De Blasio On Paying For Single-Payer Health Care: ‘Time For The Wealthy To Pay Their Fair Share’

The old tired and decrepit talking point gets dusted off again.

Name one Democrat politician who writes a donation to the IRS and then we can talk. We all know what they mean by ‘the wealthy’ - anyone with a job.

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De Blasio on Paying For Single-Payer: ‘Time For The Wealthy To Pay Their Fair Share’ - AIR.TV
"Soak-the-rich" seems his response to everything and, of course, he is to be the judge of what is their "fair share."

"We are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy" (then eat them) - Billy de

we want all americans to suffer!!!!!
Bill Maher doesn't even try to hide it:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
I can't stand the mthr fkr, he is the most vile human on tv.

And the one congresswoman that wanted to boycott his show I trashed for his sake. Even he is allowed to speak his peace, no matter how vile he is. I don't watch, I don't tell anyone else to not watch, that's up to the individual. And, when a leftist can treat a citizen as an individual, until then, they can all kiss my white ass.
No one at any point has ever said $174k is rich. It has been said multiple times this would apply only on income earned above $10 million annually. This is one of many reasons why that meme is grossly incorrect. one has said $174,000 is rich, they have said THE RICH should pay their fair share. As far as income above $10 million, there seems to be about 2000 people in the US that earned that amount and above, and no matter how much you tax them, it will never be enough to pay for any of the plans these libs are proposing. So they would need to raise taxes on more people, how about the top 10%, well what does a 10 percenter earn, lets take a look at a link.

Two Thousand Americans Made Over $10 Million Last Year

Here's what you need to earn to be in the top 10% in 25 major US cities

Then why does the meme incorrectly apply the 70% rate to her salary of $174k? When that would never happen in reality.

Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is. one has said $174,000 is rich, they have said THE RICH should pay their fair share. As far as income above $10 million, there seems to be about 2000 people in the US that earned that amount and above, and no matter how much you tax them, it will never be enough to pay for any of the plans these libs are proposing. So they would need to raise taxes on more people, how about the top 10%, well what does a 10 percenter earn, lets take a look at a link.

Two Thousand Americans Made Over $10 Million Last Year

Here's what you need to earn to be in the top 10% in 25 major US cities

Then why does the meme incorrectly apply the 70% rate to her salary of $174k? When that would never happen in reality.

Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.

Like I pointed out in an earlier post, there are only about 2000 people in the US that have earned $10 million or above. And for some reason you feel taxing these folks more, even if it were 100%, would cover any plan(s) being proposed?
Then why does the meme incorrectly apply the 70% rate to her salary of $174k? When that would never happen in reality.

Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.

Like I pointed out in an earlier post, there are only about 2000 people in the US that have earned $10 million or above. And for some reason you feel taxing these folks more, even if it were 100%, would cover any plan(s) being proposed?
Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.

Like I pointed out in an earlier post, there are only about 2000 people in the US that have earned $10 million or above. And for some reason you feel taxing these folks more, even if it were 100%, would cover any plan(s) being proposed?

Hey, if Salma says socialism is good, I'm in.
Then why does the meme incorrectly apply the 70% rate to her salary of $174k? When that would never happen in reality.

Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.

Like I pointed out in an earlier post, there are only about 2000 people in the US that have earned $10 million or above. And for some reason you feel taxing these folks more, even if it were 100%, would cover any plan(s) being proposed?

Now you're talking about whether it would be effective or not. That's not the issue.

The issue is the meme in the OP is completely misrepresenting what is being proposed and is creating a lie that is being shared as if it were fact.
Why does your cute little image say 70% = $121,800 in taxes?

Wow, really? $174,000.00 at a 70% tax rate = $121,800.00. Let us know if you have any more math questions.

Oh wow, another person that doesn't understand how tax brackets work. And you're a Trump supporter.

Is anyone surprised?

Actually I do know how tax brackets work, the math shown is a basic representation. To show you actual numbers would confuse the hell out of you. Next you can tell us how you loons would stop at 70%...dumbass.

So do you think AOC or anyone is proposing taking 70% of the income of anyone making $174,000?

Yea, there is no magic number, they use the term "rich". You may want to consider looking up income levels to help you figure out what "rich" actually means to them.
TO liberals.. Rich is anyone that has a job and allows them to keep any monies... ObamaCare indicated anyone over 35,000.00 a year.... That's about $12.00 an hour... And they really want 90% not just 70%.. one has said $174,000 is rich, they have said THE RICH should pay their fair share. As far as income above $10 million, there seems to be about 2000 people in the US that earned that amount and above, and no matter how much you tax them, it will never be enough to pay for any of the plans these libs are proposing. So they would need to raise taxes on more people, how about the top 10%, well what does a 10 percenter earn, lets take a look at a link.

Two Thousand Americans Made Over $10 Million Last Year

Here's what you need to earn to be in the top 10% in 25 major US cities

Then why does the meme incorrectly apply the 70% rate to her salary of $174k? When that would never happen in reality.

Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.
Yet no Democrat wishes to pay their ‘fair share’.

That’s how socialism works. The leaders live like royalty immune from the law, and everyone else lives in the ghetto. one has said $174,000 is rich, they have said THE RICH should pay their fair share. As far as income above $10 million, there seems to be about 2000 people in the US that earned that amount and above, and no matter how much you tax them, it will never be enough to pay for any of the plans these libs are proposing. So they would need to raise taxes on more people, how about the top 10%, well what does a 10 percenter earn, lets take a look at a link.

Two Thousand Americans Made Over $10 Million Last Year

Here's what you need to earn to be in the top 10% in 25 major US cities

Then why does the meme incorrectly apply the 70% rate to her salary of $174k? When that would never happen in reality.

Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.
You are a fool.. If you think for one minuet they will only raise the top brackets, you're stupider than a box of rocks..
Wow, really? $174,000.00 at a 70% tax rate = $121,800.00. Let us know if you have any more math questions.

Oh wow, another person that doesn't understand how tax brackets work. And you're a Trump supporter.

Is anyone surprised?

Actually I do know how tax brackets work, the math shown is a basic representation. To show you actual numbers would confuse the hell out of you. Next you can tell us how you loons would stop at 70%...dumbass.

So do you think AOC or anyone is proposing taking 70% of the income of anyone making $174,000?

Yea, there is no magic number, they use the term "rich". You may want to consider looking up income levels to help you figure out what "rich" actually means to them.
TO liberals.. Rich is anyone that has a job and allows them to keep any monies... ObamaCare indicated anyone over 35,000.00 a year.... That's about $12.00 an hour... And they really want 90% not just 70%..

See this is why lies being posted in the OP are dangerous to the uneducated. You get low information voters gobbling it up and doubling down as if what they were regurgitating were true. When it's not.
Then why does the meme incorrectly apply the 70% rate to her salary of $174k? When that would never happen in reality.

Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.
Yet no Democrat wishes to pay their ‘fair share’.

That’s how socialism works. The leaders live like royalty immune from the law, and everyone else lives in the ghetto.

Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
The wealthy pay the majority of the tax revenue in the country. How many times do people need to hear this before they stop listening to idiots say the wealthy aren’t paying their fair share?
Because it gets the point most.

If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.
Yet no Democrat wishes to pay their ‘fair share’.

That’s how socialism works. The leaders live like royalty immune from the law, and everyone else lives in the ghetto.

Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
Socialism doesn’t work. Every single time it leads to a draconian authoritarian government that has to force the system on people while they starve.

When are you people going to realize this?
If the point is to keep feeding the sheep lies, then yes it does get the point across. But it's patently incorrect.

No one with a salary of $174k will ever remotely come close to reaching a 70% tax rate.

And a 70% tax rate wouldn't even be applied to the entire income(as it implies in this meme), only the portion above $10 million.

This meme is a flat out lie that intentionally deceives people and intends to scare people by lying to them.

Again, if we hope to ever make progress as a nation we should at least base our knowledge on facts and not lies.

Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.
Yet no Democrat wishes to pay their ‘fair share’.

That’s how socialism works. The leaders live like royalty immune from the law, and everyone else lives in the ghetto.

Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
Socialism doesn’t work. Every single time it leads to a draconian authoritarian government that has to force the system on people while they starve.

When are you people going to realize this?

Of course, if you ignore every other country in the world where it does work. But you're right otherwise.
The wealthy pay the majority of the tax revenue in the country. How many times do people need to hear this before they stop listening to idiots say the wealthy aren’t paying their fair share?

The wealthy posses the overwhelming majority of the wealth and that number continues to grow in their favor. They should be paying more to match their share of the wealth they own. How many times do you need to be told this?
Ok, so let's keep things simple, current top tax rate is 37%, to get to the proposed 70% they would need to double the rate (close enough). The lowest rate is 10%, lets double that also. So if for some reason your income is $9700 (top dollar for the 10% rate), excluding any deductions you would be paying about $970, but because of the increase in taxes (20%) you'd then be paying $1940. How's that sound to you?

Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.
Yet no Democrat wishes to pay their ‘fair share’.

That’s how socialism works. The leaders live like royalty immune from the law, and everyone else lives in the ghetto.

Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
Socialism doesn’t work. Every single time it leads to a draconian authoritarian government that has to force the system on people while they starve.

When are you people going to realize this?

Of course, if you ignore every other country in the world where it does work. But you're right otherwise.

So which one do you admire most?
  1. China.
  2. Cuba.
  3. Laos.
  4. Vietnam.
  5. Bangladesh.
Who is proposing doubling the bottom rate? This plan is only talking about adding a new bracket above the current top bracket that would only impact income over $10 million. All other brackets would remain as is.
Yet no Democrat wishes to pay their ‘fair share’.

That’s how socialism works. The leaders live like royalty immune from the law, and everyone else lives in the ghetto.

Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
Socialism doesn’t work. Every single time it leads to a draconian authoritarian government that has to force the system on people while they starve.

When are you people going to realize this?

Of course, if you ignore every other country in the world where it does work. But you're right otherwise.

So which one do you admire most?
  1. China.
  2. Cuba.
  3. Laos.
  4. Vietnam.
  5. Bangladesh.

1. Denmark
2. Germany
3. Norway
4. Japan
5. New Zealand
Yet no Democrat wishes to pay their ‘fair share’.

That’s how socialism works. The leaders live like royalty immune from the law, and everyone else lives in the ghetto.

Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
Socialism doesn’t work. Every single time it leads to a draconian authoritarian government that has to force the system on people while they starve.

When are you people going to realize this?

Of course, if you ignore every other country in the world where it does work. But you're right otherwise.

So which one do you admire most?
  1. China.
  2. Cuba.
  3. Laos.
  4. Vietnam.
  5. Bangladesh.

1. Denmark
2. Germany
3. Norway
4. Japan
5. New Zealand
Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
Socialism doesn’t work. Every single time it leads to a draconian authoritarian government that has to force the system on people while they starve.

When are you people going to realize this?

Of course, if you ignore every other country in the world where it does work. But you're right otherwise.

So which one do you admire most?
  1. China.
  2. Cuba.
  3. Laos.
  4. Vietnam.
  5. Bangladesh.

1. Denmark
2. Germany
3. Norway
4. Japan
5. New Zealand

And since "democratic socialist" seems to be the term used these days.

What Is a List of Democratic Socialist Countries?
Let's be honest. You don't know how socialism works, just like you don't know how our tax brackets work.

This is why you blindly share memes that are flat out wrong. You don't know why they're wrong and you don't care.

You're the perfect pigeon to carry their message. Good boy.
Socialism doesn’t work. Every single time it leads to a draconian authoritarian government that has to force the system on people while they starve.

When are you people going to realize this?

Of course, if you ignore every other country in the world where it does work. But you're right otherwise.

So which one do you admire most?
  1. China.
  2. Cuba.
  3. Laos.
  4. Vietnam.
  5. Bangladesh.

1. Denmark
2. Germany
3. Norway
4. Japan
5. New Zealand

Which part of my list confused you?

Forum List
