Dear Hillary


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
It's over. The end. You can have the cat.
Below is a goodbye letter I C&Ped from a wesite. It pretty much sums up what the voters are feeling about Hillary.

"Dear Hillary,

It’s too bad you didn’t have time to talk last night, or the night before. I was miffed when Huma first texted to say you were unavailable, whatever that means. When she did it again last night, I was furious.

Can’t you call me yourself and explain what’s going on? And if you can’t, what kind of relationship is this?

I hardly slept but realized it’s probably better we didn’t get together or talk. We would have just shouted at each other.

Anyway, the last couple of days crystallized some things in my mind that need to be said.

Let me start with the obvious: Things between us aren’t good. They’ve always been a little rocky, but now they’re so bad that I don’t see how we can fix it, so I’ve made my decision.

It’s over between us. We have no future together and we need to admit it so we can get on with our lives and find somebody else.

This isn’t easy, and the idea of breaking up with you is scary and makes me miserable. I had big hopes for us and fantasized about the great things we would do together.

The world would be our oyster! We’d make history!

Be honest — that all seems like a stupid pipe dream now. We’ve known each other for almost 25 years and we’ve changed so much that it’s impossible to recapture the magic.

Remember that dopey Fleetwood Mac song we liked, “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow?” That was a long time ago, and tomorrow is here. It’s not what I thought it would be and probably not what you expected, either.

Whatever the reason, it’s obvious we’re not a good fit anymore.

The biggest problem for me is that I don’t really trust you. I tried and gave you every benefit of the doubt, but realize now I was only fooling myself. Or maybe you were fooling me. All I know is that you always seem to be hiding something.

I never get the feeling you’re being 100 percent straight, and that makes me crazy. All the whispering to Huma and all those phony stories you tell about yourself and your family. You just make it up as you go along, don’t you?

Sometimes I look at you and don’t know who you are anymore. Hell, I’m not even sure you know who you are.

The arguments are the worst because they’re always the same. I make some innocuous complaint about something you said, and you instantly blame me or the weather or the computer guy. You screw up and it’s somebody else’s fault.

Speaking of the computer, what are you always deleting? It’s like you’re paranoid and locked in a zone — delete, delete, delete.

But you never apologize, and no matter how many times you promise to stop, you can’t.

Not to be cruel, but your little joke with the “reset” button is old and tired. It was funny at first, but now I just want to smash that piece of junk every time you reach for it. You keep pushing it and laughing instead of dealing with our problems. It’s not funny, it’s not honest and we can’t go on this way.

Starting today, now, we need to go our separate ways. There’s nothing you can say that will get me to change my mind, so please don’t call. Just leave me alone.

You can have the cat. Frankly, I always thought she liked Huma better than you or me. That should have told us something.

You’ll be fine. You’re smart, and with your Wall Street connections, you’ll make tons of money. You’ll probably end up at Goldman Sachs and won’t have to pretend you’re poor. Who knows, being free of me, you might even discover what you really want out of life.

No hard feelings, I hope.

Goodbye, Hillary.


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