Dear Democrats


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Got this today by email:

DCCC said:
"Emily -- This is downright disturbing:

A panel of 12 men on the Republican House Judiciary Committee just held a hearing on a bill that could allow the IRS to audit survivors of rape or incest for using their contraceptive health care coverage.

Led by extreme anti-choice Congressman Trent Franks, House Republicans are continuing their crusade against women, their privacy and their rights. It has to be stopped.

Will you join us to get 100,000 strong pressuring John Boehner and House Republicans to abandon this extreme anti-woman legislation?

Sign here to denounce John Boehner and House Republicans for supporting this extremist anti-woman bill >>

The bottom line is that Boehner’s extreme Tea Party majority is attempting to make it as difficult and humiliating as possible for women to access their contraceptive health care coverage -- even following the most traumatic circumstances imaginable.

If you’re against anti-choice Republicans, we need you right now:

Denounce the House Republican's Rape Audit Bill | DCCC


Democrats 2014"

Dear Democrats: Why not keep federal funding and legislation out of contraception all together? Why not use this issue as an opportunity to set up an independent health system through the party, so all members agree on the policies, and quit going through Congress that is full of people representing opposing views because the entire public is included?

Can you understand the concept of keeping health care decisions out of govt, and govt out of health care decisions, so you don't have to fight other people who don't believe in funding the same things?

If you understand not giving guns to just anyone because of the danger, what makes you think you can hand power over to federal govt and expect to control the legislation?
When you know half the nation doesn't agree and even forms political parties to defend their beliefs.

Do you really believe you have the right to override those beliefs by majority-rule?
While complaining if they attempt to do the same?

If you know some magic trick to forcing people and govt to do what you want against the will of people protesting for the same reasons you do,
please explain to me how this works exactly.

I have never been able to figure it out, and now I am more confused than ever!

Thank you,

P.S. I'm still confused over how the ACA is prochoice
when it restricts, penalizes, and removes free choice of health care
while feminists oppose any restriction or penalty on the free choice of abortion.

Also how can we defend the right of consent, and argue that no means no,
yet when half the nation opposes ACA, we justify overriding their consent,
claiming they really want the benefits and will change their minds later.

How is that different from the mindset of people who justify rape
claiming the person agreed to sex in the past to override their objections?

Do the political and religious beliefs of opposing views not count equally in public policy? How can you justify excluding and invalidating dissent and input of others, then complain when people bully, oppress, or rape women by dismissing them as less than equal?

If anyone can please explain this, I am most grateful for the help to understand.
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Got this today by email:

DCCC said:
"Emily -- This is downright disturbing:

A panel of 12 men on the Republican House Judiciary Committee just held a hearing on a bill that could allow the IRS to audit survivors of rape or incest for using their contraceptive health care coverage.

Led by extreme anti-choice Congressman Trent Franks, House Republicans are continuing their crusade against women, their privacy and their rights. It has to be stopped.

Will you join us to get 100,000 strong pressuring John Boehner and House Republicans to abandon this extreme anti-woman legislation?

Sign here to denounce John Boehner and House Republicans for supporting this extremist anti-woman bill >>

The bottom line is that Boehner’s extreme Tea Party majority is attempting to make it as difficult and humiliating as possible for women to access their contraceptive health care coverage -- even following the most traumatic circumstances imaginable.

If you’re against anti-choice Republicans, we need you right now:

Denounce the House Republican's Rape Audit Bill | DCCC


Democrats 2014"

Dear Democrats: Why not keep federal funding and legislation out of contraception all together? Why not use this issue as an opportunity to set up an independent health system through the party, so all members agree on the policies, and quit going through Congress that is full of people representing opposing views because the entire public is included?

Can you understand the concept of keeping health care decisions out of govt, and govt out of health care decisions, so you don't have to fight other people who don't believe in funding the same things?

If you understand not giving guns to just anyone because of the danger, what makes you think you can hand power over to federal govt and expect to control the legislation?
When you know half the nation doesn't agree and even forms political parties to defend their beliefs.

Do you really believe you have the right to override those beliefs by majority-rule?
While complaining if they attempt to do the same?

If you know some magic trick to forcing people and govt to do what you want against the will of people protesting for the same reasons you do,
please explain to me how this works exactly.

I have never been able to figure it out, and now I am more confused than ever!

Thank you,

P.S. I'm still confused over how the ACA is prochoice
when it restricts, penalizes, and removes free choice of health care
while feminists oppose any restriction or penalty on the free choice of abortion.

Also how can we defend the right of consent, and argue that no means no,
yet when half the nation opposes ACA, we justify overriding their consent,
claiming they really want the benefits and will change their minds later.

How is that different from the mindset of people who justify rape
claiming the person agreed to sex in the past to override their objections?

Do the political and religious beliefs of opposing views not count equally in public policy? How can you justify excluding and invalidating dissent and input of others, then complain when people bully, oppress, or rape women by dismissing them as less than equal?

If anyone can please explain this, I am most grateful for the help to understand.

It would be much the same argument that those in minority may feel about the constitution in general, which was drawn up by one representation group and written for all others even those who had no voice to vote. How can the document represent all people when only one particular people wrote it implemented it and others had no say?

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