice Walton don't have. You really should reconsider being a loyal Walmart shopper.

They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.
They're DEMANDING a handout. If someone is being paid what their skills are worth, it isn't inhumane.

If they were being paid $4/hr for $8/hr skills, you would have an argument. They're not. You simply don't like equality.

$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.
$8/hr is a pathetic disgrace in today's America. If you don't see that, there's no possibility of reasoning with you. We as a nation can do better. We can treat our Workers better.

Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?
Then start your own company arm chair CEO.

I bet you if you would have won the 1.4 billion , you would only be worth 1.4 million in 2017.

Again, if you can't see that paying a fellow American $8/hr is disgraceful, there is no hope for you. Not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Again, if you can see that forcing your conception of "disgrace" on others is wrong, there's not much point in continuing a discussion with you.

Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

My opinion doesn't matter. Neither does yours. What matters is the opinion of the people who gave her the money.

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