De Blasio?

What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.

It was comments made by Al Sharpton back in August with regard to the chokehold incident:

'What angered many was a recent forum in which the Rev. Al Sharpton, one of the biggest critics of the New York Police Department, was seated alongside the mayor, a liberal Democrat, and the police commissioner as he lambasted law enforcement and suggested the mayor's mixed-race son would be a "candidate for a chokehold" if he were an ordinary New Yorker. The image was seized on by critics of the administration and plastered on the cover of the New York Post with the headline "Who's the Boss!"'

Police-mayor tensions mount over chokehold death

And in a classic example of conservative 'guilt by association' many on the right sought to contrive a controversy where none exists, that the Mayor agreed with Shaprton's comments, which is clearly not the case.
This thread is so full of fail. Moving on.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.
You have some trouble understanding that the timing of events has some influence in determining cause and effect?
What are you trying to say?

He says you are chronologically challenged.

Basically you fail to link the timing of events to the deaths of those cops. Cause and effect. Chain of events.

-Translated by TK
Thank you have more patience than I.

Much obliged.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.


So, are you implying that 'nutters', 'conservatives', 'fuckwads', and 'killers' are all one indistinguishable group? They all sort of hang out together?

What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.
You have some trouble understanding that the timing of events has some influence in determining cause and effect?
What are you trying to say?
Read what you wrote....

i think she means some are now rationalizing in retrospect the same sort of nutty justifications...

"...the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?...
it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops."
Rationalization does not allow something that happened in December to be the cause of something that happened in November........

of course..a nutter can't cause that incident in retrospect any more than deblasio could cause a nut to be violent.

i think the point is that any such rationalizations of violence only beget more rationalized violence, like a snowball effect of defensive misunderstandings...a mindset that leads to mayhem.

meanwhile, deblasio clearly tried to temper the violence in his statement that day:

The mayor acknowledged in his statement that many would be upset with the outcome, and encouraged protesters not to resort to violence.

"New York City owns a proud and powerful tradition of expressing ourselves through non-violent protest," he said. "We trust that those unhappy with today’s grand jury decision will make their views known in the same peaceful, constructive way. We all agree that demonstrations and free speech are valuable contributions to debate, and that violence and disorder are not only wrong – but hurt the critically important goals we are trying to achieve together."
De Blasio needs to go. You can't have a mayor that doesn't support the city's police department. He is culpable and should feel great shame and guilt.
Why isn't anyone talking about starting recall petitions? That needs to begin tomorrow.
Agreed. There's a petition going around demanding he resign. I signed it of course.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.
You have some trouble understanding that the timing of events has some influence in determining cause and effect?
What are you trying to say?
Read what you wrote....

i think she means some are now rationalizing in retrospect the same sort of nutty justifications...

"...the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?...
it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops."
Rationalization does not allow something that happened in December to be the cause of something that happened in November........

of course..a nutter can't cause that incident in retrospect any more than deblasio could cause a nut to be violent.

i think the point is that any such rationalizations of violence only beget more rationalized violence, like a snowball effect of defensive misunderstandings...a mindset that leads to mayhem.

meanwhile, deblasio clearly tried to temper the violence in his statement that day:

The mayor acknowledged in his statement that many would be upset with the outcome, and encouraged protesters not to resort to violence.

"New York City owns a proud and powerful tradition of expressing ourselves through non-violent protest," he said. "We trust that those unhappy with today’s grand jury decision will make their views known in the same peaceful, constructive way. We all agree that demonstrations and free speech are valuable contributions to debate, and that violence and disorder are not only wrong – but hurt the critically important goals we are trying to achieve together."
Ok Val....the Katyushas are in the mail.

If I recall correctly, De Blasio campaigned on an anti-police platform when he made a deliberate issue of the 'stop frisk' policy of the NYPD. There is a history of animosity between the mayor and the Union.

What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.
You have some trouble understanding that the timing of events has some influence in determining cause and effect?
What are you trying to say?
He is trying to say you are stupid, I concur.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.

He basically threw his entire police force under the bus! Nobody is praising what the cops did to Garner. But then when you have the leader of your local government say "black lives matter", it directly implies that yours as a LEO does not. How exactly would you feel?

You want to know the reason for the vitriol? His name is Mayor Bill DeBlasio.
He said black lives matter? And that isn't true? How is that throwing the police under the bus....Garner either deserved to die or he didn't. As far as can tell he didn't.
If that was all that was said, then the anger wouldn't even exist, but you already know that isn't all that he said.
not sure exactly what he said that "threw the police force under the bus?" :dunno:


The mayor acknowledged in his statement that many would be upset with the outcome, and encouraged protesters not to resort to violence.

"New York City owns a proud and powerful tradition of expressing ourselves through non-violent protest," he said. "We trust that those unhappy with today’s grand jury decision will make their views known in the same peaceful, constructive way. We all agree that demonstrations and free speech are valuable contributions to debate, and that violence and disorder are not only wrong – but hurt the critically important goals we are trying to achieve together."

Grand Jury Declines To Indict NYPD Officer In Chokehold Death Of Eric Garner
If you aren't sure what he said, why are you even in this discussion, and why are you posting some other thing he said that has nothing to do with why people are mad at him?
De Blasio needs to go. You can't have a mayor that doesn't support the city's police department. He is culpable and should feel great shame and guilt.
Okay, so he should champion the police even when they screw up? Cops are more valuable than citizens are? Seriously?
A Grand Jury found no grounds for a charge of any kind on the officer. Yet the Mayor claimed otherwise and made a point of meeting with and helping the protestors. His campaign to be mayor was an anti police campaign.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.

It is part of the far left religion that has been preached for a long time.

He just followed the example of the far left president Obama who did the same in other cases.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.
You have some trouble understanding that the timing of events has some influence in determining cause and effect?
What are you trying to say?

That you are a moron, apparently.
For one, it doesn't appear that Garner died from a chokehold because he was never in one on that video. He was collared and taken down that way. No pressure applied directly to his throat. We don't know what the official autopsy revealed because it's apparently part of sealed grand jury testimony.
It appears as though his physical condition led to his death and not what the cops did. What's more, the video was edited and we never get to see what exactly precipitated the physical response by cops. That obviously didn't fit the agenda of the biased videographer who expressed his disdain for police throughout the recording. Listen to the audio on that video sometime.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.

He basically threw his entire police force under the bus! Nobody is praising what the cops did to Garner. But then when you have the leader of your local government say "black lives matter", it directly implies that yours as a LEO does not. How exactly would you feel?

You want to know the reason for the vitriol? His name is Mayor Bill DeBlasio.
He said black lives matter? And that isn't true? How is that throwing the police under the bus....Garner either deserved to die or he didn't. As far as can tell he didn't.

It is true, but it's also true that cops lives matter too. Every life matters. That's what people like you fail to grasp.
On the contrary, I understand it very well.
What exactly did he do to get the nutters blaming him for the actions of another nutter?

I read this vitriol and it seems to me that conservatives are justifying the killing of Garner because some fuckwad killed these two cops.

It was comments made by Al Sharpton back in August with regard to the chokehold incident:

'What angered many was a recent forum in which the Rev. Al Sharpton, one of the biggest critics of the New York Police Department, was seated alongside the mayor, a liberal Democrat, and the police commissioner as he lambasted law enforcement and suggested the mayor's mixed-race son would be a "candidate for a chokehold" if he were an ordinary New Yorker. The image was seized on by critics of the administration and plastered on the cover of the New York Post with the headline "Who's the Boss!"'

Police-mayor tensions mount over chokehold death

And in a classic example of conservative 'guilt by association' many on the right sought to contrive a controversy where none exists, that the Mayor agreed with Shaprton's comments, which is clearly not the case.
Thank you.

If I recall correctly, De Blasio campaigned on an anti-police platform when he made a deliberate issue of the 'stop frisk' policy of the NYPD. There is a history of animosity between the mayor and the Union.

I see that more as a pro-citizen platform.

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