Dear Democrats and liberals.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
copied and pasted. Author Tim Seeley

"Dear Democrats and Liberals.
I'm noticing that a lot of you aren't graciously accepting the fact that your candidate lost. In fact you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those of us who voted for Trump.
Some of you are apparently "triggered". Because you are posting how "sick" you feel about the results.
How did this happen you ask?
You created "us" when you attacked our freedom of speech.
You created "us" when you attacked our right to bear arms.
You created "us" when you attacked our Christian beliefs.
You created "us" when you constantly referred to us as racists.
You created "us" when you constantly called us xenophobic.
You created "us" when you told us to get on board or get out of the way.
You created "us" when you forced us to buy health care and then financially penalized us for not participating.
You created "us" when you allowed our jobs to continue to leave our country.
You created "us" when you attacked our flag.
You created "us" when you confused women's rights with feminism.
You created "us" when you began to immasculate men.
You created "us" when you decided to make our children soft.
You created "us" when you decided to vote for progressive ideals.
You created "us" when you attacked our way of life.
You created "us" when you decided to let our government get out of control.
"You" created "us" the silent majority.
And we became fed up and we pushed back and spoke up.
And we did it with ballots, not bullets.
Copy and paste if you agree ����
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?
Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
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Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?
Every word I posted is the truth. So sad that you cannot see that. But then, you drank the Kool-Aid.
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?
Every word I posted is the truth. So sad that you cannot see that. But then, you drank the Kool-Aid.


IF you think 80% of this shit is truth then you're anti-American and anti-civilization. Why not find a nice cave and give up all those liberal innovations? Why you don't? Because you're a fucking pussy and hypocrite.
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Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
LOLOLOL! What a hoot! You actually believe all of that? Man. Someone really did a number on you. I could refute everything you said, but why bother? Those who get it don't need to hear it. Those who don't get it never will. Sucks to be you.
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Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
Idiot. Freedom of speech is a God given right, protected by our Constitution. Liberals had nothing to do with. In fact, modern liberals didn't exist back then. Our 'liberal' Founding Fathers were God fearing Christians. Not all of them. but many of them were.You damn libs are always trying to rewrite history. You lie and lie and lie some more. It's all you do. Well, guess what? Your lies have been exposed. It's why Hitlery lost the election. You LOST. Get used to it. Trump is going to clean up Washington. The silent majority has had enough of your liberal bull shit. You are about to be thrown into the dust bin of history. You're finished.
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?

Brexit and Trump, this is what happens when dumb people are allowed to vote!!

Tons more but you get the point.

Your problem is your position is so extreme and anti America, that anything pro America appears ridiculous.
Correctamundo. "In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy

You have it backwards. It was Obama that backed res.16/18, not Trump and it's the Liberal universities that censor free speech. Liberals hate our 1st Amendment because it threatens their control.

IF you think 80% of this shit is truth then you're anti-American and anti-civilization. Why not find a nice cave and give up all those liberal innovations? Why you don't? Because you're a fucking pussy and hypocrite.

Ridicule is just another tool in the Liberal box of tricks. It subs for an actual rebuttal.
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?

Hi Grandma, you are on the money with the 60's comment. And just like the Energizer Bunny, they keep on going and going and going. Trump in 2020.
Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
LOLOLOL! What a hoot! You actually believe all of that? Man. Someone really did a number on you. I could refute everything you said, but why bother? Those who get it don't need to hear it. Those who don't get it never will. Sucks to be you.

Wise position. Sometimes it's fun to ask Libs for a definition of the terms they love using to belittle real Americans, though.
For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Another trick the Libs love using is dictating the narrative. Your merely bitter, so your argument doesn't hold water. There's absolutely nothing in the OP that would indicate bitterness.
Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
LOLOLOL! What a hoot! You actually believe all of that? Man. Someone really did a number on you. I could refute everything you said, but why bother? Those who get it don't need to hear it. Those who don't get it never will. Sucks to be you.

You just voted in one of the biggest liberal of all. Conservative is only about money. That is about as far as it goes. Last count 2 million voted for Clinton which means your charlatan is not as popular with the people but then again the maj of the people are of lower middle income.

Are you going to buy one of those 10,800 dollar bracelets Invana had on?
Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Rational thought and education???? They have the emotional quotient of 7. Hell, the universities are arranging "safe spaces" and crayons and play dough for their irrational melt down rehab!

Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Savage???? There you go, talking like an extreme liberal 15 year old!
Not only is none of that true, some of those phony arguments were made up all the way back in the 1960s.

For someone that won, you're awfully bitter towards those that lost.

Are you having some twinges of buyer's remorse?
From diseased minds come liberal ideas.
Liberals made that freedom of speech that Donald threatens to destroy
Liberals are right about you being racist and trash
LIberals are about civilization
Liberals are right about healthcare. It is you that stopped us from single payer that would of fixed the damn thing...So instead we used your shit a few decades earlier.
Nixon started the goddamn fucked up trade deals and George hw and w Bush signed more of them. Who are you trying to fool?
I agree with you with feminism.
Well, civilizing men is one of the reasons for our species forming civilization in the first place. Thanks liberals.
So you think it is better if our children are killing each other instead of seeking rational thought and education?
Not all progressive ideas are bad, cave man.
Your way of life is of a modern day savage...We wouldn't' be liberals if we didn't.
Government didn't do enough in anti-trust and enforcing the market place...That is why businesses are fucking thing up.
What ever.
LOLOLOL! What a hoot! You actually believe all of that? Man. Someone really did a number on you. I could refute everything you said, but why bother? Those who get it don't need to hear it. Those who don't get it never will. Sucks to be you.

You just voted in one of the biggest liberal of all. Conservative is only about money. That is about as far as it goes. Last count 2 million voted for Clinton which means your charlatan is not as popular with the people but then again the maj of the people are of lower middle income.

Are you going to buy one of those 10,800 dollar bracelets Invana had on?
No one person or party is all good or all bad. After you see the Clinton Foundation, you dare talk about Conservatives and money? More than 2 million people voted for Clinton. Penelope, you are a mess. Give it up.
LOLOLOL! What a hoot! You actually believe all of that? Man. Someone really did a number on you. I could refute everything you said, but why bother? Those who get it don't need to hear it. Those who don't get it never will. Sucks to be you.

Matthew is a perfect example of what you get from public schools that teach identity politics, “gender fluidity” and other left wrong-wing bull[Matthew] instead of teaching math, literacy, science, and other useful skills and knowledge.

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